- Video Recording: https://youtu.be/Y-LVh7Qh9R4
- Moderator: @terichadbourne
- Notetaker: @terichadbourne
- Attendees:
- @terichadbourne
- @fsdiogo
General discussions, decisions, etc.
- Team Updates and Demos
Weekly updates are structured around our top-level goals as shared in ourproject roadmap. Please add updates on your work in the relevant section below.
@terichadbourne has started evaluating IPFS Camp content to see what will fit well in ProtoSchool (WIP)
- (@username) [Completed / In Progress / Coming Soon] Your update here
Community Growth: Chapter leaders are enabled to foster local learning communities around the globe.
@terichadbourne added a link to the slides from the course on community management from IPFS Camp (led by @nukemandan @kk3wong @stefanhas) to the resources page of our organizing repo
Project Management: Internal structures position ProtoSchool for future growth.
(@terichadbourne & @fsdiogo) [Completed] Finished adding analytics for user actions on the ProtoSchool site (completing lessons and tutorials, resetting or submitting failed code, etc.)
@fsdiogo [Coming Soon] Working on the ability to rename tutorials and keep the user progress around ProtoSchool
@terichadbourne has started the work of adding some pedagogical tips to our instructions for authors (WIP)
Other Updates
- (@username) [Completed / In Progress / Coming Soon] Your update here
Discussion Highlights
Discussion highlights and additional notes.
Action Items / Help Wanted
Announce issues that need help, get people to help
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