**Video Recording: **https://youtu.be/aUPEQjWVhSU
Moderator: @terichadbourne
Notetaker: @terichadbourne
- @terichadbourne
- @dominguesgm
- @zebateira
General discussions, decisions, etc.
Team Updates and Demos
Welcoming @zebateira
Saying goodbye & thanks to @dominguesgm
Team Updates and Demos
The redesigned IPFS Docs beta site is live!
Weekly updates are structured around our top-level goals as shared in our project roadmap. Please add updates on your work in the relevant section below.
@terichadbourne added the video from the Lifecycle of Data on the DWeb course from IPFS Camp to resources pages throughout the site
@terichadbourne & @dominguesgm finalized our plan for integrating IPFS Camp 2019 content into ProtoSchool. Check out theplan summary with links to individual issues.
@terichadbourne added rendering tests in Cypress to ensure we’re actually displaying all of our great content to our users
@terichadbourne updated our older tutorials to display CID strings rather than objects when showing results to users. Did you know you can use `toString` instead of `toBaseEncodedString` now in IPFS?
@dominguesgm added the possibility for the user to easily create an issue prepopulated with the user’s code when one runs into a validation error. This feature is dependent on another one which is currently pending review.
@zebateira currently working on adding a congratulatory message to a user when they complete a tutorial, with the option to share their success on Twitter.
Community Growth: Chapter leaders are enabled to foster local learning communities around the globe.
@terichadbourne shared a ProtoSchool-branded slide deck template and a variety of presentation materials for the use of chapter leaders. Check out ourresources page for all the new event organizing goodies.
We’ve received new chapter requests from:
- Tadepalligudem, India
- Coimbatore, India
- Central Florida, USA
We’re reviewing the results of ourlocal leadership survey as we re-examine the local event leadership model to ensure that it's meeting the needs of our current event organizers and will allow us to effectively scale community growth in the year to come. Stay tuned for upcoming improvements/tools for our community leaders!
We’re looking for a volunteer or group of volunteers to write up best practices for teaching a code-based ProtoSchool tutorial as a live event with mentorship. ❤️
Project Management: Internal structures position ProtoSchool for future growth.
Other Updates
Discussion Highlights
Discussion highlights and additional notes.
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Action Items / Help Wanted
Announce issues that need help, get people to help
We’re looking for a volunteer or group of volunteers to write up best practices for teaching a code-based ProtoSchool tutorial as a live event with mentorship. ❤️