diff --git a/compiler/ast/src/statement/return_.rs b/compiler/ast/src/statement/return_.rs
index 11dfe3f6ff..61fc70618d 100644
--- a/compiler/ast/src/statement/return_.rs
+++ b/compiler/ast/src/statement/return_.rs
@@ -33,7 +33,11 @@ pub struct ReturnStatement {
 impl fmt::Display for ReturnStatement {
     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-        write!(f, "return {}", self.expression)
+        if let Expression::Unit(..) = self.expression {
+            write!(f, "return")
+        } else {
+            write!(f, "return {}", self.expression)
+        }
diff --git a/compiler/parser/src/parser/expression.rs b/compiler/parser/src/parser/expression.rs
index 68091bfdb2..0e98f896ea 100644
--- a/compiler/parser/src/parser/expression.rs
+++ b/compiler/parser/src/parser/expression.rs
@@ -608,18 +608,20 @@ impl<N: Network> ParserContext<'_, N> {
         let (mut elements, trailing, span) = self.parse_expr_tuple()?;
-        match elements.len() {
-            // If the tuple expression is empty, return a `UnitExpression`.
-            0 => Ok(Expression::Unit(UnitExpression { span, id: self.node_builder.next_id() })),
-            1 => match trailing {
+        match (elements.len(), trailing) {
+            (0, _) | (1, true) => {
+                // A tuple with 0 or 1 elements - emit an error since tuples must have at least two elements.
+                Err(ParserError::tuple_must_have_at_least_two_elements("expression", span).into())
+            }
+            (1, false) => {
                 // If there is one element in the tuple but no trailing comma, e.g `(foo)`, return the element.
-                false => Ok(elements.swap_remove(0)),
-                // If there is one element in the tuple and a trailing comma, e.g `(foo,)`, emit an error since tuples must have at least two elements.
-                true => Err(ParserError::tuple_must_have_at_least_two_elements("expression", span).into()),
-            },
-            // Otherwise, return a tuple expression.
-            // Note: This is the only place where `TupleExpression` is constructed in the parser.
-            _ => Ok(Expression::Tuple(TupleExpression { elements, span, id: self.node_builder.next_id() })),
+                Ok(elements.remove(0))
+            }
+            _ => {
+                // Otherwise, return a tuple expression.
+                // Note: This is the only place where `TupleExpression` is constructed in the parser.
+                Ok(Expression::Tuple(TupleExpression { elements, span, id: self.node_builder.next_id() }))
+            }
diff --git a/compiler/passes/src/code_generation/visit_statements.rs b/compiler/passes/src/code_generation/visit_statements.rs
index 0771dc3454..c69bcc1666 100644
--- a/compiler/passes/src/code_generation/visit_statements.rs
+++ b/compiler/passes/src/code_generation/visit_statements.rs
@@ -80,59 +80,56 @@ impl<'a> CodeGenerator<'a> {
     fn visit_return(&mut self, input: &'a ReturnStatement) -> String {
-        let outputs = match input.expression {
+        if let Expression::Unit(..) = input.expression {
             // Skip empty return statements.
-            Expression::Unit(_) => String::new(),
-            _ => {
-                let (operand, mut expression_instructions) = self.visit_expression(&input.expression);
-                // Get the output type of the function.
-                let output = self.current_function.unwrap().output.iter();
-                // If the operand string is empty, initialize an empty vector.
-                let operand_strings = match operand.is_empty() {
-                    true => vec![],
-                    false => operand.split(' ').collect_vec(),
-                };
+            return String::new();
+        }
-                let mut future_output = String::new();
-                let mut instructions = operand_strings
-                    .iter()
-                    .zip_eq(output)
-                    .map(|(operand, output)| {
-                        // Transitions outputs with no mode are private.
-                        // Note that this unwrap is safe because we set the variant before traversing the function.
-                        let visibility = match (self.variant.unwrap().is_transition(), output.mode) {
-                            (true, Mode::None) => Mode::Private,
-                            (_, mode) => mode,
-                        };
-                        if let Type::Future(_) = output.type_ {
-                            future_output = format!(
-                                "    output {} as {}.aleo/{}.future;\n",
-                                operand,
-                                self.program_id.unwrap().name,
-                                self.current_function.unwrap().identifier,
-                            );
-                            String::new()
-                        } else {
-                            format!(
-                                "    output {} as {};\n",
-                                operand,
-                                self.visit_type_with_visibility(&output.type_, visibility)
-                            )
-                        }
-                    })
-                    .join("");
+        let (operand, mut expression_instructions) = self.visit_expression(&input.expression);
+        // Get the output type of the function.
+        let output = self.current_function.unwrap().output.iter();
+        // If the operand string is empty, initialize an empty vector.
+        let operand_strings = match operand.is_empty() {
+            true => vec![],
+            false => operand.split(' ').collect_vec(),
+        };
+        let mut future_output = String::new();
+        let mut instructions = operand_strings
+            .iter()
+            .zip_eq(output)
+            .map(|(operand, output)| {
+                // Transitions outputs with no mode are private.
+                // Note that this unwrap is safe because we set the variant before traversing the function.
+                let visibility = match (self.variant.unwrap().is_transition(), output.mode) {
+                    (true, Mode::None) => Mode::Private,
+                    (_, mode) => mode,
+                };
-                // Insert future output at the end.
-                instructions.push_str(&future_output);
+                if let Type::Future(_) = output.type_ {
+                    future_output = format!(
+                        "    output {} as {}.aleo/{}.future;\n",
+                        operand,
+                        self.program_id.unwrap().name,
+                        self.current_function.unwrap().identifier,
+                    );
+                    String::new()
+                } else {
+                    format!(
+                        "    output {} as {};\n",
+                        operand,
+                        self.visit_type_with_visibility(&output.type_, visibility)
+                    )
+                }
+            })
+            .join("");
-                expression_instructions.push_str(&instructions);
+        // Insert future output at the end.
+        instructions.push_str(&future_output);
-                expression_instructions
-            }
-        };
+        expression_instructions.push_str(&instructions);
-        outputs
+        expression_instructions
     fn visit_definition(&mut self, _input: &'a DefinitionStatement) -> String {
diff --git a/compiler/passes/src/type_checking/check_expressions.rs b/compiler/passes/src/type_checking/check_expressions.rs
index adddaa0534..8aef40fd38 100644
--- a/compiler/passes/src/type_checking/check_expressions.rs
+++ b/compiler/passes/src/type_checking/check_expressions.rs
@@ -996,12 +996,7 @@ impl<'a, N: Network> ExpressionVisitor<'a> for TypeChecker<'a, N> {
-    fn visit_unit(&mut self, input: &'a UnitExpression, additional: &Self::AdditionalInput) -> Self::Output {
-        // Unit expression are only allowed inside a return statement.
-        if !self.scope_state.is_return {
-            self.emit_err(TypeCheckerError::unit_expression_only_in_return_statements(input.span()));
-        }
-        self.maybe_assert_type(&Type::Unit, additional, input.span());
-        Type::Unit
+    fn visit_unit(&mut self, _input: &'a UnitExpression, _additional: &Self::AdditionalInput) -> Self::Output {
+        unreachable!("Unit expressions should not exist in normal code");
diff --git a/compiler/passes/src/type_checking/check_statements.rs b/compiler/passes/src/type_checking/check_statements.rs
index 5c36215ba5..789a74bfb1 100644
--- a/compiler/passes/src/type_checking/check_statements.rs
+++ b/compiler/passes/src/type_checking/check_statements.rs
@@ -222,8 +222,6 @@ impl<'a, N: Network> StatementVisitor<'a> for TypeChecker<'a, N> {
         // Check that the type of the definition is not a unit type, singleton tuple type, or nested tuple type.
         match &input.type_ {
-            // If the type is an empty tuple, return an error.
-            Type::Unit => self.emit_err(TypeCheckerError::lhs_must_be_identifier_or_tuple(input.span)),
             // If the type is a singleton tuple, return an error.
             Type::Tuple(tuple) => match tuple.length() {
                 0 | 1 => unreachable!("Parsing guarantees that tuple types have at least two elements."),
@@ -421,20 +419,12 @@ impl<'a, N: Network> StatementVisitor<'a> for TypeChecker<'a, N> {
         // Set the `has_return` flag.
         self.scope_state.has_return = true;
-        // Check that the return expression is not a nested tuple.
-        if let Expression::Tuple(TupleExpression { elements, .. }) = &input.expression {
-            for element in elements {
-                if matches!(element, Expression::Tuple(_)) {
-                    self.emit_err(TypeCheckerError::nested_tuple_expression(element.span()));
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Set the `is_return` flag. This is necessary to allow unit expressions in the return statement.
-        self.scope_state.is_return = true;
         // Type check the associated expression.
-        self.visit_expression(&input.expression, &return_type);
-        // Unset the `is_return` flag.
-        self.scope_state.is_return = false;
+        if let Expression::Unit(..) = input.expression {
+            // TODO - do will this error message be appropriate?
+            self.maybe_assert_type(&Type::Unit, &return_type, input.expression.span());
+        } else {
+            self.visit_expression(&input.expression, &return_type);
+        }
diff --git a/compiler/passes/src/type_checking/checker.rs b/compiler/passes/src/type_checking/checker.rs
index b3abf3b267..1541f3ca80 100644
--- a/compiler/passes/src/type_checking/checker.rs
+++ b/compiler/passes/src/type_checking/checker.rs
@@ -856,29 +856,30 @@ impl<'a, N: Network> TypeChecker<'a, N> {
     /// Emits an error if the type or its constituent types is not valid.
-    pub(crate) fn assert_type_is_valid(&mut self, type_: &Type, span: Span) -> bool {
-        let mut is_valid = true;
+    pub(crate) fn assert_type_is_valid(&mut self, type_: &Type, span: Span) {
         match type_ {
+            // Unit types may only appear as the return type of a function.
+            Type::Unit => {
+                self.emit_err(TypeCheckerError::unit_type_only_return(span));
+            }
             // String types are temporarily disabled.
             Type::String => {
-                is_valid = false;
             // Check that the named composite type has been defined.
             Type::Composite(struct_) if self.lookup_struct(struct_.program, struct_.id.name).is_none() => {
-                is_valid = false;
                 self.emit_err(TypeCheckerError::undefined_type(struct_.id.name, span));
             // Check that the constituent types of the tuple are valid.
             Type::Tuple(tuple_type) => {
                 for type_ in tuple_type.elements().iter() {
-                    is_valid &= self.assert_type_is_valid(type_, span)
+                    self.assert_type_is_valid(type_, span);
             // Check that the constituent types of mapping are valid.
             Type::Mapping(mapping_type) => {
-                is_valid &= self.assert_type_is_valid(&mapping_type.key, span);
-                is_valid &= self.assert_type_is_valid(&mapping_type.value, span);
+                self.assert_type_is_valid(&mapping_type.key, span);
+                self.assert_type_is_valid(&mapping_type.value, span);
             // Check that the array element types are valid.
             Type::Array(array_type) => {
@@ -909,11 +910,10 @@ impl<'a, N: Network> TypeChecker<'a, N> {
                     _ => {} // Do nothing.
-                is_valid &= self.assert_type_is_valid(array_type.element_type(), span)
+                self.assert_type_is_valid(array_type.element_type(), span);
             _ => {} // Do nothing.
-        is_valid
     /// Emits an error if the type is not a mapping.
@@ -1067,17 +1067,19 @@ impl<'a, N: Network> TypeChecker<'a, N> {
-            // Check that the type of output is defined.
-            if self.assert_type_is_valid(&function_output.type_, function_output.span) {
-                // If the function is not a transition function, then it cannot output a record.
-                if let Type::Composite(struct_) = function_output.type_.clone() {
-                    if !function.variant.is_transition()
-                        && self.lookup_struct(struct_.program, struct_.id.name).unwrap().is_record
-                    {
-                        self.emit_err(TypeCheckerError::function_cannot_input_or_output_a_record(function_output.span));
-                    }
+            // Check that the output type is valid.
+            self.assert_type_is_valid(&function_output.type_, function_output.span);
+            // If the function is not a transition function, then it cannot output a record.
+            if let Type::Composite(struct_) = function_output.type_.clone() {
+                if !function.variant.is_transition()
+                    && self.lookup_struct(struct_.program, struct_.id.name).map_or(false, |s| s.is_record)
+                {
+                    self.emit_err(TypeCheckerError::function_cannot_input_or_output_a_record(function_output.span));
             // Check that the type of the output is not a tuple. This is necessary to forbid nested tuples.
             if matches!(&function_output.type_, Type::Tuple(_)) {
diff --git a/compiler/passes/src/type_checking/scope_state.rs b/compiler/passes/src/type_checking/scope_state.rs
index 725ba9786a..a213188af2 100644
--- a/compiler/passes/src/type_checking/scope_state.rs
+++ b/compiler/passes/src/type_checking/scope_state.rs
@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ pub struct ScopeState {
     pub(crate) variant: Option<Variant>,
     /// Whether or not the function that we are currently traversing has a return statement.
     pub(crate) has_return: bool,
-    /// Whether or not we are currently traversing a return statement.
-    pub(crate) is_return: bool,
     /// Current program name.
     pub(crate) program_name: Option<Symbol>,
     /// Whether or not we are currently traversing a stub.
@@ -50,7 +48,6 @@ impl ScopeState {
             function: None,
             variant: None,
             has_return: false,
-            is_return: false,
             program_name: None,
             is_stub: true,
             futures: IndexMap::new(),
diff --git a/errors/src/errors/type_checker/type_checker_error.rs b/errors/src/errors/type_checker/type_checker_error.rs
index 3a44cd2d22..1260e041cc 100644
--- a/errors/src/errors/type_checker/type_checker_error.rs
+++ b/errors/src/errors/type_checker/type_checker_error.rs
@@ -418,8 +418,7 @@ create_messages!(
         help: None,
-    // TODO: Consider changing this to a warning.
+    // TODO This error is unused. Remove it in a future version.
     assign_unit_expression_to_variable {
         args: (),
@@ -476,6 +475,7 @@ create_messages!(
         help: None,
+    // TODO This error is unused. Remove it in a future version.
     unit_expression_only_in_return_statements {
         args: (),
@@ -976,4 +976,11 @@ create_messages!(
         help: Some("Valid second operands are `u8`, `u16`, or `u32`".into()),
+    @formatted
+    unit_type_only_return {
+        args: (),
+        msg: "The unit type () may appear only as the return type of a function.".to_string(),
+        help: None,
+    }
diff --git a/tests/expectations/compiler/array/array_with_units_fail.out b/tests/expectations/compiler/array/array_with_units_fail.out
deleted file mode 100644
index b7f0e9bf22..0000000000
--- a/tests/expectations/compiler/array/array_with_units_fail.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-namespace = "Compile"
-expectation = "Fail"
-outputs = ["""
-Error [ETYC0372056]: Unit expressions can only be used in return statements.
-    --> compiler-test:5:29
-     |
-   5 |         let bar: [(); 2] = [(), ()];
-     |                             ^^
-Error [ETYC0372056]: Unit expressions can only be used in return statements.
-    --> compiler-test:5:33
-     |
-   5 |         let bar: [(); 2] = [(), ()];
-     |                                 ^^
-Error [ETYC0372036]: Function must return a value.
-    --> compiler-test:4:5
-     |
-   4 |     transition foo() -> bool {
-   5 |         let bar: [(); 2] = [(), ()];
-   6 |     }
-     |     ^
diff --git a/tests/expectations/compiler/constants/const_type_error_fail.out b/tests/expectations/compiler/constants/const_type_error_fail.out
index 8d5c6581ed..c4d9b01598 100644
--- a/tests/expectations/compiler/constants/const_type_error_fail.out
+++ b/tests/expectations/compiler/constants/const_type_error_fail.out
@@ -1,30 +1,15 @@
 namespace = "Compile"
 expectation = "Fail"
 outputs = ["""
-Error [ETYC0372055]: The left-hand side of a `DefinitionStatement` can only be an identifier or tuple. Note that a tuple must contain at least two elements.
-    --> compiler-test:7:9
-     |
-   7 |         const A: () = ();
-     |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 Error [ETYC0372070]: The value of a const declaration must be a literal
     --> compiler-test:7:9
-   7 |         const A: () = ();
-     |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-Error [ETYC0372056]: Unit expressions can only be used in return statements.
-    --> compiler-test:7:23
-     |
-   7 |         const A: () = ();
-     |                       ^^
-Error [ETYC0372070]: The value of a const declaration must be a literal
-    --> compiler-test:8:9
-     |
-   8 |         const B: u8 = ((1u8,1u8),1u8);
+   7 |         const B: u8 = ((1u8,1u8),1u8);
      |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 Error [ETYC0372023]: Tuples must be explicitly typed in Leo
-    --> compiler-test:8:23
+    --> compiler-test:7:23
-   8 |         const B: u8 = ((1u8,1u8),1u8);
+   7 |         const B: u8 = ((1u8,1u8),1u8);
      |                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
      = The function definition must match the function return statement
diff --git a/tests/expectations/compiler/finalize/set_in_an_assignment_fail.out b/tests/expectations/compiler/finalize/set_in_an_assignment_fail.out
index f5dfba8c78..5e4ef293fe 100644
--- a/tests/expectations/compiler/finalize/set_in_an_assignment_fail.out
+++ b/tests/expectations/compiler/finalize/set_in_an_assignment_fail.out
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 namespace = "Compile"
 expectation = "Fail"
 outputs = ["""
-Error [ETYC0372055]: The left-hand side of a `DefinitionStatement` can only be an identifier or tuple. Note that a tuple must contain at least two elements.
+Error [ETYC0372123]: The unit type () may appear only as the return type of a function.
     --> compiler-test:11:9
   11 |         let result: () = Mapping::set(amounts, addr, amount);
diff --git a/tests/expectations/compiler/function/unit_parameter_fail.out b/tests/expectations/compiler/function/unit_parameter_fail.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b14a227bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/expectations/compiler/function/unit_parameter_fail.out
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+namespace = "Compile"
+expectation = "Fail"
+outputs = ["""
+Error [ETYC0372123]: The unit type () may appear only as the return type of a function.
+    --> compiler-test:5:9
+     |
+   5 |         x: (),
+     |         ^^^^^
+Error [ETYC0372123]: The unit type () may appear only as the return type of a function.
+    --> compiler-test:9:21
+     |
+   9 |     transition main(x: ()) {}
+     |                     ^^^^^
+Error [ETYC0372123]: The unit type () may appear only as the return type of a function.
+    --> compiler-test:11:22
+     |
+  11 |     transition other(x: [(); 2]) {}
+     |                      ^^^^^^^^^^
+Error [ETYC0372123]: The unit type () may appear only as the return type of a function.
+    --> compiler-test:13:39
+     |
+  13 |     transition yet_another() -> [(); 2] {}
+     |                                       ^
+Error [ETYC0372036]: Function must return a value.
+    --> compiler-test:13:5
+     |
+  13 |     transition yet_another() -> [(); 2] {}
+     |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
diff --git a/tests/expectations/compiler/statements/expr_statement_fail.out b/tests/expectations/compiler/statements/expr_statement_fail.out
index 7a5aac14fe..d72cf72448 100644
--- a/tests/expectations/compiler/statements/expr_statement_fail.out
+++ b/tests/expectations/compiler/statements/expr_statement_fail.out
@@ -41,6 +41,6 @@ Error [ETYC0372053]: An expression statement must be a function call.
 Error [ETYC0372053]: An expression statement must be a function call.
     --> compiler-test:19:9
-  19 |         ();
-     |         ^^^
+  19 |         1field;
+     |         ^^^^^^^
diff --git a/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/assign_unit_fail.out b/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/assign_unit_fail.out
deleted file mode 100644
index 6847fcb592..0000000000
--- a/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/assign_unit_fail.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-namespace = "Compile"
-expectation = "Fail"
-outputs = ["""
-Error [ETYC0372055]: The left-hand side of a `DefinitionStatement` can only be an identifier or tuple. Note that a tuple must contain at least two elements.
-    --> compiler-test:6:9
-     |
-   6 |         let b: () = ();
-     |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-Error [ETYC0372056]: Unit expressions can only be used in return statements.
-    --> compiler-test:6:21
-     |
-   6 |         let b: () = ();
-     |                     ^^
-Error [ETYC0372055]: The left-hand side of a `DefinitionStatement` can only be an identifier or tuple. Note that a tuple must contain at least two elements.
-    --> compiler-test:11:9
-     |
-  11 |         let b: () = bar();
-     |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-Error [ETYC0372043]: Cannot call a local transition function from a transition function.
-    --> compiler-test:11:21
-     |
-  11 |         let b: () = bar();
-     |                     ^^^^^
-Error [ETYC0372006]: Call expected `1` args, but got `0`
-    --> compiler-test:11:21
-     |
-  11 |         let b: () = bar();
-     |                     ^^^^^
diff --git a/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/function_return_unit.out b/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/function_return_unit.out
deleted file mode 100644
index 6864bbf90f..0000000000
--- a/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/function_return_unit.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-namespace = "Compile"
-expectation = "Pass"
-outputs = [[{ compile = [{ initial_symbol_table = "462cd81513e909c609e0576e90c7597534b5344a5ed8e34dba5d31aff90a0bc4", type_checked_symbol_table = "623e5ab19827aca9f7189760af4e2126bbc139361d4686a3fc9f0c17ae068a90", unrolled_symbol_table = "623e5ab19827aca9f7189760af4e2126bbc139361d4686a3fc9f0c17ae068a90", initial_ast = "a076b480260c5ea0ea36da0405e311ce0dd8bff6400243213a1c8e71296e54b2", unrolled_ast = "a076b480260c5ea0ea36da0405e311ce0dd8bff6400243213a1c8e71296e54b2", ssa_ast = "a076b480260c5ea0ea36da0405e311ce0dd8bff6400243213a1c8e71296e54b2", flattened_ast = "fd15fe07e96f61c9936872758776ecf8efe6bd1a6eab93b9bddf4df0bc4ed47b", destructured_ast = "841ba7ea96bcdbceca1dd9d6d53676fb7a6aab7f9f46f8195d8725ab6927d149", inlined_ast = "841ba7ea96bcdbceca1dd9d6d53676fb7a6aab7f9f46f8195d8725ab6927d149", dce_ast = "841ba7ea96bcdbceca1dd9d6d53676fb7a6aab7f9f46f8195d8725ab6927d149", bytecode = """
-program test.aleo;
-function main:
-    input r0 as boolean.private;
-    input r1 as boolean.private;
-""", errors = "", warnings = "" }] }]]
diff --git a/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/function_unit_input_fail.out b/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/function_unit_input_fail.out
deleted file mode 100644
index 01fad4c217..0000000000
--- a/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/function_unit_input_fail.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-namespace = "Compile"
-expectation = "Fail"
-outputs = ["""
-Error [ETYC0372056]: Unit expressions can only be used in return statements.
-    --> compiler-test:10:13
-     |
-  10 |         foo(());
-     |             ^^
diff --git a/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/tuple_in_return_type.out b/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/tuple_in_return_type.out
index 659ead1eda..9d3c3879f4 100644
--- a/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/tuple_in_return_type.out
+++ b/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/tuple_in_return_type.out
@@ -11,9 +11,4 @@ Error [ETYC0372052]: A tuple expression cannot contain another tuple expression.
    5 |         return (a, (a + a, a * a));
      |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-Error [ETYC0372052]: A tuple expression cannot contain another tuple expression.
-    --> compiler-test:5:20
-     |
-   5 |         return (a, (a + a, a * a));
-     |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
diff --git a/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/tuple_not_allowed_fail.out b/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/tuple_not_allowed_fail.out
index cd2d78c7b0..7c712032e7 100644
--- a/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/tuple_not_allowed_fail.out
+++ b/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/tuple_not_allowed_fail.out
@@ -21,11 +21,6 @@ Error [ETYC0372052]: A tuple expression cannot contain another tuple expression.
   13 |         return (1u8, (2u16, 3u32));
      |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^
-Error [ETYC0372052]: A tuple expression cannot contain another tuple expression.
-    --> compiler-test:13:22
-     |
-  13 |         return (1u8, (2u16, 3u32));
-     |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^
 Error [ETYC0372117]: Expected an integer but type `(u8, u16)` was found.
     --> compiler-test:17:13
diff --git a/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/unit.out b/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/unit.out
index e43faf3774..ed6277a215 100644
--- a/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/unit.out
+++ b/tests/expectations/compiler/tuple/unit.out
@@ -1,14 +1,8 @@
 namespace = "Compile"
 expectation = "Pass"
-outputs = [[{ compile = [{ initial_symbol_table = "5931e9e8bf3df8ca226d00a479f35404edcc010093d1eb360dc67d82391b1538", type_checked_symbol_table = "bac9de371b7871ec03c288aa6f1f932d59509e79fbecdda79dca5f1944e347d6", unrolled_symbol_table = "bac9de371b7871ec03c288aa6f1f932d59509e79fbecdda79dca5f1944e347d6", initial_ast = "5656071e540418bee7f1d24156ca443a68904977039c84ca8b060ead7d0195f3", unrolled_ast = "5656071e540418bee7f1d24156ca443a68904977039c84ca8b060ead7d0195f3", ssa_ast = "5656071e540418bee7f1d24156ca443a68904977039c84ca8b060ead7d0195f3", flattened_ast = "63bfc28e505ec93892a04a9c61e20040aba6af50526c30b19847ea0a02a26d23", destructured_ast = "c963649c5ab9a1fd4f8883e674465a2c4b331b9e0fa9cc8ea5b938dc65ca8e30", inlined_ast = "c963649c5ab9a1fd4f8883e674465a2c4b331b9e0fa9cc8ea5b938dc65ca8e30", dce_ast = "c963649c5ab9a1fd4f8883e674465a2c4b331b9e0fa9cc8ea5b938dc65ca8e30", bytecode = """
+outputs = [[{ compile = [{ initial_symbol_table = "5f63fbb0866219290b9c25ae6150dcf7df23b35fc63dcd13c6e085fa507d546b", type_checked_symbol_table = "2fbc99ea074d672d430fcb5c2e4db60d732bff120cb77c25997e1efdb4168493", unrolled_symbol_table = "2fbc99ea074d672d430fcb5c2e4db60d732bff120cb77c25997e1efdb4168493", initial_ast = "2744442271ec20dc37bf0b9bf73e39079da06b8c5cdd134e3f5d931a955c8edf", unrolled_ast = "2744442271ec20dc37bf0b9bf73e39079da06b8c5cdd134e3f5d931a955c8edf", ssa_ast = "2744442271ec20dc37bf0b9bf73e39079da06b8c5cdd134e3f5d931a955c8edf", flattened_ast = "b7f1c450d79cd7a78d9e174e20b5b8a4feb687eb3782a031f50d0bddb2639863", destructured_ast = "4cdc7012d694d9c2b854780bdee40ae4eceaa809a0d05cd40285efd37aac90ce", inlined_ast = "4cdc7012d694d9c2b854780bdee40ae4eceaa809a0d05cd40285efd37aac90ce", dce_ast = "4cdc7012d694d9c2b854780bdee40ae4eceaa809a0d05cd40285efd37aac90ce", bytecode = """
 program test.aleo;
-function foo:
-    input r0 as u8.private;
-    input r1 as u8.private;
-    assert.eq r0 r1;
-    assert.eq r1 r0;
 function bar:
     input r0 as u8.private;
     input r1 as u8.private;
@@ -21,12 +15,6 @@ function baz:
     assert.eq r0 r1;
     assert.eq r1 r0;
-function floo:
-    input r0 as u8.private;
-    input r1 as u8.private;
-    assert.eq r0 r1;
-    assert.eq r1 r0;
 function blar:
     input r0 as u8.private;
     input r1 as u8.private;
diff --git a/tests/expectations/parser/expression/literal/group_fail.out b/tests/expectations/parser/expression/literal/group_fail.out
index 452237171d..b1f0d58fb4 100644
--- a/tests/expectations/parser/expression/literal/group_fail.out
+++ b/tests/expectations/parser/expression/literal/group_fail.out
@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@ namespace = "ParseExpression"
 expectation = "Fail"
 outputs = [
-did not consume all input: 'group' @ 1:3-8
+Error [EPAR0370029]: A tuple expression must have at least two elements.
+    --> test:1:1
+     |
+   1 | ()group
+     | ^^""",
 Error [EPAR0370017]: Could not parse the implicit value: 123.
     --> test:1:2
diff --git a/tests/expectations/parser/expression/literal/tuple_fail.out b/tests/expectations/parser/expression/literal/tuple_fail.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7136458121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/expectations/parser/expression/literal/tuple_fail.out
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+namespace = "ParseExpression"
+expectation = "Fail"
+outputs = [
+    """
+Error [EPAR0370029]: A tuple expression must have at least two elements.
+    --> test:1:1
+     |
+   1 | ()
+     | ^^""",
+    """
+Error [EPAR0370029]: A tuple expression must have at least two elements.
+    --> test:1:1
+     |
+   1 | (1u32,)
+     | ^^^^^^^""",
+    """
+Error [EPAR0370029]: A tuple expression must have at least two elements.
+    --> test:1:1
+     |
+   1 | (1field,)
+     | ^^^^^^^^^""",
diff --git a/tests/tests/compiler/array/array_with_units_fail.leo b/tests/tests/compiler/array/array_with_units_fail.leo
deleted file mode 100644
index a6a18d5e10..0000000000
--- a/tests/tests/compiler/array/array_with_units_fail.leo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-namespace = "Compile"
-expectation = "Fail"
-program test.aleo {
-    transition foo() -> bool {
-        let bar: [(); 2] = [(), ()];
-    }
diff --git a/tests/tests/compiler/constants/const_type_error_fail.leo b/tests/tests/compiler/constants/const_type_error_fail.leo
index 82ef7ed7ff..9a837db8f6 100644
--- a/tests/tests/compiler/constants/const_type_error_fail.leo
+++ b/tests/tests/compiler/constants/const_type_error_fail.leo
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ program test.aleo {
     const START: u32 = 0u32;
     transition foo(a: u32, b: u32, flag: bool) -> u32 {
         const STOP: u32 = 10u32;
-        const A: () = ();
         const B: u8 = ((1u8,1u8),1u8);
         return 1u32;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/tests/compiler/function/unit_parameter_fail.leo b/tests/tests/compiler/function/unit_parameter_fail.leo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be645d3cf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tests/compiler/function/unit_parameter_fail.leo
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+namespace = "Compile"
+expectation = "Fail"
+program test.aleo {    
+    struct S {
+        x: (),
+        y: u8,
+    }
+    transition main(x: ()) {}
+    transition other(x: [(); 2]) {}
+    transition yet_another() -> [(); 2] {}
diff --git a/tests/tests/compiler/statements/expr_statement_fail.leo b/tests/tests/compiler/statements/expr_statement_fail.leo
index 68266dfea9..0b16d2062a 100644
--- a/tests/tests/compiler/statements/expr_statement_fail.leo
+++ b/tests/tests/compiler/statements/expr_statement_fail.leo
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ program test.aleo {
-        ();
+        1field;
         return a + b;
diff --git a/tests/tests/compiler/tuple/assign_unit_fail.leo b/tests/tests/compiler/tuple/assign_unit_fail.leo
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a3c388588..0000000000
--- a/tests/tests/compiler/tuple/assign_unit_fail.leo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-namespace = "Compile"
-expectation = "Fail"
-program test.aleo {
-    transition foo(a: u8) -> u8 {
-        let b: () = ();
-        return a + a;
-    }
-    transition baz(a: u8) -> u8 {
-        let b: () = bar();
-        return a + a;
-    }
-    transition bar(a: u8) -> () {}
diff --git a/tests/tests/compiler/tuple/function_return_unit.leo b/tests/tests/compiler/tuple/function_return_unit.leo
deleted file mode 100644
index 159397025a..0000000000
--- a/tests/tests/compiler/tuple/function_return_unit.leo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-namespace = "Compile"
-expectation = "Pass"
-program test.aleo {
-    transition main(a: bool, b: bool) -> () {
-        return ();
-    }
diff --git a/tests/tests/compiler/tuple/function_unit_input_fail.leo b/tests/tests/compiler/tuple/function_unit_input_fail.leo
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e7fb3c14a..0000000000
--- a/tests/tests/compiler/tuple/function_unit_input_fail.leo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-namespace = "Compile"
-expectation = "Fail"
-program test.aleo {
-    function foo(a: ()) -> u8 {
-        assert_eq(1u8, 2u8);
-        return 3u8;
-    }
-    transition bar(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8 {
-        foo(());
-        return a + b;
-    }
diff --git a/tests/tests/compiler/tuple/unit.leo b/tests/tests/compiler/tuple/unit.leo
index 978b636fee..73e3c7ed85 100644
--- a/tests/tests/compiler/tuple/unit.leo
+++ b/tests/tests/compiler/tuple/unit.leo
@@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ expectation = "Pass"
 program test.aleo {
-    transition foo(a: u8, b: u8) -> () {
-        assert_eq(a, b);
-        assert_eq(b, a);
-        return ();
-    }
     transition bar(a: u8, b: u8) -> () {
         assert_eq(a, b);
         assert_eq(b, a);
@@ -22,12 +15,6 @@ program test.aleo {
         assert_eq(b, a);
-    transition floo(a: u8, b: u8) {
-        assert_eq(a, b);
-        assert_eq(b, a);
-        return ();
-    }
     transition blar(a: u8, b: u8) {
         assert_eq(a, b);
         assert_eq(b, a);
diff --git a/tests/tests/parser/expression/literal/tuple_fail.leo b/tests/tests/parser/expression/literal/tuple_fail.leo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..658490452e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tests/parser/expression/literal/tuple_fail.leo
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+namespace = "ParseExpression"
+expectation = "Fail"