Implementation of BloomTree - A Space-Efficient Approximate Representation for Graphs
MurmurHash3 has been used as the hash function in the bloom filter. The code for MurmurHash3 can be found in
#include "bloomtree.h"
Initialise the bloom tree with the number of vertices in the graph, size of bloom filter, and number of hash functions
BloomTree bt;
bt.Init(num_vertices, num_bits_in_bloom_filter, num_hash_functions);
Methods provided by BloomTree class are
AddEdge(int u, int v)
Neighbours(int u, vector<int>& neighbours)
IsEdge(int u, int v)
$ make
$ ./bfs <path_to_graph> num_vertices num_bits num_hash_functions
$ ./color <path_to_graph> num_vertices num_bits num_hash_functions
$ ./scc <path_to_graph> num_vertices num_bits num_hash_functions