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File metadata and controls

697 lines (513 loc) · 29.7 KB

Event data

Data for map events is stored in the map data files. See Maps for more details. Moreover NPCs and party members also store events of the same format for conversations.

Here the data format for specific events is shown. Each event can use up to 9 bytes for the event data.

Note that actually 12 bytes are stored for each event. The first byte is the event type you see in parentheses below and the last 2 bytes always store the index of the following event or 0xffff if none follows. Here only the first 10 bytes are listed which differ for each event type. The last 2 bytes which store the next event index are omitted.

Not all bytes are used by every event. In general you can assume that unused bytes are at the end of the data but as words are aligned to even offsets there might be also a gap of 1 byte in-between to keep the word alignment. Often all words are stored at the end of the event so there might be even more unused bytes in the middle of the event data.

Teleport event (0x01 / 1)

Used for map transitions, teleporters, holes in the ground and so on.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x01)
0x01 ubyte New x coordinate (1-based, 0 means keep x)
0x02 ubyte New y coordinate (1-based, 0 means keep y)
0x03 ubyte New direction (0: up, 1: right, 2: down, 3: left, 4: keep current)
0x04 ubyte Travel type to set after teleport (-1 or 0xff means no change, which is the default)
0x05 ubyte Transition type
0x06 uword New map index (0 means same map)
0x08 ubyte[2] Unused

Transition types

  • 0: Normal (black fading)
  • 1: Teleporter (no black fading)
  • 2: Wind gate (only teleports if the wind chain is active otherwise a message is displayed)
  • 3: Climbing up/levitating (plays a levitation animation while transitioning)
  • 4: Outro (after the endboss a map change event will 'teleport' you to the outro sequence)
  • 5: Climbing down/falling (plays a falling animation while transitioning)

Door event (0x02 / 2)

Used for locked doors.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x02)
0x01 ubyte Lockpicking chance reduction (0-100, see chest event data)
0x02 ubyte Door index (used in savegame to determine if a door was unlocked)
0x03 ubyte Optional index of a map text to display when showing door window (0xff means no text)
0x04 ubyte Optional index of a map text to display when unlocked (0xff means no text)
0x05 ubyte Unused
0x06 uword Key index
0x08 uword Unlock fail event index (0-based, 0xffff means none, this is basically the trap event chain)

Chest event (0x03 / 3)

Used for chests, piles, lootable map objects etc.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x03)
0x01 ubyte Lockpicking chance reduction (0-100%)
0x02 ubyte Search check (0-100%) bugged
0x03 ubyte Optional index of a map text to display when showing the opened chest (0xff means no text)
0x04 ubyte Chest data index (also used for locked state in savegame)
0x05 ubyte Chest type and flags
0x06 uword Key index if locked
0x08 uword Unlock fail event index (0-based, 0xffff means none, this is basically the trap event chain)

If the lockpicking chance reduction is 0, the chest is always open. A value of 100 means that the chest can't be lockpicked at all and needs a key. Many chests have a value of 1 which is a chest that is locked and lockpicking it succeeds nearly with the lockpicking ability in percent as chance. If the key index is not 0, the chest can't be opened with a lockpick except if the key index is the lockpick index.

Search check

The specs define a percentage value. If it is 0, the chest is always detected. Otherwise a check with the search skill and the given value should be done. The original game code just does a random check against your search skill and ignores the given value.

Only one chest in Ambermoon uses the search check. It is a skull in the Antique Area which contains the Antique Weapon. You will only find it when your search ability is high enough cause the value is not 0. The chest actually uses value 50 (hex 32) but as mentioned this doesn't matter.

Note: The chest is always detected if the clairvoyance spell is active!

Chest type and flags

  • Bit0: Chest type (0 = Chest, 1 = Junk pile)
  • Bit1: No save
  • Bit2: Extended chest (Ambermoon Advanced only)
  • Bit3-7: Unused

Bit 0 will actually close the chest when you have looted all items, gold and food. This also disallows storing items, gold or food in that chest. This is set for all non-stationary chests like barrels, junk and also other item pickups like flowers, etc.

Bit 1 determines if the chest contents should be saved to the savegame data when closing the chest window. The default (0) means that the chest contents are saved. This is basically the case for all normal stationary chests in the game. Otherwise a revisit of the chest would show the previous content again and you could loot forever.

For junk piles this bit is a bit more useful. Normal piles will store the contents of course. For example if you loot the content fully, the chest stays empty as it is updated in the savegame. When the pile is revisited it is already empty, so it is not shown again. It appears as the pile has gone.

However in some cases the "chest" should be reused. For example when there are multiple flowers on the forest moon, they all share the same chest with one single item. Here the save-bit is set to 1 which means "no save". So when looting or leaving the chest without looting, the chest is reset. So approaching the flower again or another one, will show the item again. There are other mechanisms to ensure that the same flower is only looted once. This can be handled by the event chain on the map.

In Ambermoon Advanced the limit of 256 chests was exceeded. As the event has only a byte for the chest index, we use a new flag to distinguish between the normal 256 chests and the extended chests. There are 128 possible additional chests in Ambermoon Advanced. See the savegame documentation for more details.

Text popup event (0x04 / 4)

Show a text popup with an optional image. Note that the following map events in the list are only executed after the popup is closed. This is important e.g. for music change events before and after this event.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x04)
0x01 ubyte Event picture index (0-based) or 0xff if no image
0x02 ubyte Popup trigger (0: none, 1: move, 2: eye cursor, 3: both)
0x03 ubyte Also trigger when blind (only 0 or 1)
0x04 ubyte Unused
0x05 ubyte Map text index
0x06 ubyte[4] Unused

Note: There is no explicit trigger for hand cursor. If this is needed, a condition event can be inserted before. The trigger is ignored if the text event is not the first one in an event chain.

Note: In this context, the status "blind" means either the ailment or the fact that you have no light source in a dungeon.

Note: In the original docs byte 0x04 was planned to be a search skill check similar to the one in the chest event. However this was never implemented in the original Ambermoon code, so it is safe to consider it as unused.

Spinner event (0x05 / 5)

Only used in 3D maps. Rotates the player to a specific or random direction if he steps onto it.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x05)
0x01 ubyte Post-spin direction
0x02 ubyte[8] Unused

Note: If the direction is random, it will never be the same as before.

Trap event (0x06 / 6)

Damages the player and/or add ailments (fireplaces, traps, etc).

This is used for normal map traps and also for traps on doors and chests.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x06)
0x01 ubyte Ailment
0x02 ubyte Trap target (0 = active player, 1 = all party members)
0x03 ubyte Affected genders (0 or 3: both, 1: male only, 2: female only)
0x04 ubyte Base damage
0x05 ubyte[5] Unused

The real damage is BaseDmg + rand(0, (BaseDmg / 2) - 1). Base damage can be 0 in which case only the ailment is inflicted.

Trap ailments

  • 0: none
  • 1: crazy
  • 2: blind
  • 3: stoned
  • 4: paralyzed
  • 5: poisoned
  • 6: petrified
  • 7: diseased
  • 8: artificial aging
  • 9: dead (corpse)

Remove buffs event (0x07 / 7)

Removes/stops active buffs.

In Ambermoon Advanced this becomes a "change buffs event" and can also add buffs. It is compatible with the original event structure. All properties marked bold are not used in the original game.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x07)
0x01 ubyte Buff to stop
0x02 ubyte 0: Remove buffs, 1: Add buffs
0x03 ubyte Unused
0x04 uword Value for the added buff (light level, bonus value, etc) exactly as given in the savegame
0x06 uword Duration in 5 minute chunks exactly as given in the savegame
0x08 ubyte[2] Unused


  • 0: All
  • 1: Light
  • 2: Magic attack
  • 3: Magic protection
  • 4: Anti-magic barrier
  • 5: Clairvoyance
  • 6: Mystic map

Riddlemouth event (0x08 / 8)

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x08)
0x01 ubyte Riddle text index
0x02 ubyte Solution text index (used when riddle was solved)
0x03 ubyte[3] Unknown
0x06 uword Correct answer 1 index in word dictionary
0x08 uword Correct answer 2 index in word dictionary (can be equal to the first if only 1 word is possible)

Reward (0x09 / 9)

This gives some reward to the party.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x09)
0x01 ubyte Reward type
0x02 ubyte Reward operation
0x03 ubyte Random (0 or 1)
0x04 ubyte Reward target
0x05 ubyte Unused
0x06 uword Reward type value (e.g. which attribute)
0x08 uword Value

If "Random" is set, the real value is a random value between 0 and "Value".

The operation "Fill" will ignore the Value and fully fill. This is used for LP/SP filling.

NOTE: For all bit-wise operations the bit is given by the "Reward type value" and not the "Value". This is true for reward type "Ailments", "Usable spell types", "Language" and "Spell". They all expect one of the three bit operations (clear, set or toggle) to work properly.

Reward type

Value Meaning
0 Attribute
1 Ability
2 LP
3 SP
5 Ailments
6 Usable spell types (spell school)
7 Language
8 EP
9 Max attribute (Ambermoon Advanced only)
10 Attacks per round (Ambermoon Advanced only, this is overriden by next level up though!)
11 TP (Ambermoon Advanced only)
12 Level (Ambermoon Advanced only)
13 Damage (Ambermoon Advanced only)
14 Defense (Ambermoon Advanced only)
15 Max LP (Ambermoon Advanced only)
16 Max SP (Ambermoon Advanced only)
17 Empower spell types (value is 0: earth, 1: wind, 2: fire) (Ambermoon Advanced only)
18 Change portrait (Ambermoon Advanced only)
19 Max skill (Ambermoon Advanced only)
20 M-B-A (magic armor level, Ambermoon Advanced only)
21 M-B-W (magic weapon level, Ambermoon Advanced only)
22 Spell (spell class is based on character, only use 1-based spell index, Ambermoon Advanced only)

Reward operation

Value Meaning
0 Increase
1 Decrease
2 Increase by percentage
3 Decrease by percentage
4 Fill
5 Clear bit/remove (e.g. language)
6 Set bit/add (e.g. language)
7 Toggle bit (e.g. language)

Reward target

Value Meaning
0 Active player
1 Whole party
2 Random player (Ambermoon Advanced only)
3 First animal (Ambermoon Advanced only)
100+ Party member with index 1 + 100 - value (Ambermoon Advanced only)
200+ All but party member with index 1 + 200 - value (Ambermoon Advanced only)

Note: Operation 'Fill' just sets the current value to the max value. The 3 bit operations should only be used for languages, ailments and spell schools. The percentage is in relation to the max value and should only be used for LP and SP I guess. Using percentage or fill operations on SLP, languages, ailments or spell schools might have strange effects.

Note: There is no reward to add training points in original Ambermoon. :(

Change tile event (0x0A / 10)

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x0A)
0x01 ubyte Tile's x coordinate (1-based)
0x02 ubyte Tile's y coordinate (1-based)
0x03 ubyte[3] Unused
0x06 uword Tile data
0x08 uword Map index (0 means same map)

The tile data gives the new tile index for 2D maps and the object or wall index for 3D maps.

In 2D the tile flags of the new tile specifies if the background tile or foreground tile is replaced. If bit 2 of the flags (render order) is set, the foreground tile is replaced, otherwise the background tile. If the new tile index is 0, always the front tile is removed.

Start battle event (0x0B / 11)

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x0B)
0x01 ubyte[5] Unknown
0x06 uword Monster group index
0x08 uword Unknown

Enter place event (0x0C / 12)

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x0C)
0x01 ubyte Text index if place is closed (text taken from map texts, 0xff = no message (used for places that never close like inns))
0x02 ubyte Place type (see below)
0x03 ubyte Opening hour (0-23)
0x04 ubyte Closing hour (0-23)
0x05 ubyte Text index when you use the place (text taken from map texts, 0xff = no message). Using a place means buy a horse/ship, buy goods, heal, train, etc.
0x06 uword Place data index (1-based index inside the Place_data file)
0x08 uword Index (merchant data index)

Place types

Value Type
0 Trainer (all kinds)
1 Healer
2 Sage (identify items)
3 Enchanter
4 Inn / Sleeping room
5 Merchant (goods)
6 Food dealer
7 Library (spell scroll dealer)
8 Raft dealer (not used in Ambermoon)
9 Ship dealer
10 Horse dealer
11 Blacksmith (item repair)

Condition event (0x0D / 13)

Condition events represent conditions that control if following events (in the list) are executed or not. Multiple conditions can be chained which equals a logical AND conjunction.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x0D)
0x01 ubyte Condition type
0x02 ubyte Condition value (e.g. variable value, always a boolean 0 or 1, can invert the meaning like 1="has"/0="has not")
0x03 ubyte Count (item count, etc)
0x04 uword Not allowed party member ailments (Ambermoon Advanced only)
0x06 uword Object index (depends on condition's type, e.g. variable or item index)
0x08 uword Map event index to continue with if condition was not fulfilled or 0xffff to stop the event list in this case.

Condition types

Value Type
0 Global variable (game variable, 0-8191)
1 Event bit (64 bits per map for up to 1024 maps, 0-65535)
2 Door open (0-255)
3 Chest open (0-255)
4 Character bit (32 bits per map for up to 1024 maps, 0-32767)
5 Party member present
6 Item owned (item in inventory)
7 Use item (from inventory)
8 Keyword known
9 Success (is chained after other events like battles, riddlemouths or treasures and is something like "battle won", "riddle solved" or "treasure fully looted")
10 Game option set
11 Can see (not blind etc)
12 Player direction
13 Has ailment
14 Hand cursor interaction
15 Say word (mouth + enter keyword)
16 Enter number
17 Levitating
18 Has gold amount
19 Has food amount
20 Eye cursor interaction
21 Mouth cursor interaction (Ambermoon Advanced only)
22 Transport at current location (Ambermoon Advanced only)
23 Multiple cursor interaction (hand, eye, mouth) (Ambermoon Advanced only)
24 Current travel type (Ambermoon Advanced only)
25 Active party member class (Ambermoon Advanced only)
26 Active party member has spell empowered (Ambermoon Advanced only)
27 Is night (Ambermoon Advanced only)
28 Active party member attribute (Ambermoon Advanced only)
29 Active party member skill (Ambermoon Advanced only)

Note: In conversations the global variable 0 is checked to be value 0 before executing a PrintText event that should be executed in any case. I guess PrintText events always need a preceding Condition event and the global variable 0 is always 0. So this is like a "always true condition". Or maybe conversation events have to be succeeded by condition events? This might also be some limitation of the tools to create NPC event chains.

Note: For condition 22, the object index gives the transport type. But 0 is special and means "any".

Note: For condition 23, the object index gives the cursors as bit flags. Bit 0 is hand, bit 1 is eye and bit 2 is mouth.

Note: In Ambermoon Advanced the word at offset 0x4 specifies which ailments are not allowed for the "Party member present" condition. It is not used for any other condition or in the original. The word specifies a bit for each ailment, see here. As this condition is mostly used to let a specific character perform some action or let him say something, a good choice for those flags is 0xe412. This won't allow all dead states, petrify, blind or crazy. You can also add in 0x0100 (paralyzed) if the character has to do something, etc. The blind state 0x0010 might be omitted if the party member just has to head something.

Action event (0x0E / 14)

Actions are related to conditions. For example they can change variable values which are used in conditions. The structure is very similar. If a condition type checks something, the action type with the same value changes this "something". You'll also find the associated properties of the structure in the same spot. For example the "object index" is at offset 0x06 in condition and action events.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x0E)
0x01 ubyte Action type
0x02 ubyte Action value (e.g. variable value to set, 0="reset/remove", 1="set/add", 2="toggle/change/invert")
0x03 ubyte Count (item count, etc)
0x04 ubyte[2] Unused
0x06 uword Object index (depends on action's type, e.g. variable index)
0x08 ubyte[2] Unused

Action types

Value Type
0 Set global variable (game variable)
1 Change event bit
2 Change open door flag
3 Change open chest flag
4 Change character bit
5 Unused
6 Add/remove items
7 Unused
8 Add keyword
9 Unused
10 Set game option
11 Unused
12 Set direction
13 Add/remove ailment
14-17 Unused
18 Add/remove gold
19 Add/remove food
20 Unused

Note: The set game option can theoretically do things like turn on or off music or even activate the fast battle mode. In Ambermoon though it is only used once. There is a special option which is not visible nor changable in the game but which is set by an NPC event. It is a bit which indicates if you got the yellow sphere from the Moranian. It is then used to determine which version of the outro should be shown at the end.

Setting an event bit to 1 actually disables the event chain.

Setting a character bit to 1 removes that character from the map. Setting it to 0, adds/spawns it. So this event is used to spawn monsters and NPCs.

Dice 100 event (0x0F / 15)

Rolls a dice and triggers the following event by a chance. Optionally an event can be triggered in case the fortune wasn't on your side.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x0F)
0x01 ubyte Chance (0..100)
0x02 ubyte[6] Unused
0x08 uword Map event index if failed

Conversation event (0x10 / 16)

This is the start of every NPC or party member event chain. It is used as a trigger for interactions.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x10)
0x01 ubyte Interaction type
0x02 ubyte[4] Unknown
0x06 uword Value
0x08 ubyte[2] Unknown

The value's meaning depends on the interaction type.

For show or give item it is the item index. For keyword it is the dictionary index.

Interaction types

Value Type
0 Keyword
1 Show item
2 Give item
3 Give gold
4 Give food
5 Join party
6 Leave party
7 Talk (mouth cursor), initial text
8 Leave (exit conversation)

Note: When examining someone, always the first text of the NPC or party member is used (text index 0). This is not done through events. Characters which won't open a conversation window can't be examined.

Note: This event starts an event chain but will not perform any action. The real action (remove given item/gold/food etc) is done by an Interaction event later.

Talking to an NPC triggers the conversation event chain of interaction type Talk (7).

Print text event (0x11 / 17)

This is used to define the text to display in conversations. Therefore it must be part of an event chain which was started by a conversation event.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x11)
0x01 ubyte NPC message index
0x02 ubyte[8] Unused

Note: In conversations the global variable 0 is checked to be value 0 before executing a PrintText event that should be executed in any case. I guess PrintText events always need a preceding Condition event and the global variable 0 is always 0.

Create event (0x12 / 18)

Create items, gold or food. Items are stored in the item view of the conversation window, gold and food is directly added to the active party member.

The event chain proceeds immediately so the item has not to be taken to do so.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x12)
0x01 ubyte 0: Item, 1: Gold, 2 or above: Food
0x02 ubyte[4] Unused
0x06 uword Amount (for items only the byte at 0x07 is used)
0x08 uword Item index

Question popup event (0x13 / 19)

Text popup as question with buttons 'Yes' and 'No'. The next map event is only executed if answered with 'Yes'. But it is possible to specify a map event for the 'No' case.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x13)
0x01 ubyte Map text index
0x02 ubyte[6] Unused
0x08 uword Index (0-based) of map event to continue with when 'No' is chosen

Change music event (0x14 / 20)

Changes the currently played music. If the music index 0xff is given, the default music of the current map is used (= reset music to normal).

There is a byte that is always 0xff. I guessed that this might be the volume. But as it is always 0xff in Ambermoon this could be anything. This could only be tested if the original data is manipulated and then in Ambermoon the volume is checked.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x14)
0x01 ubyte Sound type (0 = music)
0x02 ubyte Music index (0x00 = stop, 0xff = default map music or last song, 1-32 are valid song indices)
0x03 ubyte Volume (always 0xff -> 100%, not used in original)
0x04 ubyte[6] Unused

Note: If the sound type is is not 0, all pending bus cycles are awaited which effectivly syncs the pipelines. In original code this results just in a NOP instruction on the Amiga. The rest of the data is just ignored then. Maybe this was reserved for some future functionality to support other sounds as well.

Note: The volume value is not used in original Ambermoon code and is not inside the specs. But I guess this was planned as a volume value as the value is always 0xff.

Exit event (0x15 / 21)

Used to exit a conversation immediately. It is used if a conversation should not be continued and the window should close after the first text is displayed (e.g. first talk to Father Anthony).

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x15)
0x01 ubyte[9] Unused

Spawn event (0x16 / 22)

Spawns a horse, raft, ship, sand lizard or sand ship.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x16)
0x01 ubyte X coordinate (1-based)
0x02 ubyte Y coordinate (1-based)
0x03 ubyte Travel type
0x04 ubyte[2] Unknown
0x06 uword Map index
0x08 ubyte[2] Unknown

Note: Only travel types 1 (horse), 2 (raft), 3 (ship), 9 (sand lizard) and 10 (sand ship) should be used as other travel types can't be spawned.

Interact event (0x17 / 23)

This event is only used in conversations. It performs the associated action to a chosen interaction type.

This means it will do the following things:

  • If player had chosen "Give Item" it will remove that item.
  • If player had chosen "Give Gold" it will remove that gold.
  • If player had chosen "Give Food" it will remove that food.
  • If player had chosen "Ask To Join" it will add the person to the party.
  • If player had chosen "Ask To Leave" it will remove the person from the party.
  • For all other interaction types (Keyword, Show Item, Talk, Leave) this has no effect at all.

The event has no data. It uses the chosen interaction type from the previous conversation event.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x17)
0x01 ubyte[9] Unused

Example usage

This event is necessary for quests where you need to bring more than 1 item. If the conversation event that is triggered by the "Give Item" button would immediately remove the item you have given, this would be fatal if you don't have the other required item. Therefore the associated action like removing the item is only performed with this extra event. This event can then be chained after some condition events so that it only removes the item if some conditions are met.

Remove party member event (0x18 / 24)

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x18)
0x01 ubyte Character index
0x02 ubyte Chest index for equipment
0x03 ubyte Chest index for inventory items
0x04 ubyte[6] Unused

This event is not used in the original but there is actually code for this event.

First the party members in slot 2 to 6 are checked for a match with the character index. The character index is basically the sub-file index of Party_char.amb. So you can specify something like remove Sabine from party by specifying the character index for Sabine. If the given character is not inside the party, nothing happens but the result is set to false so a following condition might branch depending on the outcome.

Before the character is removed from the party, all equipped items are stored in the first given chest and all inventory items are stored in the second given chest. Of course both chests can be the same if all items should be moved to the same chest. If the items don't fit, this won't abort the event. Note that the chest index is not optional. The Amiga program expects the chest file to be existent in the savegame. It will crash with an "File not found" error if the given chest data is missing.

Bug: There is a code bug in the original, where the amount of items is stored in register D1 instead of D7. This way the event wouldn't work as expected or might even crash the application dependent on the previous value in D7.

Ambermoon Advanced: I repaired the event code for the extension so in theory it can be used with this codebase. It is untested though and not really used by Ambermoon Advanced as well.

Delay event (0x19 / 25) (Ambermoon Advanced only)

Adds a delay where the game just waits and you can't do anything. This is mainly used for some kind of scripted sequences where you show some text and change something on the map, then wait so you can see the changes, and then something else happens and so on.

The delay is given in milliseconds.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x19)
0x01 ubyte[5] Unused
0x06 uword Milliseconds
0x08 uword Unused

Party member condition event (0x1A / 26) (Ambermoon Advanced only)

Party member condition events represent conditions that control if following events (in the list) are executed or not. Multiple conditions can be chained which equals a logical AND conjunction. In contrast to the normal condition event, this one checks for party member properties.

Offset Type Description
0x00 ubyte Event type (= 0x1A)
0x01 ubyte Condition type
0x02 ubyte Condition type value (this specifies things like which attribute or skill to check)
0x03 ubyte Target (see below)
0x04 uword Not allowed party member ailments
0x06 uword Value
0x08 uword Map event index to continue with if condition was not fulfilled or 0xffff to stop the event list in this case.

The specified value of the target party member is checked with the greater-or-equal operator against the given Value. For example if you check of the level and specify a Value of 20, the code will check if the target level is greater or equal than 20.

Condition types

Value Type
0 Level
1 Attribute
2 Skill
3 TP


Value Type
0 Active member
1 All members
2 Any member
3 Min value of party
4 Max value of party
5 Average value of party
6 Random member
7+ Party member with index Value minus 7 (so 7 is the hero, 8 is Netsrak, etc). Note that this is not the index of the character slot but the index of the party member in data (basically the subfile index).

When All members is given, all members in the party have to fulfill the condition and also must not be under any condition given in the not allowed condition value.

For min/max/average only those members are considered which are not under the disallowed conditions. If there is none, the result is false.

For random, also only members without disallowed conditions are considered and the result is also false if there is no member to choose.

For active member nad party member with index, the result is false if the target is under any disallowed condition.