By Scott Kinder ([email protected])
git clone
cd segmentation_generic
pip install virtualenv
# create venv
python3 -m virtualenv venv
# activate venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
# Allows you to see modules properly i.e. src.segmentation.etc
# Another way to think is: its like pip install <package>, but your package pip install segmentation_generic
# from segmentation_generic.src.segmentation
pip install -e .
Data should be in a folder, say /data/all/
Then, you need:
- /data/all/csvs, with train.csv, val.csv, test.csv. The csv's need columns: image, mask, which have the filename for the original image and binary segmentation mask
- /data/all/images, with images, any size any format should work. Match with the csv of course
- /data/all/labels, with binary labels, matching name on the label col of csv
# Run train
python src/segmentation/generic/run/ \
--model_arch medsam \
--train_yaml /path/to/repo/segmentation_generic/yamls/training/sweeps/medsam/miccai_experiments/my_example.yaml \
--system_yaml /path/to/repo/segmentation_generic/yamls/system/my_system.yaml \
--gpu_id 0