Use the following links to download the data .zip files, then unzip and save to a local directory. Create the folder 'C:\MEPS\data' on your hard drive if it is not there:
Input Files: H171 (2014 Full-year file)
Next, run the following code to convert the SAS transport file (.ssp) to a SAS dataset (.sas7bdat) and save to a local directory (first create the target folder 'C:\MEPS\SAS\data' if needed):
FILENAME in_h171 'C:\MEPS\data\h171.ssp';
proc xcopy in = in_h171 out = SASdata IMPORT;
Note: The target directory (e.g. 'C:\MEPS\SAS\data') must be different from the input directory (e.g. 'C:\MEPS\data'). If not, an error may occur.
This exercise illustrates how to construct insurance status variables from monthly insurance variables (see below) in the person level data.
Variable Name | Description |
TRImm14X | Covered by TRICARE/CHAMPVA in mm (Ed) |
MCRmm14 | Covered by Medicare in mm |
MCRmm14X | Covered by Medicare in mm (Ed) |
MCDmm14 | Covered by Medicaid or SCHIP in mm |
MCDmm14X | Covered by Medicaid or SCHIP in mm (Ed) |
OPAmm14 | Covered by Other Public A Ins in mm |
OPBmm14 | Covered by Other Public B Ins in mm |
PUBmm14X | Covered by Any Public Ins in mm (Ed) |
PEGmm14 | Covered by Empl Union Ins in mm |
PDKmm14 | Coverer by Priv Ins (Source Unknown) in mm |
PNGmm14 | Covered by Nongroup Ins in mm |
POGmm14 | Covered by Other Group Ins in mm |
PRSmm14 | Covered by Self-Emp Ins in mm |
POUmm14 | Covered by Holder Outside of RU in mm |
PRImm14 | Covered by Private Ins in mm |
where mm = JA-DE (January - December)
Input File: H171.SAS7BDAT (2014 FY PUF DATA)