contains a class which abstracts away the abstraction of the odrive interface.
Odrive 3762364A3137
, axis 0. This is the motor parallel to the top of the arm that swings it left to right
Odrive 208037743548
, axis 1. This is the motor motor running through the gear, responsible for moving the end of the arm up and down
Odrive 208037743548
, axis 0. This is the motor running the solid arm attachment in the middle, moves it end of the arm back, and forwards, and a bit up and down.
First of all, you need to install Anaconda (python version of NVM) so we can get the correct packages and version of python.
You need anaconda in path
Once it is installed, open up a new shell and cerate an ENV for odrive using:
conda create -n odrive python=3.8
Now enter the anaconda environment, this overrides your current shells environment variables with the correct python version:
conda activate odrive
Now install the odrive package
The latest is
, but there is a regression that freezes odrive when you connect more than one
pip install odrive==0.5.1
Now read the OS specific instructions to finish the setup
Check you have permission to use the USB ports if you haven't directly accessed a usb device before, in debian based OS's this means adding yourself to the dialout
One simple command for them debian users.
sudo adduser $USER dialout
You are done, make sure you are able to plug in the 2 USB cables and Power cords, start the CLI tool and make sure both ODrives connect.
Good Luck.
The first thing you need to do is to override the default drivers, this is based off this forum.
One device at a time, needed for both devices:
Use the Zadig utility to set ODrive driver to libusb-win32. Check ‘List All Devices’ from the options menu, and select ‘ODrive 3.x Native Interface (Interface 2)’. With that selected in the device list choose ‘libusb-win32’ from the target driver list and then press the large ‘install driver’ button.
Now, in theory, with a fair sprinklings of luck, it will work. Activate the Anaconda ODrive enviroment, and run:
You should see both odrive connect.