- jPlayerObj, // The jPlayer data instance. For performance and DRY code.
- mediaType = 'unknown',
- jpMedia = {},
- jpOptions = {},
- ready = false, // Used during init to override the annoying duration dependance in the track event padding during Popcorn's isReady(). ie., We is ready after loadeddata and duration can then be set real value at leisure.
- duration = 0, // For the durationchange event with both HTML5 and Flash solutions. Used with 'ready' to keep control during the Popcorn isReady() via loadeddata event. (Duration=0 is bad.)
- durationchangeId = null, // A timeout ID used with delayed durationchange event. (Because of the duration=NaN fudge to avoid Popcorn track event corruption.)
- canplaythrough = false,
- error = null, // The MediaError object.
- dispatchDurationChange = function() {
- if(ready) {
- if(DEBUG) console.log('Dispatched event : durationchange : ' + duration);
- media.dispatchEvent('durationchange');
- } else {
- if(DEBUG) console.log('DELAYED EVENT (!ready) : durationchange : ' + duration);
- clearTimeout(durationchangeId); // Stop multiple triggers causing multiple timeouts running in parallel.
- durationchangeId = setTimeout(dispatchDurationChange, 250);
- }
- },
- jPlayerFlashEventsPatch = function() {
- /* Events already supported by jPlayer Flash:
- * loadstart
- * loadedmetadata (M4A, M4V)
- * progress
- * play
- * pause
- * seeking
- * seeked
- * timeupdate
- * ended
- * volumechange
- * error <- See the custom handler in jPlayerInit()
- */
- /* Events patched:
- * loadeddata
- * durationchange
- * canplaythrough
- * playing
- */
- /* Events NOT patched:
- * suspend
- * abort
- * emptied
- * stalled
- * loadedmetadata (MP3)
- * waiting
- * canplay
- * ratechange
- */
- // Triggering patched events through the jPlayer Object so the events are homogeneous. ie., The contain the event.jPlayer data structure.
- var checkDuration = function(event) {
- if(event.jPlayer.status.duration !== duration) {
- duration = event.jPlayer.status.duration;
- dispatchDurationChange();
- }
- },
- checkCanPlayThrough = function(event) {
- if(!canplaythrough && event.jPlayer.status.seekPercent === 100) {
- canplaythrough = true;
- setTimeout(function() {
- if(DEBUG) console.log('Trigger : canplaythrough');
- jPlayerObj._trigger($.jPlayer.event.canplaythrough);
- }, 0);
- }
- };
- myPlayer.bind($.jPlayer.event.loadstart, function() {
- setTimeout(function() {
- if(DEBUG) console.log('Trigger : loadeddata');
- jPlayerObj._trigger($.jPlayer.event.loadeddata);
- }, 0);
- })
- .bind($.jPlayer.event.progress, function(event) {
- checkDuration(event);
- checkCanPlayThrough(event);
- })
- .bind($.jPlayer.event.timeupdate, function(event) {
- checkDuration(event);
- checkCanPlayThrough(event);
- })
- .bind($.jPlayer.event.play, function() {
- setTimeout(function() {
- if(DEBUG) console.log('Trigger : playing');
- jPlayerObj._trigger($.jPlayer.event.playing);
- }, 0);
- });
- if(DEBUG) console.log('Created CUSTOM event handlers for FLASH');
- },
- jPlayerInit = function() {
- (function($) {
- myPlayer = $('#' + media.id);
- if(typeof media.src === 'string') {
- mediaType = getMediaType(media.src);
- jpMedia[mediaType] = media.src;
- jpOptions.supplied = mediaType;
- jpOptions.solution = SOLUTION;
- } else if(isObject(media.src)) {
- jpMedia = isObject(media.src.media) ? media.src.media : {};
- jpOptions = isObject(media.src.options) ? media.src.options : {};
- jpOptions.solution = jpOptions.solution || SOLUTION;
- jpOptions.supplied = jpOptions.supplied || getSupplied(media.src.media);
- }
- // Allow the swfPath to be set to local server. ie., If the jPlayer Plugin is local and already on the page, then you can also use the local SWF.
- jpOptions.swfPath = jpOptions.swfPath || JPLAYER_SWFPATH;
- myPlayer.bind($.jPlayer.event.ready, function(event) {
- if(event.jPlayer.flash.used) {
- jPlayerFlashEventsPatch();
- }
- // Set the media andd load it, so that the Flash solution behaves similar to HTML5 solution.
- // This also allows the loadstart event to be used to know jPlayer is ready.
- $(this).jPlayer('setMedia', jpMedia).jPlayer('load');
- });
- // Do not auto-bubble the reserved events, nor the loadeddata and durationchange event, since the duration must be carefully handled when loadeddata event occurs.
- // See the duration property code for more details. (Ranting.)
- var reservedEvents = $.jPlayer.reservedEvent + ' loadeddata durationchange',
- reservedEvent = reservedEvents.split(/\s+/g);
- // Generate event handlers for all the standard HTML5 media events. (Except durationchange)
- var bindEvent = function(name) {
- myPlayer.bind($.jPlayer.event[name], function(event) {
- if(DEBUG) console.log('Dispatched event: ' + name + (event && event.jPlayer ? ' (' + event.jPlayer.status.currentTime + 's)' : '')); // Must be after dispatch for some reason on Firefox/Opera
- media.dispatchEvent(name);
- });
- if(DEBUG) console.log('Created event handler for: ' + name);
- };
- for(var eventName in $.jPlayer.event) {
- if($.jPlayer.event.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) {
- var nativeEvent = true;
- for(var iRes in reservedEvent) {
- if(reservedEvent.hasOwnProperty(iRes)) {
- if(reservedEvent[iRes] === eventName) {
- nativeEvent = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(nativeEvent) {
- bindEvent(eventName);
- } else {
- if(DEBUG) console.log('Skipped auto event handler creation for: ' + eventName);
- }
- }
- }
- myPlayer.bind($.jPlayer.event.loadeddata, function(event) {
- if(DEBUG) console.log('Dispatched event: loadeddata' + (event && event.jPlayer ? ' (' + event.jPlayer.status.currentTime + 's)' : ''));
- media.dispatchEvent('loadeddata');
- ready = true;
- });
- if(DEBUG) console.log('Created CUSTOM event handler for: loadeddata');
- myPlayer.bind($.jPlayer.event.durationchange, function(event) {
- duration = event.jPlayer.status.duration;
- dispatchDurationChange();
- });
- if(DEBUG) console.log('Created CUSTOM event handler for: durationchange');
- // The error event is a special case. Plus jPlayer error event assumes it is a broken URL. (It could also be a decoder error... Or aborted or a Network error.)
- myPlayer.bind($.jPlayer.event.error, function(event) {
- // Not sure how to handle the error situation. Popcorn does not appear to have the error or error.code property documented here: http://popcornjs.org/popcorn-docs/media-methods/
- // If any error event happens, then something has gone pear shaped.
- error = event.jPlayer.error; // Saving object pointer, not a copy of the object. Possible garbage collection issue... But the player is dead anyway, so don't care.
- if(error.type === $.jPlayer.error.URL) {
- error.code = 4; // MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED since jPlayer makes this assumption. It is the most common error, then the decode error. Never seen either of the other 2 error types occur.
- } else {
- error.code = 0; // It was a jPlayer error, not an HTML5 media error.
- }
- if(DEBUG) console.log('Dispatched event: error');
- if(DEBUG) console.dir(error);
- media.dispatchEvent('error');
- });
- if(DEBUG) console.log('Created CUSTOM event handler for: error');
- Popcorn.player.defineProperty( media, 'error', {
- set: function() {
- // Read-only property
- return error;
- },
- get: function() {
- return error;
- }
- });
- Popcorn.player.defineProperty( media, 'currentTime', {
- set: function( val ) {
- if(jPlayerObj.status.paused) {
- myPlayer.jPlayer('pause', val);
- } else {
- myPlayer.jPlayer('play', val);
- }
- return val;
- },
- get: function() {
- return jPlayerObj.status.currentTime;
- }
- });
- /* The joy of duration and the loadeddata event isReady() handler
- * The duration is assumed to be a NaN or a valid duration.
- * jPlayer uses zero instead of a NaN and this screws up the Popcorn track event start/end arrays padding.
- * This line here:
- * videoDurationPlus = duration != duration ? Number.MAX_VALUE : duration + 1;
- * Not sure why it is not simply:
- * videoDurationPlus = Number.MAX_VALUE; // Who cares if the padding is close to the real duration?
- * So if you trigger loadeddata before the duration is correct, the track event padding is screwed up. (It pads the start, not the end... Well, duration+1 = 0+1 = 1s)
- * That line makes the MP3 Flash fallback difficult to setup. The whole MP3 will need to load before the duration is known.
- * Planning on using a NaN for duration until a >0 value is found... Except with MP3, where seekPercent must be 100% before setting the duration.
- * Why not just use a NaN during init... And then correct the duration later?
- */
- Popcorn.player.defineProperty( media, 'duration', {
- set: function() {
- // Read-only property
- if(ready) {
- return duration;
- } else {
- return NaN;
- }
- },
- get: function() {
- if(ready) {
- return duration; // Popcorn has initialized, we can now use duration zero or whatever without fear.
- } else {
- return NaN; // Keep the duration a NaN until after loadeddata event has occurred. Otherwise Popcorn track event padding is corrupted.
- }
- }
- });
- Popcorn.player.defineProperty( media, 'muted', {
- set: function( val ) {
- myPlayer.jPlayer('mute', val);
- return jPlayerObj.options.muted;
- },
- get: function() {
- return jPlayerObj.options.muted;
- }
- });
- Popcorn.player.defineProperty( media, 'volume', {
- set: function( val ) {
- myPlayer.jPlayer('volume', val);
- return jPlayerObj.options.volume;
- },
- get: function() {
- return jPlayerObj.options.volume;
- }
- });
- Popcorn.player.defineProperty( media, 'paused', {
- set: function() {
- // Read-only property
- return jPlayerObj.status.paused;
- },
- get: function() {
- return jPlayerObj.status.paused;
- }
- });
- media.play = function() {
- myPlayer.jPlayer('play');
- };
- media.pause = function() {
- myPlayer.jPlayer('pause');
- };
- myPlayer.jPlayer(jpOptions); // Instance jPlayer. Note that the options should not have a ready event defined... Kill it by default?
- jPlayerObj = myPlayer.data('jPlayer');
- }(jQuery));
- },
- jPlayerCheck = function() {
- if (!jQuery.jPlayer) {
- if (!jPlayerDownloading) {
- jPlayerDownloading = true;
- Popcorn.getScript(JPLAYER_SCRIPT, function() {
- jPlayerDownloading = false;
- jPlayerInit();
- });
- } else {
- setTimeout(jPlayerCheck, 250);
- }
- } else {
- jPlayerInit();
- }
- },
- jQueryCheck = function() {
- if (!window.jQuery) {
- if (!jQueryDownloading) {
- jQueryDownloading = true;
- Popcorn.getScript(JQUERY_SCRIPT, function() {
- jQueryDownloading = false;
- jPlayerCheck();
- });
- } else {
- setTimeout(jQueryCheck, 250);
- }
- } else {
- jPlayerCheck();
- }
- };
- jQueryCheck();
- },
- _teardown: function() {
- jQuery('#' + this.id).jPlayer('destroy');
- }
- });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/LICENSE b/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..627fddef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Copyright 2012 Igor Vaynberg
+Version: @@ver@@ Timestamp: @@timestamp@@
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in
+compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
+distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/README.md b/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a6dcaf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. Look and feel of Select2 is based on the excellent [Chosen](http://harvesthq.github.com/chosen/) library.
+To get started -- checkout http://ivaynberg.github.com/select2!
+What Does Select2 Support That Chosen Does Not?
+* Working with large datasets: Chosen requires the entire dataset to be loaded as `option` tags in the DOM, which limits
+it to working with small-ish datasets. Select2 uses a function to find results on-the-fly, which allows it to partially
+load results.
+* Paging of results: Since Select2 works with large datasets and only loads a small amount of matching results at a time
+it has to support paging. Select2 will call the search function when the user scrolls to the bottom of currently loaded
+result set allowing for the 'infinite scrolling' of results.
+* Custom markup for results: Chosen only supports rendering text results because that is the only markup supported by
+`option` tags. Select2 provides an extension point which can be used to produce any kind of markup to represent results.
+* Ability to add results on the fly: Select2 provides the ability to add results from the search term entered by the user, which allows it to be used for
+Browser Compatibility
+* IE 8+ (7 mostly works except for [issue with z-index](https://github.com/ivaynberg/select2/issues/37))
+* Chrome 8+
+* Firefox 3.5+
+* Safari 3+
+* Opera 10.6+
+* [Wicket-Select2](https://github.com/ivaynberg/wicket-select2) (Java / Apache Wicket)
+* [select2-rails](https://github.com/argerim/select2-rails) (Ruby on Rails)
+* [AngularUI](http://angular-ui.github.com/#directives-select2) ([AngularJS](angularjs.org))
+* [Django](https://github.com/applegrew/django-select2)
+Bug tracker
+Have a bug? Please create an issue here on GitHub!
+Mailing list
+Have a question? Ask on our mailing list!
+Copyright and License
+Copyright 2012 Igor Vaynberg
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in
+compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
+distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/release.sh b/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/release.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ec395d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/release.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+set -e
+echo -n "Enter the version for this release: "
+read ver
+if [ ! $ver ]; then
+ echo "Invalid version."
+ exit
+curbranch=`git branch | grep "*" | sed "s/* //"`
+git branch "$branch"
+git checkout "$branch"
+echo "Tokenizing..."
+find . -name "$js" | xargs -I{} sed -e "$tokens" -i "" {}
+find . -name "$css" | xargs -I{} sed -e "$tokens" -i "" {}
+git add "$js"
+git add "$css"
+echo "Minifying..."
+echo "/*" > "$mini"
+cat LICENSE | sed "$tokens" >> "$mini"
+echo "*/" >> "$mini"
+curl -s \
+ -d compilation_level=SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS \
+ -d output_format=text \
+ -d output_info=compiled_code \
+ --data-urlencode "js_code@$js" \
+ http://closure-compiler.appspot.com/compile \
+ >> "$mini"
+git add "$mini"
+git commit -m "release $ver"
+echo "Tagging..."
+git tag -a "$tag" -m "tagged version $ver"
+git push "$remote" --tags
+echo "Cleaning Up..."
+git checkout "$curbranch"
+git branch -D "$branch"
+echo "Done"
diff --git a/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/select2.css b/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/select2.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5aa2808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/select2.css
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+Version: 3.2 Timestamp: Mon Sep 10 10:38:04 PDT 2012
+.select2-container {
+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ /* inline-block for ie7 */
+ zoom: 1;
+ *display: inline;
+ vertical-align: top;
+.select2-search input{
+ /*
+ Force border-box so that % widths fit the parent
+ container without overlap because of margin/padding.
+ More Info : http://www.quirksmode.org/css/box.html
+ */
+ -moz-box-sizing: border-box; /* firefox */
+ -ms-box-sizing: border-box; /* ie */
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; /* webkit */
+ -khtml-box-sizing: border-box; /* konqueror */
+ box-sizing: border-box; /* css3 */
+.select2-container .select2-choice {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, #eeeeee), color-stop(0.5, white));
+ background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(center bottom, #eeeeee 0%, white 50%);
+ background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center bottom, #eeeeee 0%, white 50%);
+ background-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, #eeeeee 0%, #ffffff 50%);
+ background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee 0%, #ffffff 50%);
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr = '#eeeeee', endColorstr = '#ffffff', GradientType = 0);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee 0%, #ffffff 50%);
+ -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
+ -moz-border-radius: 4px;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ -moz-background-clip: padding;
+ -webkit-background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ border: 1px solid #aaa;
+ display: block;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ position: relative;
+ height: 26px;
+ line-height: 26px;
+ padding: 0 0 0 8px;
+ color: #444;
+ text-decoration: none;
+.select2-container.select2-drop-above .select2-choice
+ border-bottom-color: #aaa;
+ -webkit-border-radius:0px 0px 4px 4px;
+ -moz-border-radius:0px 0px 4px 4px;
+ border-radius:0px 0px 4px 4px;
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, #eeeeee), color-stop(0.9, white));
+ background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(center bottom, #eeeeee 0%, white 90%);
+ background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center bottom, #eeeeee 0%, white 90%);
+ background-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, #eeeeee 0%, white 90%);
+ background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee 0%,#ffffff 90%);
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#eeeeee', endColorstr='#ffffff',GradientType=0 );
+ background-image: linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee 0%,#ffffff 90%);
+.select2-container .select2-choice span {
+ margin-right: 26px;
+ display: block;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ -o-text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ -ms-text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+.select2-container .select2-choice abbr {
+ display: block;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 26px;
+ top: 8px;
+ width: 12px;
+ height: 12px;
+ font-size: 1px;
+ background: url('select2.png') right top no-repeat;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ border:0;
+ outline: 0;
+.select2-container .select2-choice abbr:hover {
+ background-position: right -11px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+.select2-drop {
+ background: #fff;
+ color: #000;
+ border: 1px solid #aaa;
+ border-top: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 100%;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 4px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);
+ -moz-box-shadow: 0 4px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);
+ -o-box-shadow: 0 4px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);
+ box-shadow: 0 4px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);
+ z-index: 9999;
+ width:100%;
+ margin-top:-1px;
+ -webkit-border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
+ -moz-border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
+ border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
+.select2-drop.select2-drop-above {
+ -webkit-border-radius: 4px 4px 0px 0px;
+ -moz-border-radius: 4px 4px 0px 0px;
+ border-radius: 4px 4px 0px 0px;
+ margin-top:1px;
+ border-top: 1px solid #aaa;
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 -4px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);
+ -moz-box-shadow: 0 -4px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);
+ -o-box-shadow: 0 -4px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);
+ box-shadow: 0 -4px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);
+.select2-container .select2-choice div {
+ -webkit-border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;
+ -moz-border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;
+ border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;
+ -moz-background-clip: padding;
+ -webkit-background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ background: #ccc;
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, #ccc), color-stop(0.6, #eee));
+ background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(center bottom, #ccc 0%, #eee 60%);
+ background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center bottom, #ccc 0%, #eee 60%);
+ background-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, #ccc 0%, #eee 60%);
+ background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #cccccc 0%, #eeeeee 60%);
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr = '#cccccc', endColorstr = '#eeeeee', GradientType = 0);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(top, #cccccc 0%, #eeeeee 60%);
+ border-left: 1px solid #aaa;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ display: block;
+ height: 100%;
+ width: 18px;
+.select2-container .select2-choice div b {
+ background: url('select2.png') no-repeat 0 1px;
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+.select2-search {
+ display: inline-block;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ z-index: 10000;
+ min-height: 26px;
+ width: 100%;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding-left: 4px;
+ padding-right: 4px;
+.select2-search-hidden {
+ display: block;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: -10000px;
+.select2-search input {
+ background: #fff url('select2.png') no-repeat 100% -22px;
+ background: url('select2.png') no-repeat 100% -22px, -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0.85, white), color-stop(0.99, #eeeeee));
+ background: url('select2.png') no-repeat 100% -22px, -webkit-linear-gradient(center bottom, white 85%, #eeeeee 99%);
+ background: url('select2.png') no-repeat 100% -22px, -moz-linear-gradient(center bottom, white 85%, #eeeeee 99%);
+ background: url('select2.png') no-repeat 100% -22px, -o-linear-gradient(bottom, white 85%, #eeeeee 99%);
+ background: url('select2.png') no-repeat 100% -22px, -ms-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 85%, #eeeeee 99%);
+ background: url('select2.png') no-repeat 100% -22px, linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 85%, #eeeeee 99%);
+ padding: 4px 20px 4px 5px;
+ outline: 0;
+ border: 1px solid #aaa;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ font-size: 1em;
+ width:100%;
+ margin:0;
+ height:auto !important;
+ min-height: 26px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ -moz-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ -moz-border-radius: 0;
+ -webkit-border-radius: 0;
+.select2-drop.select2-drop-above .select2-search input
+ margin-top:4px;
+.select2-search input.select2-active {
+ background: #fff url('spinner.gif') no-repeat 100%;
+ background: url('spinner.gif') no-repeat 100%, -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0.85, white), color-stop(0.99, #eeeeee));
+ background: url('spinner.gif') no-repeat 100%, -webkit-linear-gradient(center bottom, white 85%, #eeeeee 99%);
+ background: url('spinner.gif') no-repeat 100%, -moz-linear-gradient(center bottom, white 85%, #eeeeee 99%);
+ background: url('spinner.gif') no-repeat 100%, -o-linear-gradient(bottom, white 85%, #eeeeee 99%);
+ background: url('spinner.gif') no-repeat 100%, -ms-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 85%, #eeeeee 99%);
+ background: url('spinner.gif') no-repeat 100%, linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 85%, #eeeeee 99%);
+.select2-container-active .select2-choice,
+.select2-container-active .select2-choices {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,.3);
+ -moz-box-shadow : 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,.3);
+ -o-box-shadow : 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,.3);
+ box-shadow : 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,.3);
+ border: 1px solid #5897fb;
+ outline: none;
+.select2-dropdown-open .select2-choice {
+ border: 1px solid #aaa;
+ border-bottom-color: transparent;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff inset;
+ -moz-box-shadow : 0 1px 0 #fff inset;
+ -o-box-shadow : 0 1px 0 #fff inset;
+ box-shadow : 0 1px 0 #fff inset;
+ background-color: #eee;
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, white), color-stop(0.5, #eeeeee));
+ background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(center bottom, white 0%, #eeeeee 50%);
+ background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center bottom, white 0%, #eeeeee 50%);
+ background-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, white 0%, #eeeeee 50%);
+ background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%,#eeeeee 50%);
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#ffffff', endColorstr='#eeeeee',GradientType=0 );
+ background-image: linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%,#eeeeee 50%);
+ -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius : 0;
+ -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+ -moz-border-radius-bottomleft : 0;
+ -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius : 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+.select2-dropdown-open .select2-choice div {
+ background: transparent;
+ border-left: none;
+.select2-dropdown-open .select2-choice div b {
+ background-position: -18px 1px;
+/* results */
+.select2-results {
+ margin: 4px 4px 4px 0;
+ padding: 0 0 0 4px;
+ position: relative;
+ overflow-x: hidden;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ max-height: 200px;
+.select2-results ul.select2-result-sub {
+ margin: 0 0 0 0;
+.select2-results ul.select2-result-sub > li .select2-result-label { padding-left: 20px }
+.select2-results ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub > li .select2-result-label { padding-left: 40px }
+.select2-results ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub > li .select2-result-label { padding-left: 60px }
+.select2-results ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub > li .select2-result-label { padding-left: 80px }
+.select2-results ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub > li .select2-result-label { padding-left: 100px }
+.select2-results ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub > li .select2-result-label { padding-left: 110px }
+.select2-results ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub ul.select2-result-sub > li .select2-result-label { padding-left: 120px }
+.select2-results li {
+ list-style: none;
+ display: list-item;
+.select2-results li.select2-result-with-children > .select2-result-label {
+ font-weight: bold;
+.select2-results .select2-result-label {
+ padding: 3px 7px 4px;
+ margin: 0;
+ cursor: pointer;
+.select2-results .select2-highlighted {
+ background: #3875d7;
+ color: #fff;
+.select2-results li em {
+ background: #feffde;
+ font-style: normal;
+.select2-results .select2-highlighted em {
+ background: transparent;
+.select2-results .select2-no-results,
+.select2-results .select2-searching,
+.select2-results .select2-selection-limit {
+ background: #f4f4f4;
+ display: list-item;
+disabled look for already selected choices in the results dropdown
+.select2-results .select2-disabled.select2-highlighted {
+ color: #666;
+ background: #f4f4f4;
+ display: list-item;
+ cursor: default;
+.select2-results .select2-disabled {
+ background: #f4f4f4;
+ display: list-item;
+ cursor: default;
+.select2-results .select2-disabled {
+ display: none;
+.select2-more-results.select2-active {
+ background: #f4f4f4 url('spinner.gif') no-repeat 100%;
+.select2-more-results {
+ background: #f4f4f4;
+ display: list-item;
+/* disabled styles */
+.select2-container.select2-container-disabled .select2-choice {
+ background-color: #f4f4f4;
+ background-image: none;
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ cursor: default;
+.select2-container.select2-container-disabled .select2-choice div {
+ background-color: #f4f4f4;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-left: 0;
+/* multiselect */
+.select2-container-multi .select2-choices {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, color-stop(1%, #eeeeee), color-stop(15%, #ffffff));
+ background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee 1%, #ffffff 15%);
+ background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee 1%, #ffffff 15%);
+ background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee 1%, #ffffff 15%);
+ background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee 1%, #ffffff 15%);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(top, #eeeeee 1%, #ffffff 15%);
+ border: 1px solid #aaa;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ cursor: text;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ height: auto !important;
+ height: 1%;
+ position: relative;
+.select2-container-multi .select2-choices {
+ min-height: 26px;
+.select2-container-multi.select2-container-active .select2-choices {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,.3);
+ -moz-box-shadow : 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,.3);
+ -o-box-shadow : 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,.3);
+ box-shadow : 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,.3);
+ border: 1px solid #5897fb;
+ outline: none;
+.select2-container-multi .select2-choices li {
+ float: left;
+ list-style: none;
+.select2-container-multi .select2-choices .select2-search-field {
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+.select2-container-multi .select2-choices .select2-search-field input {
+ color: #666;
+ background: transparent !important;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ font-size: 100%;
+ height: 15px;
+ padding: 5px;
+ margin: 1px 0;
+ outline: 0;
+ border: 0;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ -moz-box-shadow : none;
+ -o-box-shadow : none;
+ box-shadow : none;
+.select2-container-multi .select2-choices .select2-search-field input.select2-active {
+ background: #fff url('spinner.gif') no-repeat 100% !important;
+.select2-default {
+ color: #999 !important;
+.select2-container-multi .select2-choices .select2-search-choice {
+ -webkit-border-radius: 3px;
+ -moz-border-radius : 3px;
+ border-radius : 3px;
+ -moz-background-clip : padding;
+ -webkit-background-clip: padding-box;
+ background-clip : padding-box;
+ background-color: #e4e4e4;
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#f4f4f4', endColorstr='#eeeeee', GradientType=0 );
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, color-stop(20%, #f4f4f4), color-stop(50%, #f0f0f0), color-stop(52%, #e8e8e8), color-stop(100%, #eeeeee));
+ background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #f4f4f4 20%, #f0f0f0 50%, #e8e8e8 52%, #eeeeee 100%);
+ background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #f4f4f4 20%, #f0f0f0 50%, #e8e8e8 52%, #eeeeee 100%);
+ background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #f4f4f4 20%, #f0f0f0 50%, #e8e8e8 52%, #eeeeee 100%);
+ background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #f4f4f4 20%, #f0f0f0 50%, #e8e8e8 52%, #eeeeee 100%);
+ background-image: linear-gradient(top, #f4f4f4 20%, #f0f0f0 50%, #e8e8e8 52%, #eeeeee 100%);
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 2px #ffffff inset, 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.05);
+ -moz-box-shadow : 0 0 2px #ffffff inset, 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.05);
+ box-shadow : 0 0 2px #ffffff inset, 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.05);
+ color: #333;
+ border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;
+ line-height: 13px;
+ padding: 3px 5px 3px 18px;
+ margin: 3px 0 3px 5px;
+ position: relative;
+ cursor: default;
+.select2-container-multi .select2-choices .select2-search-choice span {
+ cursor: default;
+.select2-container-multi .select2-choices .select2-search-choice-focus {
+ background: #d4d4d4;
+.select2-search-choice-close {
+ display: block;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 3px;
+ top: 4px;
+ width: 12px;
+ height: 13px;
+ font-size: 1px;
+ background: url('select2.png') right top no-repeat;
+ outline: none;
+.select2-container-multi .select2-search-choice-close {
+ left: 3px;
+.select2-container-multi .select2-choices .select2-search-choice .select2-search-choice-close:hover {
+ background-position: right -11px;
+.select2-container-multi .select2-choices .select2-search-choice-focus .select2-search-choice-close {
+ background-position: right -11px;
+/* disabled styles */
+.select2-container-multi.select2-container-disabled .select2-choices{
+ background-color: #f4f4f4;
+ background-image: none;
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ cursor: default;
+.select2-container-multi.select2-container-disabled .select2-choices .select2-search-choice {
+ background-image: none;
+ background-color: #f4f4f4;
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ padding: 3px 5px 3px 5px;
+.select2-container-multi.select2-container-disabled .select2-choices .select2-search-choice .select2-search-choice-close {
+ display: none;
+/* end multiselect */
+.select2-result-selectable .select2-match,
+.select2-result-unselectable .select2-result-selectable .select2-match { text-decoration: underline; }
+.select2-result-unselectable .select2-match { text-decoration: none; }
+.select2-offscreen { position: absolute; left: -10000px; }
+/* Retina-ize icons */
+@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
+ .select2-search input, .select2-search-choice-close, .select2-container .select2-choice abbr, .select2-container .select2-choice div b {
+ background-image: url(select2x2.png) !important;
+ background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
+ background-size: 60px 40px !important;
+ }
+ .select2-search input {
+ background-position: 100% -21px !important;
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/select2.js b/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/select2.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..213f4cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/select2.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2407 @@
+ Copyright 2012 Igor Vaynberg
+ Version: 3.2 Timestamp: Mon Sep 10 10:38:04 PDT 2012
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in
+ compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
+ distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+ (function ($) {
+ if(typeof $.fn.each2 == "undefined"){
+ $.fn.extend({
+ /*
+ * 4-10 times faster .each replacement
+ * use it carefully, as it overrides jQuery context of element on each iteration
+ */
+ each2 : function (c) {
+ var j = $([0]), i = -1, l = this.length;
+ while (
+ ++i < l
+ && (j.context = j[0] = this[i])
+ && c.call(j[0], i, j) !== false //"this"=DOM, i=index, j=jQuery object
+ );
+ return this;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+(function ($, undefined) {
+ "use strict";
+ /*global document, window, jQuery, console */
+ if (window.Select2 !== undefined) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var KEY, AbstractSelect2, SingleSelect2, MultiSelect2, nextUid, sizer;
+ KEY = {
+ TAB: 9,
+ ENTER: 13,
+ ESC: 27,
+ SPACE: 32,
+ LEFT: 37,
+ UP: 38,
+ RIGHT: 39,
+ DOWN: 40,
+ SHIFT: 16,
+ CTRL: 17,
+ ALT: 18,
+ PAGE_UP: 33,
+ PAGE_DOWN: 34,
+ HOME: 36,
+ END: 35,
+ DELETE: 46,
+ isArrow: function (k) {
+ k = k.which ? k.which : k;
+ switch (k) {
+ case KEY.LEFT:
+ case KEY.RIGHT:
+ case KEY.UP:
+ case KEY.DOWN:
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ isControl: function (e) {
+ var k = e.which;
+ switch (k) {
+ case KEY.SHIFT:
+ case KEY.CTRL:
+ case KEY.ALT:
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (e.metaKey) return true;
+ return false;
+ },
+ isFunctionKey: function (k) {
+ k = k.which ? k.which : k;
+ return k >= 112 && k <= 123;
+ }
+ };
+ nextUid=(function() { var counter=1; return function() { return counter++; }; }());
+ function indexOf(value, array) {
+ var i = 0, l = array.length, v;
+ if (typeof value === "undefined") {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (value.constructor === String) {
+ for (; i < l; i = i + 1) if (value.localeCompare(array[i]) === 0) return i;
+ } else {
+ for (; i < l; i = i + 1) {
+ v = array[i];
+ if (v.constructor === String) {
+ if (v.localeCompare(value) === 0) return i;
+ } else {
+ if (v === value) return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compares equality of a and b taking into account that a and b may be strings, in which case localeCompare is used
+ * @param a
+ * @param b
+ */
+ function equal(a, b) {
+ if (a === b) return true;
+ if (a === undefined || b === undefined) return false;
+ if (a === null || b === null) return false;
+ if (a.constructor === String) return a.localeCompare(b) === 0;
+ if (b.constructor === String) return b.localeCompare(a) === 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Splits the string into an array of values, trimming each value. An empty array is returned for nulls or empty
+ * strings
+ * @param string
+ * @param separator
+ */
+ function splitVal(string, separator) {
+ var val, i, l;
+ if (string === null || string.length < 1) return [];
+ val = string.split(separator);
+ for (i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i = i + 1) val[i] = $.trim(val[i]);
+ return val;
+ }
+ function getSideBorderPadding(element) {
+ return element.outerWidth() - element.width();
+ }
+ function installKeyUpChangeEvent(element) {
+ var key="keyup-change-value";
+ element.bind("keydown", function () {
+ if ($.data(element, key) === undefined) {
+ $.data(element, key, element.val());
+ }
+ });
+ element.bind("keyup", function () {
+ var val= $.data(element, key);
+ if (val !== undefined && element.val() !== val) {
+ $.removeData(element, key);
+ element.trigger("keyup-change");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $(document).delegate("body", "mousemove", function (e) {
+ $.data(document, "select2-lastpos", {x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY});
+ });
+ /**
+ * filters mouse events so an event is fired only if the mouse moved.
+ *
+ * filters out mouse events that occur when mouse is stationary but
+ * the elements under the pointer are scrolled.
+ */
+ function installFilteredMouseMove(element) {
+ element.bind("mousemove", function (e) {
+ var lastpos = $.data(document, "select2-lastpos");
+ if (lastpos === undefined || lastpos.x !== e.pageX || lastpos.y !== e.pageY) {
+ $(e.target).trigger("mousemove-filtered", e);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Debounces a function. Returns a function that calls the original fn function only if no invocations have been made
+ * within the last quietMillis milliseconds.
+ *
+ * @param quietMillis number of milliseconds to wait before invoking fn
+ * @param fn function to be debounced
+ * @param ctx object to be used as this reference within fn
+ * @return debounced version of fn
+ */
+ function debounce(quietMillis, fn, ctx) {
+ ctx = ctx || undefined;
+ var timeout;
+ return function () {
+ var args = arguments;
+ window.clearTimeout(timeout);
+ timeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
+ fn.apply(ctx, args);
+ }, quietMillis);
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * A simple implementation of a thunk
+ * @param formula function used to lazily initialize the thunk
+ * @return {Function}
+ */
+ function thunk(formula) {
+ var evaluated = false,
+ value;
+ return function() {
+ if (evaluated === false) { value = formula(); evaluated = true; }
+ return value;
+ };
+ };
+ function installDebouncedScroll(threshold, element) {
+ var notify = debounce(threshold, function (e) { element.trigger("scroll-debounced", e);});
+ element.bind("scroll", function (e) {
+ if (indexOf(e.target, element.get()) >= 0) notify(e);
+ });
+ }
+ function killEvent(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ function measureTextWidth(e) {
+ if (!sizer){
+ var style = e[0].currentStyle || window.getComputedStyle(e[0], null);
+ sizer = $("
+ position: "absolute",
+ left: "-10000px",
+ top: "-10000px",
+ display: "none",
+ fontSize: style.fontSize,
+ fontFamily: style.fontFamily,
+ fontStyle: style.fontStyle,
+ fontWeight: style.fontWeight,
+ letterSpacing: style.letterSpacing,
+ textTransform: style.textTransform,
+ whiteSpace: "nowrap"
+ });
+ $("body").append(sizer);
+ }
+ sizer.text(e.val());
+ return sizer.width();
+ }
+ function markMatch(text, term, markup) {
+ var match=text.toUpperCase().indexOf(term.toUpperCase()),
+ tl=term.length;
+ if (match<0) {
+ markup.push(text);
+ return;
+ }
+ markup.push(text.substring(0, match));
+ markup.push("
+ markup.push(text.substring(match, match + tl));
+ markup.push(" ");
+ markup.push(text.substring(match + tl, text.length));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Produces an ajax-based query function
+ *
+ * @param options object containing configuration paramters
+ * @param options.transport function that will be used to execute the ajax request. must be compatible with parameters supported by $.ajax
+ * @param options.url url for the data
+ * @param options.data a function(searchTerm, pageNumber, context) that should return an object containing query string parameters for the above url.
+ * @param options.dataType request data type: ajax, jsonp, other datatatypes supported by jQuery's $.ajax function or the transport function if specified
+ * @param options.traditional a boolean flag that should be true if you wish to use the traditional style of param serialization for the ajax request
+ * @param options.quietMillis (optional) milliseconds to wait before making the ajaxRequest, helps debounce the ajax function if invoked too often
+ * @param options.results a function(remoteData, pageNumber) that converts data returned form the remote request to the format expected by Select2.
+ * The expected format is an object containing the following keys:
+ * results array of objects that will be used as choices
+ * more (optional) boolean indicating whether there are more results available
+ * Example: {results:[{id:1, text:'Red'},{id:2, text:'Blue'}], more:true}
+ */
+ function ajax(options) {
+ var timeout, // current scheduled but not yet executed request
+ requestSequence = 0, // sequence used to drop out-of-order responses
+ handler = null,
+ quietMillis = options.quietMillis || 100;
+ return function (query) {
+ window.clearTimeout(timeout);
+ timeout = window.setTimeout(function () {
+ requestSequence += 1; // increment the sequence
+ var requestNumber = requestSequence, // this request's sequence number
+ data = options.data, // ajax data function
+ transport = options.transport || $.ajax,
+ traditional = options.traditional || false,
+ type = options.type || 'GET'; // set type of request (GET or POST)
+ data = data.call(this, query.term, query.page, query.context);
+ if( null !== handler) { handler.abort(); }
+ handler = transport.call(null, {
+ url: options.url,
+ dataType: options.dataType,
+ data: data,
+ type: type,
+ traditional: traditional,
+ success: function (data) {
+ if (requestNumber < requestSequence) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // TODO 3.0 - replace query.page with query so users have access to term, page, etc.
+ var results = options.results(data, query.page);
+ query.callback(results);
+ }
+ });
+ }, quietMillis);
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Produces a query function that works with a local array
+ *
+ * @param options object containing configuration parameters. The options parameter can either be an array or an
+ * object.
+ *
+ * If the array form is used it is assumed that it contains objects with 'id' and 'text' keys.
+ *
+ * If the object form is used ti is assumed that it contains 'data' and 'text' keys. The 'data' key should contain
+ * an array of objects that will be used as choices. These objects must contain at least an 'id' key. The 'text'
+ * key can either be a String in which case it is expected that each element in the 'data' array has a key with the
+ * value of 'text' which will be used to match choices. Alternatively, text can be a function(item) that can extract
+ * the text.
+ */
+ function local(options) {
+ var data = options, // data elements
+ dataText,
+ text = function (item) { return ""+item.text; }; // function used to retrieve the text portion of a data item that is matched against the search
+ if (!$.isArray(data)) {
+ text = data.text;
+ // if text is not a function we assume it to be a key name
+ if (!$.isFunction(text)) {
+ dataText = data.text; // we need to store this in a separate variable because in the next step data gets reset and data.text is no longer available
+ text = function (item) { return item[dataText]; };
+ }
+ data = data.results;
+ }
+ return function (query) {
+ var t = query.term, filtered = { results: [] }, process;
+ if (t === "") {
+ query.callback({results: data});
+ return;
+ }
+ process = function(datum, collection) {
+ var group, attr;
+ datum = datum[0];
+ if (datum.children) {
+ group = {};
+ for (attr in datum) {
+ if (datum.hasOwnProperty(attr)) group[attr]=datum[attr];
+ }
+ group.children=[];
+ $(datum.children).each2(function(i, childDatum) { process(childDatum, group.children); });
+ if (group.children.length) {
+ collection.push(group);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (query.matcher(t, text(datum))) {
+ collection.push(datum);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ $(data).each2(function(i, datum) { process(datum, filtered.results); });
+ query.callback(filtered);
+ };
+ }
+ // TODO javadoc
+ function tags(data) {
+ // TODO even for a function we should probably return a wrapper that does the same object/string check as
+ // the function for arrays. otherwise only functions that return objects are supported.
+ if ($.isFunction(data)) {
+ return data;
+ }
+ // if not a function we assume it to be an array
+ return function (query) {
+ var t = query.term, filtered = {results: []};
+ $(data).each(function () {
+ var isObject = this.text !== undefined,
+ text = isObject ? this.text : this;
+ if (t === "" || query.matcher(t, text)) {
+ filtered.results.push(isObject ? this : {id: this, text: this});
+ }
+ });
+ query.callback(filtered);
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if the formatter function should be used.
+ *
+ * Throws an error if it is not a function. Returns true if it should be used,
+ * false if no formatting should be performed.
+ *
+ * @param formatter
+ */
+ function checkFormatter(formatter, formatterName) {
+ if ($.isFunction(formatter)) return true;
+ if (!formatter) return false;
+ throw new Error("formatterName must be a function or a falsy value");
+ }
+ function evaluate(val) {
+ return $.isFunction(val) ? val() : val;
+ }
+ function countResults(results) {
+ var count = 0;
+ $.each(results, function(i, item) {
+ if (item.children) {
+ count += countResults(item.children);
+ } else {
+ count++;
+ }
+ });
+ return count;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Default tokenizer. This function uses breaks the input on substring match of any string from the
+ * opts.tokenSeparators array and uses opts.createSearchChoice to create the choice object. Both of those
+ * two options have to be defined in order for the tokenizer to work.
+ *
+ * @param input text user has typed so far or pasted into the search field
+ * @param selection currently selected choices
+ * @param selectCallback function(choice) callback tho add the choice to selection
+ * @param opts select2's opts
+ * @return undefined/null to leave the current input unchanged, or a string to change the input to the returned value
+ */
+ function defaultTokenizer(input, selection, selectCallback, opts) {
+ var original = input, // store the original so we can compare and know if we need to tell the search to update its text
+ dupe = false, // check for whether a token we extracted represents a duplicate selected choice
+ token, // token
+ index, // position at which the separator was found
+ i, l, // looping variables
+ separator; // the matched separator
+ if (!opts.createSearchChoice || !opts.tokenSeparators || opts.tokenSeparators.length < 1) return undefined;
+ while (true) {
+ index = -1;
+ for (i = 0, l = opts.tokenSeparators.length; i < l; i++) {
+ separator = opts.tokenSeparators[i];
+ index = input.indexOf(separator);
+ if (index >= 0) break;
+ }
+ if (index < 0) break; // did not find any token separator in the input string, bail
+ token = input.substring(0, index);
+ input = input.substring(index + separator.length);
+ if (token.length > 0) {
+ token = opts.createSearchChoice(token, selection);
+ if (token !== undefined && token !== null && opts.id(token) !== undefined && opts.id(token) !== null) {
+ dupe = false;
+ for (i = 0, l = selection.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (equal(opts.id(token), opts.id(selection[i]))) {
+ dupe = true; break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!dupe) selectCallback(token);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (original.localeCompare(input) != 0) return input;
+ }
+ /**
+ * blurs any Select2 container that has focus when an element outside them was clicked or received focus
+ *
+ * also takes care of clicks on label tags that point to the source element
+ */
+ $(document).ready(function () {
+ $(document).delegate("body", "mousedown touchend", function (e) {
+ var target = $(e.target).closest("div.select2-container").get(0), attr;
+ if (target) {
+ $(document).find("div.select2-container-active").each(function () {
+ if (this !== target) $(this).data("select2").blur();
+ });
+ } else {
+ target = $(e.target).closest("div.select2-drop").get(0);
+ $(document).find("div.select2-drop-active").each(function () {
+ if (this !== target) $(this).data("select2").blur();
+ });
+ }
+ target=$(e.target);
+ attr = target.attr("for");
+ if ("LABEL" === e.target.tagName && attr && attr.length > 0) {
+ target = $("#"+attr);
+ target = target.data("select2");
+ if (target !== undefined) { target.focus(); e.preventDefault();}
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ /**
+ * Creates a new class
+ *
+ * @param superClass
+ * @param methods
+ */
+ function clazz(SuperClass, methods) {
+ var constructor = function () {};
+ constructor.prototype = new SuperClass;
+ constructor.prototype.constructor = constructor;
+ constructor.prototype.parent = SuperClass.prototype;
+ constructor.prototype = $.extend(constructor.prototype, methods);
+ return constructor;
+ }
+ AbstractSelect2 = clazz(Object, {
+ // abstract
+ bind: function (func) {
+ var self = this;
+ return function () {
+ func.apply(self, arguments);
+ };
+ },
+ // abstract
+ init: function (opts) {
+ var results, search, resultsSelector = ".select2-results";
+ // prepare options
+ this.opts = opts = this.prepareOpts(opts);
+ this.id=opts.id;
+ // destroy if called on an existing component
+ if (opts.element.data("select2") !== undefined &&
+ opts.element.data("select2") !== null) {
+ this.destroy();
+ }
+ this.enabled=true;
+ this.container = this.createContainer();
+ this.containerId="s2id_"+(opts.element.attr("id") || "autogen"+nextUid());
+ this.containerSelector="#"+this.containerId.replace(/([;&,\.\+\*\~':"\!\^#$%@\[\]\(\)=>\|])/g, '\\$1');
+ this.container.attr("id", this.containerId);
+ // cache the body so future lookups are cheap
+ this.body = thunk(function() { return opts.element.closest("body"); });
+ if (opts.element.attr("class") !== undefined) {
+ this.container.addClass(opts.element.attr("class").replace(/validate\[[\S ]+] ?/, ''));
+ }
+ this.container.css(evaluate(opts.containerCss));
+ this.container.addClass(evaluate(opts.containerCssClass));
+ // swap container for the element
+ this.opts.element
+ .data("select2", this)
+ .hide()
+ .before(this.container);
+ this.container.data("select2", this);
+ this.dropdown = this.container.find(".select2-drop");
+ this.dropdown.addClass(evaluate(opts.dropdownCssClass));
+ this.dropdown.data("select2", this);
+ this.results = results = this.container.find(resultsSelector);
+ this.search = search = this.container.find("input.select2-input");
+ search.attr("tabIndex", this.opts.element.attr("tabIndex"));
+ this.resultsPage = 0;
+ this.context = null;
+ // initialize the container
+ this.initContainer();
+ this.initContainerWidth();
+ installFilteredMouseMove(this.results);
+ this.dropdown.delegate(resultsSelector, "mousemove-filtered", this.bind(this.highlightUnderEvent));
+ installDebouncedScroll(80, this.results);
+ this.dropdown.delegate(resultsSelector, "scroll-debounced", this.bind(this.loadMoreIfNeeded));
+ // if jquery.mousewheel plugin is installed we can prevent out-of-bounds scrolling of results via mousewheel
+ if ($.fn.mousewheel) {
+ results.mousewheel(function (e, delta, deltaX, deltaY) {
+ var top = results.scrollTop(), height;
+ if (deltaY > 0 && top - deltaY <= 0) {
+ results.scrollTop(0);
+ killEvent(e);
+ } else if (deltaY < 0 && results.get(0).scrollHeight - results.scrollTop() + deltaY <= results.height()) {
+ results.scrollTop(results.get(0).scrollHeight - results.height());
+ killEvent(e);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ installKeyUpChangeEvent(search);
+ search.bind("keyup-change", this.bind(this.updateResults));
+ search.bind("focus", function () { search.addClass("select2-focused"); if (search.val() === " ") search.val(""); });
+ search.bind("blur", function () { search.removeClass("select2-focused");});
+ this.dropdown.delegate(resultsSelector, "mouseup", this.bind(function (e) {
+ if ($(e.target).closest(".select2-result-selectable:not(.select2-disabled)").length > 0) {
+ this.highlightUnderEvent(e);
+ this.selectHighlighted(e);
+ } else {
+ this.focusSearch();
+ }
+ killEvent(e);
+ }));
+ // trap all mouse events from leaving the dropdown. sometimes there may be a modal that is listening
+ // for mouse events outside of itself so it can close itself. since the dropdown is now outside the select2's
+ // dom it will trigger the popup close, which is not what we want
+ this.dropdown.bind("click mouseup mousedown", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); });
+ if ($.isFunction(this.opts.initSelection)) {
+ // initialize selection based on the current value of the source element
+ this.initSelection();
+ // if the user has provided a function that can set selection based on the value of the source element
+ // we monitor the change event on the element and trigger it, allowing for two way synchronization
+ this.monitorSource();
+ }
+ if (opts.element.is(":disabled") || opts.element.is("[readonly='readonly']")) this.disable();
+ },
+ // abstract
+ destroy: function () {
+ var select2 = this.opts.element.data("select2");
+ if (select2 !== undefined) {
+ select2.container.remove();
+ select2.dropdown.remove();
+ select2.opts.element
+ .removeData("select2")
+ .unbind(".select2")
+ .show();
+ }
+ },
+ // abstract
+ prepareOpts: function (opts) {
+ var element, select, idKey, ajaxUrl;
+ element = opts.element;
+ if (element.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() === "select") {
+ this.select = select = opts.element;
+ }
+ if (select) {
+ // these options are not allowed when attached to a select because they are picked up off the element itself
+ $.each(["id", "multiple", "ajax", "query", "createSearchChoice", "initSelection", "data", "tags"], function () {
+ if (this in opts) {
+ throw new Error("Option '" + this + "' is not allowed for Select2 when attached to a
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ opts = $.extend({}, {
+ populateResults: function(container, results, query) {
+ var populate, data, result, children, id=this.opts.id, self=this;
+ populate=function(results, container, depth) {
+ var i, l, result, selectable, compound, node, label, innerContainer, formatted;
+ for (i = 0, l = results.length; i < l; i = i + 1) {
+ result=results[i];
+ selectable=id(result) !== undefined;
+ compound=result.children && result.children.length > 0;
+ node=$(" ");
+ node.addClass("select2-results-dept-"+depth);
+ node.addClass("select2-result");
+ node.addClass(selectable ? "select2-result-selectable" : "select2-result-unselectable");
+ if (compound) { node.addClass("select2-result-with-children"); }
+ node.addClass(self.opts.formatResultCssClass(result));
+ label=$("
+ label.addClass("select2-result-label");
+ formatted=opts.formatResult(result, label, query);
+ if (formatted!==undefined) {
+ label.html(self.opts.escapeMarkup(formatted));
+ }
+ node.append(label);
+ if (compound) {
+ innerContainer=$("");
+ innerContainer.addClass("select2-result-sub");
+ populate(result.children, innerContainer, depth+1);
+ node.append(innerContainer);
+ }
+ node.data("select2-data", result);
+ container.append(node);
+ }
+ };
+ populate(results, container, 0);
+ }
+ }, $.fn.select2.defaults, opts);
+ if (typeof(opts.id) !== "function") {
+ idKey = opts.id;
+ opts.id = function (e) { return e[idKey]; };
+ }
+ if (select) {
+ opts.query = this.bind(function (query) {
+ var data = { results: [], more: false },
+ term = query.term,
+ children, firstChild, process;
+ process=function(element, collection) {
+ var group;
+ if (element.is("option")) {
+ if (query.matcher(term, element.text(), element)) {
+ collection.push({id:element.attr("value"), text:element.text(), element: element.get(), css: element.attr("class")});
+ }
+ } else if (element.is("optgroup")) {
+ group={text:element.attr("label"), children:[], element: element.get(), css: element.attr("class")};
+ element.children().each2(function(i, elm) { process(elm, group.children); });
+ if (group.children.length>0) {
+ collection.push(group);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ children=element.children();
+ // ignore the placeholder option if there is one
+ if (this.getPlaceholder() !== undefined && children.length > 0) {
+ firstChild = children[0];
+ if ($(firstChild).text() === "") {
+ children=children.not(firstChild);
+ }
+ }
+ children.each2(function(i, elm) { process(elm, data.results); });
+ query.callback(data);
+ });
+ // this is needed because inside val() we construct choices from options and there id is hardcoded
+ opts.id=function(e) { return e.id; };
+ opts.formatResultCssClass = function(data) { return data.css; }
+ } else {
+ if (!("query" in opts)) {
+ if ("ajax" in opts) {
+ ajaxUrl = opts.element.data("ajax-url");
+ if (ajaxUrl && ajaxUrl.length > 0) {
+ opts.ajax.url = ajaxUrl;
+ }
+ opts.query = ajax(opts.ajax);
+ } else if ("data" in opts) {
+ opts.query = local(opts.data);
+ } else if ("tags" in opts) {
+ opts.query = tags(opts.tags);
+ opts.createSearchChoice = function (term) { return {id: term, text: term}; };
+ opts.initSelection = function (element, callback) {
+ var data = [];
+ $(splitVal(element.val(), opts.separator)).each(function () {
+ var id = this, text = this, tags=opts.tags;
+ if ($.isFunction(tags)) tags=tags();
+ $(tags).each(function() { if (equal(this.id, id)) { text = this.text; return false; } });
+ data.push({id: id, text: text});
+ });
+ callback(data);
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof(opts.query) !== "function") {
+ throw "query function not defined for Select2 " + opts.element.attr("id");
+ }
+ return opts;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Monitor the original element for changes and update select2 accordingly
+ */
+ // abstract
+ monitorSource: function () {
+ this.opts.element.bind("change.select2", this.bind(function (e) {
+ if (this.opts.element.data("select2-change-triggered") !== true) {
+ this.initSelection();
+ }
+ }));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Triggers the change event on the source element
+ */
+ // abstract
+ triggerChange: function (details) {
+ details = details || {};
+ details= $.extend({}, details, { type: "change", val: this.val() });
+ // prevents recursive triggering
+ this.opts.element.data("select2-change-triggered", true);
+ this.opts.element.trigger(details);
+ this.opts.element.data("select2-change-triggered", false);
+ // some validation frameworks ignore the change event and listen instead to keyup, click for selects
+ // so here we trigger the click event manually
+ this.opts.element.click();
+ // ValidationEngine ignorea the change event and listens instead to blur
+ // so here we trigger the blur event manually if so desired
+ if (this.opts.blurOnChange)
+ this.opts.element.blur();
+ },
+ // abstract
+ enable: function() {
+ if (this.enabled) return;
+ this.enabled=true;
+ this.container.removeClass("select2-container-disabled");
+ },
+ // abstract
+ disable: function() {
+ if (!this.enabled) return;
+ this.close();
+ this.enabled=false;
+ this.container.addClass("select2-container-disabled");
+ },
+ // abstract
+ opened: function () {
+ return this.container.hasClass("select2-dropdown-open");
+ },
+ // abstract
+ positionDropdown: function() {
+ var offset = this.container.offset(),
+ height = this.container.outerHeight(),
+ width = this.container.outerWidth(),
+ dropHeight = this.dropdown.outerHeight(),
+ viewportBottom = $(window).scrollTop() + document.documentElement.clientHeight,
+ dropTop = offset.top + height,
+ dropLeft = offset.left,
+ enoughRoomBelow = dropTop + dropHeight <= viewportBottom,
+ enoughRoomAbove = (offset.top - dropHeight) >= this.body().scrollTop(),
+ aboveNow = this.dropdown.hasClass("select2-drop-above"),
+ bodyOffset,
+ above,
+ css;
+ // console.log("below/ droptop:", dropTop, "dropHeight", dropHeight, "sum", (dropTop+dropHeight)+" viewport bottom", viewportBottom, "enough?", enoughRoomBelow);
+ // console.log("above/ offset.top", offset.top, "dropHeight", dropHeight, "top", (offset.top-dropHeight), "scrollTop", this.body().scrollTop(), "enough?", enoughRoomAbove);
+ // fix positioning when body has an offset and is not position: static
+ if (this.body().css('position') !== 'static') {
+ bodyOffset = this.body().offset();
+ dropTop -= bodyOffset.top;
+ dropLeft -= bodyOffset.left;
+ }
+ // always prefer the current above/below alignment, unless there is not enough room
+ if (aboveNow) {
+ above = true;
+ if (!enoughRoomAbove && enoughRoomBelow) above = false;
+ } else {
+ above = false;
+ if (!enoughRoomBelow && enoughRoomAbove) above = true;
+ }
+ if (above) {
+ dropTop = offset.top - dropHeight;
+ this.container.addClass("select2-drop-above");
+ this.dropdown.addClass("select2-drop-above");
+ }
+ else {
+ this.container.removeClass("select2-drop-above");
+ this.dropdown.removeClass("select2-drop-above");
+ }
+ css = $.extend({
+ top: dropTop,
+ left: dropLeft,
+ width: width
+ }, evaluate(this.opts.dropdownCss));
+ this.dropdown.css(css);
+ },
+ // abstract
+ shouldOpen: function() {
+ var event;
+ if (this.opened()) return false;
+ event = $.Event("open");
+ this.opts.element.trigger(event);
+ return !event.isDefaultPrevented();
+ },
+ // abstract
+ clearDropdownAlignmentPreference: function() {
+ // clear the classes used to figure out the preference of where the dropdown should be opened
+ this.container.removeClass("select2-drop-above");
+ this.dropdown.removeClass("select2-drop-above");
+ },
+ /**
+ * Opens the dropdown
+ *
+ * @return {Boolean} whether or not dropdown was opened. This method will return false if, for example,
+ * the dropdown is already open, or if the 'open' event listener on the element called preventDefault().
+ */
+ // abstract
+ open: function () {
+ if (!this.shouldOpen()) return false;
+ window.setTimeout(this.bind(this.opening), 1);
+ return true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Performs the opening of the dropdown
+ */
+ // abstract
+ opening: function() {
+ var cid = this.containerId, selector = this.containerSelector,
+ scroll = "scroll." + cid, resize = "resize." + cid;
+ this.container.parents().each(function() {
+ $(this).bind(scroll, function() {
+ var s2 = $(selector);
+ if (s2.length == 0) {
+ $(this).unbind(scroll);
+ }
+ s2.select2("close");
+ });
+ });
+ $(window).bind(resize, function() {
+ var s2 = $(selector);
+ if (s2.length == 0) {
+ $(window).unbind(resize);
+ }
+ s2.select2("close");
+ });
+ this.clearDropdownAlignmentPreference();
+ if (this.search.val() === " ") { this.search.val(""); }
+ this.container.addClass("select2-dropdown-open").addClass("select2-container-active");
+ this.updateResults(true);
+ if(this.dropdown[0] !== this.body().children().last()[0]) {
+ this.dropdown.detach().appendTo(this.body());
+ }
+ this.dropdown.show();
+ this.positionDropdown();
+ this.dropdown.addClass("select2-drop-active");
+ this.ensureHighlightVisible();
+ this.focusSearch();
+ },
+ // abstract
+ close: function () {
+ if (!this.opened()) return;
+ var self = this;
+ this.container.parents().each(function() {
+ $(this).unbind("scroll." + self.containerId);
+ });
+ $(window).unbind("resize." + this.containerId);
+ this.clearDropdownAlignmentPreference();
+ this.dropdown.hide();
+ this.container.removeClass("select2-dropdown-open").removeClass("select2-container-active");
+ this.results.empty();
+ this.clearSearch();
+ this.opts.element.trigger($.Event("close"));
+ },
+ // abstract
+ clearSearch: function () {
+ },
+ // abstract
+ ensureHighlightVisible: function () {
+ var results = this.results, children, index, child, hb, rb, y, more;
+ index = this.highlight();
+ if (index < 0) return;
+ if (index == 0) {
+ // if the first element is highlighted scroll all the way to the top,
+ // that way any unselectable headers above it will also be scrolled
+ // into view
+ results.scrollTop(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ children = results.find(".select2-result-selectable");
+ child = $(children[index]);
+ hb = child.offset().top + child.outerHeight();
+ // if this is the last child lets also make sure select2-more-results is visible
+ if (index === children.length - 1) {
+ more = results.find("li.select2-more-results");
+ if (more.length > 0) {
+ hb = more.offset().top + more.outerHeight();
+ }
+ }
+ rb = results.offset().top + results.outerHeight();
+ if (hb > rb) {
+ results.scrollTop(results.scrollTop() + (hb - rb));
+ }
+ y = child.offset().top - results.offset().top;
+ // make sure the top of the element is visible
+ if (y < 0) {
+ results.scrollTop(results.scrollTop() + y); // y is negative
+ }
+ },
+ // abstract
+ moveHighlight: function (delta) {
+ var choices = this.results.find(".select2-result-selectable"),
+ index = this.highlight();
+ while (index > -1 && index < choices.length) {
+ index += delta;
+ var choice = $(choices[index]);
+ if (choice.hasClass("select2-result-selectable") && !choice.hasClass("select2-disabled")) {
+ this.highlight(index);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // abstract
+ highlight: function (index) {
+ var choices = this.results.find(".select2-result-selectable").not(".select2-disabled");
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ return indexOf(choices.filter(".select2-highlighted")[0], choices.get());
+ }
+ if (index >= choices.length) index = choices.length - 1;
+ if (index < 0) index = 0;
+ choices.removeClass("select2-highlighted");
+ $(choices[index]).addClass("select2-highlighted");
+ this.ensureHighlightVisible();
+ },
+ // abstract
+ countSelectableResults: function() {
+ return this.results.find(".select2-result-selectable").not(".select2-disabled").length;
+ },
+ // abstract
+ highlightUnderEvent: function (event) {
+ var el = $(event.target).closest(".select2-result-selectable");
+ if (el.length > 0 && !el.is(".select2-highlighted")) {
+ var choices = this.results.find('.select2-result-selectable');
+ this.highlight(choices.index(el));
+ } else if (el.length == 0) {
+ // if we are over an unselectable item remove al highlights
+ this.results.find(".select2-highlighted").removeClass("select2-highlighted");
+ }
+ },
+ // abstract
+ loadMoreIfNeeded: function () {
+ var results = this.results,
+ more = results.find("li.select2-more-results"),
+ below, // pixels the element is below the scroll fold, below==0 is when the element is starting to be visible
+ offset = -1, // index of first element without data
+ page = this.resultsPage + 1,
+ self=this,
+ term=this.search.val(),
+ context=this.context;
+ if (more.length === 0) return;
+ below = more.offset().top - results.offset().top - results.height();
+ if (below <= 0) {
+ more.addClass("select2-active");
+ this.opts.query({
+ term: term,
+ page: page,
+ context: context,
+ matcher: this.opts.matcher,
+ callback: this.bind(function (data) {
+ // ignore a response if the select2 has been closed before it was received
+ if (!self.opened()) return;
+ self.opts.populateResults.call(this, results, data.results, {term: term, page: page, context:context});
+ if (data.more===true) {
+ more.detach().appendTo(results).text(self.opts.formatLoadMore(page+1));
+ window.setTimeout(function() { self.loadMoreIfNeeded(); }, 10);
+ } else {
+ more.remove();
+ }
+ self.positionDropdown();
+ self.resultsPage = page;
+ })});
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Default tokenizer function which does nothing
+ */
+ tokenize: function() {
+ },
+ /**
+ * @param initial whether or not this is the call to this method right after the dropdown has been opened
+ */
+ // abstract
+ updateResults: function (initial) {
+ var search = this.search, results = this.results, opts = this.opts, data, self=this, input;
+ // if the search is currently hidden we do not alter the results
+ if (initial !== true && (this.showSearchInput === false || !this.opened())) {
+ return;
+ }
+ search.addClass("select2-active");
+ function postRender() {
+ results.scrollTop(0);
+ search.removeClass("select2-active");
+ self.positionDropdown();
+ }
+ function render(html) {
+ results.html(self.opts.escapeMarkup(html));
+ postRender();
+ }
+ if (opts.maximumSelectionSize >=1) {
+ data = this.data();
+ if ($.isArray(data) && data.length >= opts.maximumSelectionSize && checkFormatter(opts.formatSelectionTooBig, "formatSelectionTooBig")) {
+ render("" + opts.formatSelectionTooBig(opts.maximumSelectionSize) + " ");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (search.val().length < opts.minimumInputLength && checkFormatter(opts.formatInputTooShort, "formatInputTooShort")) {
+ render("" + opts.formatInputTooShort(search.val(), opts.minimumInputLength) + " ");
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ render("" + opts.formatSearching() + " ");
+ }
+ // give the tokenizer a chance to pre-process the input
+ input = this.tokenize();
+ if (input != undefined && input != null) {
+ search.val(input);
+ }
+ this.resultsPage = 1;
+ opts.query({
+ term: search.val(),
+ page: this.resultsPage,
+ context: null,
+ matcher: opts.matcher,
+ callback: this.bind(function (data) {
+ var def; // default choice
+ // ignore a response if the select2 has been closed before it was received
+ if (!this.opened()) return;
+ // save context, if any
+ this.context = (data.context===undefined) ? null : data.context;
+ // create a default choice and prepend it to the list
+ if (this.opts.createSearchChoice && search.val() !== "") {
+ def = this.opts.createSearchChoice.call(null, search.val(), data.results);
+ if (def !== undefined && def !== null && self.id(def) !== undefined && self.id(def) !== null) {
+ if ($(data.results).filter(
+ function () {
+ return equal(self.id(this), self.id(def));
+ }).length === 0) {
+ data.results.unshift(def);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (data.results.length === 0 && checkFormatter(opts.formatNoMatches, "formatNoMatches")) {
+ render("" + opts.formatNoMatches(search.val()) + " ");
+ return;
+ }
+ results.empty();
+ self.opts.populateResults.call(this, results, data.results, {term: search.val(), page: this.resultsPage, context:null});
+ if (data.more === true && checkFormatter(opts.formatLoadMore, "formatLoadMore")) {
+ results.append("" + self.opts.escapeMarkup(opts.formatLoadMore(this.resultsPage)) + " ");
+ window.setTimeout(function() { self.loadMoreIfNeeded(); }, 10);
+ }
+ this.postprocessResults(data, initial);
+ postRender();
+ })});
+ },
+ // abstract
+ cancel: function () {
+ this.close();
+ },
+ // abstract
+ blur: function () {
+ this.close();
+ this.container.removeClass("select2-container-active");
+ this.dropdown.removeClass("select2-drop-active");
+ // synonymous to .is(':focus'), which is available in jquery >= 1.6
+ if (this.search[0] === document.activeElement) { this.search.blur(); }
+ this.clearSearch();
+ this.selection.find(".select2-search-choice-focus").removeClass("select2-search-choice-focus");
+ },
+ // abstract
+ focusSearch: function () {
+ // need to do it here as well as in timeout so it works in IE
+ this.search.show();
+ this.search.focus();
+ /* we do this in a timeout so that current event processing can complete before this code is executed.
+ this makes sure the search field is focussed even if the current event would blur it */
+ window.setTimeout(this.bind(function () {
+ // reset the value so IE places the cursor at the end of the input box
+ this.search.show();
+ this.search.focus();
+ this.search.val(this.search.val());
+ }), 10);
+ },
+ // abstract
+ selectHighlighted: function () {
+ var index=this.highlight(),
+ highlighted=this.results.find(".select2-highlighted").not(".select2-disabled"),
+ data = highlighted.closest('.select2-result-selectable').data("select2-data");
+ if (data) {
+ highlighted.addClass("select2-disabled");
+ this.highlight(index);
+ this.onSelect(data);
+ }
+ },
+ // abstract
+ getPlaceholder: function () {
+ return this.opts.element.attr("placeholder") ||
+ this.opts.element.attr("data-placeholder") || // jquery 1.4 compat
+ this.opts.element.data("placeholder") ||
+ this.opts.placeholder;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the desired width for the container element. This is
+ * derived first from option `width` passed to select2, then
+ * the inline 'style' on the original element, and finally
+ * falls back to the jQuery calculated element width.
+ */
+ // abstract
+ initContainerWidth: function () {
+ function resolveContainerWidth() {
+ var style, attrs, matches, i, l;
+ if (this.opts.width === "off") {
+ return null;
+ } else if (this.opts.width === "element"){
+ return this.opts.element.outerWidth() === 0 ? 'auto' : this.opts.element.outerWidth() + 'px';
+ } else if (this.opts.width === "copy" || this.opts.width === "resolve") {
+ // check if there is inline style on the element that contains width
+ style = this.opts.element.attr('style');
+ if (style !== undefined) {
+ attrs = style.split(';');
+ for (i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i = i + 1) {
+ matches = attrs[i].replace(/\s/g, '')
+ .match(/width:(([-+]?([0-9]*\.)?[0-9]+)(px|em|ex|%|in|cm|mm|pt|pc))/);
+ if (matches !== null && matches.length >= 1)
+ return matches[1];
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.opts.width === "resolve") {
+ // next check if css('width') can resolve a width that is percent based, this is sometimes possible
+ // when attached to input type=hidden or elements hidden via css
+ style = this.opts.element.css('width');
+ if (style.indexOf("%") > 0) return style;
+ // finally, fallback on the calculated width of the element
+ return (this.opts.element.outerWidth() === 0 ? 'auto' : this.opts.element.outerWidth() + 'px');
+ }
+ return null;
+ } else if ($.isFunction(this.opts.width)) {
+ return this.opts.width();
+ } else {
+ return this.opts.width;
+ }
+ };
+ var width = resolveContainerWidth.call(this);
+ if (width !== null) {
+ this.container.attr("style", "width: "+width);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ SingleSelect2 = clazz(AbstractSelect2, {
+ // single
+ createContainer: function () {
+ var container = $("
", {
+ "class": "select2-container"
+ }).html([
+ " ",
+ " ",
+ "
" ,
+ " ",
+ " " ,
+ "
" ,
+ " " ,
+ "
" ,
+ "
" ,
+ "
+ return container;
+ },
+ // single
+ opening: function () {
+ this.search.show();
+ this.parent.opening.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.dropdown.removeClass("select2-offscreen");
+ },
+ // single
+ close: function () {
+ if (!this.opened()) return;
+ this.parent.close.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.dropdown.removeAttr("style").addClass("select2-offscreen").insertAfter(this.selection).show();
+ },
+ // single
+ focus: function () {
+ this.close();
+ this.selection.focus();
+ },
+ // single
+ isFocused: function () {
+ return this.selection[0] === document.activeElement;
+ },
+ // single
+ cancel: function () {
+ this.parent.cancel.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.selection.focus();
+ },
+ // single
+ initContainer: function () {
+ var selection,
+ container = this.container,
+ dropdown = this.dropdown,
+ clickingInside = false;
+ this.selection = selection = container.find(".select2-choice");
+ this.search.bind("keydown", this.bind(function (e) {
+ if (!this.enabled) return;
+ if (e.which === KEY.PAGE_UP || e.which === KEY.PAGE_DOWN) {
+ // prevent the page from scrolling
+ killEvent(e);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.opened()) {
+ switch (e.which) {
+ case KEY.UP:
+ case KEY.DOWN:
+ this.moveHighlight((e.which === KEY.UP) ? -1 : 1);
+ killEvent(e);
+ return;
+ case KEY.TAB:
+ case KEY.ENTER:
+ this.selectHighlighted();
+ killEvent(e);
+ return;
+ case KEY.ESC:
+ this.cancel(e);
+ killEvent(e);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (e.which === KEY.TAB || KEY.isControl(e) || KEY.isFunctionKey(e) || e.which === KEY.ESC) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.opts.openOnEnter === false && e.which === KEY.ENTER) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.open();
+ if (e.which === KEY.ENTER) {
+ // do not propagate the event otherwise we open, and propagate enter which closes
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }));
+ this.search.bind("focus", this.bind(function() {
+ this.selection.attr("tabIndex", "-1");
+ }));
+ this.search.bind("blur", this.bind(function() {
+ if (!this.opened()) this.container.removeClass("select2-container-active");
+ window.setTimeout(this.bind(function() { this.selection.attr("tabIndex", this.opts.element.attr("tabIndex")); }), 10);
+ }));
+ selection.bind("mousedown", this.bind(function (e) {
+ clickingInside = true;
+ if (this.opened()) {
+ this.close();
+ this.selection.focus();
+ } else if (this.enabled) {
+ this.open();
+ }
+ clickingInside = false;
+ }));
+ dropdown.bind("mousedown", this.bind(function() { this.search.focus(); }));
+ selection.bind("focus", this.bind(function() {
+ this.container.addClass("select2-container-active");
+ // hide the search so the tab key does not focus on it
+ this.search.attr("tabIndex", "-1");
+ }));
+ selection.bind("blur", this.bind(function() {
+ if (!this.opened()) {
+ this.container.removeClass("select2-container-active");
+ }
+ window.setTimeout(this.bind(function() { this.search.attr("tabIndex", this.opts.element.attr("tabIndex")); }), 10);
+ }));
+ selection.bind("keydown", this.bind(function(e) {
+ if (!this.enabled) return;
+ if (e.which === KEY.PAGE_UP || e.which === KEY.PAGE_DOWN) {
+ // prevent the page from scrolling
+ killEvent(e);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (e.which === KEY.TAB || KEY.isControl(e) || KEY.isFunctionKey(e)
+ || e.which === KEY.ESC) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.opts.openOnEnter === false && e.which === KEY.ENTER) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (e.which == KEY.DELETE) {
+ if (this.opts.allowClear) {
+ this.clear();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ this.open();
+ if (e.which === KEY.ENTER) {
+ // do not propagate the event otherwise we open, and propagate enter which closes
+ killEvent(e);
+ return;
+ }
+ // do not set the search input value for non-alpha-numeric keys
+ // otherwise pressing down results in a '(' being set in the search field
+ if (e.which < 48 ) { // '0' == 48
+ killEvent(e);
+ return;
+ }
+ var keyWritten = String.fromCharCode(e.which).toLowerCase();
+ if (e.shiftKey) {
+ keyWritten = keyWritten.toUpperCase();
+ }
+ // focus the field before calling val so the cursor ends up after the value instead of before
+ this.search.focus();
+ this.search.val(keyWritten);
+ // prevent event propagation so it doesnt replay on the now focussed search field and result in double key entry
+ killEvent(e);
+ }));
+ selection.delegate("abbr", "mousedown", this.bind(function (e) {
+ if (!this.enabled) return;
+ this.clear();
+ killEvent(e);
+ this.close();
+ this.triggerChange();
+ this.selection.focus();
+ }));
+ this.setPlaceholder();
+ this.search.bind("focus", this.bind(function() {
+ this.container.addClass("select2-container-active");
+ }));
+ },
+ // single
+ clear: function() {
+ this.opts.element.val("");
+ this.selection.find("span").empty();
+ this.selection.removeData("select2-data");
+ this.setPlaceholder();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sets selection based on source element's value
+ */
+ // single
+ initSelection: function () {
+ var selected;
+ if (this.opts.element.val() === "") {
+ this.close();
+ this.setPlaceholder();
+ } else {
+ var self = this;
+ this.opts.initSelection.call(null, this.opts.element, function(selected){
+ if (selected !== undefined && selected !== null) {
+ self.updateSelection(selected);
+ self.close();
+ self.setPlaceholder();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ // single
+ prepareOpts: function () {
+ var opts = this.parent.prepareOpts.apply(this, arguments);
+ if (opts.element.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() === "select") {
+ // install the selection initializer
+ opts.initSelection = function (element, callback) {
+ var selected = element.find(":selected");
+ // a single select box always has a value, no need to null check 'selected'
+ if ($.isFunction(callback))
+ callback({id: selected.attr("value"), text: selected.text()});
+ };
+ }
+ return opts;
+ },
+ // single
+ setPlaceholder: function () {
+ var placeholder = this.getPlaceholder();
+ if (this.opts.element.val() === "" && placeholder !== undefined) {
+ // check for a first blank option if attached to a select
+ if (this.select && this.select.find("option:first").text() !== "") return;
+ this.selection.find("span").html(this.opts.escapeMarkup(placeholder));
+ this.selection.addClass("select2-default");
+ this.selection.find("abbr").hide();
+ }
+ },
+ // single
+ postprocessResults: function (data, initial) {
+ var selected = 0, self = this, showSearchInput = true;
+ // find the selected element in the result list
+ this.results.find(".select2-result-selectable").each2(function (i, elm) {
+ if (equal(self.id(elm.data("select2-data")), self.opts.element.val())) {
+ selected = i;
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ // and highlight it
+ this.highlight(selected);
+ // hide the search box if this is the first we got the results and there are a few of them
+ if (initial === true) {
+ showSearchInput = this.showSearchInput = countResults(data.results) >= this.opts.minimumResultsForSearch;
+ this.dropdown.find(".select2-search")[showSearchInput ? "removeClass" : "addClass"]("select2-search-hidden");
+ //add "select2-with-searchbox" to the container if search box is shown
+ $(this.dropdown, this.container)[showSearchInput ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("select2-with-searchbox");
+ }
+ },
+ // single
+ onSelect: function (data) {
+ var old = this.opts.element.val();
+ this.opts.element.val(this.id(data));
+ this.updateSelection(data);
+ this.close();
+ this.selection.focus();
+ if (!equal(old, this.id(data))) { this.triggerChange(); }
+ },
+ // single
+ updateSelection: function (data) {
+ var container=this.selection.find("span"), formatted;
+ this.selection.data("select2-data", data);
+ container.empty();
+ formatted=this.opts.formatSelection(data, container);
+ if (formatted !== undefined) {
+ container.append(this.opts.escapeMarkup(formatted));
+ }
+ this.selection.removeClass("select2-default");
+ if (this.opts.allowClear && this.getPlaceholder() !== undefined) {
+ this.selection.find("abbr").show();
+ }
+ },
+ // single
+ val: function () {
+ var val, data = null, self = this;
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ return this.opts.element.val();
+ }
+ val = arguments[0];
+ if (this.select) {
+ this.select
+ .val(val)
+ .find(":selected").each2(function (i, elm) {
+ data = {id: elm.attr("value"), text: elm.text()};
+ return false;
+ });
+ this.updateSelection(data);
+ this.setPlaceholder();
+ } else {
+ if (this.opts.initSelection === undefined) {
+ throw new Error("cannot call val() if initSelection() is not defined");
+ }
+ // val is an id. !val is true for [undefined,null,'']
+ if (!val) {
+ this.clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ this.opts.element.val(val);
+ this.opts.initSelection(this.opts.element, function(data){
+ self.opts.element.val(!data ? "" : self.id(data));
+ self.updateSelection(data);
+ self.setPlaceholder();
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ // single
+ clearSearch: function () {
+ this.search.val("");
+ },
+ // single
+ data: function(value) {
+ var data;
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ data = this.selection.data("select2-data");
+ if (data == undefined) data = null;
+ return data;
+ } else {
+ if (!value || value === "") {
+ this.clear();
+ } else {
+ this.opts.element.val(!value ? "" : this.id(value));
+ this.updateSelection(value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ MultiSelect2 = clazz(AbstractSelect2, {
+ // multi
+ createContainer: function () {
+ var container = $("
", {
+ "class": "select2-container select2-container-multi"
+ }).html([
+ " " ,
+ ""].join(""));
+ return container;
+ },
+ // multi
+ prepareOpts: function () {
+ var opts = this.parent.prepareOpts.apply(this, arguments);
+ // TODO validate placeholder is a string if specified
+ if (opts.element.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() === "select") {
+ // install sthe selection initializer
+ opts.initSelection = function (element,callback) {
+ var data = [];
+ element.find(":selected").each2(function (i, elm) {
+ data.push({id: elm.attr("value"), text: elm.text()});
+ });
+ if ($.isFunction(callback))
+ callback(data);
+ };
+ }
+ return opts;
+ },
+ // multi
+ initContainer: function () {
+ var selector = ".select2-choices", selection;
+ this.searchContainer = this.container.find(".select2-search-field");
+ this.selection = selection = this.container.find(selector);
+ this.search.bind("keydown", this.bind(function (e) {
+ if (!this.enabled) return;
+ if (e.which === KEY.BACKSPACE && this.search.val() === "") {
+ this.close();
+ var choices,
+ selected = selection.find(".select2-search-choice-focus");
+ if (selected.length > 0) {
+ this.unselect(selected.first());
+ this.search.width(10);
+ killEvent(e);
+ return;
+ }
+ choices = selection.find(".select2-search-choice");
+ if (choices.length > 0) {
+ choices.last().addClass("select2-search-choice-focus");
+ }
+ } else {
+ selection.find(".select2-search-choice-focus").removeClass("select2-search-choice-focus");
+ }
+ if (this.opened()) {
+ switch (e.which) {
+ case KEY.UP:
+ case KEY.DOWN:
+ this.moveHighlight((e.which === KEY.UP) ? -1 : 1);
+ killEvent(e);
+ return;
+ case KEY.ENTER:
+ case KEY.TAB:
+ this.selectHighlighted();
+ killEvent(e);
+ return;
+ case KEY.ESC:
+ this.cancel(e);
+ killEvent(e);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (e.which === KEY.TAB || KEY.isControl(e) || KEY.isFunctionKey(e)
+ || e.which === KEY.BACKSPACE || e.which === KEY.ESC) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.opts.openOnEnter === false && e.which === KEY.ENTER) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.open();
+ if (e.which === KEY.PAGE_UP || e.which === KEY.PAGE_DOWN) {
+ // prevent the page from scrolling
+ killEvent(e);
+ }
+ }));
+ this.search.bind("keyup", this.bind(this.resizeSearch));
+ this.search.bind("blur", this.bind(function(e) {
+ this.container.removeClass("select2-container-active");
+ this.search.removeClass("select2-focused");
+ this.clearSearch();
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ }));
+ this.container.delegate(selector, "mousedown", this.bind(function (e) {
+ if (!this.enabled) return;
+ if ($(e.target).closest(".select2-search-choice").length > 0) {
+ // clicked inside a select2 search choice, do not open
+ return;
+ }
+ this.clearPlaceholder();
+ this.open();
+ this.focusSearch();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }));
+ this.container.delegate(selector, "focus", this.bind(function () {
+ if (!this.enabled) return;
+ this.container.addClass("select2-container-active");
+ this.dropdown.addClass("select2-drop-active");
+ this.clearPlaceholder();
+ }));
+ // set the placeholder if necessary
+ this.clearSearch();
+ },
+ // multi
+ enable: function() {
+ if (this.enabled) return;
+ this.parent.enable.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.search.removeAttr("disabled");
+ },
+ // multi
+ disable: function() {
+ if (!this.enabled) return;
+ this.parent.disable.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.search.attr("disabled", true);
+ },
+ // multi
+ initSelection: function () {
+ var data;
+ if (this.opts.element.val() === "") {
+ this.updateSelection([]);
+ this.close();
+ // set the placeholder if necessary
+ this.clearSearch();
+ }
+ if (this.select || this.opts.element.val() !== "") {
+ var self = this;
+ this.opts.initSelection.call(null, this.opts.element, function(data){
+ if (data !== undefined && data !== null) {
+ self.updateSelection(data);
+ self.close();
+ // set the placeholder if necessary
+ self.clearSearch();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ // multi
+ clearSearch: function () {
+ var placeholder = this.getPlaceholder();
+ if (placeholder !== undefined && this.getVal().length === 0 && this.search.hasClass("select2-focused") === false) {
+ this.search.val(placeholder).addClass("select2-default");
+ // stretch the search box to full width of the container so as much of the placeholder is visible as possible
+ this.resizeSearch();
+ } else {
+ // we set this to " " instead of "" and later clear it on focus() because there is a firefox bug
+ // that does not properly render the caret when the field starts out blank
+ this.search.val(" ").width(10);
+ }
+ },
+ // multi
+ clearPlaceholder: function () {
+ if (this.search.hasClass("select2-default")) {
+ this.search.val("").removeClass("select2-default");
+ } else {
+ // work around for the space character we set to avoid firefox caret bug
+ if (this.search.val() === " ") this.search.val("");
+ }
+ },
+ // multi
+ opening: function () {
+ this.parent.opening.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.clearPlaceholder();
+ this.resizeSearch();
+ this.focusSearch();
+ },
+ // multi
+ close: function () {
+ if (!this.opened()) return;
+ this.parent.close.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ // multi
+ focus: function () {
+ this.close();
+ this.search.focus();
+ },
+ // multi
+ isFocused: function () {
+ return this.search.hasClass("select2-focused");
+ },
+ // multi
+ updateSelection: function (data) {
+ var ids = [], filtered = [], self = this;
+ // filter out duplicates
+ $(data).each(function () {
+ if (indexOf(self.id(this), ids) < 0) {
+ ids.push(self.id(this));
+ filtered.push(this);
+ }
+ });
+ data = filtered;
+ this.selection.find(".select2-search-choice").remove();
+ $(data).each(function () {
+ self.addSelectedChoice(this);
+ });
+ self.postprocessResults();
+ },
+ tokenize: function() {
+ var input = this.search.val();
+ input = this.opts.tokenizer(input, this.data(), this.bind(this.onSelect), this.opts);
+ if (input != null && input != undefined) {
+ this.search.val(input);
+ if (input.length > 0) {
+ this.open();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // multi
+ onSelect: function (data) {
+ this.addSelectedChoice(data);
+ if (this.select) { this.postprocessResults(); }
+ if (this.opts.closeOnSelect) {
+ this.close();
+ this.search.width(10);
+ } else {
+ if (this.countSelectableResults()>0) {
+ this.search.width(10);
+ this.resizeSearch();
+ this.positionDropdown();
+ } else {
+ // if nothing left to select close
+ this.close();
+ }
+ }
+ // since its not possible to select an element that has already been
+ // added we do not need to check if this is a new element before firing change
+ this.triggerChange({ added: data });
+ this.focusSearch();
+ },
+ // multi
+ cancel: function () {
+ this.close();
+ this.focusSearch();
+ },
+ // multi
+ addSelectedChoice: function (data) {
+ var choice=$(
+ "" +
+ "
" +
+ " " +
+ " "),
+ id = this.id(data),
+ val = this.getVal(),
+ formatted;
+ formatted=this.opts.formatSelection(data, choice);
+ choice.find("div").replaceWith(""+this.opts.escapeMarkup(formatted)+"
+ choice.find(".select2-search-choice-close")
+ .bind("mousedown", killEvent)
+ .bind("click dblclick", this.bind(function (e) {
+ if (!this.enabled) return;
+ $(e.target).closest(".select2-search-choice").fadeOut('fast', this.bind(function(){
+ this.unselect($(e.target));
+ this.selection.find(".select2-search-choice-focus").removeClass("select2-search-choice-focus");
+ this.close();
+ this.focusSearch();
+ })).dequeue();
+ killEvent(e);
+ })).bind("focus", this.bind(function () {
+ if (!this.enabled) return;
+ this.container.addClass("select2-container-active");
+ this.dropdown.addClass("select2-drop-active");
+ }));
+ choice.data("select2-data", data);
+ choice.insertBefore(this.searchContainer);
+ val.push(id);
+ this.setVal(val);
+ },
+ // multi
+ unselect: function (selected) {
+ var val = this.getVal(),
+ data,
+ index;
+ selected = selected.closest(".select2-search-choice");
+ if (selected.length === 0) {
+ throw "Invalid argument: " + selected + ". Must be .select2-search-choice";
+ }
+ data = selected.data("select2-data");
+ index = indexOf(this.id(data), val);
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ val.splice(index, 1);
+ this.setVal(val);
+ if (this.select) this.postprocessResults();
+ }
+ selected.remove();
+ this.triggerChange({ removed: data });
+ },
+ // multi
+ postprocessResults: function () {
+ var val = this.getVal(),
+ choices = this.results.find(".select2-result-selectable"),
+ compound = this.results.find(".select2-result-with-children"),
+ self = this;
+ choices.each2(function (i, choice) {
+ var id = self.id(choice.data("select2-data"));
+ if (indexOf(id, val) >= 0) {
+ choice.addClass("select2-disabled").removeClass("select2-result-selectable");
+ } else {
+ choice.removeClass("select2-disabled").addClass("select2-result-selectable");
+ }
+ });
+ compound.each2(function(i, e) {
+ if (e.find(".select2-result-selectable").length==0) {
+ e.addClass("select2-disabled");
+ } else {
+ e.removeClass("select2-disabled");
+ }
+ });
+ choices.each2(function (i, choice) {
+ if (!choice.hasClass("select2-disabled") && choice.hasClass("select2-result-selectable")) {
+ self.highlight(0);
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ // multi
+ resizeSearch: function () {
+ var minimumWidth, left, maxWidth, containerLeft, searchWidth,
+ sideBorderPadding = getSideBorderPadding(this.search);
+ minimumWidth = measureTextWidth(this.search) + 10;
+ left = this.search.offset().left;
+ maxWidth = this.selection.width();
+ containerLeft = this.selection.offset().left;
+ searchWidth = maxWidth - (left - containerLeft) - sideBorderPadding;
+ if (searchWidth < minimumWidth) {
+ searchWidth = maxWidth - sideBorderPadding;
+ }
+ if (searchWidth < 40) {
+ searchWidth = maxWidth - sideBorderPadding;
+ }
+ this.search.width(searchWidth);
+ },
+ // multi
+ getVal: function () {
+ var val;
+ if (this.select) {
+ val = this.select.val();
+ return val === null ? [] : val;
+ } else {
+ val = this.opts.element.val();
+ return splitVal(val, this.opts.separator);
+ }
+ },
+ // multi
+ setVal: function (val) {
+ var unique;
+ if (this.select) {
+ this.select.val(val);
+ } else {
+ unique = [];
+ // filter out duplicates
+ $(val).each(function () {
+ if (indexOf(this, unique) < 0) unique.push(this);
+ });
+ this.opts.element.val(unique.length === 0 ? "" : unique.join(this.opts.separator));
+ }
+ },
+ // multi
+ val: function () {
+ var val, data = [], self=this;
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ return this.getVal();
+ }
+ val = arguments[0];
+ if (!val) {
+ this.opts.element.val("");
+ this.updateSelection([]);
+ this.clearSearch();
+ return;
+ }
+ // val is a list of ids
+ this.setVal(val);
+ if (this.select) {
+ this.select.find(":selected").each(function () {
+ data.push({id: $(this).attr("value"), text: $(this).text()});
+ });
+ this.updateSelection(data);
+ } else {
+ if (this.opts.initSelection === undefined) {
+ throw new Error("val() cannot be called if initSelection() is not defined")
+ }
+ this.opts.initSelection(this.opts.element, function(data){
+ var ids=$(data).map(self.id);
+ self.setVal(ids);
+ self.updateSelection(data);
+ self.clearSearch();
+ });
+ }
+ this.clearSearch();
+ },
+ // multi
+ onSortStart: function() {
+ if (this.select) {
+ throw new Error("Sorting of elements is not supported when attached to . Attach to instead.");
+ }
+ // collapse search field into 0 width so its container can be collapsed as well
+ this.search.width(0);
+ // hide the container
+ this.searchContainer.hide();
+ },
+ // multi
+ onSortEnd:function() {
+ var val=[], self=this;
+ // show search and move it to the end of the list
+ this.searchContainer.show();
+ // make sure the search container is the last item in the list
+ this.searchContainer.appendTo(this.searchContainer.parent());
+ // since we collapsed the width in dragStarted, we resize it here
+ this.resizeSearch();
+ // update selection
+ this.selection.find(".select2-search-choice").each(function() {
+ val.push(self.opts.id($(this).data("select2-data")));
+ });
+ this.setVal(val);
+ this.triggerChange();
+ },
+ // multi
+ data: function(values) {
+ var self=this, ids;
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ return this.selection
+ .find(".select2-search-choice")
+ .map(function() { return $(this).data("select2-data"); })
+ .get();
+ } else {
+ if (!values) { values = []; }
+ ids = $.map(values, function(e) { return self.opts.id(e)});
+ this.setVal(ids);
+ this.updateSelection(values);
+ this.clearSearch();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $.fn.select2 = function () {
+ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0),
+ opts,
+ select2,
+ value, multiple, allowedMethods = ["val", "destroy", "opened", "open", "close", "focus", "isFocused", "container", "onSortStart", "onSortEnd", "enable", "disable", "positionDropdown", "data"];
+ this.each(function () {
+ if (args.length === 0 || typeof(args[0]) === "object") {
+ opts = args.length === 0 ? {} : $.extend({}, args[0]);
+ opts.element = $(this);
+ if (opts.element.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() === "select") {
+ multiple = opts.element.attr("multiple");
+ } else {
+ multiple = opts.multiple || false;
+ if ("tags" in opts) {opts.multiple = multiple = true;}
+ }
+ select2 = multiple ? new MultiSelect2() : new SingleSelect2();
+ select2.init(opts);
+ } else if (typeof(args[0]) === "string") {
+ if (indexOf(args[0], allowedMethods) < 0) {
+ throw "Unknown method: " + args[0];
+ }
+ value = undefined;
+ select2 = $(this).data("select2");
+ if (select2 === undefined) return;
+ if (args[0] === "container") {
+ value=select2.container;
+ } else {
+ value = select2[args[0]].apply(select2, args.slice(1));
+ }
+ if (value !== undefined) {return false;}
+ } else {
+ throw "Invalid arguments to select2 plugin: " + args;
+ }
+ });
+ return (value === undefined) ? this : value;
+ };
+ // plugin defaults, accessible to users
+ $.fn.select2.defaults = {
+ width: "copy",
+ closeOnSelect: true,
+ openOnEnter: true,
+ containerCss: {},
+ dropdownCss: {},
+ containerCssClass: "",
+ dropdownCssClass: "",
+ formatResult: function(result, container, query) {
+ var markup=[];
+ markMatch(result.text, query.term, markup);
+ return markup.join("");
+ },
+ formatSelection: function (data, container) {
+ return data ? data.text : undefined;
+ },
+ formatResultCssClass: function(data) {return undefined;},
+ formatNoMatches: function () { return "No matches found"; },
+ formatInputTooShort: function (input, min) { return "Please enter " + (min - input.length) + " more characters"; },
+ formatSelectionTooBig: function (limit) { return "You can only select " + limit + " item" + (limit == 1 ? "" : "s"); },
+ formatLoadMore: function (pageNumber) { return "Loading more results..."; },
+ formatSearching: function () { return "Searching..."; },
+ minimumResultsForSearch: 0,
+ minimumInputLength: 0,
+ maximumSelectionSize: 0,
+ id: function (e) { return e.id; },
+ matcher: function(term, text) {
+ return text.toUpperCase().indexOf(term.toUpperCase()) >= 0;
+ },
+ separator: ",",
+ tokenSeparators: [],
+ tokenizer: defaultTokenizer,
+ escapeMarkup: function (markup) {
+ if (markup && typeof(markup) === "string") {
+ return markup.replace(/&/g, "&");
+ }
+ return markup;
+ },
+ blurOnChange: false
+ };
+ // exports
+ window.Select2 = {
+ query: {
+ ajax: ajax,
+ local: local,
+ tags: tags
+ }, util: {
+ debounce: debounce,
+ markMatch: markMatch
+ }, "class": {
+ "abstract": AbstractSelect2,
+ "single": SingleSelect2,
+ "multi": MultiSelect2
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/select2.min b/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/select2.min
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15237356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/assets/javascripts/select2-release-3.2/select2.min
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+Copyright 2012 Igor Vaynberg
+Version: 3.2 Timestamp: Mon Sep 10 10:38:04 PDT 2012
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in
+compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
+distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
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+for(n=d.tokenSeparators.length;kh)break;f=a.substring(0,h);a=a.substring(h+o.length);if(0=a}};var I=1;G=function(){return I++};
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