Releases: REVrobotics/REV-Software-Binaries
Releases · REVrobotics/REV-Software-Binaries
SPARK Flex Firmware 24.0.8
- Fixes bug in velocity calculation when changing the encoder average depth
- Fixes issue causing motor EEPROM to occasionally reload fully after disabling the motor, causing brief dropout of status frames
SPARK Flex Firmware 24.0.7
- Adds parameters for status frame periods
- Performs contextual validation on the sensor type parameter
- Always keeps the hall sensor active when in brushless mode, in addition to the specified sensor type
- Recalculates the hall angle more frequently to prevent lockup
SPARK Flex Firmware 24.0.6
- Fixes issue where an invalid sensor type for a given motor type can cause a sensor fault
SPARK Flex Firmware 24.0.5
- Improves handling of errors on the CAN bus
- Fixes incorrect EEPROM faults appearing
- Reduces boot time
- Properly handles the case where a CAN device sends a payload longer than 8 bytes
- Improves internal watchdog
SPARK Flex Firmware 24.0.4
- Fixes issue where SPARK Flex constantly disables itself while running when certain third-party commands are being sent to the CAN bus
- Fixes position data inaccuracy when the position conversion factor is not 1
SPARK Flex Firmware 24.0.2
- Improves filtering of invalid PWM signals
- Previously, noise on the signal wires could be occasionally be erroneously interpreted as a PWM signal, causing the motor to spin unexpectedly
- Fixes issue where CAN errors would cause the device to switch between brake mode and coast mode, resulting in a clicking sound if you manually turned the motor
SPARK Flex Firmware 24.0.0
Breaking Changes
- Moves the IAccum value to periodic status frame 7
- Periodic status frame 7 is new to this release, and by default is sent every 250ms.
- Adds Orange/Green blink code to indicate temperature cutoff
- Refuses to run in brushed mode when connected to a NEO Vortex
- Improves the precision of the main encoder
- Previously, the higher the position value was, the less precise the value would be
- For the NEO Vortex's internal encoder, this change starts making a difference after only ~1,000 rotations
- Requires REVLib 2024.2.0 or later or REV Hardware Client 1.6.2 or later to take advantage of the additional precision
- Allows changing the CAN ID of a SPARK Flex connected directly via USB without affecting other SPARK devices on the CAN bus with the same CAN ID
- Makes changes towards improving the reliability of saving and persisting parameters
Bug fixes
- Fixes analog sensor values when it is configured to be inverted
- Fixes setting the NEO encoder's position to values other than zero
- Fixes the NEO encoder's position when the motor is inverted
SPARK Flex Firmware 23.0.2
Version 23.0.2
- Adds support for updating the firmware via CAN and USB (without Recovery Mode)
Known issues
- Setting the NEO encoder's position always resets the position to 0, regardless of the specified value
- When the analog sensor is configured to be inverted, its reported values will be incorrect
Version 23.0.0
Initial version with intent to support equivalent features to SPARK MAX
- Features requiring the SPARK Flex Dock (coming soon) are not yet supported, e.g. brushed motor driving and NEO/NEO550 brushless motor driving
- Alternate Encoder Mode is not necessary for SPARK Flex, therefore it is replaced by the External Encoder Data Port feature:
- Can be used simultaneously with the internal encoders in NEO class motors
- Can be used simultaneously with an absolute encoder and limit switches
- Virtually no RPM limit
- No special configuration
REV Hardware Client 1.6.6
REV Hardware Client 1.6.6 was released shortly after version 1.6.5 to fix a regression where
the Telemetry graph would disappear if you switched away from the Telemetry tab
while the graph was running. The release notes for version 1.6.5 have been copied below.
Breaking changes
- Windows 10 or later is now required
General improvements
- Listens for safety keys (space and enter) even when not focused
- If the FRC Driver Station or another application with administrative privileges is focused, the REV Hardware Client will not see the keypress
- Improves the Telemetry feature
- Fixes tooltips
- Fixes various chart interactions
- Improves the visibility of data when more than 4 signals are active or a signal is being hovered over
- Fixes the background color of image exports
- Fixes an unhandled exception when resizing the window with the Telemetry tab open on a scaled display
- Improves the reliability of displaying devices
- Fixes an issue where all devices would be cleared out after an unexpected error occurred
- Various small improvements to safety and the user experience
SPARK improvements
- Allows typing incomplete numbers into the setpoint text field
- Dramatically improves behavior of the setpoint slider
- Always disables the setpoint controls and displays a tooltip when the motor cannot be run
- Improves the reliability of updating SPARK MAXes with firmware older than version 1.5.0
- Displays the input voltage
- Renames the "Gate Driver Fault" to "Gate Driver Fault or 12V Missing"
Pneumatic Hub improvements
- Turns off all solenoids when a safety key (Space or Enter) is pressed
Expansion Hub improvements
- Fixes installing firmware onto directly-connected Expansion Hubs
REV Hardware Client 1.6.4
General improvements
- Fixes an error message appearing when the selected device is unplugged
- Improves the reliability of device scans and removals
- Includes changes to prevent duplicate devices from being displayed
- Improves reliability of detecting new USB CAN devices
- Adds support for public Software Channels
SPARK improvements
- Fixes issue where devices could run unexpectedly under certain situations
- Fixes issue where the REV Hardware Client could fail to receive data from a directly-connected
SPARK after updating it - Fixes issue where the REV Hardware Client would require the CAN bus to be error-free even when you
were updating via USB - Disables the Run Motor button when the SPARK is under roboRIO control