You decided to contribute to this project? Great, thanks a lot for pushing it.
This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please file issue to report unacceptable behavior.
This repository has a mono-repo structure consisting of multiple packages. Try to take a look at the packages directory!
All prerequisites could be installed via script at the end of the chapter
- pnpm is required because NPM is not reliable and Yarn 2 is not as good as PNPM.
- For local development, you can use yalc in order to apply changes made to electron-builder for your other projects to leverage and test with.
npm i -g pnpm
pnpm i yalc -g
- (unsettled) You may need yarn. See this issue for details. Detailed reports are welcome.
npm i -g yarn
Follow this chapter to setup an environment from scratch.
git clone
pushd ./electron-builder
pnpm install
You must publish and link yalc
's local "packages" to your project via the one-liner below (run from your project folder).
Unfortunately,the yalc publish
command cannot pass multiple packages.
yalc publish app-builder-lib
yalc publish builder-util
yalc publish builder-util-runtime
yalc publish dmg-builder
yalc publish electron-builder
yalc publish electron-publish
yalc publish electron-builder-squirrel-windows
yalc publish electron-forge-maker-appimage
yalc publish electron-forge-maker-nsis
yalc publish electron-forge-maker-nsis-web
yalc publish electron-forge-maker-snap
yalc publish electron-updater
yalc link app-builder-lib builder-util builder-util-runtime dmg-builder electron-builder electron-publish electron-builder-squirrel-windows electron-forge-maker-appimage electron-forge-maker-nsis electron-forge-maker-nsis-web electron-forge-maker-snap electron-updater
The magical script for whenever you make changes to electron-builder! Rebuilds electron-builder, and then patches
the npm modules in your project (such as electron-quick-start
Ready for copy-paste into terminal presuming electron-builder repo is at root level outside your project folder,
otherwise adjust path as necessary.
pushd ../electron-builder
pnpm compile
find packages/ -type d -maxdepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 -L1 sh -c 'cd "$0" && yalc push'
If you are using Windows and Visual Studio Code(Powershell), please use this.
pushd ..\electron-builder
pnpm compile
Get-ChildItem packages -Directory | Foreach-Object{pushd "./packages/$_"; yalc push; popd;}
On Windows cmd.exe:
pushd ..\electron-builder
pnpm compile
for /D %d in (packages\*) do (pushd "%d" & yalc push & popd)
To check that your contributions match the project coding style make sure pnpm test
To build project run: pnpm i && pnpm compile
If you get strange compilation errors, try to remove all
directories in the project (especially underpackages/*
We use semantic-release, so we have very precise rules over how our git commit messages can be formatted.
Documentation files located in the /docs
is deployed to Netlify on every release and available for all users.
to setup local env (Python 3) and build.
Build command: mkdocs build
Only IntelliJ Platform IDEs (IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm) support debug.
If you use IntelliJ IDEA or WebStorm — ij-rc-producer is used and you
can run tests from an editor (just click on Run
green gutter icon).
Or you can create the Node.js run configuration manually:
- Ensure that
Before launch
containsCompile TypeScript
. - Set
Node interpreter
to NodeJS 8. NodeJS 8 is required to debug. - Set
Application Parameters
to-t "test name" relative-test-file-name
if you want to debug particular test. E.g.-t "extraResources - one-package" globTest.js
- Set
Environment Variables
:- Optionally,
to some directory (e.g./tmp/electron-builder-test
) to inspect output if test uses temporary directory (only if--match
is used). Specified directory will be used instead of random temporary directory and cleared on each run.
- Optionally,
pnpm compile
TEST_APP_TMP_DIR=/tmp/electron-builder-test ./node_modules/.bin/jest --env jest-environment-node-debug -t 'assisted' '/oneClickInstallerTest\.\w+$'
is specified to easily inspect and use test build, assisted
is the test name
and /oneClickInstallerTest\.\w+$
is the path to test file.
When filing an issue please make sure, that you give all information needed.
This includes:
- description of what you're trying to do
- log of the terminal output
- node version
- npm version
- on which system do you want to create installers (macOS, Linux or Windows).