13:30 Welcome and Intro
13:45 OpenShift Virtualisation overview
14:30 Live Demo
15:00 BREAK
15:15 Migration from RHV and VMWare
16:00 Q&A
09:30 Overview presentation
11:30 OCP-V LAB (HandsOn) - Creating a Virtual Machine on OCP-Virt
12:00 Lunch Break
13:00 OCP Migration LAB (HandsOn)
14:00 Your journey with OpenShift Virtualization
14:30 BREAK
14:45 Continued Lab (HandsOn)
09:00 Welcome and Intro
09:15 OpenShift Basic installation on Bare Metal Cluster Layout discussion Compact, Single Node, Regular, HCP ….
10:30 Installing the OpenShift Virtualisation Operator and configuration
11:00 BREAK
11:15 Setting up Local storage (Single Node and OpenShift Data Foundation) Networking options, installing NMStat and SR-IOV
12:00 Lunch Break
13:00 Backup and Disaster Recovery (OADP and ODF)
13:30 Migration Options (MTV and Ansible Migration)
14:30 Migration Risks
15:00 Q&A