A project using vl53l5cx to detect the passage of the cat to the outside.
Warning This Project only works on ESP32D with at least 8MB of flash size.
The data processing will be detailed in four layers of data processing. First we need to prepare data, next analyze the data with the necessary calculations and finally determine the result.
The raw data of the sensor as a major issue : the sensor is tilted by 60° then all values are not standardize, so we need to correct that with some math.
This project has 2 value that must be assigned to work properly. In order to configure them, you must run this command in your project folder :
> idf.py menuconfig
Next go to Ouchat Configuration
The values to be assigned are :
- Ouchat Secret Key
- Ouchat Cat ID
This project is using my V53L5CX-Library for esp-idf framwork (all the source code is available on github).
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── 📁 components /
│ └── 📁 ouchat /
│ ├── ouchat_api.c
│ ├── ouchat_ble.c
│ ├── ouchat_led.c
│ ├── ouchat_logger.c
│ ├── ouchat_processing.c
│ ├── ouchat_protocomm.c
│ ├── ouchat_sensor.c
│ ├── ouchat_utils.c
│ ├── ouchat_wifi.c
│ ├── ouchat_wifi_prov.c
│ └── 📁 include /
│ ├── ouchat_api.h
│ ├── ouchat_ble.h
│ ├── ouchat_led.h
│ ├── ouchat_logger.h
│ ├── ouchat_processing.h
│ ├── ouchat_protocomm.h
│ ├── ouchat_sensor.h
│ ├── ouchat_utils.h
│ ├── ouchat_wifi.h
│ └── ouchat_wifi_prov.c
├── 📁 main /
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── main.c
└── README.md
Copyright © 2023 RJRP44.
This project is GNU GPL licensed.
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