diff --git a/tensilelite/Tensile/KernelWriterAssembly.py b/tensilelite/Tensile/KernelWriterAssembly.py
index 4f9188de54..f616b16466 100644
--- a/tensilelite/Tensile/KernelWriterAssembly.py
+++ b/tensilelite/Tensile/KernelWriterAssembly.py
@@ -3352,7 +3352,9 @@ def lwaTileAssignment(self, kernel, tP):
         tmpSgpr = tmpSgprInfo.idx
         # Calc numKr, TODO- 32 should be MI_K * 2
         module.add(SLShiftRightB32(dst=sgpr(tmpSgpr), shiftHex=hex(log2(32)), src=sgpr("SizesSum"),  comment="SWZ: numKr = DimK / 32"))
-        module.add(VMulU32U24(dst=vgpr(qReg), src0=sgpr(tmpSgpr), src1=vgpr(qReg), comment="SWZ: wave-id *= numKr"))
+        WvG_M = kernel["MIWaveGroup"][0]
+        module.add(VAndB32(dst=vgpr(qReg), src0=hex(WvG_M-1), src1=vgpr(qReg), comment="SWZ: wave_id (along_M) %= MIWG[0]"))
+        module.add(VMulU32U24(dst=vgpr(qReg), src0=sgpr(tmpSgpr), src1=vgpr(qReg), comment="SWZ: wave_id (along_M) *= numKr"))
     elif isDTVAB:
       # offset calculation for DirectToVgpr
       # call function from LraTileAssignmentMFMA for DirectToVgpr
diff --git a/tensilelite/Tensile/SolutionStructs.py b/tensilelite/Tensile/SolutionStructs.py
index fb8ad4e7b9..2d5ec86fdc 100644
--- a/tensilelite/Tensile/SolutionStructs.py
+++ b/tensilelite/Tensile/SolutionStructs.py
@@ -1458,8 +1458,10 @@ def setGlobalLoadTileDimClassic(state, tc, numLoads, totalVectorsCoalesced, tota
             and totalElementsPerp % nlp == 0:
           state["NumLoadsCoalesced%s"%tc] = nlc
           state["NumLoadsPerpendicular%s"%tc] = nlp
-          #print("NumLoadsCoalesced",state["NumLoadsCoalesced%s"%tc])
-          #print("NumLoadsPerpendicular",state["NumLoadsPerpendicular%s"%tc])
+          # print("NumLoads%s:"%tc,state["NumLoads%s"%tc])
+          # print("NumLoadsCoalesced%s:"%tc,state["NumLoadsCoalesced%s"%tc])
+          # print("NumLoadsPerpendicular%s:"%tc,state["NumLoadsPerpendicular%s"%tc])
+          # print("\n")
           foundValid = True
       if not foundValid:
@@ -1892,15 +1894,15 @@ def isDirectToVgprDoable(state, tc):
         reject(state, "DirectToVgpr%c does not support TLU%c+ numByte >= 4 + MIInputPerThread > 1"%(tc, tc))
         return False
-    # MIWaveGroup, MatrixInstBM,BN check
-    #  for A, MIWaveGroup[1] and MatrixInstBN should be 1
-    #  for B, MIWaveGroup[0] and MatrixInstBM should be 1
+    # MatrixInstBM,BN check
+    #  for A, MatrixInstBN should be 1
+    #  for B, MatrixInstBM should be 1
     # This is to limit the number of Vgpr
-    if tc == 'A' and not (state['MIWaveGroup'][1] == 1 and state['MatrixInstBN'] == 1):
-      reject(state, "MIWaveGroup[1] and MatrixInstBN should be 1 for DirectToVgprA. Current value is [%d, %d]"%(state['MIWaveGroup'][1], state['MatrixInstBN']))
+    if tc == 'A' and not (state['MatrixInstBN'] == 1):
+      reject(state, "MatrixInstBN should be 1 for DirectToVgprA. Current value is %d"%(state['MatrixInstBN']))
       return False
-    if tc == 'B' and not (state['MIWaveGroup'][0] == 1 and state['MatrixInstBM'] == 1):
-      reject(state, "MIWaveGroup[0] and MatrixInstBM should be 1 for DirectToVgprB. Current value is [%d, %d]"%(state['MIWaveGroup'][0], state['MatrixInstBM']))
+    if tc == 'B' and not (state['MatrixInstBM'] == 1):
+      reject(state, "MatrixInstBM should be 1 for DirectToVgprB. Current value is %d"%(state['MatrixInstBM']))
       return False
     # Does not work with WaveSeparateGlobalRead
@@ -1959,7 +1961,7 @@ def isDirectToVgprDoable(state, tc):
     if state["PrefetchGlobalRead"] == 0:
       reject(state, "DirectToVgpr%c does not supports PrefetchGlobalRead == 0."%(tc))
       return False
     # for DTVA, does not work with NN and TLDS0
     if tc == 'A' and state["TransposeLDS"] == 0 and (not state["ProblemType"]["TransposeA"] and not state["ProblemType"]["TransposeB"]):
       reject(state, "DirectToVgpr%c does not supports NN case with TransposeLDS == 0."%(tc))
@@ -1974,7 +1976,7 @@ def isDirectToVgprDoable(state, tc):
     if  tc == 'B' and (not state["ProblemType"]["TransposeA"] and not state["ProblemType"]["TransposeB"]):
         # Use AssertSummationElementMultiple (BoundSizeMultiple in predicates) to exclude failed tail-loop cases
         state["AssertSummationElementMultiple"] = max(state["AssertSummationElementMultiple"], state["DepthU"])
     # Does not work with DirectToLDS
     # -> this will be checked after DirectToLDS doable check is done
@@ -2985,19 +2987,27 @@ def calcOptGRVW(lrvw: int, unrollMajorLDS: bool, datatype: DataType) -> int:
       validDepthU = True
       # how many elements to load
-      if state["ProblemType"]["TLUA"]:
+      if state["ProblemType"]["TLUA"]: # NT/NN
         totalElementsCoalescedA = state["MacroTileA"]
         totalElementsPerpA = depthUA
-      else:
+        if state["DirectToVgprA"]:
+          totalElementsCoalescedA *= state["MIWaveGroup"][1]
+      else: # TN/TT
         totalElementsCoalescedA = depthUA
         totalElementsPerpA = state["MacroTileA"]
+        if state["DirectToVgprA"]:
+          totalElementsPerpA *= state["MIWaveGroup"][1]
-      if state["ProblemType"]["TLUB"]:
+      if state["ProblemType"]["TLUB"]: # NT/TT
         totalElementsCoalescedB = state["MacroTileB"]
         totalElementsPerpB = depthUB
-      else:
+        if state["DirectToVgprB"]:
+          totalElementsCoalescedB *= state["MIWaveGroup"][0]
+      else: # TN/NN
         totalElementsCoalescedB = depthUB
         totalElementsPerpB = state["MacroTileB"]
+        if state["DirectToVgprB"]:
+          totalElementsPerpB *= state["MIWaveGroup"][0]
       totalElementsA = totalElementsCoalescedA * totalElementsPerpA
       totalElementsB = totalElementsCoalescedB * totalElementsPerpB
@@ -3249,7 +3259,7 @@ def calcOptGRVW(lrvw: int, unrollMajorLDS: bool, datatype: DataType) -> int:
       if not Solution.isDirectToVgprDoable(state, 'A'):
         return  # rejected
     if state["DirectToVgprB"]:
-      if not  Solution.isDirectToVgprDoable(state, 'B'):
+      if not Solution.isDirectToVgprDoable(state, 'B'):
         return  # rejected
@@ -3478,6 +3488,15 @@ def subCheckLdsBlockSizePerPad(tc, idx):
         #1LDS buffer must be 0 for DirectToLdsA
         state["1LDSBuffer"] = 0
+      # Re-check DTV + WaveGroup after DTL is confirmed
+      if state["DirectToLds"]:
+        if state["DirectToVgprA"] and state['MIWaveGroup'][1] > 1:
+          reject(state, "DirectToLds + (DirectToVgprA + WaveGroups along N-Dim) is not supported yet")
+          return False
+        if state["DirectToVgprB"] and state['MIWaveGroup'][0] > 1:
+          reject(state, "DirectToLds + (DirectToVgprB + WaveGroups along M-Dim) is not supported yet")
+          return False
     # set NoLdsWriteCode if (DirectToVgpr or DirectToLds)A+B is enabled
     state["NoLdsWriteCode"] = False
     if (state["DirectToVgprA"] or state["DirectToLdsA"]) and (state["DirectToVgprB"] or state["DirectToLdsB"]):
diff --git a/tensilelite/Tensile/Tests/common/gemm/dtl.yaml b/tensilelite/Tensile/Tests/common/gemm/dtl.yaml
index 0eb027d21d..69f9486f38 100644
--- a/tensilelite/Tensile/Tests/common/gemm/dtl.yaml
+++ b/tensilelite/Tensile/Tests/common/gemm/dtl.yaml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ GlobalParameters:
   NumElementsToValidate: -1
   MinimumRequiredVersion: 4.14.0
   PrintLevel: 1
-  PrintSolutionRejectionReason: True
+  # PrintSolutionRejectionReason: True
   Device: 0
   CMakeBuildType: Release
   KernelTime: True
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
         - DirectToVgprA: [0,1]
         - DirectToVgprB: [0,1]
         - Groups:
-          - 
+          -
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   2, 2,  2,2 ]
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   4, 1,  4,1 ]
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   1, 4,  1,4 ]
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
           - Exact: [255,   255, 1, 126]
           - Exact: [255,   255, 1, 190]
           - Exact: [255,   255, 1, 256]
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
         - DirectToVgprA: [0,1]
         - DirectToVgprB: [0,1]
         - Groups:
-          - 
+          -
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   2, 2,  2,2 ]
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   4, 1,  4,1 ]
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   1, 4,  1,4 ]
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
           - Exact: [255,   255, 1, 127]
           - Exact: [255,   255, 1, 191]
           - Exact: [255,   255, 1, 256]
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
         - DirectToVgprA: [0,1]
         - DirectToVgprB: [0,1]
         - Groups:
-          - 
+          -
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   2, 2,  2,2 ]
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   4, 1,  4,1 ]
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   1, 4,  1,4 ]
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
         - DirectToVgprA: [0,1]
         - DirectToVgprB: [0,1]
         - Groups:
-          - 
+          -
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   2, 2,  2,2 ]
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   4, 1,  4,1 ]
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   1, 4,  1,4 ]
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
           - Exact: [255,   255, 1, 126]
           - Exact: [255,   255, 1, 190]
           - Exact: [255,   255, 1, 256]
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
         - DirectToVgprA: [0,1]
         - DirectToVgprB: [0,1]
         - Groups:
-          - 
+          -
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16,  4, 1,  1,   2, 1,  2,2 ]
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16,  4, 1,  1,   4, 1,  4,1 ]
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16,  4, 1,  1,   4, 1,  1,4 ]
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
         - DirectToVgprA: [0,1]
         - DirectToVgprB: [0,1]
         - Groups:
-          - 
+          -
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16,  4, 1,  1,   2, 1,  2,2 ]
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16,  4, 1,  1,   4, 1,  4,1 ]
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16,  4, 1,  1,   1, 4,  1,4 ]
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
           - Exact: [255,   255, 1, 111]
           - Exact: [255,   255, 1, 127]
           - Exact: [255,   255, 1, 128]
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
         - DirectToVgprA: [0,1]
         - DirectToVgprB: [0,1]
         - Groups:
-          - 
+          -
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16,  4, 1,  1,   2, 1,  2,2 ]
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16,  4, 1,  1,   4, 1,  4,1 ]
             - MatrixInstruction: [32, 32,  2, 1,  1,   2, 1,  2,2 ]
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
           - Exact: [255,   255, 1, 111]
           - Exact: [255,   255, 1, 127]
           - Exact: [255,   255, 1, 128]
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
         - DirectToVgprA: [0,1]
         - DirectToVgprB: [0,1]
         - Groups:
-          - 
+          -
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16,  4, 1,  1,   2, 1,  2,2 ]
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16,  4, 1,  1,   4, 1,  4,1 ]
             - MatrixInstruction: [16, 16,  4, 1,  1,   1, 4,  1,4 ]
diff --git a/tensilelite/Tensile/Tests/common/gemm/dtv.yaml b/tensilelite/Tensile/Tests/common/gemm/dtv.yaml
index 65960f948a..1c0a729edb 100644
--- a/tensilelite/Tensile/Tests/common/gemm/dtv.yaml
+++ b/tensilelite/Tensile/Tests/common/gemm/dtv.yaml
@@ -10,9 +10,12 @@ GlobalParameters:
   CMakeBuildType: Release
   KernelTime: True
   MaxWorkspaceSize: 13421772800
+  DataInitTypeA: 13
+  DataInitTypeB: 12
   DataInitTypeAlpha: 1
   DataInitTypeBeta: 1
-  BoundsCheck: 2
+  DataInitTypeBias: 13
+  DataInitTypeScaleAlphaVec: 12
   #MaxFileName: 256
@@ -439,6 +442,11 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
           - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   5, 1,  2,1 ] # MT = 160x16. Case to check kernel writer works
           - [32, 32,  8, 1,  1,   2, 1,  4,1 ]
           - [32, 32,  8, 1,  1,   4, 1,  4,1 ]
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  8,1,   1,4 ] # 128x64
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  8,1,   2,2 ] # 256x32
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  16,1,  2,2 ] # 512x32
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  10,1,  2,2 ] # 160x32
         - WorkGroup:
           - [16,16,1]
         - GlobalReadVectorWidthA: [2,4,8]
@@ -613,6 +621,11 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
           - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   1, 5,  1,2 ] # MT = 16x160. Case to check kernel writer works
           - [32, 32,  8, 1,  1,   1, 2,  1,4 ]
           - [32, 32,  8, 1,  1,   1, 4,  1,4 ]
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  1,8,   4,1 ] # 64x128
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  1,8,   2,2 ] # 32x256
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  1,16,  2,2 ] # 32x512
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  1,10,  2,2 ] # 32x160
         - WorkGroup:
           - [16,16,1]
         - GlobalReadVectorWidthA: [2,4,8]
@@ -1985,6 +1998,10 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
           - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  1,8,   4,1 ] # 64x128
           - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  2,8,  4,1 ] # 128x128
           - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  4,16,  4,1 ] # 256x256
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  4,2,   1,4 ] # 64x128
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  8,2,   1,4 ] # 128x128
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  16,4,  1,4 ] # 256x256
         - AssertFree0ElementMultiple: [16]
         - AssertFree1ElementMultiple: [16]
         - AssertSummationElementMultiple: [32]
@@ -2050,6 +2067,10 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
           - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  4,2,   1,4 ] # 64x128
           - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  8,2,  1,4 ] # 128x128
           - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  16,4,  1,4 ] # 256x256
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  2,4,   4,1 ] # 128x64
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  2,8,  4,1 ] # 128x128
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,  4,16,  4,1 ] # 256x256
         - AssertFree0ElementMultiple: [16]
         - AssertFree1ElementMultiple: [16]
         - AssertSummationElementMultiple: [32]
diff --git a/tensilelite/Tensile/Tests/common/gemm/dtvA_swizzleA.yaml b/tensilelite/Tensile/Tests/common/gemm/dtvA_swizzleA.yaml
index 3b77fa22bc..ff085984b7 100644
--- a/tensilelite/Tensile/Tests/common/gemm/dtvA_swizzleA.yaml
+++ b/tensilelite/Tensile/Tests/common/gemm/dtvA_swizzleA.yaml
@@ -11,15 +11,17 @@ GlobalParameters:
   KernelTime: True
   MaxWorkspaceSize: 13421772800
   DataInitTypeA: 13
-  DataInitTypeB: 13
+  DataInitTypeB: 12
   DataInitTypeAlpha: 1
   DataInitTypeBeta: 1
+  DataInitTypeBias: 13
+  DataInitTypeScaleAlphaVec: 12
   BoundsCheck: 2
   #MaxFileName: 256
-  # HHS TN DTVA + SWIZZLED_A + BIAS + Activation
+  # HHS TN DTVA + SWIZZLED_A + BIAS + Activation + SAV
     - # ProblemType
@@ -36,6 +38,7 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
       UseBias: 1
       Activation: True
       BiasDataTypeList: ['h']
+      UseScaleAlphaVec: 1
     - # BenchmarkProblemSizeGroup - Standard - All problem
@@ -57,6 +60,24 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
           - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   8, 8,  4,1 ] # MT = 512x128
           - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   8, 16, 4,1 ] # MT = 512x256
           - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   5, 8,  2,1 ] # MT = 160x128
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   2, 4,  2,2 ] # MT = 64x128
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   2, 8,  2,2 ] # MT = 64x256
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   4, 4,  2,2 ] # MT = 128x128
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   4, 8,  2,2 ] # MT = 128x256
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   8, 4,  2,2 ] # MT = 256x128
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   8, 8,  2,2 ] # MT = 256x256
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   16, 4, 2,2 ] # MT = 512x128
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   16, 8, 2,2 ] # MT = 512x256
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   5, 4,  2,2 ] # MT = 160x128
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   4, 2,  1,4 ] # MT = 64x128
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   4, 4,  1,4 ] # MT = 64x256
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   8, 2,  1,4 ] # MT = 128x128
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   8, 4,  1,4 ] # MT = 128x256
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   16, 2, 1,4 ] # MT = 256x128
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   16, 4, 1,4 ] # MT = 256x256
+          - [16, 16, 16, 1,  1,   10, 2, 1,4 ] # MT = 160x128
         - AssertFree0ElementMultiple: [16]
         - AssertSummationElementMultiple: [32]
         - GlobalReadVectorWidthA: [8]
@@ -102,4 +123,4 @@ BenchmarkProblems:
         - BiasTypeArgs: ['h']
         - ActivationArgs:
           - [Enum: none]
-          - [Enum: relu]
+          - [Enum: relu]
\ No newline at end of file