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File metadata and controls

199 lines (153 loc) · 8.46 KB


This section concerns fixtures for PocketBase. Fixtures are fake data generated to facilitate development.


How to load fixtures


Be aware that fixtures will delete all current records in your DB, which is why they aren't allowed in production.

First, make sure you have your env variables correctly set.

Env variables

Some of these variables are already set by default in the .env file, however, you can override them in a .env.local file (to set your own PocketBase password for example).


The correct .env file to use is located in the svelte-kit folder. The root .env file is used for Docker only.

Variable Description
SECRET_POCKETBASE_URL The URL to connect to PocketBase. Should be the PocketBase container's name with its associated port.
SECRET_POCKETBASE_USERNAME The username used by any admin to log into PocketBase.
SECRET_FIXTURES_LOCALE The locale to use for the Faker instance. Not required, will default to en.
SECRET_FIXTURES_ENV The current Node environment. It must be set and cannot be prod or production as fixtures should never run in production.


To load fixtures, run bun run fixtures in the svelte-kit container, or make fixtures outside the container.


By default, the bun run fixtures command will ask you if you want to run fixtures and delete all current records. You can omit this prompt by adding -f to the command. The make fixtures command already does that.

How to create a fixture

You can easily create your fixture for a newly added collection, or edit an already existing fixture.

Every necessary step

Follow these steps to create a new fixture for a collection :

  1. Create a .ts file in the svelte-kit/fixtures/data directory.
  2. Your file must have a default export of type Fixture<T> which contains a name, order and load property.
  3. Your fixture's name property must be unique. It must be a collection's name.
  4. Fixtures are loaded depending on their order (ascendant) property. Make sure your fixture has a higher order than the fixtures it depends on so it gets executed after them.
  5. Your load must be an async callback which receives pb: PocketBase as its first argument, an object references containing the already registered items by the other fixtures as its second argument, and faker: Faker.
  6. Your load function must return an object with a records property, which is an object with string | number as its key and a Response corresponding to the newly inserted data.


Here are some examples to better understand how to create a fixture. You can look at other existing fixtures too in the svelte-kit/fixtures/data folder (where you will add your new fixture).

Simple fixture

Here is an example of what a fixture can look like (taken from the ranks.ts fixture) :

// svelte-kit/fixtures/data/ranks.ts

// Import the necessary types with "import type..."
import type { Fixture, Reference } from '../index';
import type { RanksRecord, RanksResponse } from '../../src/lib/types/pocketbase';
import type { TierlistsDataKeys } from './tier-lists';

// Export the data that is going to be inserted in a constant to be able to access it from other fixtures
export const DATA = {
  cars: {
    veryFast: {
      name: 'Very Fast',
      color: '#FF0000',
      description: 'The fastest cars',
      position: 0,
    fast: {
      name: 'Fast',
      color: '#FFA500',
      description: 'Fast cars',
      position: 1,
    average: {
      name: 'Average',
      color: '#FFFF00',
      description: 'Average cars',
      position: 2,
    slow: {
      name: 'Slow',
      color: '#008000',
      description: 'Slow cars',
      position: 3,
  // ... other data
// Use the right type to get full type-safety on your export, also makes it easier to add new data
// We omit the "tierList" field because it is already represented by the key of the object
} as const satisfies Record<TierlistsDataKeys, Reference<Omit<RanksRecord, 'tierList'>>>;

// Export the keys of the data to be able to use them as types
export type RanksDataKeys = keyof typeof DATA;

// The required default export
export default {
  // The name of our fixture, usually the name of the file and collection
  name: 'ranks',
  // The order (ascendant) in which to load this fixture, useful to load this fixture after its dependencies (tierLists)
  order: 2,
  // Our load function with PocketBase, records of other fixtures and Faker
  load: async (pb, references) => {
    // Prepare the records we will return
    const records: Reference<RanksResponse> = {};
    // Because we are loading after the "tierLists" fixture, all the tier lists inserted are available inside "references.tierLists"
    const tierListsReferences = references.tierLists || {};

    // We loop over each tier list
    for (const [tierList, ranks] of Object.entries(DATA)) {
      // We use the constant defined earlier to know how many ranks to add
      for (const [i, rank] of Object.entries(ranks)) {
        // We create a new record with fake data and add it to our "records" object
        records[i] = await pb.collection('ranks').create<RanksResponse>({
          color: rank.color,
          description: rank.description,
          position: rank.position,
          // We use the "references" object to reference the tier list we want to link to
          tierList: tierListsReferences[tierList].id,
        } as RanksRecord);

    // We return our records, which will be available to other fixtures as "references.ranks"
    return { records };
// Use the Fixture<T> type to get full type-safety on this export
} satisfies Fixture<RanksResponse>;

Your "records" object can also contain strings as keys (eg: you need to be able to locate a specific user).

With that, your fixture will be automatically loaded. You can (and should) use a FormData instance containing all your fields instead of an object if you want to send files.


Avoid using the faker instance to generate random data for key fields. This will make it difficult to reference these records during tests. Instead, create a DATA constant to hold the data you want to use for your fixtures. Keep faker for generating other unuseful data (like a random image url).

Inserting files

To insert a file, you must use a FormData object. Take a look at this example from the users fixture :

// svelte-kit/fixtures/data/users.ts

// ...

// Create a new FormData
const formData = new FormData();

try {
  // Get a fake url 🐱
  const url = faker.image.urlLoremFlickr({ category: 'cats' });
  // Use the utils function "downloadImage" to get the image as a Blob
  const avatar = await downloadImage(url, 'blob');

  // Append the Blob "avatar" to our FormData
  formData.append('avatar', avatar, url.split('/').at(-1)?.split('?').at(0));
} catch (_) {
  // Catch the error and show a warning, this just means that our user won't have an avatar (instead of failing all fixtures)
  console.warn(chalk.yellow(`Failed to download image ${avatarUrl}. User ${email} will have no avatar.`));

// ...

// Append other necessary fields
formData.append('email', email);

// ...

// Create the record using our `FormData` instance
records[i] = await pb.collection('users').create<UsersResponse>(formData);


FormData.append only accepts string or Blob as value. For any other value, you can use JSON.stringify.