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1356 lines (1234 loc) · 33.8 KB

File metadata and controls

1356 lines (1234 loc) · 33.8 KB


  • should go in seperate file (better than inline or in the head)
  • css statements are called "rules"
  • resetting all browser-styles:
  • normalize the alle browser-styles:

link the html-file to the css-file

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">

comment in css

/* comment */

syntax of the css statement / rule

p {
    color: red;                                 /* (p => selector, color:red; => declaration) */
}                                               /* color => property, red => value) */

set rule with 2 declerations for p => red and bold

p {
    color: red;
    font_weight: bold;

Cascade Rules (but Specificity overrules - see below)

p {                                             /* cascading rules (from top to bottom, step by step) */
    color: red;                                 /* output is blue+bold */
    font_weight: bold;
p {
    color: blue;

Define red color for element

color: red;

Define color with hex code

color: #FF0000;

Defome color with rgb code (4th parameter is opaque - 0.5. means half transparent, 1 no transparent)

color: rgba(255,0,0,1);

define color per hsla value

color: hsla(0, 100%, 50%,1);

Font bold

font_weight: bold;

Define when a font is downloaded from eg. google fonts

font_weight: 700;

Define font size with 25 pixel

font-size: 25px;

Font italic / cursive

font-style: italic;

Defines line-height as 1.5 of the normal height

line-height: 1.5;

Define text decoration a red underline

text-decoration: underline red;

Define text with line-through

text-decoration: line-through;

Center text / or list-entries in ul

text-align: center;

Display text as blocktext (left and right in a line)

text-align: justify;

Make text uppercased

text-transform: uppercase;

Define background color

background-color: #e2b007;

Define border of element (width, style, color) - "shorthand"-method

border: 3px solid #FFA500;

Define border of element (width, style, color) - "shorthand"-method

border: thin solid red;

Define only the bottom-border - "longhand"-method

border-bottom: 6px dashed #FFA500;

Define only the bottom-border-width - "longhand"-method

border-bottom-width: 12px;

Define a border radius with 5 pixel - "shorthand"-method

border-radius: 5px;

Define the border radius for top right corner - "longhand"-method

border-top-right-radius: 5px;

Define border color with red

border-color: red;

Define border width with 1px/2px (clockwise => up-rigth-down-left)

border-width: 1px 2px 1px 2px;

Define border style

border-style: solid;

Height of the box

height: 100px;

Margin of the box (outside the border, for all 4 sites) - "shorthand"-setting

margin: 20px;

Margin of the box (10 pixel for top/bottom and 20 pixel for left/right)

margin: 10px 20px;

Margin of the box (clockwise from tom) => 10px top, 20px right, 0px bottom, 115px left

margin: 10px 20px 0 15px;

Margin of the box => will do this clockwise for top+right and bottom-left => 100px for top+bottom, 0 for right+left

margin: 100px 0;

Set the margin automatc - wg. when the width is set to a percentage

margin: auto;

Center the content horizontal

margin: 0 auto;

Setting the margin to 10 pixel - "longhand"-method

margin-top: 10px

Padding on all sides

padding: 20px;

Padding only on the bottom side (values are going clockwise starting at the top)

padding: 0 0 20px 0;

Padding on the left and right - no padding at top and bottom

padding: 0 10px;

Setting the padding to 6 pixel - "longhand"-method

padding-left: 6px

Define width in percent (relative to the width of the parent element)

width: 50%;

Define width (calculated on elements font size - when font-size=14px - the width would be 70px (5*14)

width: 5em;

Define width (and reserve additional 10px for eg. the margin of each element)

width: calc(33.3% - 20px)

Define height of element

height: 200px;

Resize something eg. img


Prevents the eg. image from getting bigger than its original size


Resize something eg. img


no bullets in unordered list (using at ul-element)

list-style-type: none;

disc (for Bullet), circle, square, decimal, lower-alpha,

list-style-type: xyz

hide element

disply: none;

show element in line - eg. horizontal li-elements - or wrap border only around a paragraph p (and not the whole block)

display: inline;

show element as a block (max width of the window) - eg. wrap border around a span element over the whole window (and not only the span)

display: block;

show elements in the block in a line - eg. all p-elements in a div-element

display: inline-block;

show elements in the block in the flex system

display: flex;

Define floating for an image (text will float her on the right side of the image)

float: left;

Clear floating (for left and right)

clear: both;

Change the background fading in for 5 seconds (eg. going from white to dark blue)

transistion: background 5s;

Static element - is not positioned in any way (position tags top-bottom-left-rigth will have no effect)

position: static;

With the position tags (top, botom, left, right) the element is shifted away from its normal position

position: relative;

Element stays according the position tags - but will not change the place even if the windows is scrolled

position: fixed;

Default-value - we can see the content when it overflows

overflow: visible;

Hides the overflow (can not see the text which is outside the box)

overflow: hidden;

Shows a scrollbar when the content is overflowing

overflow: auto;

Can overlap other elements - element with the highest z-index in front

z-index: 2;

Make a picture darker

filter: brightness(40%);

Make cursor a pointer when going over the element

cursor: pointer;

Disable highlighting of text selection

user-select: none;

Make copyright-sign



center an unordered list

ul {
   text-align: center;					# center the whole ul in the block
ul li {
   display: inline-block;				# arrange list elements vertically
   list-style-type: none;			   	# not dots for the list elements

show sepeartor between unordered list

li + li:before{
    content: " | ";
    padding: 0 3px;

resize a block element and center it

(if using only "width" => when the window is to small - the browser resolves this with a horizontal scrollbar)
(so its better to use "max-width" => this reduces the width when the windows is / becomes to small)
    max-width: 600px;
    margin: 0 auto;

let a image float right - and let the text float around it in the left and bottom area around the picture

img {
  float: right;
  margin: 0 0 1em 1em;

when floating and the image is bigger then the element use this so the element is adjusted to the image heigth

.clearfix {
  overflow: auto;

nav menue on the left side - with several section beside the nav in the right area

(with a percentage parameter - better then fixed px-amounts especially when using smaller windows)
nav {
  float: left;
  width: 25%;}
section {
  margin-left: 25%;

show all elements in a div-block flexible as inline

div {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 300px;
    height: 100px;
    margin: 1em;

size div automatically according to the content

height: fit-content

styling link based on state

a:link {...}		=> format link when not allready clicked
a:visited {...}		=> format link when allready clicked
a:hover {...}		=> format link when hovered over with the mouse

center the whole site in the middle

body {
	width: 75%;						# space which can be taken by the body
	margin: 0 auto;}				# rest of the space (=25%) will be splitted left and right

make media scalable

img, video, canvas {
	max-width: 100%;}

show different images depending on browser width

  <source srcset="img_smallflower.jpg" media="(max-width: 600px)">
  <source srcset="img_flowers.jpg" media="(max-width: 1500px)">
  <source srcset="flowers.jpg">
  <img src="img_flowers.jpg" alt="Flowers" style="width:auto;">

define variable at the very beginning:

:root {
  --primary-color: #047aed

use the variable somewhere in the css:

background-color: var(--primary-color);

no border when entering an input field

input:focus {
  outline: none;

button attention (makes button during hovering a little bit smaller)

transform: scale(0.98);

button / picture attention (shift button / pic up for 15px when hoovered)

transform: translateY(-15px);}				# shift up element for 15px when hoovered
transition: 1.5s ease;						# make smooth transisition (with ease => slow - than fast - than slow again)

make a obliquely line

.element::before					# define area before the element
.element::after						# define area after the element
	height: 100px;					# define heigth for the element
	transform (skeyY(-3deg);		# make it oblique before / after the element

taken from google fonts for example (take fonts and then create link in upper right corner for the link

<head>                     # define in html in the header
    <link href=";400;700&display=swap" rel="stylessheet">

Helvetica and sans-serif are the fallback fonts when Source Sans Pro is not loading

p {
    font-family: "Source Sans Pro", "Helvetica", sans-serif;
	font-weight: 700;				# how thick / bold the font is


Using icons directly from

<head>      # Definition in the head
	<script src=""
<i class="fas fa-search">		# use icon in css (change size, color)

Using svg-files

put full svg-code (source) of the svg in a svg-tag
		like: <svg enable-background="new 0 0 515.91 728.5"
            height="512" id="Layer_1" version="1.1"
		change all fill="#123456" entries to fill=currentColor
put a div-wrapper around the svg-element (and probably a a-tag for a link around the wrapper too)
		like: <div class="wrapperSVG"> ... </div>
format the svg:						# for sizing the svg-icon with width and height
	svg {
		width: 1.4%;
		height: 1%;}
format the div-wrapper:				# for coloring and positioning the svg-icon (in the wrapper)
	div.wrapperSVG {
		color: var(--darkest);
		display: inline;
		position: relative;
		top: 3px;


Overview Complex Selectors see:
direct parent/child relationship

    <p>hello, twitch!</p>
</section>                 # direct parent relationsship > child connection with ">"
section > p {              # direct child connection (only the p which are direct unter section
    color:red;             # p is the direct child of section

normal parent/child realtionship

        <p>hello, twitch!</p>
</section>                 # normal parent child connection (ignores deepeness)
section p {                # all connections above (when there is a p - somewhere on a level - in the section)
    color:red;             # p is the grandchild of section / somewhere a child of section

Sibling Relationship

    <p>Hello, Twitch!</p>
	<p>Hello, YouTube!</p>
</section>				   # previous sibling + next sibling
p + p {					   # format is used when two <p>s are after each other
	color: red;			   # only the second p will get red


Type Selector - Select one specific type

h1 {...}

Universal Selector - Select everything

* {...}

Class Selector - Select specific class

.box {...}

ID Selectors - Select specific ID

#unique {...}

Attribute Selectors - Select elements which have the attribute "title"

Attribute selector	a[title] {...}

Pseudo Class Selector - Select elements with special state (eg. first-child, hover, focus, clicked,...)

p:first-child {...}

Pseudo Elements Selector - Style a specific part of the selected element (eg. first-letter, first-line,...)

p::first-line {...}

Descendant combinator - all connections above (when there is a p - somewhere on a level - in the article)

article p

Child Combinator - direct child connection (only the p which are direct unter article)

article > p

Adjacent Sibling - format is used when a p-element is following directly after a h1-element

h1 + p

General Sibling - selects any p-element which is following somewhere after a h1-element

h1 ~ p

selects any span-element that is inside a p-element, which is inside an article-element

article p span {...}

selects any p-element that comes directly after a ul-element, which comes directly after an h1-element

h1 + ul + p {...}

select elements with class "special" which are somwhere after p which is directly after h1 which is somewhere in the body

body h1 + p .special {...}


class is used for formating many different elements

	<p class="robot">Hello, Twitch!</p>
	<p id="zebra" class="bob">Hello, YouTube!</p>
	<p class="bob">Goodbye!</p>
.bob {
	color: red;

both classes have to be in the SAME element

.class1.class2 {...}

both classes have to be in the SAME element - only for p-elements

p.class1.class2 {...}

the parent-element has to be class1 and the child-element class2

.class1 .class2 {...}

the parent-element section has to be class1 and the child-element h2 class2

section.class1 h2.class2 {...}

one of the classes have to be in the element

.class1,.class2 {...}

rule is for p with class1+class2 or a with class2

p.class1.class2, a.class2 {...}

h2, which have class2+classe3 in h2, their parent has class1, and the parent is in body

body article.class1 h2.class2.class3 {...}

rule for h3 which have a parent-element aside with class aExtra

aside.aExtra h3


id is used for formating unique elements

	<p>Hello, Twitch!</p>
	<p id="zebra">Hello, YouTube!</p>

can used only ONE time - only one id per element - nothing else can have this id

#zebra {color: red;}

one of the ids have to be in the element

#class1,#class2 {...}

h2, which has id=rhino, the parent has class=top and the parent is in body

body h2#rhino {...}

rule for h2 which have a parent-element section with id aMilk

section#aMilk h2



.bob {
	color: red !important;						# with !important this style get the maximum priority / overwrites everything
}												# not often used - eg. in cases of immediate urgency to show something - when a error is not found cxurrently

defines the priority which styles can overwrite which style

priority has the style which came later - but only when the specificity is equal or higher!
1 point for tags
10 points for classes
100 points for ids
1000 points for Inline Style

1 point (1 tag)


100 points (1 id)


11 points (1 tag + 1 class)

section .bob { }

1010 points (1 class + 1 other)

.bob{ !important }

11 points (1 tag + 1 class) for section1 and for section2

section1,section2 .bob { }


overview see:
special classes which are dinamically populated as a result of user actions of document structure

a:link{...}								=> format link when not clicked
a:visited{...}							=> format link when allready clicked
a:hover{...}							=> format link when hoovered over it
li:first-child							=> Selects an element that is the first within a parent
li:last-child							=> Selects an element that is the last within a parent
p:first-of-type							=> Selects an element that is the first of its type within a parent
p:last-of-type							=> Selects an element that is the last of its type within a parent
div p:nth-child(2)						=> Select the second p-child in the div-element

every element is a box - box in the middle
box has a heigth and width - eg. 100px*100px
padding outside the box - between box and border (top,right,bottom,left)
border (outside padding) (top,right,bottom,left) margin (outside border) (top,right,bottom,left)
eg. h1, p - break to new line, fill the maximum available space, width and heigth will be respected

block boxes

eg. a, span, em, strong - will not break to new line, use only the minium space, width/heigth will not apply

inline boxes

With this statement every sizing is included with the border

*{box-sizing: border-box}


=>old layouting - not state of the art!
element tries to got as much up to the top - and as much left (or right according if floated left or right)
normaly everything will float to the left

example1 - without cass all the elements will be positoned from top to bottom

Positioning Content

section {									# with that css-command section and aside will be on the same level
	float:left;								# section on the left side and aside on the right side
aside {

section {									# with that css-command section and aside will be on the same level
	float:left;								# section on the left side with 63% of the space and aside with 30% of the space
	margin 0 1.5%;							# both have a margin outside the element
	width: 63%
aside {
	margin 0 1.5%;
	width: 30%
footer {
	clear: both;							# after the float - the floats have to be cleared to get the old normal vertically float

example2 - without cass all the elements will be positoned from top to bottom


section {									# with that all 3 section elements will float left
	float: left								# so they are horizontal alligned side by side
	margin 0 1.5%;							# width has to be adjusted accordingly
	width: 30%
footer {
	clear: both;							# after the float - the floats have to be cleared to get the old normal vertically float

LAYOUT FLEXBOX Complete Guide To Flexbox
Initialize flexcontainer (parent element as a block)

display: flex;

Initialize flexcontainer (as inline-element - not as block)

display: inline-flex;

Items are placed horizontal from left to right (DEFAULT)

flex-direction: row;

Items are placed horizontal from rigth to left (main axis is horizontal and cross axis is vertical)

flex-direction: row-reverse;

Items are placed vertical top to bottom

flex-direction: column;

Items are placed vertical top to bottom (main axis is vertical and cross axis is horizontal)

flex-direction: column-reverse;

No wrapping - shows all items in one line (overwrites element width) (DEFAULT)

flex-wrap: nowrap;

Wrap elements to next line in the flexcontainer section (according to the width)

flex-wrap: wrap;

Wrap elements but start at the bottom left corner(and going from left to right)

flex-wrap: wrap-reverse;

Combination from direction + row (same as flex-direction: row and flex-wrap: wrap)

flex-flow: row wrap;

Give every element equal space / proportion

flex: 1;

One element or all elements should have 2 proportions - eg. more space for a specific item

flex: 2;

Defines the order of the specific element (if > 0 then put it at the end - when < 0 put it at the very beginning)

order: 1;

Show every item in a single line in the flexcontainer section

flex-wrap: nowrap;

Wrap elements to next line in the flexcontainer section

flex-wrap: wrap;

Combination from direction + row (same as flex-direction: row and flex-wrap: wrap)

flex-flow: row wrap;

Put elements to the max left/top (for the main axis) (DEFAULT)

justify-content: flex-start;

Put elements to the max right/bottom (for the main axis=

justify-ccontent: flex-end;

Center the elements (for the main axis)

justify-content: center;

Place elements with equal space around the elements (for the main axis)

justify-content: space-around;

Place elements with equal space between the elements (for the main axis)

justify-content: space-between;

Stretches the elements on the cross axis (DEFAULT)

align-items: stretch;

Align elements from the top or left (for the cross axis)

align-items: flex-start;

Align elements from the bottom or right (for the cross axis)

align-items: flex-end;

Center the elements (for the cross axis)

align-items: center;

Align elements on the baseline of the elements (for the cross axis) - eg. when there are different font-sizes in the flex-items

align-items: baseline;

Align individual element at the bottom or right (for the cross axis) - overwrittes the align-items-setting for the single item

align-self: flex-end;

Gives the flex-item 1 proportion value (when there are 3 items - every item gets the same space)

flex: 1 200px;

Give the element 5times the overall room - eg. 3 items get 1 spaces and 1 item get 5 spaces (8 spaces overall)

flex: 5;

Gives the 3rd item 2 proportion (item 1+2 get 1/4 of the space - item 3 gets 1/2 of the space)

article:nth-of-type(3) { flex: 2 200px; }

Overwrites the vertical position of the item in the flexcontainer

button:first-child { align-self: flex-end; }

Change the order of the first item (everything has order 0 - with 1 it goes to the very right position)

button:first-child { order: 1; }

Change the order of the last item (everything has order 0 - with -1 it goes to the very first position)

button:last-child { order: -1; }

flex-basis, flex-grow, flex-shrink (longhanded values for flex)

flex: 10 5 400px								# means 10 for flex-grow, 5 for flex-shrink, 400px for flex-basis
	=> flex-basis: set the basis width of the flex-element
	=> flex-grow: how to deal with the extra-space (in the main axis)
	=> flex-grow: when there is extra space would should be done with them - DEFAULT is 0 => do nothing
	=> flex-grow: when set to 1 for one element the whole extra-space will be taken for this element
	=> flex-shrink: what to do when there is not enough space when the window gets shrinked
	=> flex-shrink: DEFAULT is 0 - when there is not enough space the elments get shrinked equally


Define grid for the layouting as block)

display: grid;

Define grid as inline-block

display: inline-grid;

Define 3 fixed columns with 200px each

grid-template-columns: 200px 200px 200px;

Define 3 flexible columns with fr-units (define 3 columns with max possible place)

grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;

2nd way: Define 3 flexible columns with fr-units (define 3 columns with max possible place)

grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);

3rd way: Define 3 flexible columns with auto

grid-template-columns: auto auto auto;

Define 3 flexible columns with fr-units (4 spaces - 1st column takes 2; 2nd+3rd colujmn take 1)

grid-template-columns: 2fr 1fr 1fr;

Create as many columns as will fit into the container

grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(200px, 1fr));

Define gap between the elements (20 px for rows and columns)

grid-gap: 20px;

Define gap between the elements (10px for the row-gap and 50px for the column-gap)

grid-gap: 10px 50px;

Define the gap only for the rows

grid-row-gap: 30px;

Define the gap only for the columns

grid-column-gap: 20px;

Define heigth of the row

grid-auto-rows: 100px;

Define heigth of the row (100px is minimum, auto expand to fit the content)

grid-auto-rows: minmax(100px, auto);

Use for element grid-columns 1 - 3

grid-column 1 / 3;

Use for element gird columns 1 and 2

grid-column 1 / span 2;

Use for element grid-row 1

grid-row: 1;

Use for element area => grid-row-start / grid-column-start / grid-row-end / grid-column-end

grid-area: 1 / 2 / 5 / 6;

Arrange grid elements (horizontally) with equal space around every element

justify-content: space-evenly;

Same space around every grid

justify-content: space-around;

Same space between the elements

justify-content: space-between;

Center the elements

justify-content: center;

Arrange the elements on the starting left side

justify-content: start;

Arrange the elements on the ending right side

justify-content: end;

Arrange grid elements (vertically) - center the elements

align-content: center;

Same options as horizontaly with justify-content

align-content: start, space-around,...

Element spans from 1st column to thue 3rd column

grid-column-start: 1
grid-column-end: 4

Element spans from the 1st row to the 2nd row in the 3rd column

grid-column: 3;
grid-row-start: 1;
grid-row-end: 3;

Name all items

.item1 { grid-area: header; }					# Name the different areas
.item2 { grid-area: menu; }
.item3 { grid-area: main; }
.item4 { grid-area: right; }
.item5 { grid-area: footer; }
.gid-container {
    'header header header header header header' # Define where the areas should be displayed in the grid
    'menu main main main right right'
    'menu footer footer footer footer footer';


Running the page on different / smaller devices

- Fluid - everything sized with percentage (no fixed measures)
	=> looks more or less good on every windows-size
- Elastic - using em and rem (em looks at the parents fontsize and use this as a base / rem looks at the html-element)
	(set a standard font-size as a base for the whole document)
	=> em: the change has only to be done at the one font-size decleration
	=> rem: the change has only to be done at the font-size from the html
	=> font-size: 62.5%; /* font-size 1em = 10px bei normaler Browser-Einstellung */
	(so everything would response to the default font size from the actual user)
	(only changing the font-size central when changes)
- Content Decision - Mobile First or Desktop to Mobile
	=> first think about the design on mobile (and then bigger and bigger from Tablet to fully desktop)
	=> or make it the other way (desktop design first and then shrinking to mobile version)
	=> decide what should be shown on mobile devices and what not
	=> using media queries

Make YouTube-Video responsive

.financeToolsDetail .videoContainer {
    position: relative;
    padding-bottom: 56.25%;
    padding-top: 30px; height: 0; overflow: hidden;
.financeToolsDetail .videoContainer iframe {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 15%;											# Position the video in the middle of the div-box
    width: 60%;											# Defines how big the video should be displayed (width)
    height: 55%;										# Defines how big the video should be displayed (height)


smartphones: this rule get only be used when the device width is between 0 and 600 pixel

@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
	h1 { color: blue; }              }

tablets: this rule is used when the width is greater 600px

@media screen and (min-width: 600px) {
    .middle{color: yellow; }         }

desktop: this rule is used when the width is greater 900px

@media screen and (min-width: 900px) {
    .middle{color: yellow; }         }

this rule is used when the width is between 600px and 900px

@media screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 900px){
	img {border: 2px solid red;}     }

use the full length of the width

section {
	height: 200px;
	border 1px solid black;
	flex: 1;

arranges elements in main and class bottom with flex-system

main,.bottom {
	display: flex;

Important addition to the template-columns:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
	=> enables the windows to be zoomed
	(never set initial-scale to none - zooming would be not possible)


combines the follwing 6 rules

transform: matrix(1,2,3,4,5,6);

move left/right, up/down4kode

transform: translate (120px, 50%);

change the scale of the object

transform: scale (2, 0.5);

rotate object (possible for any axes (rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ)

transform: rotate (0.5turn);

skew object

transform: skew(30deg, 20deg);

combine some transformations

transform: scale(0.5) translate(-100%,-100%)

responsible for the animation - is corresponding to a class definition (see below)

@keyframes xyzAction{
	0% {transform: rotateZ(0deg)};				# at 0% of the animation nothing should change on the z-axe
	50% {transform: rotateZ(180deg)};			# at 50% of the antimaton the z-axe should rotate 180deg
	100% {transform: rotateZ(360deg)};			# at 100% of the antimaton the z-axe should rotate 360deg

define the class for the @keyframe above


Name of the keyframe (puts together the setup to the keyframe)

animation-name: xyzAction;

How many times the animation runs (infinite or eg. 5 for 5 times)

animation-iteration-count: infinite;

Lenght of one duration of the animation eg. 500ms or 0.5sec

animation-duration: 500ms;

Animation is progressing linear

animation-function: linear;

Animation is progressing faster to the end

animation-function: easy-in-out;

Animation is progressing in steps (not smooth)

animation-function: step(5,end);

Possible values are runnning or pause (can be used with javacript to start/stop)

animation-play-state: running;

How long the start of the animation delays


Control of the progression - forward, backward, alternate


Animation fill mode



Define variables in css

:root {											# Highest possible level of setting a variable
	--var1: 10px;								# Define variable and initialize with 10px
	--var2: #ffd166;							# Define variable and initialize with color hex code
	--var3: 20%;								# Define variable and initialize with percentage value

Use variables in in css

img {											# Eg. using for image-rule
	padding: var(--var1)						# Using Variable
	background: var(--var2)
	max-width: var(--var3)
(Changing variable in JS have a look at JS Learning Path / Cheatsheet)


see Learning-Documentation link

keep selector shorthand
use no or less ids - better classes
do not use elements before classes (Bad: article.feat Good: .feat)
reuse styles whereever its possible
compress files with gzip
compress / convert images (program PNGGauntlet)


live the selected element in the browser

select the width or heigth - press rigth strg - up/down

Haml: Preprocessor for HTML Ruby must be installed before
Installation of haml

gem install haml

Compile the .haml-file to html

haml index.haml index.html


(more like a programming language with expressions, loops, if-statements,...) Many other preprocessors like Jade, Slim, LESS, Stylus, CoffeeScript
Installation of Sass

gem install sass