Import python module
import math
Import specific function of a module
from math import ceil
Import a module with abbreviation
import numpy as np
When directly called - programm is running from here
if __name__ == '__main__':
Check which python version is installed
python --version
Use modules / functions from other folder
(not working with eg. and - all modules, wether they are needed or not have to
imported in the program...)
import sys, os
sys.path.append(os.path.join('C:/', 'Users\path_to_module')) # Create Path to module
import RapidTechTools as rtt # Import Module RapidTechTools
Install virtualenv
pip install virtualenv
Global packages installed
pip list
Shows where the python-file is (Windows)
where python
Shows where the python-file is (Linux)
which python
Create new virtual environment env
python -m virtualenv env
Create new virtual environment env (for python3 eg. on MacOS)
python3 -m venv env
Extracts all the modules / dependencies to a txt-file
pip freeze --local > requirements.txt
Go back to the global environment
Create new virtual env with specific python-version
virtualenv -p C:\..path to..\Python37\python.exe py37_env
Activate new virtual env named py37_env
Shows the used python version in the virtual env
python --version
Install all the packages from requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Windows: Show all installed python-versions + paths
py -0p
Activate environment
when activated: pip list # Now only shows the installed modules for the virtual environment
pip install package # Only installs in the activated virtual environment
install virtual environment with specific python-version
download and install the python-version - Important: remember the path to the python.exe
create a venv with: virtualenv envName -p path\to\new_python.exe
install module
pip install moduleXY
upgrade module
pip install moduleXY --upgrade
Install specific version
pip install -Iv pyinstaller==4.8
uninstall module XY
pip uninstall module XY
show installed modules in actual environment
pip list
output modules in requirements.txt
pip freeze > requirements.txt
install modules from requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install pyinstaller
Install specific version
pip install -Iv pyinstaller==4.8
Generate the bundle in a subdirectory called dist.
Generate only one file
pyinstaller --onefile
Generate only one file (to get for sure the pyinstaller from the actual env)
python -m Pyinstaller --onefile
Collect data for specific python module
--collect-data moduleXY
add this when some modules are not found
--copy-metadata pandas_ta
When some modules are making problems - sometimes this helps
pyinstaller --onefile --collect-datas=trafilatura
pyinstaller --onefile --collect-data fake_useragent
error when using yfinance
pyinstaller --onefile --collect-data frozendict
when there is a depreciating warning from matlib
--exclude-module matplotlib
Generate file with icon
Generating under mac os sometimes only work with this params
Generating under mac os sometimes only work with this params
Open this file to start the python-program
only working with import yfinance (not with import yfinance as yf)
yfinance module
Problems with some added python modules (eg. pycountry)
Create hook-file with content:
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import copy_metadata, collect_data_files
datas = copy_metadata("pycountry") + collect_data_files("pycountry")
Compile Program with
pyinstaller --onefile --exclude-module matplotlib --additional-hooks-dir=.
Problems with path when executing from py and exe
config_name = 'creds.json' # Define the config file name
Determine if application is a script file or frozen exe
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): # Get path when starting as executable
application_path = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
elif __file__: # Get path when running from IDE as py-file
application_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
config_path = os.path.join(application_path, config_name) # Final Config Path
Using Inno Setup Compiler for creating a setup.exe for all files
- Application Information => provide application informations (appName, appVersion, publisher, website)
- Application Files => select application main executable file and add all necessary folder and files
- Application File Association => no selection
- Application Documentation => select files which should be shown before / after the installation
- Setup Languages => select which languages should be included during installation
- Save installation script
- Final setup.exe is stored in the "Output"-folder
Comment / Uncomment selected lines ("/" on numblock) (commenting in VS Code)
Ctrl K Ctrl C
Comment / Uncomment selected lines ("/" on numblock) (commenting in VS Code)
Ctrl K Ctrl U
Find in File
Ctrl F
Replace in File
Ctrl H
Selects whole line
Ctrl L
Search in all files
Ctrl Shift F
Replace in Path (in all Files)
Ctrl Shift H
Jump to this Grouping Window
Ctrl 1/2/3
Find next
Goto line
Ctrl G
Copy / Duplicate lines
Shift Alt Up/Down
Expand / Shrink selection
Shift Alt Left/Rigth
Move line
Alt Up/Down
Suggestions for fix error, function informations
Alt Enter
Open the project windows (on the left side)
Alt 1
Show usage of the variable, function, class
Alt F7
Focus back on the editor window
Collapse everything
Ctrl K Ctrl 0
Expands everything
Ctrl K Ctrl J
Collapse block ("-" on numblock)
Ctrl K Ctrl L
Expand block ("+" on numblock)
Ctrl K Ctrl L
Select whole file
Ctrl A
Undo (backwards) / Redo (forwards)
Ctrl (Shift) Z
Select word to the beginning
Ctrl Shift Left
Select word to the end
Ctrl Shift Right
Go one word left
Ctrl Left / Right
Delete current line
Ctrl Shift K
Delete to end of word
Ctrl Del
Delete to beginning of word
Ctrl Background
Hide/Show sidebar
Ctrl B
Hide/Show terminal
Ctrl J
Show command line (eg. open a file where the name is known)
Ctrl P
Open the the command panel
Ctrl Shift P
Toggle through the open files in the editor
Ctrl TAB
Close File
MultiCursor - Select more cursors in rows for multiple change in rows
Ctrl Alt Up/Down
MultiCursor - Select Cursor at multiple positions for the same name
Ctrl D
Select all occurences of this word in the document and change all with one change
Ctrl Shift L
Select whole word
Ctrl D
Jump to the function definition
Ctrl Click
Close Tab
Ctrl W
Show suggestions for the actual code function / method
Ctrl Space
Ctrl / # Comment / Uncomment selected lines ("/" on numblock) (commenting in VS Code)
Ctrl / # Comment / Uncomment selected lines ("/" on numblock) (commenting in VS Code)
Ctrl Alt F7 # Find usages
Ctrl F # Find in File
Ctrl R # Replace in File
Ctrl Shift R # Replace in Path (in all Files)
F2 # jump to the next error
F3 # Find next
Ctrl G # Goto line
Ctrl D # Copy / Duplicate lines
Ctrl X # Cut line (when nothing selected)
Ctrl C # Copy line (when nothing selected)
Alt Shift Down/Up # Move line
Ctrl E # Recent opened files
Ctrl TAB # Switch windows in IDE
Ctrl (Shift) W # Select / deselect parts of the code step by step
Alt Enter # Suggestions for fix error, function informations
Alt 1 # Open the project windows (on the left side)
Alt F7 # Show usage of the variable, function, class
Esc # Focus back on the editor window
Ctrl Shift - # Collapse everything
Ctrl Shift + # Exapnds everything
Ctrl - # Collapse block ("-" on numblock)
Ctrl + # Expand block ("+" on numblock)
Ctrl A # Select whole file
Ctrl (Shift) Z # Undo (backwards) / Redo (forwards)
Ctrl Shift Left # Select word to the beginning
Ctrl Shift Right # Select word to the end
Ctrl Left / Right # Go one word left
Ctrl Y # Delete current line
Ctrl Del # Delete to end of word
Ctrl Backspace # Delete to beginning of word
lorem + TAB # Create lorem text for html-code
p>lorem + TAB # Create lorem text inside <p>-tags
Shortcuts Chrome
F5 # Refresh site
Ctrl Tab # Go tab right
Ctrl Shift Tab # Go tab left
Ctrl F5 # Clear Cache and reload page
Shortcuts Win10
Alt Tab # Focus on other window
Ctrl C # Copy
Ctrl X # Cut
Ctrl VALUES # Paste
Enable pushing with ssh-key in Idea and VSCode
Enable open ssh agent:
Run commands:
Import module for math calculations
import math
Import module for reading arguments from the command line
import sys
Using some numpy functions
import statistics as stat
Result without Decimals (=> 2)
5 // 2
Modulo / Rest of the division (=> 1)
7 % 2
Assigment of several varaibles
d,e,f = 4,5,6
Change / swap 2 values
a,b = b,a
Increase value by one
a += 1
For better readability - "_" are possible using long num-values (will be ignored)
i = 1_000_000
Value is rounded to two decimal places => 77.23
round (77.2321, 2)
Round to tens place
int(v - v%10)
Conversion to String / Float / Int
str(5), float("5"), int("5")
Outputs absolute value => 2
Wait for pressing ENTER (or a keyboard stroke) to follow along
input("ENTER to continue")
Input age and change to int
Returns the type of a variable
Shows all available methods and attributes for the object as list
Check if x has type format float (others: str,int,list,tuple,range,dict,set,bool)
Set var to max-value (float infinite)
x = float("inf")
Calculates the sqrt of the value => i3
Check if a variable exists
if "myVar" in locals():
Check for argument which is given when starting the program
Print "Text" (with a linebreak \n at the end)
Print with end-statement (next print will be in the same line
print("Text", end="-")
Print text with linebreaks \n etc
python arg1 arg2 arg3
example starting program
Show the arguments from the command line when starting the program eg. ['', 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3']
Len of the arguments - eg. 4 (program itself and 3 arguments following)
Find the minimum value => 3
Find the maximum value => 7
Find the mean value => 5 (with statistic-module - input must be given as list)
Stop program at this point (helpful in test-situations)
Calculate the change from an old value to a new value in percent
(newVal-oldVal)/oldVal * 100
Import pretty print functionality
import pprint as pp
pretty print dict line by line
pretty print with max line-length 30
pp.pprint(dict, width=30)
pretty print only level 1 of nested list eg. ['level1', [...]]
pretty print only level 2 of nested list eg. ['level1', ['level2', [...]]]
convert binary value to decimal
random: unsecure, reproducable with seeds
secret: secure, not reproducable
Import random module - fast, but not very secure
import random
Random int number between 1 and 6 like a cube
Random float number between 1 and 3
Random value between 0 and 1 in float format - eg. 0.16394553
Random float in the range from 1 to 10
Random value for standard deviation
Choose random entry from a list
Choose 3 random (unique) entries from the list
Choose 3 random entries from the list (possible to be the same)
Shuffle the content of a list
Can reproduce the same results (unsecure)
generate a random uppercase 6-char string
"".join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase, k=6))
Import secrets module - for security reasons (is slower)
import secrets
Random int in the range from 0-10 (10 excluded)
Random int with 4 bits (highest possible value is 15 - 1111)
Random choice (which is not reproducable)
ordered, immutable, text representation s = "this is a test" # Define a string s = "this \n text" # String with linebreak \n s = "this \t text" # String with tab between the words
Define string over more lines in editor with
s = '''this \
and this'''
first char of a string
c = s[0]
last char of a string
c = s[-1]
Insert variable in string oldest method (%s for string, %i for int, %f for float, %.2f for 2 decimals)
s = "text %s bla" % var
Insert variable in string old method (:.2f for 2 decimals)
s = "text {} bla".format(var)
Insert variable in string new method
s = f"text {var} bla"
Format int with allways 2 digits
s = f"{var:02d}"
Format float with allways 2 decimal places
s = f"{float:0.2f}
Format float with 2 decmial places and overall 9 chars with leading 0
s = f"{float:09.2f}
Multiple use
"{0} like, {0} especially {0} but {1}".format("Joe", "noodles")
Returns the index where the text is found
s.find ("ist")
Counts the occurrence of a text
s.count ("i")
Counts several chars in a text
re.findall('[.,’]', s)
Return all index of the char "/" in the string
[i for i, c in enumerate(s) if c == "/"]
Returns all index as a list (needs import re)
[x.start() for x in re.finditer('ist', s)]
Lowercase the whole string
s = s.lower()
Capitalize the whole string
s = s.upper()
Capitalize the first char
s = s.capitalize()
Capitalize the first char of all words
s = s.title()
Check if string is starting with char "H"
Check if string starts with several chars
Check if string is ending with char "H"
Check if string ends with several chars
Split the words in a list which are seperated by " "
s.split(" ")
Split for several chars (eg. " " and "\n" and " ,")
re.split(" |\n| ,", s)
', 1)[0] => Split till the first occurence of "=>"
Split sentences after line breaks
Delete all whitespaces at the beginning and the end
s = s.strip()
Remove all duplicate spaces in a string
s = " ".join(s.split())
Replacement of two strings
s = s.replace("e","X")
Replace several chars in a string
s = re.sub("[e0fi]", "X", s)
Replace several chars in a string (get back a tupple: 1st changed string, 2nd: count of changed chars)
s = re.subn("[e0fi]", "X", s)
True if the whole string are digits
True if the whole string are no digits
TRUE if string2 is in strings1
s2 in s
Change string to list with all single chars
l = list(s)
Convert char to ASCII value
Convert ASCII value to char (eg. 65=A, 97=a)
Outputs hashvalue oif the string (needs import hashlib)
Execute statement in a string => hello
Gives the value of an expression => 4 (dangerous - can used for sql-injections)
Reverse a string
Print string with special characters
check if any string is in another string or all strings are in another string
s = "A string is more than its parts!"
l = ["more", "blabla", "nothing"]
if any(x in s for x in l): # check if any elems from checks in string s
if not any(x in s for x in l): # check if any elems from checks are NOT in string s
if all(x in s for x in l): # check if all elems from checks are in string s
import regex module
import re
Information about regex handling
test regex strings
Find str with 4xdigits + "-"char + 2xdigits
pattern = re.compile("^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}$")
Check if pattern matches - <> None when matches
Find str with 4xdigits + "-"char + 2xdigits
pattern2 = re.compile("[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}")
Find str with 3 to 4 xdigits + "-"char + 2xdigits
pattern2 = re.compile("[0-9]{3,4}-[0-9]{2}")
Check with fullmatch (^ and $ not necessary) - <> None when matches
Char "." has to cherck with "\n" (is a wildcard letter in regex)
pattern3 = re.compile ("[0-9]{1}\.[0-9]{3}")
Replace all digits in string with blank
Insert blank before every capitalized word eg. "CostOfRevenue" => "Cost Of Revenue"
re.sub(r'([a-z](?=[A-Z])|[A-Z](?=[A-Z][a-z]))', r'\1 ', "txt")
count all words which start and ends with a char from cL
len(re.findall(f'[{cL}"]{w}[{cL}"]', l))
count all words which start with w and ends with a char from cL
len(re.findall(f'^{w}[{charList}"]', l))
count all words which start with a char from cL and ends w
len(re.findall(f'[{charList}"]{w}$', l))
count all words which have w in the middle of anything else
len(re.findall(f'(.*?){w}(.*?)', l))
Read string an try to match with groups
Define pattern => as many digits (endless) + " " + one lowercase cahr + ":" + as many digits (endless)
pattern = "([0-9]+) ([a-z]:([a-z]+)"
Check if elem fits the pattern => returns <re.Match object; span=(0, 19), match="3 n: nnnlncrnnnnn">
match =, elem)
Assign the value of the first group => 3
value =
Show the full string => "3 n: nnnlncrnnnnn"
all =
ordered, mutable, allows duplicate elements
Define several empty lists (NOT use l1=l=l3=[] => this would be the SAME list)
l1,l2,l3,l4 = ([] for i in range(4))
check for True if list has an element
if l
check for False if list is empty (same would be if l == []
if not l
Define list with content
l = [4,5,6]
Define list - content is list from 0 to 19
l = list(range(20))
Define list with 8 empyt strings
l = ["" for x in range(8)]
Uppercase the whole list
l = [x.upper(for x in l)]
Define a nested list with 5x5
l = [["" for x in range(5)] for x in range(5)]
Add both lists together (to a new list)
l1 + l2
Add 1 element to the list at the back
Add several elements to the list at the back
Insert an element at the index-position 3
l.insert(3, "xyz")
Returns first index position of element "xyz"
Delete last element from list
Delete first element from list
Sort list ascending
Sort list descending
Sort list and store it in a different independent list
l_sort = sorted(l)
Sort list descending and store it in a different independent list
l_sort = sorted(l, reverse=True)
Sort the same way as the operating system (need: from natsort import os_sorted)
l_sort = os_sorted(l)
Check if a list is sorted (by ascending)
if sorted(l) == l
Check if a list is sorted by descending
if sorted(l, reverse=True) == l
Sort list by len of elements
Define nested list
l = [[1,4,3], [2,2,4], [3,1,5]]
Sort nested list for the 2nd element ascending
l.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
Sort nested list for the 2nd element descending
l.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
Sort nested list 1st for the 1st elem, then for the 2nd elem
l.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1]))
Sort nested list 1st for the 1st elem, then for the 2nd elem descending
l.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), reverse=True)
Reverse the complete list
Reverse complete list and store it in different independent list
l_reverse = list(reversed(l))
Delete element at index position 2
del l[2]
Delete first element with this value from the list
Delete complete content of the list (same as l = [])
Find smallest element in the list
Find greatest element in the list
Find longest string in the list
max(mylist, key=len)
Find lenght of longest string in the list
len(max(mylist, key=len))
Sum of all elements in the list
Pair Sorting from 2 lists (1 with 1, 2 with 2, 3 mit 3, aso.)
2xls_sum = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(l1, l2)]
Count of elements in list
Count of occurence of the element "a" in the list
No seperate copy of the list (updates in both lists)
l2 = l1
Separate individual copy of the list (no updates in both lists)
l2 = l.copy()
Separate individual copy of the list - 2nd variant
l2 = l[:]
Separate individual copy of the list - 3rd variant
l2 = list(l)
Seperate copying a nested list - import copy necessary
l2 = copy.deepcopy(l)
First element
Last element
Last 3 elements
Elements from index position 2 to 3
Elements from 0 to 1 (exclusive index position 2)
Elements from index position 2 to the end of the list
Every second element [start:end:step]
Check if element is in list
9 in l
Check if any elements from the list are in the string
if any(x in st for x in ["ab","cd","de"]):
Check if all elements from the list are in the string
if all(x in st for x in ["ab","cd","de"]):
Check if all elements from the list are NOT in the string
if all(x not in str for x in ["ab","cd"]):
Iterate through list content
for i in l:
Iterate through list with index
for i in range(len(l)):
Iterate through list with index and content
for idx, cont in enumerate(l):
Iterate through 2 lists pair-wise (stops when the shorter list is reached)
for x,y in zip(l1,l2):
Create string with elements joined together with ", " eg. ["a","b","c"] => a, b, c
', '.join(l)
Define list
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
List is mapped with the lambda function => [2,4,6,8,10]
list(map(lambda x: x*2, [1,2,3,4,5]))
Also possible with list comprehension => [2,4,6,8,10]
l=[x*2 for x in l]
Also possible with list comprehension => [2,4]
l=[x for x in l if x%2==0]
List comprehension with if and else
l=[x*2 if x.isdigit() else x for x in l]
List is filtered with lambda for even numbers => [2,4]
list(filter(lambda x: x%2==0, [1,2,3,4,5]))
Build paris as tuple => (1,4),(2,5),(3,6)
Remove duplicates from a list
Remove duplicates from a list and keep existing order
Change elements in list to int
Transpose nested list (change rows and columns)
[[x[i] for x in l] for i in range(len(l[0]))]
rotate list for n places
def rotate(l, n):
return l[-n:] + l[:-n]
Iterate over 2 lists at the same time using zip
animal = ['Cat', 'Dog', 'Fish', 'Goat']
age = [1, 2, 2, 6]
z = zip(animal, age)
for animal, age in z: ...
Adjust nested list to the same length
maxLen = max(map(len, l))
for row in l:
while len(row) < maxLen:
ordered, immutable, allows duplicate elements
working can be more efficient than with lists - especially with big data - regarding space and runtime
Create a tuple
t = (4,5,6)
Create a tuple from a list
t = tuple([3,4,4]
Selection / slicing of elements - same as with lists
Change tuple to list
l = list(t)
Change list to tuples
t = tuple(l)
Assigning vars to tuple-elements (a=0, b=1, c=2)
a,b,c = (0,1,2)
Assigning to tuple-values (f=0, m=[1,2,3], l=4)
f,*m,l = (0,1,2,3,4)
key-value pairs, unordered (till version 3.7), mutable
Define empty dict
d = {}
Define dict with content
d = {"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}
2nd way to defince a dict with content
d = dict(one=1,two=2,three=3)
Define dict with content (with dupels)
d = dict([("one",1),("two",2),("three",3)])
Define dict with content (with pairs in nested list)
d = dict([["one",1],["two",2],["three",3]])
Define dict with 2 different lists (1x keys and 1x values)
d = dict(zip(["one","two","three"], [1,2,3]))
Access value with key element (error when the key is not in the dict)
BETTER: Acesss value with get for key element (no error when the key is not in the dict - returns second parameter instead)
Access value - same as get - but also initialize the key when it is not in the dict - with the second parameter)
Find key for specific value (v) in dict
key = list(d.keys())[list(d.values()).index(v)]
Read keys from dict to list
Read values from dict to list
Count of entries in dict
Check if key is in dict (true / false)
"three" in d
New entry for dict (key = "four", value = 4)
d["four"] = 4
Delete specific key in dict
del d["one"]
Rename dict-keyname
mydict[new_key] = mydict.pop(old_key)
Combine 2 dicts (if key is in both dicts - the second value will be taken)
combined_dict = {**d1, **d2}
Check if key is in dict
if "xyz" in d:
Copying a dict (all changes will be made in BOTH dicts)
d2 = d
Copying a dict (NOT WORKING with nested lists in the dict - use deepcopy!)
d2 = d.copy()
Copying a dict (NOT WORKING with nested lists in the dict - use deepcopy!)
d2 = dict(d)
Copying a dict (dicts will be handled seperate) - import copy necessary
d2 = copy.deepcopy(d)
Dict d get updated with d2 (all existing keys are overwritten - and new added)
Iterate through dict keys
for key in d.keys():
Iterate through sorted dict keys ascending
for key in sorted(d.keys()):
Iterate through sorted dict keys descending
for key in sorted(d.keys(),reverse=True):
Iterate through dict values
for val in d.values():
Iterate through keys and values of the dict
for key, val in d.items():
built dict with dict-comprehension
d = {x[0]: x[1:] for x in l}
Sort dict descending according to values (=item[1])
d = {k: v for k, v in sorted(d.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)}
Sort dict ascending according to keys (=item[0])
d = {k: v for k, v in sorted(d.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])}
Dict sorted: 1st value-desc (x[0]) - 2nd key-ascnd (-x[0])
d = {k: v for k, v in sorted(d.items(), key=lambda x: (-x[1],x[0]))}
Sort dict and output list, sorted according to the 3rd element of the list in the dict
l = sorted(d.items(), key=lambda e: e[1][2])
Sort dict and output list, sorted according to the 3rd element of the list in the dict - descending
l = sorted(d.items(), key=lambda e: e[1][2], reverse=True)
Merge 2 dictionaries
d3 = {key: d1.get(key,0)+d2.get(key,0) for key in set(d1)|set(d2)}
save dict to pkl-file
import pickle
with open("fn.pkl", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(dict, f)
read dict from pkl-file
import pickle
with open('fn.pkl', 'rb') as f:
d = pickle.load(f)
unordered, mutable, no duplicates
Define empty set - {} would define a dict and not a set
Define set with content
s = {1,1,2,2,3,4}
Define empty set - returns: {"o","l","H","e"}
s = set("Hello")
Define second set
s2 = {1,7,8}
Add element in set1
Add several elements to set1
Intersection of 2 sets (same as: s.intersection(s2))
s & s2
Untion of 2 sets (same as: s.union(s2))
s | s2
Difference of 2 sets (same as: s.difference(s2))
s - s2
True if s is subset from s2 (same as: s.issubset(s2))
s <= s2
Check if element is in set
3 in s
Clear the set
Delete lowest elmeent in set
Delete element 5 from set - but key error possible
Delete element 5 from set - NO key error possible
Iterate through set content
for i in s:
Copying a set (all changes will be made in BOTH sets)
s2 = s1
Copying a set (set will be handled seperate)
s2 = s.copy()
Copying a set 2nd method (set will be handled seperate)
s2 = set(s)
Define a frozenset - no changes are possible in the set - union, intersection aso. will work
s = frozenset(1,2,3)
If / elif / else
if x > 10: pass
elif x > 10: pass
else: pass
Use 2 conditions in one line (instead of (a>10 and a<20)
if (10 < a < 20)...
Connecting different control structures with logical and &
if a<10 & b>10 & c==4...
5 iterations from 0 to 4
for i in range(5):
5 iterations from 0 to 4 (start, end, step)
for i in range(0, 5, 1)
Iterations descending from 4 to 0
for i in range(4, -1, -1)
While loop with break condition
while x < 4:
Endless while loop - has to be exited with break
while True:
Break loop completely
Break actual loop run - continue with next loop run
description of the function in form of a docstring
def printNumAbbr(value):
eg. Make abbreviaton for numeric value in thousands (K), millions (M), billions (B) or trillions (T)
:param value: numeric value which should be abbreviated
:return: string value with maximum possible abbreviation
Define function - with default value 0 if no input is given
def add(x=0,y=0):
erg = x+y # Calculation in function
return erg # Return value from the function
Optional argument in the funtction (first element is must - second optional)
def pet (animal,n1=None,n2="x")
pet("Cat") # Calling function with n1=None and n2 = "x"
pet("Cat","name") # Calling function with n1=name and n2 = "X"
pet("Cat",n2="xyz") # Calling function with n1=None and n2 = "xyz" (third parameter has to be named when calling)
Function with infinite arguments
def varargs(*args): print(args)
varargs(1,2,3) # Outputs (1,2,3)
def keyword_args(**kwargs):
keyword_args("a"=3, "b"=4) # Outputs {"a":3, "b":4}
decorator template
def my_decorator(func): # Define decorator
def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): # Decorator with * arguments
#Do... # Do something before the functions
result=func(*args,**kwargs) # Run the function
#Do... # Do something after the functions
return result # Return the results from the function
return wrapper
extend behaviour of a function with a decorators
def start_end_decorator(func): # Define the decorator with function "func" as input-parameter
def wrapper(): # Inside the decorator a wrapper function has to be defined
print("Start") # Decorated code which is executed before the core code from the function
func() # Calling the function itself
print("End") # Decorated code which is executed after the core code from the function
return wrapper # Results from the decorator have to be given back
@start_end_decorator # Defines this decorator for the following function "print_name"
def print_name(): # Normal content of the function
print("xyz") # Core functionality of the function
print_name() # Now when the function is executed - outputs not only "xyz" - also "Start" before and "End" after
decorator with function arguments
def start_end_decorator(func): # Define the decorator with function "func" as input-parameter
def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): # Inside the decorator a wrapper function has to be defined
print("Start") # Decorated code which is executed before the core code from the function
result = (*args,**kwargs) # Calling the function itself
print("End ") # Decorated code which is executed after the core code from the function
return result
return wrapper # Results from the decorator have to be given back
@start_end_decorator # Defines this decorator for the following function "add5"
def add5(x): # Normal content of the function with one argument
return x + 5 # Core functionality of the function
result = add5(10) # Outputs "Start" => "End" => 15
very memory efficient
Defines the generator with 3 yield statements
def mygenerator():
yield 3
yield 2
yield 1
Creates the generator and stores in g (=generator type)
g = mygenerator()
Outputs 3,2,1
for i in g: print(i)
Outputs 3
Outputs 2
Sum-Function can also use a generator => result is 6
Sorted-Function can use generator => returns list with sorted elements [1,2,3]
try / except
a = 5 / 0
except Exception as e:
print("Exception: ",e) # Prints exception "division by zero"
assert / raise
x = -5
assert (x>=0), "x is not positive" # Checks / Assert some condition => prints "x is not positive"
if x<0: raise Exception("x should positive") # Raises an exception => prints "Exception: x should be positive"
functions with one argument - add10(5) => 15
add10 = lambda x: x+10
functions with two arguments for multiplying - mult(2,7) => 14
mult = lambda x,y: x*y
p = [(1,2),(15,1),(5,-1),(10,4)]
output is sorted with first element then second element => [(1,2),(5,-1),(10,4),(15,1)]
output is sorted by the second element => [(5,-1),(15,1),(1,2),(10,4)]
sorted(p,key=lambda x:x[1])
output is sorted by the sum of both => [(1,2),(5,-1),(10,4),(15,1)]
sorted(p,key=lambda x:x[0]+x[1])
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
list is mapped with the lambda function => [2,4,6,8,10]
list(map(lambda x: x*2,a))
also possible with list comprehension => [2,4,6,8,10]
c=[x*2 for x in a]
list is filtered with lambda for even numbers => [2,4]
list(filter(lambda x: x%2==0,a))
also possible with list comprehension => [2,4]
c=[x for x in a if x%2==0]
Define a class
class Human(object):
species = "Homo Sapiens" # Fix variable / class variable for all instances of the class
def __init__(self,name): # Constructor - automatically applied when an instance is created = name # Name is assigned to the instance of the classe (self.)
self.tresor = [] # Tresor is assigned as list to the instance of the class (self.)
def say(self, msg): # Methode of the class
return "{name}: {message}".format(, message=msg)
elf.tresor.append(msg) # Tesor of the instance gets a new value in the list
@classmethod # Class methode - is used by all instances
def get_species(cls):
return cls.species
@staticmethod # Static methode - is called without class or method
def grunt():
return "*grunt*"
Create instance of the class
i = Human(name="Ian")
Call the methode of the class (output: "Ian: Hi")
Create additonal instance of the class
j = Human(name="Joel")
Call the methode of the class (output: "Joel: Hallo")
Output "Homo Sapiens"
Same output "Homo Sapiens"
Change of the class variable - applies for all instances
Human.species = "Was Neues"
Aufruf der statischen Methode => Ausgabe: "grunt"
from dataclasses import dataclass # import dataclass necessary
@dataclass # define a dataclass
class Coordinate: # class is defined an need NO __init__, __repr__, __eq__
x: int # __init__ no necessary - values get assigned automatically
y: int = 10 # __repr__ print for the string-represantion is automatic => Coordinate(x=4, y=5)
a = Coordinate(4, 5)
@dataclass (frozen=True) # defines a unmutable instance
asdict(dc) # converts the dataclass to a dict
astuple(dc) # converts the dataclass to a tuple
Read textfile - and print it
with open ("fn.txt","r") as f: print(
Open File for Read and Write
with open ("fn.txt","r+") as f: print(
Read textfile - stored in list per line
with open(fn, encoding="utf8", errors="ignore") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
Writing in textfile
with open("fn.txt","w") as obj: obj.write("Ein neuer Text")
Append text in the next line
with open("fn.txt","a") as obj: obj.write("\nNoch ein Text")
Check if file allready exists
if os.path.exists(fn) == False:
Create and initialize file when not exisiting
with open (fn,"a") as f: f.write("init")
Read content to string
Set the current postion in the file to beginning
Write s to the f-file opened
Try/Except - checks if file can be saved
while True:
try: # otherwise outputs a error message ()
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error happened: {e}")
traceback.print_exc() # Outputs the detailed error message
input ("File Open not possible - pls close and press <Enter>")
Import json-module
import json
Assign JSON-filename
fn = "numbers.json"
Reading informations in json-format
with open(fn) as data: info = json.loads(data)
Convert / Encode a dict to a json-file (with indent for better reading)
json_format = json.dumps(d,indent=2)
Convert / Encode a dict to a json-file (with sorting the keys)
json_format = json.dumps(d,sort_keys=True)
Convert / Decode a json-file to a dict
person = json.loads(json_format)
Reading information in json-format
with open(fn.json,"r") as data: d=json.load(file)
Pretty-Print formatted json-file
print(json.dumps(erg, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
when there are utf-8 errors pls try to set the system variables
import sys
read JSON from file
ignoring errors and handles multiple json-objects
with open(fnJSON, errors="ignore") as f:
data = [json.loads(line) for line in f]
read JSON from website
ignoring errors and handles multiple json-objects
r = requests.get(tmpJSONWord)
jsonStrList = r.text.split("\n")
jsonList = [json.loads(j, errors="ignore") for j in jsonStrList if j != '']
write JSON to txt-file
with open('dataDetail.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
json.dump(ergDetail, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
Example for json-file
"firstName" : "Chuck",
"lastName" : "Doe",
"hobbies": ["running","swimming","singing"],
"age": 28,
"hasChildren": true
"children" = [
"firstName" : "Alex"
"age" : 5
"firstName" : "Bob"
"age" : 7
Read name value => "Chuck"
Iterate trough the json-file (eg. many children)
for item in children:
Import xml-module
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
Example for xml-file
<phone type="int1"> +1 734 555"</phone>
<email hide="yes"/>
Read xml-file into tree
tree = ET.fromstring(data)
Read name text => "Chuck"
Read hide value from email => yes
Iterate trough xml-file (eg. many persons)
lst = persons.findall("persons/person")
for item in lst:
Import Module for URL parsing
import urllib.parse
Import Module for request
import urllib.request
Encode url
link = urllib.parse.quote_plus(link)
Uncode url
link = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(link)
Parse HTML-link1
u = urlparse("")
Returns "http"
Returns "/search"
Returns ""
Download picture from a url
opener = urllib.request.URLopener()
opener.addheader('User-Agent', "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.106 Safari/537.36")
filename, headers = opener.retrieve(url, 'Test.jpg')
Download xlsx/csv from a url
from urllib.request import urlopen, urlretrieve
urlretrieve(hrefLink, filename)
import csv
Read csv-file to nested-list
fn = os.path.join(path, "inp.csv")
with open(fn, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
csvRead = csv.reader(f, delimiter=";")
inpData = [x for x in csvRead]
# when this error happens: _csv.Error: line contains NULL
with open(workFN, "r", encoding="utf-16") as f:
# when this error happens: UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x96
with open(workFN, "r", encoding="mac_roman") as f:
Create an empty csv-file
with open(fnName, "w") as f:
Write csv-file from nested list
FN = os.path.join(path, "output.csv")
with open(FN, 'w', newline='', encoding="utf-8") as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=";")
Read csv-file to a dictionary for every line
with open ("products.csv", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
dictReader = csv.DictReader(f)
for item in dictReader:
for k,v in item.items():
Read csv-data from a HTML-link
import urllib.request
import codecs
url = link # direct link to a csv html file
ftpstream = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
csvfile = csv.reader(codecs.iterdecode(ftpstream, 'utf-8')) # output is nested list
Import zip module
import zipfile
Read Zip-File
zf = zipfile.ZipFile('', 'r')
List of string with the names of the files in the Zip-File
Open file vom Zip-File (eg. CSV-File which is in the Zip-File) (file_name)
see also Python-Diverses / GSpread
API for GoogleSheets / Tutorial explaining handling
# Create a project on
# select name + click create + select project
# 3 lines upper/left - API/Services - Library
# search for google drive API + enable it
# search for google sheets api + enable it
# 3 lines upper/left - API/Services - Credentials
# create credentials for Service Accounts + define name + press Continue
# choose role "editor" + press Continue + press Done
# press on created service account + press keys + Add Key + Create New Key
# select json + and store json-file with name creds.json
# copy client_email entry from the json-file
# in google sheets - got to share in the document
# paste the email from above + press send
Hosting and Scheduling on Google Cloud Platform groupcollide
# select project (in titlebar right from Google Cloud Platform)
# create a function (search for cloud functions)
# set trigger (Cloud Pub/Sub) and create/select topic
# files needed for hosting: (inside def hello_pubsub), requirements.txt, creds.json
# create schedule (search for cloud scheduler)
See further setup in tutorial
import gspread # import module
import oauth2client # import module
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials # import module for account credentials
from pprint import pprint # import module for better output formatting
scope = ["",
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name
("creds.json", scope)
Credentials Mgmt for GoogleSheets
gc = gspread.authorize(creds)
Open the Google Sheet
wb1 ="NameOfSheet)
Open the first worksheet in the Google Sheet
ws1 = wb1.get_worksheet(0)
Get all worksheets as worksheet-objects
listWS = wb1.worksheets()
Get all worksheets by n
listWS = [x.title for x in wb1.worksheets()]
Open the spreadhseet
sheet ="testpython").sheet1
Get a list of all records
dataList = ws1.get_all_values()
Get specific area
data = ws1.get('B5:K8')
Get formula of a cell
ws1.acell('B1', value_render_option='FORMULA').value
Update cell range with nested list
ws1.update('A1:Z10', [[1, 2], [3, 4]])
Insert new row at row number 2
Append new row at the end
Sorting the sheet (Range + col1 asc + col2 desc)
ws1.sort((1, 'asc'), (2, 'des'), range='A2:G20')
Get row 3 (starts counting from 1 - not 0)
row = sheet.row_values(3)
Get col E (starts counting from 1 - not 0)
col = sheet.col_values(5)
Get values from col B rows 4 and 5
col = sheet.col_values(2)[3:5]
Get the value from row 1 and col B
cell = sheet.cell(1,2).value
Update cell from row 2 and col B
ws1.update_cell(2,2, "CHANGED")
Define cell area / cell row
cell_list = worksheet.range('A1:G1')
Define new values for area / row
new_values = [1,2,3,4,5]
Gspread Formatting
# Set format for area:
from gspread_formatting import *
fmt = cellFormat(
backgroundColor=color(1, 0.9, 0.9),
textFormat=textFormat(bold=True, foregroundColor=color(1, 0, 1)),
format_cell_range(worksheet, 'A1:J1', fmt)
# Conditional formatting
from gspread_formatting import *
worksheet = some_spreadsheet.worksheet('My Worksheet')
rule = ConditionalFormatRule(
ranges=[GridRange.from_a1_range('A1:A2000', worksheet)],
condition=BooleanCondition('NUMBER_GREATER', ['100']),
format=CellFormat(textFormat=textFormat(bold=True), backgroundColor=Color(1,0,0))
rules = get_conditional_format_rules(worksheet)
# or, to replace any existing rules with just your single rule:
import openpyxl as on_text
Read xlsx
wb = ox.load_workbook("test.xlsx")
Read worksheetnames to list
l = wb.sheetnames
Select specific worksheet in workbook
ws = wb["sheet1"]
Select first worksheet
ws = wb[wb.sheetnames[0]]
Select active worksheet from workbook
ws =
Value from specific cell
val = ws["A1"].value
Import module for loading a workbook
from openpyxl import load_workbook
Import module for creating a workbook
from openpyxl import Workbook
Load xlsx
wb = load_workbook(("Test.xlsx"))
Load xlsm
wb = load_workbook(filename="Test.xlsm",
Create new workbook
wb = openpyxl.Workbook()
Create new worksheet (at the end)
Create new worksheet (at the beginning)
Create new worksheet (at the second last position)
Change worksheet name
ws.title = "xyz"
Value from specific cell (other method)
ws.cell(row=1, column=1).value
Assign value to specific cell
ws["A1"] = 97
Assign formula to specific cell (only english names for function and arguments must be sepearted by "," and not ";")
ws["A1"] = "=SUBTOTAL(1,I6:I10000)"
Save workbook to xlsx"Test2.xlsx")
Sort worksheets in workbook
wb._sheets.sort(key=lambda ws: ws.title)
Copy worksheet in workbook
Copy part of the worksheet
Loop trough specific area and print the cell values
for row in ws["A1":"C3"]:
for cell in row: print(cell.value)
Loop trough specific column and print the cell values
for cell in ws["C"]: print(cell.value)
Insert column before col 3
Insert 2 columns before col 3
Insert row before row 7
Insert 5 rows before row 10
Delete column C
Delete column F to H
Delete row 5
Delete row 5 to 7
Move the cells from D4:F10 up one row and right two columns
ws.move_range("D4:F10", rows=-1, cols=2)
Append the values at the bottom of the sheet
Returns dimension of the worksheet eg. "A1:M24"
Returns max column / row count of the worksheet
ws.max_column / ws.max_row
Returns min column / row count of the worksheet (which contains data)
ws.min_column / ws.min_row
Rows 1:3 to be printed at the top of every page
Delete worksheet in workbook
del wb["sheet4"]
Define filters in columns A5 to Q5
ws.auto_filter.ref = "A5:Q5"
Set filter to values "X","Y","Z" in column 2
Sort elements in filter for columsn B2 to B15
Close workbook
Iterate trough worksheet row by row
for row in ws.iter_rows():
for cell in row: print(cell.value)
Iterate trough worksheet row by row (from A1 to C6 - 6 lines)
for row in ws.iter_rows
Iterate trough worksheet col by col
for col in sheet.iter_cols():
for cell in col: print(cell.value)
Iterate trough worksheet col by col (from A1 to C6 - 3 lines)
for col in ws.iter_cols
Read whole worksheet to a nested list
data_list = []
for row in ws.iter_rows ():
zeile = []
for cell in row:
if cell.value is None:
zeile.append ('')
zeile.append (cell.value)
data_list.append (zeile)
Saving a nested list in XLSX
import pandas as pd
from openpyxl import load_workbook
cont = [[row1_cell1, row1_cell2], [row2.cell1,row3_cell3]] # Nested list for saving
book = load_workbook ("fn.xlsx") # load existing XLSX - skip when overwriting
writer = pd.ExcelWriter ("fn.xlsx", engine='openpyxl', # Define writer from pandas
options={'strings_to_numbers': True})
pd.DataFrame (cont).to_excel (writer, sheet_name="WS1", # Prepare Data for XLSX and worksheet1
header=False, index=False)
pd.DataFrame (cont).to_excel (writer, sheet_name="WS2", # Prepare Data for XLSX and worksheet2
header=False, index=False) # Save XLSX with the new worksheets
writer.close() # Close writer
Checking if xlsx is open while trying to save
while True:
try: ()
writer.close ()
except Exception as e:
print ("Error: ", e)
input ("Datei kann nicht geöffnet werden - bitte schließen und <Enter> drücken!")
Read column to a list
mylist = []
for col in ws['A']:
Automatic adjustment of the columns accoring to best fit
column_widths = []
ws = writer.sheets[stock]
for row in content: # Determination of the longest value per column
for i, cell in enumerate (row):
if len (column_widths) > i:
if len (str (cell)) > column_widths[i]:
column_widths[i] = len (str (cell))
column_widths += [len (str (cell))]
for i, column_width in enumerate (column_widths): # Col 0 and 1 with fixed length - rest according to longest value in col
if i == 0:
ws.column_dimensions[get_column_letter (i + 1)].width = 35
elif i == 1:
ws.column_dimensions[get_column_letter (i + 1)].width = 32
ws.column_dimensions[get_column_letter (i + 1)].width = column_width + 2
Formating the xlsx
when a cell is formated 2 times - it gets overwritten)
import openpyxl.styles
from openpyxl.styles import Font, PatternFill, Border, Side, Alignment
import formatting, styles
from openpyxl import formatting, styles
bold font
bold = Font (bold=True)
yellow background (use color picker)
bg_yellow = PatternFill (fill_type="solid", start_color='fbfce1', end_color='fbfce1')
grey background (use color picker)
bg_grey = PatternFill (fill_type="solid", start_color='babab6', end_color='babab6')
blue background (use color picker)
bg_green = PatternFill (fill_type="solid", start_color='8af542', end_color='8af542')
define border on very side
frame_all = Border (left=Side (style='thin'), right=Side (style='thin'),
top=Side (style='thin'), bottom=Side (style='thin'))
border only on top and bottom
frame_upanddown = Border (top=Side (style='thin'), bottom=Side (style='thin'))
font size 14
size14 = Font (bold=True, size="14")
define left alignment
left_allign = Alignment (horizontal="left")
define right alignment
right_allign = Alignment (horizontal="right")
define right alignment for area
for row in ws["D1":"G34"]:
for cell in row: cell.alignment = right_allign
define full border for several areas
areas = ["A7:G19","A27:G31"]
format area
for area in areas:
for row in ws[area]:
for cell in row:
cell.border = frame_all
cell.number_format = "0" => define number format without decimals
cell.number_format = "0.000E+00" => define number format with 3 decimals
set background and size for several specific cells
for i in ["A6","D6","E6","A26","D26","E26"]:
ws[i].fill = bg_green
ws[i].font = size12
freeze worksheet at cell B2 for right and down scrolling
freeze = ws["B2"]
ws.freeze_panes = freeze
fit xlsx to one page for printing - 1st part
ws.sheet_properties.pageSetUpPr.fitToPage = True
fit xlsx to one page for printing - 2nd part
ws.page_setup.fitToHeight = False
set page to landscape horizontal
ws.set_printer_settings(paper_size=1, orientation = 'landscape')
set page to landscape horizontal
ws.set_printer_settings(paper_size=1, orientation = 'portrait')
Define red color background
red_color = 'ffc7ce'
Define red color font
red_color_font = '9c0103'
Define red_font with size / bold / red color
red_font = styles.Font (size=14, bold=True, color=red_color_font)
Define red_fill with color red / fill type solid
red_fill = styles.PatternFill (start_color=red_color, end_color=red_color, fill_type='solid')
Define conditional formating for area, <0, => fill with red background
ws.conditional_formatting.add ('A1:Z100',
formatting.rule.CellIsRule (operator='lessThan',formula=['0'],fill=red_fill))
Define conditional formating for area, <0, => use red font
ws.conditional_formatting.add ('A1:G25',
formatting.rule.CellIsRule (operator='lessThan',formula=['0'],fill=red_fill,font=red_font))
Conditional formating for more than one area
for area in ["B1:B100","C2:G100"]:
ws.conditional_formatting.add (area, ...)
Conditional formating according to a formula
FormulaRule(formula=['ISBLANK(E1)'], stopIfTrue=True, fill=redFill))
Conditional formating according to a formula
FormulaRule(formula=['E1=0'], font=myFont, border=myBorder, fill=redFill))
Color Scale formating
# Define rule
ruleBottomGreen = ColorScaleRule(
start_type='percentile', start_value=10, start_color="63BE7B", # green
mid_type='percentile', mid_value=50, mid_color= "FFFB84", # yellow
end_type='percentile', end_value=90, end_color="F8696B") # red
# Apply rule
ws2.conditional_formatting.add(f"K4:K12", ruleBottomGreen)
Update XLSX in reealtime
Import module
import xlwings as xw
Use xlwings with hidden excel-worksheets
app = xw.App(visible=False)
Create a new workbook
wb = xw.Book()
wb = xw.Book ("name.xlsx")
Read XLSX with password protection
wb = xw.Book ("name.xlsx", password("xyz"))
Read specific worksheet
ws = wb.sheets["name_sheet"]
Read first worksheet
ws = wb.sheets[0]
Add worksheet in workbook
Reads the formula of a cell (not the value)
f = ws["A1"].formula
Assign formula to a cell
ws["A1"].formula = string
Iterate trough cells an set them to "" / None
for i in ws.range("A3:A7"): i.value = ""
Sort worksheet in the first col (function see below)
Reads the color of a cell and returns a rgb-tuple eg. (146, 208, 80)
Set value for cell
Read hyperlink of cell
ws.range ("A2").hyperlink
Set values for specific cell
Remove background from a cell
ws["C8"].color = None
White: Assigns background color for a range of cells
ws.range("A1:C3").color = (255,255,255)
Green: Assigns background color
ws.range("A1:C3").color = (149,237,173)
Red: Assigns background color
ws.range("A1:C3").color = (237,149,149)
Yellow: Assigns background color
ws.range("A1:C3").color = (240,232,146)
Orange: Assigns background color
ws.range("A1:C3").color = (230,172,80)
Blue: Assigns background color
ws.range("A1:C3").color = (143,157,235)
Assign numeric format with 2 decimals
ws.range("A1:C3").number_format = "0,00"
Assign percentage format with 2 decimals
ws.range("A1:C3").number_format = "0%"
Set cell to bold
ws.range("B1").api.Font.Bold = True
Windows: Black: Set font color to black (see codes:
ws.range("B2").api.Font.ColorIndex = 1
Windows: Red: Set font color to red (see codes:
ws.range("B2").api.Font.ColorIndex = 3
Windows: Set font size to 16
ws.range("A1").api.Font.Size = 16
Windwos: Set specific font
ws.range("A1").api.Font.Name = "Arial"
Mac: Set font color to dark grey
Autofit the columns
Autofit the columns and rows
Set wrap text to False
ws2.range(f"A2:Z10000").api.WrapText = False
Insert a hyperlink and define which text should be shown in the cell
ws["D5"].add_hyperlink(link, text_to_display = "Chart")
add an image at a specific cell, left=wsInp.range("D20").left, top=wsInp.range("D20").top, height=100)
Get all the pictures of a worksheet in a list
Delete the first picture in the worksheet[0].delete()
Delete the first picture with the name "xyz"["xyz"].delete()
Disable auto filter in worksheet
ws.api.AutoFilterMode = False
Clears the content and formatting of the whole sheet
Clears the content but leaves formatting
Read worksheetnames to list
l = [ for x in wb.sheets]
Delete worksheet in workbook
Hide worksheet in workbook
wb.sheets["WS"].api.Visible = False
Copy worksheet
Save workbook
Close workbook
Quit App when opened at the beginning
Bring workbook to the front of the screen
Load elements in list from range which are not None
[x for x in ws.range("A3:A2000").value if x != None]
copy range from one sheet to another
ws.range("A1:A10").value = ws2.range("A1:A10").options(ndim=2).value
Move worksheet at the beginning
Move worksheet at the end
Get address and subaddress from hyperlinks
for l in ws1['H18'].api._inner.Hyperlinks:
wAddr = l.address # brings results for http-links
wSubAddr = l.SubAddress # brings results for internal file-links
Hide worksheet in windows
app = xw.App()
wb =
app.visible = False
ws = wb.sheets[0]
Make border / frame for cells
Definiton for linestyles see:
Definiton for border-sites see:
for e in ws.range("B3:D3"):
for site in [7,8,9,10]:
e.api.Borders(site).LineStyle = 1
Update row / change whole row
l = ws.range("A2:A6").value # Read specific cells to list (eg. [2,4,6,7,8])
l = [0,1,2,3,4] # Change list
ws.range("A2:A100").value = l # Writeback the updates to cells
Update cell area / change 3 elements
v = ws.range("A2:F9").value
v[3][2] = 9999999
v[5][1] = 8888888
v[7][5] = 5555555
ws.range("A2:F9").value = v
Sorting workssheet in given col
def xl_col_sort(sheet,col_num):
sheet.range((2,col_num)).api.Sort(Key1=sheet.range((2,col_num)).api, Order1=1)
Delete several rows / columns
from xlwings.constants import DeleteShiftDirection
ws.range('2:4').api.Delete(DeleteShiftDirection.xlShiftUp) # delete rows 2 to 4
ws.range('A:C').api.Delete(DeleteShiftDirection.xlShiftUp) # delete cols A to C
Import the module
import python-docx
Import the library
from docx import Document
Read file
doc = Document('file.docx')
Save file'file.docx')
Read all tables
t = doc.tables
Access specific element in table
Assign style to specific paragraph
Read all paragraphs
p = doc.paragrapsh
Set the Normal style to specific font and size
(assigning it to specific paragraph see above)
from docx.shared import Pt
style = document.styles['Normal']
font = style.font = 'Arial'
font.size = Pt(10)
Replace text and keep the previous style
(iteration over runs necessary)
for para in doc.paragraphs:
for run in para.runs:
run.text = "New Text"
Create Worksheets as PDF from XLSX
Import Win32 Module
import win32com.client
Import OS Module
import os
Define Input-XLSX
inp = os.getcwd() + "\\" +"excel.xlsx"
Define Output-PDF
out = os.getcwd() + "\\" +"ws.pdf"
Initialize Excel Application
o = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
Do everything hidden
o.Visible = False
wb = o.Workbooks.Open(inp)
Create PDF from the active worksheet in the xlsx
wb.ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat (0, out)
Close XLSX
Number of Worksheets
Select 3 different worksheets by number (for exporting afterwards)
wb.WorkSheets ([3,4,8]).Select()
Assign worksheet 4
ws = wb.Worksheets[4]
No Zooming
ws.PageSetup.Zoom = False
Fit to 1 height
ws.PageSetup.FitToPagesTall = 1
Fit to 1 width
ws.PageSetup.FitToPagesWide = 1
Select specific print area
ws.PageSetup.PrintArea = "A1:G50"
Working with PDFs
Read PDF informations / metadata
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader # Import Module for PDF Reading
with open (fn, 'rb') as f:
pdf = PdfFileReader (f) # Read PDF informations
info = pdf.getDocumentInfo () # Read PDF infos^
number_of_pages = pdf.getNumPages () # Read number of pages
print(info) # Outputs all informations
print(info.title) # Outputs title of the pdf
print( # Outputs author of the pdf
Read Text from Pdf
page = pdf.getPage (7) # Select page 8
text = page.extractText () # Extract text
print (text) # print (text
Split PDFs
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileWriter # Import Module for PDF Writing
pdf_writer = PdfFileWriter() # Create new instance of PDF writer
pdf_writer.addPage(page) # Add Page to writer
with open(output_filename, 'wb') as out: # Write splitted PDF
Merge PDFs
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger # Import Module for PDF Merging
pdf_merger = PdfFileMerger() # Create new instance of PDF merger
pdf_merger.append(path) # Append Page for merging
with open(output_path, 'wb') as fileobj: # Write merged PDF
Rotate clockwise
Rotate counter clockwise
Overlaying / Watermarking two pages
MODULE - PYODBC - odbc-access (MS Access)
import the module
import pyodbc
Define connection and cursor for access-db
FN = "dataOdd.accdb"
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
fn = path + "/" + FN
msAccess = r"{Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)}"
connPath = f'Driver={msAccess};DBQ={fn};'
conn = pyodbc.connect(connPath)
cursor = conn.cursor()
Read data
cursor.execute('select * from dataOdds')
for row in cursor.fetchall():
print (row)
Insert data
sql = "INSERT INTO dataOdds (" \
"[Date]," \
"Name," \
"Links," \
"Fixture) " \
"VALUES (?,?,?,?)"
cont = [,
"01: - Race Test Race"
cursor.execute(sql, cont)
Update data
sql = "UPDATE dataOdds " \
"SET Links = ? " \
"WHERE Date = ? " \
"AND Name = ? " \
"AND Fixture = ?"
cont = [
"02:35 - Race 1 Trackpix maiden showcase plate"
cursor.execute(sql, cont)
Delete data
### delete data
sql = "DELETE FROM dataOdds " \
"WHERE Date = ? " \
"AND Name = ? " \
"AND Fixture = ?"
cont = [
"01: - Race Test Race"
cursor.execute(sql, cont)
Data where the MariaDB-database is stored
C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.3\data
Data where the MySQL-database is stored
C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MYSQL Server 8.0\data
Shows the database-version in the column header
HeidiSQL - Datei / Verbindungsmanager
Transfer whole table from local db to hosted db
right click on database / table to transfer and select "export database as sql"
for "output" select eg. "Server: A2Hosting" (connection to the hosted server)
for "database" select eg. "xyztec_stockdb" (name from the db on the hosted server)
for "data" select "replace existing data"
when format of table should be changed also select checkbox "Drop" at table (not database!)
press "export" (wait till the rows-column shows 100%)
Backup MySQL / MariaDB with HeidiSQL
select DB - <Tools>, <Export Database as SQL>
select Drop-Checkboxes and Create-Checkboxes
Data: Delete + insert (truncate existing data)
Output: single .sql file
Filename: choose destination file and folder
Both modules have to be installed
pip install mysql, mysql.connector
Import module for mysql access
import mysql.connector
Define connection
mydb = mysql.connector.connect (host="localhost",user="root",passwd="pwd")
Set Cursor on mySQL
mycursor = mydb.cursor()
Creates database "db"
mycursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE db")
Show databases and informations
mycursor.execute("SHOW DATABASES")
for db in mycursor: print(db)
Create new table with 2 cols
mycursor.execute("CREATE TABLE students (name VARCHAR(255),age INTEGER(10))")
Show tables and informations
mycursor.execute("SHOW TABLES") for tb in mycursor: print(tb)
Insert row in table with the 2 values using sql injection
sqlFormula = "INSERT INTO students (name, age) VALUES (%s, %s)"
Define a row with values to insert
student1 = ("Rachel", 22)
Execute the sql statement to add one row
Commit the change (otherwise no update will be saved to db)
Define more rows with values
students = [("Tom", 22),("Mark", 29),("Clara", 52)]
Execute the sql statement to add more row (from list / tuple)
Select col "age" from table "students"
mycursor.execute("SELECT age FROM students")
Read all rows according the above select statement
myresult = mycursor.fetchall()
Read one / first row according the above select statement
myresult = mycursor.fetchone()
Output the read row / table informations
for row in myresult: print(row)
Define select (greater than)
sql = "SELECT * FROM students WHERE age > 25"
Define select (with like clausel)
sql = "SELECT * FROM students WHERE name LIKE 'M%'"
Execute SQL
Define select (with sql injection)
sql = "SELECT * FROM students WHERE name = %s"
Execute SQL with parameters
mycursor.execute(sql, ("Mike", ))
Update row where name = "xyz"
sql = "UPDATE students SET age = 82 WHERE name='xyz'"
Limit the output to 5 rows
sql = "SELECT * FROM students LIMIT 5"
Limit the output toi 5 rows and starting with element 2
sql = "SELECT * FROM students LIMIT 5 OFFSET 2
Output content - ascending order
sql = "SELECT * FROM students ORDER BY name"
Output content - descending order
sql = "SELECT * FROM students ORDER BY name DESC"
Delete row with name "xyz"
sql = "DELETE FROM students WHERE name = 'xyz'"
Drop whole table (if exists helps if there no table anymore)
sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS students"
Reset auto-increment in a table
Delete the data inside a table
Delete the data AND the whole table-structure itself
DROP TABLE tablename
SELECT ticker name for specific ticker
sql = "SELECT tickerName FROM stock_main WHERE ticker=%s" # Or Select * to get all values from the table
var = [(stockTicker)]
data = c.fetchall()
SELECT maximum calcDate for specific ticker
sql = "SELECT max(calcDate) FROM scores WHERE ticker = %s"
var = [(stock)]
c.execute (sql, var)
lastCalcDate = c.fetchone()
INSERT new row in a table
sql = "INSERT INTO scores (" \
"ticker," \
"calcDate," \
"stockName," \
"profitGrowth)" \
" VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)" # as many %s necessary as insert attributes
cont = [inputList] # list with 4 elements
c.execute (sql, cont)
mydb.commit ()
UPDATE row in a table
sql = "UPDATE stock_statistics " \
"SET " \
"marketCap=%s," \
"EV=%s," \
"Ebitda=%s" \
" WHERE ticker=%s AND ultimo=%s"
cont = [(valMarketCap,
c.executemany (sql, cont)
mydb.commit ()
DELETE row in a table
sql = "DELETE FROM scores" \
" WHERE ticker = %s and calcDate = %s"
cont = [stock,dateElem]
c.execute (sql, cont)
mydb.commit ()
DELETE everything in a table
sql = "DELETE FROM scores"
c.execute (sql)
mydb.commit ()
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
necessary to install - otherwise problems eg. with api-accesses to the db
pip install pymysql
Define access to the MySQL-DB (username, pw, dbname)
engine = create_engine("mysql+pymysql: //user:pw@localhost/dbname?host=localhost?port=3306")
Establish connection
conn = engine.connect()
Read all existing tables from the databasen - returns list
Read data from db - returns list with tupels as rows
conn.execute("SELECT * FROM actor").fetchall()
Close connection at the end
Close sql engine at the end
Define object / table
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String, Float, MetaData
meta = MetaData()
students = Table(
Column('id', Integer, primary_key = True),
Column('name', String(45)),
Column('lastname', String(45)),
Create the table(s) according to the metadata-definition
name of the table => students
all column-names / keys as list => ['id', 'name', 'lastname']
shows the primary key of the object
Create INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE / SELECT statements
students.insert() # Creates INSERT Statement according due the whole students structure
=> shows: INSERT INTO students (id, name, lastname, floatvar) VALUES (:id, :name, :lastname, :floatvar)
students.insert().values(name = 'Karan') # Creates INSERT Statement for specific attribute
=> shows: INSERT INTO students (name) VALUES (:name)
students.update() # Creates UPDATE Statement
=> shows: UPDATE students SET id=:id, name=:name, lastname=:lastname, floatvar=:floatvar
students.delete() # Creates DELETE Statement
=> shows: DELETE FROM students # Creates SELECT Statement
=> shows: SELECT,, students.lastname, students.floatvar FROM students
Execute SQL command - INSERT
conn = engine.connect() # Insert one row
ins = students.insert().values (name = 'Brauneder', lastname = 'Karl')
result = conn.execute(ins)
result.inserted_primary_key # Shows the inserted primary key
conn.execute(students.insert(), [ # Insert more rows
{'name':'Krankl', 'lastname' : 'Hans'},
{'name':'Herzog','lastname' : 'Andreas'},
Execute SQL command - SELECT
s = # Creates select statement for SELECT *
result = conn.execute(s) # Excenute select statement
for row in result: print(row) # Outputs the result rows for select
s = > 10) # Creates select statement with WHERE clausel
Execute SQL with Textual SQL
from sqlalchemy.sql import text
t = text("SELECT name FROM students")
result = conn.execute(t)
for row in result: print(row)
t = text("select, students.lastname from students where between :x and :y")
result = conn.execute(t, x = 'A', y = 'L') # Select statement with where-parameters
Using Aliases
from sqlalchemy.sql import alias, select
st = students.alias("a")
s = select([st]).where( > 2)
Execute UPDATE statement
conn = engine.connect()
s =
Execute DELETE statementconn = engine.connect()
stmt = students.delete().where(students.c.lastname == 'Khanna')
s =
Import module
import sqlite3
Create / Connet to a database
conn = sqlite3.connect("address_book.db")
Create a cursor (for working with the db)
c = conn.cursor()
Create a table in the database (if it not exists)
attr1 text, attr2 num
Insert rows into database
c.execute("INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (:attr1,:attr2,:attr3)",
"attr1": field1.get(),
"attr2": field2.get(),
"attr3": field3.get()
Select rows from database
c.execute("SELECT * FROM adresses")
Delete row from database - get key from delete_box widget (eg. tkinter-module)
c.execute("DELETE from addresses WHERE oid = " + delete_box.get())
Fetch all rows
records = c.fetchall()
Fetch only one row
Fetch the first 50 rows
records = c.fetchmany(50)
Commit Changes
Close Connection
Standardmodules from python no pip install necessary
Overview % parsing commands
Import module datetime and timedelta
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
Import module dat
from datetime import date
Conversion string to datetime in format yyyy-mm-dd
datetime.strptime("2021-06-01", "%Y-%m-%d")
Conversion for date format eg. "Apr 21, 2020"
datetime.strptime("Apr 21, 2020", "%b %d. %Y")
Conversion for utc format eg. "14:42:46 UTC 2021-12-15
datetime.strptime(s, "%H:%M:%S UTC %Y-%m-%d")
Conversion for time format hh:mm:ss
Conversion datetime to string in format yyyy-mm-dd
datetime.strftime(dt, "%Y-%m-%d")
Convert dateformat from string in one line (1st from - 2nd to)
Check if variable is of type or datetime.datetime
isinstance(x, date)
Check if variable is of type datetime.datetime
isinstance(x, datetime)
Define date as "2020-07-24"
date = date(2020,7,24)
Define date+time as "2020-03-05 19:27:23"
dt = datetime(2020,3,5,19,27,23)
Actual date+time in format 2020-06-09 20:11:13
now ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
Actual date in format 2020-06-09
now ="%Y-%m-%d")
Actual date in datetime format
tday =
Actual date as date format
tday =
Actual date as string format
tday = str(
Convert datetime to date
date =
Year / month / day / hour / minute from the datetime
dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour, dt.minute
Returns weekday (monday=1, sunday=7)
Return the calendar week-number
Calculates last friday (+2 for FR, +1 SA, 0 SU, -1 MO, -2 TU, -3 WE, -4 TH)
last_friday = day - timedelta(days=tday.isoweekday() + 2)
Creates timedelta for 7 days
tdelta = timedelta(days=7)
Creates timedelta for 1 minute
tdelta = timedelta(seconds=60)
7 days are added to the actual day
tday + tdelta
Previous 1-day-back-date for date
newdate = date - timedelta(days=1)
Timedelta for two dates
Difference in days
daysDiff = abs(dt2-dt1).days
Difference in minutes
minDiff = (date2-date1).total_seconds() / 60
Generate UNIX/ISO-format from datetime
datetime.fromisoformat('2020-07-10 02:00:00').timestamp()
Generate UNIX/ISO-format from actual date
iso_dt = datetime.fromisoformat(str(
Generate Datetime from UNIXISO-format
date = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts)
Shows size of the list / tuple in bytes
sys.getsizeof(l) or sys.getsizeof(t)
Convert float to hh:mm:ss datetime.timedelta
t = timedelta(days=0.786331018518518)
Convert datetime.timedelta to float
f = t.total_seconds() / 86400
Using german names / deutsche namen for month- and day-names
import locale
Check last day of month & first weekday of month
import calendar
calendar.monthrange(year,month) # return tuple - 1st: weekday first day - 2nd: ultimo day
Check if date and timezone has summmer time / daylight time
import pytz
def is_dst(dt=None, timezone="UTC"):
if dt is None:
dt = datetime.utcnow()
timezone = pytz.timezone(timezone)
timezone_aware_date = timezone.localize(dt, is_dst=None)
return timezone_aware_date.tzinfo._dst.seconds != 0
is_dst() # False => UTC has no daylight time
is_dst(datetime(2019, 1, 1), timezone="US/Eastern") # False => at this date US/Eastern has no daylight time
is_dst(datetime(2019, 4, 1), timezone="US/Eastern") # True => at this date US/Eastern has daylight time
is_dst(datetime(2019, 1, 1), timezone="CET") # False => at this date CET has no daylight time
is_dst(datetime(2019, 4, 1), timezone="CET") # True => at this date CET has daylight time
Timing a specific activity
import timeit
start = timeit.default_timer() # Start timer
stop = timeit.default_timer() # Stop timer
round(stop-start,2) # Stopped time in seconds and rounded to 2 decimals
round((stop-start)/60,2) # Stopped time in minutes and rounded to 2 decimals
timeit.timeit(stmt="[0,1,2]",number=1000000) # Checking the time for creating the list for 1mio times
Countdown while waiting
import time, import sys
time.sleep(3) # Delay for 3 seconds
for i in range (30, 0, -1): # Delay for 30 seconds - countdown in one row
sys.stdout.write (str (i) + ' ') # Countdown output
sys.stdout.flush ()
time.sleep (1)
Check which os system running
from sys import platform
if platform == "linux" # Program is excecuting from Linux
if platform == "win32": # Program ix excecuting from Windows
if platform == "darwin": # Program is excecuting from Mac
Read monitor resolution
import ctypes
user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
screensize = user32.GetSystemMetrics(0), # 1st parameter is width, 2nd parameter is height
Wait for keystroke or x seconds
TIMEOUT = 10 # time / seconds for waiting
startTime = time.time()
inp = None
print(f"Program finished - pls press <enter> to close the window or wait {round(TIMEOUT / 60, 2)} minutes...")
while True:
if msvcrt.kbhit(): # continue when pressing a key
inp = msvcrt.getch()
elif time.time() - startTime > TIMEOUT: # continue when the time is running out
Import Module
from currency_converter import CurrencyConverter
Import Module for rate-checks for specific date
from datetime import date
Read Function CurrencyConverter
c = CurrencyConverter()
Convert 100 USD to AUD with for actual date
c.convert(100, 'USD', 'AUD')
Convert 100 USD to AUD for date 2013-03-21
c.convert(100, 'USD', 'AUD', date=date(2013, 3, 21))
Check begin and end-date for all rates for BGN
first_date, last_date = c.bounds['BGN']
Read all possible currencies in a set
Description about the module
Problems with some added python modules (eg. pycountry) with pyinstaller => see pyinstaller description
Install moduel
import pycountry
List of all countries with several informations
Searching for country-informatns for "DE"
c = pycountry.countries.get(alpha_2='DE')
Outputs => DE
Outputs => DEU
Outputs number of the coutnry => 276
Outputs full name of the country => Germany
Outputs the official name => "Federal Republic of Germany!
List of all currencies
List of all languages
List of all historic countries which not more exists
List of all subdivided countries
sending emails
if you have 2-Factor-Authentification you must generate a App-Password for GMail
Import smtplib
import smtplib
Import MIMEText
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
SMTP-Server and port number from the mail provider (e.g. GMail)
s = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
Response 250 means connection is ok
Response 250 means connection is ok
Not the real pw - only the app-generated pw from gmail
print(s.login('[email protected]', 'xyz123'))
Message of the email
msg = MIMEText("This is the text of the mail")
One recipient
sender = ['[email protected]']
One or more recipient
recipients = ['[email protected]']
Or more recipients
recipients = ['[email protected]','[email protected]']
msg['Subject'] = "Subject of Mail"
msg['From'] = sender
One or more recipients
msg['To'] = ", ".join(recipients)
Sending email
s.sendmail(sender, recipients, msg.as_string())
Closing connection
Import module
from pathlib import Path
Current working directory
Creates new folder (no error message if folder allready exists with exist_ok=True)
Path("folder").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
define some folder
path = Path("some_folder")
add some subfolders (eg. some_folder/sub_folder/sub_sub_folder)
path = path / "sub_folder" / "sub_sub_folder"
make path absolute
path = path.resolve()
get mac-adress from the actual pc
from uuid import getnode as get_mac
mac = get_mac()
Import module
import os
Get the actual path
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
Put all filenames to a list from the actual path
Shows alls attributs and methods of the library
Change the directory
Current working directory
Get actual user name
Outputs the entire content of the current working dir
for f in os.listdir(): print(f)
Outputs the elements seperated in name + extension
for f in os.listdir(): fn, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
Change the filenmae
os.rename(filename, new_name)
Cut and paste file from path1 to path2
os.rename(src, dst)
Copy file from source to destination
Creates new folder (also possible with makedirs => is prefered)
Creates new folder and subfolders
Delete file
os.remove (file)
Delete folder (prefered cause deleting is dangerous)
os.rmdir ("folder")
Delete folder and subfolders
os.removedirs ("folder/subfolder")
Outputs the statistics of the file (size, modification time,...)
Outputs dirpath - all the dirs - and all the files
for dirpath,dir,files in os.walk(os.getcwd())
Get home dir of the actual user
Outputs only the filename => file.txt
Outputs only the dir => temp/
Outputs filename and dir as a tupel => ("temp/","file.txt")
Checks if filename exists in the filesystem
Checks if folder exists / element is a directory (in the actual dir)
Checks if files exists / element is a file (in the actual dir)
Join path together on every os-system (win,mac,linux)
os.path.join(path, "URLS", link)
Put all sub-folders to a list from the actual working dir
[x[0] for x in os.walk(path)][1:]
Change file to hidden
os.popen('attrib +h ' + fn).read().close()
Send file to trash (needs:)
Put all files with path in a list from actual directory with all subdirs and Filtering
listImages = []
for dirpath,dir,files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):
for f in files:
if any(x in f.lower() for x in listExtensions):
wFN = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
Find home-directory for the actual user
from os.path import expanduser
home = expanduser("~")
Check if 2 folders are different
from filecmp import dircmp
ergDiff = dircmp(path, toPath) # compare 2 directories
if ergDiff.left_only: ... # see all changed files on the left side
general Logging Layers: debug => info => warning => error => critical
importing module
import logging
Create & Config - w overwrites every time
logging.basicConfig(filename="fn.log",format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', filemode='w')
Level every log > INFO possible (but not DEBUG)
getLogger-Name / Level / Time / Message
Creating an object with specific name
Setting the threshold of logger to DEBUG
Debug message
logger.debug("Harmless debug Message")
Info message"Just an information")
Warning message
logger.warning("Its a Warning")
Error message
logger.error("Did you try to divide by zero")
Critical error message
logger.critical("Internet is down")
Example with 2 logging levels
logger=logging.getLogger(__name__) # Creating an object with the name of the py-file
stream_h = logging.StreamHandler() # Defining a handler for streamdata in the console
file_h = logging FileHandler("file.log" # Defining a handler for logging to a file
stream_h.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # Set Stream-Logging to Warning-Level
file_h.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # Set File-Logging to Error-Level
=> Error-Messages will go to both stream and file - Warning-Messages only to stream and not to file
formatter = logging.formatter # Defining the format for outputting
"%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
stream_h.setFormatter(formatter) # Setting format for stream-logging
file_h.setFormatter(formatter) # Setting format for file-logging
logger.addHandler(stream_h) # Adding Stream-handler to logger
logger.addHandler(file_h) # Adding File-handler to logger
logging using RotatingFileHandler # Explanation about handling
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler # importing file handler
log_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s # Define format for output in logfile
%(levelname)s %(funcName)s(%(lineno)d) %(message)s')
my_handler = RotatingFileHandler(logFile, mode='a', # Define handler with maxBytes and backupCount
maxBytes=5*1024*1024, backupCount=2, encoding=None, # When the log grows more then maxBytes...
delay=0) # ...itgenerates a new logfile-version
my_handler.setFormatter(log_formatter) # Setting the format
my_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Setting the threshold of logger to INFO
logger = logging.getLogger('root') # Creating an object with name
logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Setting the threshold of logger to INFO
logger.addHandler(my_handler) # Define handler with definition above
many methods:
Importing module
import unittest
Import the function which will be tested
from prg import func
Define the class for testing the function
class TestFunc(unittest.TestCase):
Define the first testcase - must begin with test*
def testcase1(self):
call the function
erg = func("x",3)
check if result is ok
starting the unittest
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
Check if equal
Check if not equal
Check if true
Check if false
Check if i in list
Check if i not in list
Installation: pip install python-dotenv
create .env file and store sensible data in the form TOKEN=xyz123
and hide the *.env files in the .gitignore
pip install python-dotenv
from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv
import os
GMAIL_TOKEN = os.environ.get("GMAIL_TOKEN")
Counter, namedtuple, OrderedDict, defaultdict, deque
from collections import Counter
colors = ['blue', 'blue', 'red', 'red', "red"]
counter = Counter(colors) # Creates dict with counts => {'red': 3, 'blue': 2} in ordered form
counter.most_common(1) # Outputs the element with the most counts as tuple
counter["red"}) # Outputs the occurence of the value "red" => 3
from collections import namedtuple
Point = namedtuple("Point","x,y") # Creates class with tumple
pt = Point(1,-4) # Creates Point(x=1,y=-4)
print(pt.x, pt.y) # Shows 1 and -4
not necessary anymore in the newer python versions
is allready implemented in the regular dict-type)
d = defaultdict(int) # Create defaultdict and define default-type
d["xyz"] # No key error when when key not in the dict => default-type value 0 is outputed
from collections import deque # import collections deque module
d = deque() # Create deque (optimized for working with elements at the end or beginning of the list)
d.append(1) # Add element at the end
d.appendleft(2) # Add element at the beginning
d.extend([1,2] # Add list of elements at the end
d.extendleft([1,2]) # Add list of elements at the beginning (in reversed order so 2,1)
d.pop() # Delete element at the end
d.popleft() # Delete element at the beginning
d.clear() # Clear entire list
d.rotate(2) # Shift all elements 2 places to the right
d.rotateleft(-1) # Shift all elements 1 place to the left
- product, permutations, combinations, accumulate, groupby, infinite iterators
- from itertools import product, permutations, combinations, combinations_with_replacement, accumulate, groupby - from itertools import count, cycle, repeat
necessary for the func-operator
import operator
all combis for carthesian product => [(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4)]
all with 3 elements => (0,0,0),(0,0,1),(0,1,0),(0,1,1), aso.
product([0, 1], repeat=3)
all combis of this 2 strings => [("a","1"),("a","2"),("b","1"),("b","2")]
product('ab', '12')
all different orderings => [(1,2,3),(1,3,2),(2,1,3),(2,3,1),(3,1,2),(3,2,1)]
permutations ([1,2,3])
all different orderings with 2 elements => [(1,2),(1,3),(2,1),(2,3),(3,1),(3,2)]
all possible combis for a defined length => [(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4),(3,4)]
all combis also with itself => [(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(2,2),(2,3),(3,3)]
accumulates every number with the next => [1,3,6,10]
using operator .mul for multiplication every number the next => [1,2,6,24]
accumulate([1,2,3,4], func=operator.mul)
compares every entry to the maximum => [1,2,5,5,5]
accumulate([1,2,5,3,4], func=max)
gives interabel - groups by the func => True[1,2], False[3]
same thing - with a lambda operation => True[1,2], False[3]
grougpy([1,2,3],key=lambda x: x<3)
infinite loop starting at 10 (has to be ended with break sometimes)
for i in count(10)
infinite cycle through the list (has to be ended with break sometimes)
for i in cycle([1,2,3])
infinite loop with 1
for i in repeat(1)
loop with 1 for 4 times
for i in repeat(1,4)
fastest way to change an column in a dataframe (over 400x faster then iterrows)
df = df['col'].apply(lambda x: x.strip())
- memory efficient, working in the background used by other modules
- using only the bits which are necessary for each column (1 is stored in python with 24bytes - in numpy with 1byte or lesser) - shape of array has to be consistent - otherwise it just fall back to regular python objects eg. [[12,11],[13]]
Import numpy module with np abbreviation
import numpy as np
Using arrays, types and slicing
Define a numpy array (automatically with type int)
a = np.array([1,2,3,4])
Multiindexing in arrays possible => gives array/[0.,1.,2.])
Defines a numpy array with datatype float (and not int)
Defines a 2d numpy array
a = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9])
Returns dimension shape => (3,3)
Returns number of dimensions => 2
Returns total number of elements => 9
Gives / slices the second row => [4,5,6]
Gives / slices the second row and first element => 4
Slices the first 2 rows => array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
Slices all row with first 2 elements => array([[1,2],[4,5],[7,8]])
Slices first 2 rows and first 2 elements => array([[1,2],[4,5]])
Slices first 2 rows and last element => array([[3],[6]])
Changes content of second row => array([[1,2,3],[9,9,9],[7,8,9])
a[1] = np.array([9,9,9])
Changes content of third row (for all elements) => array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[8,8,8])
a[2] = 8
Builds the sum of all elements => 45
=> 5.0
Return standard deviation => 2.58198889774344
Builds sum per columns => array([12,15,18])
Builds sum per rows => array([6,15,24])
Initialize numpy array with 5 zeros => array([0.,0.,0.,0.,0.])
Initialize numpy array with 2x3 ones with int32 => array([[0,0,0],[0,0,0]])
Initialize np array with 2x2 with the value 99 => array([[99,99],[99,99]])
Initialize a square matrix with len 3 => array([[1.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.],[0.,0.,1.]])
Separate individual copy of the numpy array (no updates in both arrays)
arr_b = arr_a.copy()
Define 2d numpy array with 2,4 dimension
c = np.array([[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]])
Reshape the numpy array to 4,2 dimension => [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]]
Reshape the numpy array to 3d with 2,2,2 dimension => [[[1,2],[3,4]],[5,6],[7,8]]]
Convert numpy datetime64 to str (can afterwards be converted with strptime to datetime
dt = str(dt64).split("T")[0]
Vector handling
Build array with this range => array([0,1,2,3])
a = np.array(4)
Changes +10 to each element => array([10,11,12,13]) (creates new array - no changing a)
a + 10
Changes *10 to each element => array([0,10,20,30]) (creates new array - no changing a)
a * 10
Changes the existing array a => array([100,101,102,103])
a += 100
Defines second array babab6
b = np.array([10,10,10,10])
Sums the 2 arrays to new array => array([10,11,12,13)
a + b
Multiplicates the 2 arrays to new array => array([0,10,20,30)
a * b
Make sinus of all entries
Make cosinus of all entries
Boolean Array Operations
Build array with this range => array([0,1,2,3])
a = np.array(4)
Selecting items with boolean expressions - returns first and last element => array([0,3])
Use operation on the array => array([False,False,True,True])
a >= 2
Using operation for slicing => array([2,3])
a[a >= 2]
Gives back all elements which are greater than the mean => array([2,3])
a[a > a.mean()]
Gives back all elements which are NOT greater than the mean => array([0,1])
a[~(a > a.mean())]
Gives back all elements which are equal to 0 OR 1 => array([0,1])
a[(a==0) | (a==1)]
Gives back all elements which are <=2 and have no rest divided by 2 => array([0,2])
a[(a <= 2) & (a % 2 == 0)]
Creating random arrays
Random 1d float array with 3 entries => eg. (0.8377, 0.8720, 0,7784)
Random 2d array 3 entries => [[0.27,0.91,0.54],[0.68,0.87,0.36],[0.05,0.64,0.16]]
Random 1d int array 3 entries => [0,8,8]
Random 2d int array 3x4 entries => [[2,6,4,5],[7,6,7,3],[7,0,4,0]]
Random 2d int array 3x3 entries with values from 0 to 99
np.random.randint(100, size(3,3))
Random 2d int array 3x3 entries with values from -4 to 7
Shuffeling a 2d list but only the first axes
Can reproduce the same results
Import Module
import pandas as pd
Also importing numpy-module necessary
import numpy as np
Necessary for supressing performance warnings see below
import warnings
Show more information - count of the shown columns
Show more information - show all columns
Show more information - None is using the maximum width of the IDE
pd.set_option('display.width', None)
Supress Performance Warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=pd.errors.PerformanceWarning)
Define a series
s = pd.Series([35,63,81,61,127,65,319])
Shows default-index in 1 row / values in 2 row - also the dtype: int64 at the bottom
Name the series (shows the name also when series i printed at the bottom = "G7 population in millions"
Shows the dtype of the series => dtype("int64")
Values of the series => array([35,63,81,61,127,65,319])
Slicing element => 35
Shows the index of the series => RangeIndex(start=0, stop=7, step=1)
Shows first index-value
Change the index of the series from default 0-6 to country-names
Accessing now with the new index possible => 81
Access with index still possible using iloc => 35
Access with index still possible using iloc => 319
Multiple selecting possible => GER 81 and JPN 127
Multiple selecting with index using iloc possible => CAN 35 and USA 319
Multiple selecting with ":" - upper element is included => CAN 35, FRA 63, GER 81
Add 10 for the every element in the series => ([45,73,91,71,137,75,329])
s + 10
Using boolean operation to output every element => GER 81, JPN 127, USA 319
s[s > 70]
Using boolean operation to output countries > mean => JPN 127, USA 319
s[s > s.mean()]
~ for not, | for or, & for and
logical operator which can be used
Changing the value of a series element => CAN 40
s["CAN"] = 40
Changing the value of the last element => USA 500
s.iloc[-1] = 500
Changing the value with a specific operation => CAN,FRA,ITA,UK are changed to 99
s[s < 70] = 99
Define a series with NaN values
s = pd.Series([1,np.nan,7]
Check for NaN values in the series => False,True,False
Check for NOT NaN values in the series => True,False,True
Sum of not NaN values in the series => 2
Sum of NaN values in the series => 1
Outputs all entries which are not NaN
Delete all entries with NaN
Replace the NaN-values with 0
Replace the NaN-values with the meanvalue of the serie
With forward-fill the NaN-values are replaced with the value before (if the first i gets NaN)
With backward-fill the NaN-values are replaced with the value after (if the last i gets NaN)
Returns the duplicates (only the first entry for the same is no duplicate - rest gets True)
Returns the duplicates (only the last entry for the same value is no duplicate - rest gets True)
Returns the duplicates (when there are more than one value - all get flagged as duplicate with True)
Duplicates get dropped (only the first entry remains)
Duplicates get dropped (only the last entry remains)
Duplicates get dropped (no entry remains if there are duplicate entries for the value)
Sorting by value ascending
Sorting by value descending
Iterate through pandas series
for index, value in s.items():
Get element from series - if not found is the result "N/A"
erg = s.get("Entry","N/A)
Delete timezone from timestamp
Convert pandas timestamp to datetime
dt = dt.to_pydatetime()
Convert datetime to pandas timestamp
dt = pd.Timestamp(dt)
are immutable, column is a series, dataframe = combination of multiple series
reading data
possible reader: read_csv,read_excel,read_json,read_html,read_sql
possible writer: to_csv,to_excel,to_json,to_html,to_sql
Convert pandas timestamp to datetime
dt = dt.to_pydatetime()
Convert a dataframe to a nested list (only values, without index)
l = df.values.tolist()
Convert a dataframe to a nested list including index
l = df.reset_index().values.tolist()
Read first worksheet to dataframe
df = pd.read_excel(workFN, sheet_name=0)
get specific row with title in index
filt = (tmpDF.index == "Total Assets")
get specific row with title in index
tmpDF = tmpDF[filt]
get the first entry of a series
add new column in dataframe at position 0 (column is name, value is content)
df.insert(loc=0, column="A", value="XYZ")
Shows all parameters for the reader
Read csv into dataframe - first line will be col-names of the dataframe
df = pd.read_csv("fn.csv")
Read csv into dataframe - no headerline (col names will be default numeric)
df = pd.read_csv("fn.csv",header=None)
") => Read csv with sepeartor "=>" instead of the default ";"
df = pd.read_csv("fn.csv",sep="
Many operations can be directly done when reading the csv-file
df = pd.read_csv("fn.csv",
=> no header in the csv available
=> name the columns
=> define which column will be the index
=> read dates as date - and not as string
=> treat this chars as NaN-values
=> assign specific datatype to the column "Price"
=> decimal-point is "," (and not ".")
=> read also blank lines (as default they are ignored)
=> use only the three columns when reading the csv (by position)
=> use only the three columns when reading the csv (selected by name)
Write dataframe to csv
Read xlsx (first worksheet) into dataframe
df = pd.read_excel("file.xlsx")
Read xlsx (first worksheet) into dataframe - without headers
df = pd.read_excel("file.xlsx",header=None)
Read xlsx and define the first column as index of the dataframe
df = pd.read_excel("file.xlsx",index_col=[0])
Read xlsx (worksheet "Prod") into dataframe
df = pd.read_excel("file.xlsx",sheet_name="Prod")
Read xlsx with the ExcelFile method
ef = pd.ExcelFile("file.xlsx")
Shows alle worksheet-names as a list => eg. ["Prod","Desc"]
Read/Parse the worksheet "Prod" in a dataframe
df = ef.parse("Prod")
Write several dataframes to excel
# Create a Pandas Excel writer using XlsxWriter as the engine.
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('basisReadData.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
# Write each dataframe to a different worksheet.
quandlMain.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="quandlMain"),
quandlMain2.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="quandlMain_From2018_MRT")
# Write also in this form
with pd.ExcelWriter("example.xlsx") as writer:
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="coinPrices")
# Close the Pandas Excel writer and output the Excel file.
Establish connection to the sql-db
conn = sqlite3.connect("data.db")
Read data from sql-db into dataframe
df = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM empl;",conn)
Many operations can be directly done when reading the sql-db
df = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM empl;",conn,
index_col="EmplID", # define which column will be the index
parse_dates["BirthDate","HireDate"]) # read this columns as date
It is easier to read a complete table using sqlalechmy
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
Create SQL Alchemy engine
engine = create_engine("data.db")
Establish connection with SQL Alchemy
connection = engine.connect()
Read whole table with SQL-Alechmy (many things are auto-done - e.g. Indexing,Parsing)
df = pd.read_sql_table("empl",con=connection)
Writes dataframe to the sql-db (breaks when table allready exists)
Writes dataframe to the sql-db (with droping the table before inserting)
Writes dataframe to the sql-db (with inserting new values to existing table)
Read html into dataframe
df = pd.read_html(html_string)
Assign html-varialbe
Read html-link to dataframe
df = pd.read_html(html_url)
Creates a dataframe from a list of dicts => [{...},{...},{...}]
df = pd.DateFrame(l)
Create a dataframe for a dict
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient="index")
Popl HDI Continent
CAN 35 0,913 America
FRA 64 0,888 Europe
GER 81 0,916 Europe
ITA 61 0,873 Europe
JPN 127 0,891 Asia
UK 65 0,907 Europe
USA 319 0,915 America
Initialize a dataframe with random ints with 5 rows and 2 columns
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,5,size=(5, 2)), columns=list('AB'))
Create an empty dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame()
Creates a dataframe from a list of dicts => [{...},{...},{...}]
df = pd.DateFrame(l)
Create a dataframe for a dict
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient="index")
Check if datafram is empty
if df.empty:
Show the shape of the dataframe (rows, columns) => (7,3)
Info for columns (index,name,dtype) also count of NaN-values per column
Shows datatype of every column
Several statistic for the dataframe (median,max,min,std,...)
Output of the first 5 rows per default
Output of the first 22 rows
Output of the last 5 rows per default
Output of the last 22 rows
Output of all column names
Outputs the index
Set index to column "name"
df.index = df["name"]
Outputs the size of the dataframe
Resets the index to numeric (previous index exists as column)
Resets the index to numeric (previous index is deleted)
Define "Popl" as new index - with inplace it is permanently saved
df.set_index("Popl", inplace=True)
Selecting Rows by index - showing the row with the index = "CAN"
Selecting Rows by position - showing the last row
Selecting Columns by title - showing the whole column "Population" for all rows
df["Continent"].value_ # fill motor city input
print(f"Create filtering for Motor City Input AM...")
filt = (dfInpAM["Lab"] == "US-Motor City")
filt2 = (dfInpAM["Status"] == "In Production")
dfMCI = dfInpAM[filt & filt2]
Output of alle values with their count
dfMCI["ReceivedTime"]= dfMCI["ReceivedTime"].astype(str) counts()
Output of alle values with their count in percent
Showing cols Popl,Continent for all rows
Showing cols Popl,Continent for all rows - values divided by 100
df[["Popl","Continent"]] / 100
Show the rows from index CAN to ITA
Show the rows from index CAN to ITA - only with the column1
Show the rows from index CAN to ITA - only with the column1 + column3
Show the columns col1 to col4 for all rows
Show the columns col1 to col4 for 3 rows from index 0 to 2 (2 included)
Show the columns cols 1 and 3 for the rows from index 0 to 2 (2 included)
Show the 1st and last row => CAN,USA
Show 2nd and 3rd row for all cols => FRA,GER / Popl,HDI,Continent
Show 2nd and 3rd row for 2nd col => FRA,GER / HDI
Show 2nd and 3rd row for 1st and 3rd column => FRA,GER / Popl,Continent
Show 2nd and 3rd row for the 2nd and 3rd col => FRA,GER / HDI,Continent
Returns GER,JPN,USA for all cols
df.loc[(df["Popl"] > 70 )]
Returns GER,JPN,USA for col "Popl"
df.loc[df["Popl"] > 70, "Popl"]
Returns GER,JPN,USA for cols "Popl" and "Continent"
df.loc[df["Popl"] > 70, ["Popl","Continent"]]
Output of 2 columns for the column slice
Output specific rows and slice of columns
Output specific rows and columns
Drops the row CAN
Drops the rows CAN,JPN
Drops the rows CAN,JPN (2nd method)
Drops the rows CAN,JPN (3rd method)
Drops the cols Popl,Continent
Drops the cols
Drops the cols Popl,Continent (2nd method)
Drops the cols Popl,Continent (3rd method)
Drops the whole dataframe
df.drop(df.index, inplace=True)
Define series with same col-names as in the dataframe - with some correction values
crisis = pd.Series([-10,-0,3],index=["Popl","HDI"])
Comines crisis-series to the df => all values in "Popl" -10 and "HDI" -0,3 in the df
df[["Popl","HDI"]] + crisis
Define new series for new column in dataframe
langs = pd.Series(
["FR","DE","IT"], # values of new column
index=["FRA","GER","ITA"], # existing index in dataframe
name= "lang") # name of the new column
Creates new column in the dataframe according to the series "langs" - other rows will get "NaN"
df["lang"] = langs
Values of all rows in the column "lang" will be changed to "GB"
df["lang"] = "GB"
Renames column names
Renames index names
Creates new column by dividing col "Popl" with col "HDI"
df["Popl_HDI"] = df["Popl"] / df["HDI"]
Different operations for the column in the dataframe
Changes Timestamp-String to Timestamp-Type (eg. read from csv-file before)
Plotting the dataframe using the mathlib-module
Plot the dataframe
Plot the dataframe for the specific timeframe
Check for NaN values in the Dataframe => Matrix with True / False
Check for NOT NaN values in the Series => Matrix with True / False
Sum of NaN values per column
Deleting all rows with at least one NaN value in it
Deleting all columns with at least one NaN value in it
Deleting all rows where all columns are NaN
Deleting all rows where at least 3 columns are NOT NaN
Replace NaN values with text
Replace NaN values with 0
With forward-fill NaN-values are replaced with the value before (axis=0 means vertical / per column)
With forward-fill NaN-values are replaced with the value before (axis=0 means horizontal / per row)
Shows the existing values for the column => eg: "M","F","D","?" (M/F is correct and D/? is wrong)
Shows the count of each existing value in the column => eg. "M" 175, "F" 132, "D" 5, "?", 3 => so 8 wrong entries
Change all "D" values in the column to "F"
Change all "D" to "F" and "N" to "M" in the column
Find all the invalid values in the age-column => eg. greater than 100 is invalid entry
df[df["Age"] > 100]
Fixing the invalid values for age by dividing it to 100
Defines new filter
filt = (df["col1"] == "col1_val1")
Defines new filter with several values
filt2 = (df["col1"].isin(["val1","val2","val3"]))
Defines new filter NOT with several values
filt3 = (~df["col1"].isin(["val1","val2","val3"]))
Defines new filter with a > operator
filt4 = (df["col1"] > 123)
Outputs the result for the above filter
Outputs the result for the above filter with only col2
Use 2 filters
df[filt1 & filt2]
Filter the elements for the top 2.5% of the dataset (quantile)
df= df[(df['value'] >= df['value'].quantile (0.025))]
Filter the elements for the bottom 2.5% of the dataset (quantile)
df= df[(df['value'] < df['value'].quantile (0.975))]
Check duplicates for all rows (only first entry is not flagged as True)
Check duplicates for all rows (only last entry is not flagged as True)
Check duplicates for all rows (every entry is flagged as True)
Check duplicates only for subset-col (only first entry is not flagged as True)
Check duplicates only for subset-col (only last entry is not flagged as True)
Check duplicates only for subset-col (every entry is flagged as True)
Split all the strings in the column at the blank-char "_" => eg. results [1987, M, US, 1]
Split all the strings in the column at the blank-char and build seperate new columsn in the dataframe
Check column if there exists an "U" in the string-values (True / False output as series) - also regex possible
Eliminate the whitespaces at the beginning and end for the string-values
Replace / Deletes blanks " " in the string-values
de["Data"].str.replace(" ","")
Function lower is used for the whole dataframe
df.apply(lambda x: x.lower())
Function lower is used for the first 3 columns
df.apply(lambda x: x.lower(), axis="columns")[0:3]
Sorting the new index ascending
Sorting the columns in dataframe
df.reindex(sorted(df.columns), axis=1)
Sorting by column ascending
Sorting by column descending
Sorting by 2 columns descending - first col1 and then col2
Sorting a series for one specific col descending
Change the column titles to uppercase
df.columns =) [x.upper() for x in df.columns]
Function lower is used for the whole column
df["c1"] = df["c1"].apply(lambda x: x.lower())
Change the names of the values - all others become NaN
Change the names of the values - all others are not touched
New column at the end
df["cnew1"] = df["c1"] + df["c2"]
New column at the end
df["cnew1"] = df["c1"] + df["c2"]
Deleting 2 columns
df.drop(columns=["c1","c2"], inplace=True)
Add new row (all other cols are defined as NaN for the row)
df = df.append({"c1":"val1"},ignore_index=True)
Outputs the 5 highest values in the column - only col1
Outputs the 5 highest values in the column - all columns
Outputs the 5 lowest values in the column - all columns
Grouping according to col1
col1_grp = df.groupby("col1")
Access to one value from the group
Grouping col1 and output median for col2
Grouping col1 and output median for col2 only for 3 group-values
Filtering all Values with 0
non_zero = df[df["col1"]!=0]
Add new column with Y/N depending if the value in col "Sales" is > 50
df["newcol"]=["Y" if x > 50 else "N" for x in df["Sales"]]
Change existing column with Y/N depending if the value in col is > 50
df["col"]=["Y" if x > 50 else "N" for x in df["col"]]
Add/change column with 0/1 depending of calc of the variables x/y from 2 cols
df["c"]=[1 if (x/y>9) else 0 for x,y in zip(df["c1"],df["c2])]
Delete duplicate index entries in the dataframe
df = df[~df.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
Convert a dataframe to a dict (
Select every 5th row
df.iloc[::5, :]
Reset index form a dataframe with a new column from 0 to x
df = df.reset_index()
Get the first row of the dataframe
df = df.iloc[:,0]
Iterate trough dataframe with index and content / row
for index, row in df.iterrows():
Show all rows of the dataframe when printed
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
Change datetime64 column to datetime
df["col1"] = df["col1"]
Convert datetime to pandas timestamp
dt = pd.Timestamp(dt)
Get the maximum from the 3 different columns and put it in the column "max"
Changing a column with this lambda function (over 400x faster then using iterrows)
temp = df['name'].apply(lambda x: x.strip())
Add empty line to dataframe
df.append(pd.Series(np.nan), ignore_index=True)
Delete rows where col1 = nan
df = df[df["col1"].notna()]
Delete rows where col1 < 10
df = df[df["col1"] < 10]
Merge 2 dataframes where the column order-id is ident
dfFinal = df1.merge(df2, on='order-id')
Convert a dataframe to a nested list
l = df.values.tolist()
When there is some warning like "A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame"
change the access from eg.: df["upperband"][current] = df["upperband"][previous]
to: df.loc[current, "upperband"] = df.loc[previous, "upperband"]
(then there will be no more warning)
Import module as plotter plt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Plot a line
plt.plot(x, x **2 )
Plot another line (in the other direction)
plt.plot(x, -1 * (x ** 2))
Define x values
x_values = list(range(1000))
Define y values / squares
squares = [x**2 for x in x_values]
Plot diagram with x- and y-axes
plt.plot(x_values, squares)
Plot 1st row, 2nd col in the 2nd diagram (any line after that will only access the 2nd diagram)
Sscatter diagram with x- and y-axes and line strenght = 5
plt.scatter(x_values, squares, s=5)
Title with fontsize = 24
plt.title("Title", fontsize=24)
X-Axe title with fontsize = 18
plt.xlabel("X-Axe", fontsize=18)
Y-Axe title with fontsize = 18
plt.ylabel("Y-Axe", fontsize=18)
Params describtion with fontsize = 10
plt.tick_params(axis="both", which="major", labelsize=10)
Define scaling of axes
Colors from one shade to another with different params
plt.scatter(x,y,c=squares,,edgecolor="none", s=10)
Expoit the first point larger in green
plt.scatter(x[0],y[0],c="green",edgecolor="none", s=100)
Expoit the last point larger in red
plt.scatter(x[-1],y[-1],c="red",edgecolor="none", s=100)
Hide the complete x-axis description
Hide the complete y-axis description
Define custom figure size
plt.figure(dpi=128, figsize=(10,6))
Show diagram
Save diagram as png-picture-file
chromedriver.exe in Ordner von py-file speichern
Python specific documentation for selenium
Import WebDriver for url access
from selenium import webdriver
Import Options
from import Options
Import Service
from import Service
Import WebDriverWait (explizit waiting time)
from import WebDriverWait
Import EC (for expected conditions with waiting logic)
from import expected_conditions as EC
Import By (for finding elements with By-logic)
from import By
Import Keys (for keystroke handling)
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
Import Time-Library when there are delays needed
import time
Import Keys to send key-strokes
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
Define chrome driver - with actual folder os.getcwd
driver = webdriver.Chrome(os.getcwd() + '/chromedriver')
Throws exception when time for read is over 10 seconds
Somtimes necessary to delay some work in progress
Encode url
link = urllib.parse.quote_plus(link)
Open link
get full unparsed html-code
Find element (input-element with id = "passwd-id")
driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@id='passwd-id']")
Click on element by xpath (investigate - copy xpath)
Fill field "name" with content "x"
Other method to find element per xpath ()
driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//button[text()='Some text']")
Find Element according to a specific element eg. "aria-label" with text "Post" in a "div"
Clear / delete input field
Fill text in field and press enter
driver.find_element("q").send_keys("txt" + u'\ue007')
Set text of element to xyz
driver.execute_script('arguments[0].innerHTML = "xyz";', elem)
Fill text in field (use css-selector to find element => input element with id "myID" in it)
Search field for class
driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, "cl")
Search field for tag
Search by (exact) link-text in an anchor-tag
Search by (partial) link-text in an ancor-tag
Send single keyboard-elements <> chars (needs import keys)
Send a PageDown-keystroke (eg. for scrolling to the very bottom of a page)
driver.send_keys (Keys.PAGE_DOWN)
Send an Return-keystroke (eg. for enter after data entries in fields)
driver.send_keys (u'\ue007')
Press enter and submit site
Close driver (otherwise the windows will not close)
Close the actual window
Title of the html-site
Back-Function in browser-history
Forward-Function in browser-history
Refresh website
Define an individual cookie
cookie = {"name": "token", "value": "23874kljdsjhfaökldjs"}
Use Cookie
Outputs a specific cookie
Outputs all cookies
Read current, actual url
Switch to a frame-id (eg. a PopUp)
driver.switch_to.frame ("frame_id")
Read active window name
act_window = driver.current_window_handle
Switch (back) to active window (eg. after working on the popup-frame or popup-window)
Set window size to 600 wide and 1000 height
Minmize window
ScrollDown in the window (maybe to the bottom of the site)
driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, 10000)")
Open a new tab
Swich to first tab
Switch between iframes
iframe = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//iframe[@id='mainFrame']")
Wait till a specific element is loaded / clickable
=> waiting as long as required - better then time.sleep
=> more possible conditions see
wait = WebDriverWait (driver, 5) # Define maximum wait time till the element is ready
wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.NAME, "agree"))).click() # Wait till element with name = "agree" is present and click afterwards
wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "YDC-Col1"))) # Wait till element with id = "YDC-Col1" is present
wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, "//div[text()='Total revenues']"))).click() # Wait till div-element with specific text is pressent and click
Use Selenium with chrome windows hidden
os.environ['WDM_LOG_LEVEL'] = '0' # with this seeting no output of log / messages using
import undetected_chromedriver as uc
from import Options
from import ChromeDriverManager
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
ua = UserAgent()
userAgent = ua.random
options = Options()
options.add_experimental_option ('excludeSwitches', ['enable-logging'])
# driver = webdriver.Chrome (service=srv, options=options)
driver = uc.Chrome (service=srv, options=options)
waitWebDriver = WebDriverWait (driver, 5)
link = ""
driver.get (link)
Define Real User Agent Header
(avoid being blocked while scraping some data - keep it up to date from time to time)
common user agent list:
latest user agent list:
options.add_argument("user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.106 Safari/537.36")
Use Random User Agent Header
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
options = Options()
ua = UserAgent()
userAgent = ua.random
Using XPath with Selenium
Can be used to find the location of any element in a html- or xml document
wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 10)
tmpElem = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, "//span[text()='Top Grossing']")))
// : Select current node
Tagname: Tagname of the particular node.
@: Select attribute.
Attribute: Attribute name of the node.
Value: Value of the attribute.
//input[@name='uid'] # input-elem with name = "uid"
//input[@type='text'] # input-elem with type = "text"
//label[@id='message23'] # label-elem with id = "message23"
//input[@value='RESET'] # input-elem with value = "RESET"
//*[@class='barone'] # any elem with class = "barone"
//td[text()='UserID'] # td-elem which has the text "User-ID"
//a[@href=''] # anchor with specific link
//img[@src='//'] # img-elem with specific pic-link
(//button)[2] # select the second button on the page
//button[last()] # select the last button
(//p[@class='product']/span)[2] # select the second span in the p-element with class =
//*[@type='submit' or @name='btnReset'] # any elem which has 2 OR conditions (for type and name)
//input[@type='submit' and @name='btnLogin' # any elem which has 2 AND conditions (for type and name)
//*[contains(@name,'btn')] # any elem which has "btn" somewhere in the name
//*[contains(@id,'message')] # any elem which has "message" somewhere in the id
//*[contains(text(),'here')] # any elem which has "here" somewhere in the text
//*[contains(@href,'orf')] # any elem which has "orf" somewhere in the href-link
//select[contains(.,'Division')] # select-element where some child has the text "Division" in it
//label[starts-with(@id,'message')] # elem where id starts with "message"
//*[@type='text']//following::input[1] # select all following-elements which have input as tag and select the first elem
//*[text()='Enterprise Testing']//ancestor::div[2] # find ancestor-elements with text and take the second one
//*[@id='java_technologies']//child::li[23] # select all child elements with specific id and select the 23th one
//*[@type='submit']//preceding::input[1] # select preceding (dt.: vorangegangene) input-elements and take the first one
//*[@type='submit']//following-sibling::input # select following sibling which is input
//*[@id='rt-feature']//parent::div[5] # select parent of the elem with id = "rt-feature" and take the 5th div
//*[@type='password']//self::input # select elem and use itself (only 1 element can be found)
//*[@id='rt-feature']//descendant::a[X] # find all elements below (dt.: Nachfahren) and take the Xth one
Scroll to the very bottom of a site - eg. Twitter, Facebook, Stocktwits,...
lenOfPage = driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);var lenOfPage=document.body.scrollHeight;return lenOfPage;")
lastCount = lenOfPage
lenOfPage = driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);var lenOfPage=document.body.scrollHeight;return lenOfPage;")
if lastCount==lenOfPage:
When there are problems clicking an element on a page
element = driver.find_element_by_id('datePickerToggleBtn')
webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(element ).click(element ).perform()
element = driver.find_element_by_css('div[class*="loadingWhiteBox"]')
driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", element)
Take a screenshot when something fails in headless mode
do the whole selenium work...
use locators in this order as suggested by Selenium contributors
Solving some captchas - clicking for 10 seconds
element = driver.find_element(By.XPATH,"//div[@id='px-captcha']")
action = ActionChains(driver)
click = ActionChains(driver)
Use only newest fake_useragent
# install with
# pip uninstall fake-useragent
# pip install --force-reinstall "git+"
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
userAgent = UserAgent(num_newest_uas=2).random
Download PDF-File to folder
# create this option-setting when creating the driver
DOCPath = os.path.join(path, "WORK")
options = Options()
options.add_experimental_option('prefs', {
"download.default_directory": DOCPath,
"download.prompt_for_download": False,
"download.directory_upgrade": True,
"plugins.always_open_pdf_externally": True
driver = webdriver.Chrome (service=srv, options=options)
Import module for beautiul soap
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
Import moduel for fake useragent
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
Define UserAgent
ua = UserAgent()
Create random useragent
ua.random "t
Read url as page
page = requests.get("")
Read url as page with proxy like eg. ""
page = requests.get(url,headers=headers,proxy=proxy)
Read html-page with parser
soup = BeautifulSoup (page.content,"html.parser")
Read xml-page with parser
soup = BeautifulSoup (page.content,"xml")
find first a-tag in body
Find all td-elements
Find alle th- and td-elements
Read all table rows for specific class
soup.find_all("tr", class_="arrow0"):
Find all div-elements with specific class
soup.find_all("p", {"class": "payamntp"})
Find element with one of this 2 classes
soup.find_all("div", {'class':['class1', 'class2']})
Read all table data cells with id and content
for col_id, col_content in enumerate(result.find_all("td")):
Read all divs with specific class
soup.find_all("div", class_="col-xs-6")
Find div with id "lj_div"
soup.find("div", {"id": "lj_div"})
Find (first) p with class "line"
soup.find("p", {"class": "line"})
Find element with specific text / string
soup.find("dt", string="In-App Purchases")
General way to find string
soup.find("div", string=re.compile('contributions'))
Check if string nameSymbol_" is part of the class-element
soup.find("small", class_=re.compile("nameSymbol_"))
Find elements for several tags
Found the parent div-element for a specific before find element
erg2 = erg.find_parent("div")
Check if class has specific content
if row.get("class") == ["ellipsis", "nobr", "new"]:
Read all links from href element
for e in soup.find_all("a"): e.get("href")
Read all number from the field "value"
for e in soup.find_all("a"): e.get("value")
Change all linebreak
in text to blank
for lb in soup.findAll("br"): lb.replaceWith(" ")
Read url from the image
url_i = rows[0].find('img')['src']
Read image as content
image = requests.get(f'https:{url_i}').content
Formated Output with html indentations
Check if specific text in soup text-output
if "Kein Zugriff" in soup.text:
Reads everyting what is in the tbody-tag
return direct child elements of a an element in a list
returns all direct childrens (as a generator object)
returns all descendants (nachfolger) as iterable
return the parent-tag
return all parents (as a generator object)
return the next sibling (going sideways / have the same parent)
return the previous sibling (going sideways / have the same parent)
all following siblings as iterable
all previous siblings as iterable
return next element
return next elements (as a generator object)
return previous element
return previous elements (as a generator object)
find the next ul-element
find the previous ul-element
find only direct children of an element
.find_all("div", recursive=False)
returns the name of the tag
get all strings from a tag in an iterable
get all (stripped) strings from a tag in an iterable
get all text directly below a tag
.find_all(text=True, recursive=False)
Using the select selector
#"div.class1.class2") => divs-elem which have both classes"div[class='table-container']") => div-elem which have only this class'h1, p') => all h1- and p-elements'body p') => p-elems in body'div > p') => children p-elems in div'h1 ~ p') => p-elems on the same level as h1':any-link') => any links which has a href-attribute':checked') => all checked elements (radio-buttons, checkboxes, option)'p:first-child') => first child in a group'span:first-of-type') => firt child of a given type in a group
Define Real User Agent Header
(avoid being blocked while scraping some data - keep it up to date from time to time)
common user agent list:
latest user agent list:
headers = {
'User-Agent': '<copy from the above link>',
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
Read with Selenium when necessary due the specific homepage
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from selenium import webdriver
link = "" + stock + "/summary" # define the homepage to be scraped
options = Options()
options.add_argument('--headless') # webpage will work in the back
options.add_experimental_option ('excludeSwitches', ['enable-logging'])
path = os.path.abspath (os.path.dirname (sys.argv[0])) # works for alle platforms (Win,MacOs,Linux)
if platform == "win32":
cd = '/chromedriver.exe'
elif platform == "linux":
cd = '/chromedriver_linux'
elif platform == "darwin":
cd = '/chromedriver'
driver = webdriver.Chrome (path + cd, options=options) # Use chromedriver.exe to read website with the above options
driver.get (link) # Read link
time.sleep (2) # Wait till the full site is loaded
Wait for the specific element to load
element = driver.find_element_by_id("analyst-estimate")
driver.execute_script("arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", element)
driver.execute_script("return arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);",
WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((
By.XPATH, "//div[@class='search-pagination']"))))
time.sleep (1)
Read page with html.parser and to the further scraping
soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, 'html.parser')
Close the chromedriver window
driver.quit ()
all searches also possible for more elements wiht find_elements_*
driver.find_element_by id # Search for a id in html
driver.find_element_by_name # Search for name-field (eg. in input-tag)
driver.find_element_by_xpath # Search by xpath of the element (right mouse blick in Chrome Dev Tools)
driver.find_element_by_link_text # Search for (full) text within the tags
driver.find_element_by_partial_link_text # Search for (part) text within the tags
driver.find_element_by_tag_name('h1') # Search for a tag in html
driver.find_element_by_class_name("cont") # Search for a specific class name in html
driver.find_element_by_css_selector('p.content') # Search for tag and selector
Read the whole text of an article / element
tmpText = soup.find("article", {"itemprop": "description"})
if tmpText != None:
wText = "\n".join(list(tmpText.stripped_strings)[1:])
import module requests
import requests
import module json
import json
Request api from the generated api-link
resp = requests.get (url)
GET-request with payload and headers
resp = requests.request("GET", url,
Return the statuscode of the response
# 200: ok
# 201: resource created
# 400: bad request (wrong or missing some informations)
# 401: Unauthorized (requires some additonal permissions)
# 404: Not Found (requested resource does not exist)
# 405: Method Not Allowed (wrong HTTP Method - eg. POST instead of GET)
# 500: Internal Server Error: something broken on the server site
shows the statuscode in textform (eg. OK, Not Found)
used headers for the request
header from the response
show the content-type of the resonse (eg. json, image/jpeg)
response in text-form
response in json-form
Pretty-Print formatted json-file
Read the value for the 1 element and the attribute xyz
result = api[0]["xyz"]
Using requests_html
pip install requests-html => Install module
from requests_html import HTMLSession => Import requests_html
s = HTMLSession() => Define a html-session
r = s.get(url, headers=HEADERS) => Define response
r.html.find("title", first=True).text => title of in the html-tag
r.html.find("span#wob_tm", first=True).text => Span-value with id = "wob_tm"
r.html.find("div.clX", first=True) => Div-element with class = "clX"
r.html.find("div.clX span.clY",first=True).text => Span-element with class="clY" ind Div-element with class="clX"
Using request to get the source code or text from a page
resp = requests.get("")
proxyList = resp.text.split("\n")
Using requests to download a file
url = "https://xyz.mp3"
doc = requests.get(url)
with open('work.mp3', 'wb') as f:
Using requests for reading websites
ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False)
userAgent = ua.random
HEADERS = {"User-Agent": userAgent}
page = requests.get (link, headers=HEADERS)
page = requests.get(site,timeout=5) => try to read the website for max 5sec
soup = BeautifulSoup (page.content, "html.parser")
Using requests to read image from web, save and build hashValue
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.76 Safari/537.36'} # This is chrome, you can set whatever browser you like
resp = requests.get(img, headers=headers, stream=True)
with open(workerPic, 'wb') as f:
shutil.copyfileobj(resp.raw, f)
del resp
img =
workihashImg = imagehash.average_hash(img)
Video-Tutorial: (Playlist - Learn Scrapy)
Video-Tutorial2: (Scrape a Whisky-Shop)
install the scrapy module
pip install SCRAPY
creates the project and folder-structure
scrapy startproject indeedScraper
create with scrapy-template
scrapy genspider tilesSpider
scrape a webpage in command line and use the console for further investigations
scrapy shell
fetch a new site from an allready scraped page with "scrapy shell" before
shows the full html-code of the page
select element "small" with class="author" and shows the html-code
return only the text for the element+class for the first element
return the text for the first element for span + class="text"
return all anchor-tag texts in a list
find elems a in li with class "next" and get the content from the href-element
response.css(" > a::attr(href)").extract_first()
extract href from all anchor-tags inside div.quote => span => a
response.css("div.quote > span > a::attr(href)").extract()
combine the url from the initial scrapy shell with the string-path
read text-data when the response is i a json-format
data = json.loads(response.text)
Create spider skeleton on command line (quotesName = spider-name, = site to scrape)
scrapy genspider quotesNAME
run spider from command line
scrapy runspider
run spider and store result into items.json
scrapy runspider -o items.json
shows the duplicate elements which are filtered
'dupefilter/filtered': 50,
from second video-tutorial above
open scrapy shell
scrapy shell
get the first div-element with that class
get the first li-element in the ul-element with class "products"
response.css("ul.products li")
assign all div-elements with that class to the variable "products"
products = response.css("div.product-item-info")
outputs the number of alle div-elements with that class on the loaded page
from the products-variable get the first a-element with this class
return the text from the element (first a-element with this class)
return the text from all elements (all a-elements with this class)
return the text from all elements (all span-elements with this class)
return the text from the element (first span with class "price" and replace the €-symbol)
return the link from the element (first href-link with this class)
second way to the the href-value
return value of attribut "dpsku" in the a-tag with class "button"
start scrapy with the spider "whisky"
scrapy crawl whisky
run spider "whisky" and output result to json-file (overwrite the json-file)
scrapy crawl whisky -O whisky.json
same as above (only appending the results and not overwriting)
scrapy crawl whisky -o whisky.json
outputing as csv
scrapy crawl whisky -O whisky.csv
outputing as xlsx (scrapy-xlsx must be installed + changed:
scrapy crawl whisky -O whisky.xlsx
find element with class "action next" (spaces have to be replaced with ".")
store the link for the next page
nextPage = response.css("").attrib["href"
go to next page and do parsing
yield response.follow(nextPage, callback=self.parse)
automatic delay between requests AUTOTHROTTLE_ENABLED = True
The initial download delay AUTOTHROTTLE_START_DELAY = 5
The maximum download delay to be set in case of high latencies AUTOTHROTTLE_MAX_DELAY = 60
ignore robots.txt ROBOTSTXT_OBEY = False
set download-delay (to prevent site-checkings) DOWNLOAD_DELAY = 3
when scraping with scrapy_selenium
'scrapy_selenium.SeleniumMiddleware': 800
from shutil import which
SELENIUM_DRIVER_EXECUTABLE_PATH = r"C:\Users\Polzi\Documents\DEV\Python-Private\chromedriver.exe"
# '--headless' if using chrome instead of firefox
get text (with div and a combination)
get href-value (from a element with class)
response.xpath("//a[@class='next page-numbers']/@href").get()
get the aria-label-value
get href-element (from a element and existing selector "tmp")
Example spider
import scrapy
class QuotesnameSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'quotesNAME' # name of the spider
custom_settings = { # define custom settings - eg. encoding utf-8 for german umlaute
allowed_domains = [''] # allowed domains (no http in front of the domain)
start_urls = [''] # urls to scrape
def parse(self, response):
self.log("I just visited: " + response.url) # info-output when program is running
yield { # store scraped informations in a dictionary
"author_name": response.css("").extract()[0],
"text": response.css("span.text::text").extract_first(),
"tags": response.css("a.tag::text").extract(),
Example spider (with direct api-access on an infinite page)
import scrapy
import json
class QuotesScrollSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'quotesINFINITE' # name of the spider
apiURL = "{}" # standard URL with page variable
start_urls = [apiURL.format(1)] # create the start-url with page = 1
def parse(self, response):
data = json.loads(response.text) # read the json-page
for quote in data["quotes"]: # iterate trough all quotes
yield { # return the needed values
"authorName": quote["author"]["name"],
"text": quote["text"],
"tags": quote["tags"]
if data["has_next"]: # check if next page has to be read
nextPage = data["page"] + 1
yield scrapy.Request(url=self.apiURL.format(nextPage), callback=self.parse)
Import module
import ftplib
Create FTP instance
ftp = ftplib.FTP()
Define encoding
ftp.encoding = "utf-8"
Connect to ftp-address
Login with username and password
ftp.login(USERNAME, PW)
Change working directory eg. to tmp
Show actual working directory
Show files in actual working directory
Quit ftp instance
Upload file with ftp
with open(fn, "rb") as file:
ftp.storbinary('STOR test.png', file)
see Python-Diverses/PyQt
Install Py Qt Designer
pip install pyqt5
QtWidgets / Different Widgets
import PyQt5.QtWidgets as qtw # Import QtWidgets
qtw.QApplication # Defines Application
qtw.QLabel # Defines Label
qtw.QWidget # Defines Widget
qtw.QHBoxLayout # Arranges horizontally from left to right
qtw.QVBoxLayout # Arranges vertically from top to bottom
qtw.QGridLayout # Arranges in grid from on x and y axes
qtw.QFormLayout # Field for forms - 1col are titles, 2col are fields,rbs,cb
qtw.QPushButton # Defines PushButton
qtw.QDialog # Module for dialog windows
qtw.QDialogButtonBox # Module for button boxes in dialog windows
qtw.QLineEdit # Defines input field with text
qtw.QMainWindow # Module for main windows
qtw.QStatusBar # Module for status bar
qtw.QToolBar # Module for tool bar
qtw.QMessageBox # Module for Message Boxes
qtw.QCommandLinkButton # Module for Command Link Button
qtw.QCheckBox # Module for CheckBox
qtw.QDialog # Module for Dial Widget
qtw.QFileDialog # Module for File Dialog
Main Window
app = QApplication(sys.argv) # Create an instance of the application
w = QWidget() # Initialize a window
w.setWindowTitle('Windows Title') # Title of the windows
w.setGeometry(200, 200, 380, 180) # Define windows (1:x-coord,2:y-coord,3:width,4:height)
w.move(50, 15) # Place / move windows to coodinates 60,15
msg = QLabel('<h1>Hello World!</h1>', parent=window) # Define label / message in format h1
msg.move(50, 15) # Place / move labe to coordinates 60,15 # Show the application GUI - schedules a paint event
sys.exit(app.exce_()) # Start the app and close it with sys.exit
qhLayout = QHBoxLayout() # Defines horzontal box layout
qvLayout = QVBoxLayout() # Defines vertical box layout
qgLayout = QGridLayout() # Defines grid layout
qfLayout = QFormLayout() # Defines form layout
btn1 = qtw.QPushButton(self) # Define Push-Button
qhLayout.addWidget(btn1) # Add Button on Layout
qvLayout.addLayout(qhLayout) # Add horizontal Box Layout in vertical Layout
lbl = qtw.QLabel('Name:', self) # Define Label
inp = qtw.QLineEdit(self) # Define Input-Field
qfLayout.addRow(lbl, inp) # Add row in form (Label + Input-Field)
qgLayout.addWidget(QPushButton('Button1'),1,0) # Defines one or more buttons and set it to position 1,0
qgLayout.addWidget(QPushButton('Button1'),2,1,1,2) # Set buttons to position 2,1 and span it 1row/2cols
w.setLayout(layoutXY) # Sets layout dimensions to window
=> Button / QPushButton
btn = qtw.QPushButton(self) # Define Push-Button
layout.addWidget(btn) # Add ComboBox to layout
btn.setText("Calc") # Set Text of button
btn.setEnabled(False) # Deactivate the button
btn.clicked.connect(self.btnPressedCalc) # Set Function which should run when the button is clicked
2nd method to assign a function (short method)
btn = qtw.QPushButton(self, clicked = lambda: self.btnPressedCalc())
btn.setStyleSheet("QPushButton {color: red;}") # Set color of button to red btn.setStyleSheet("QPushButton {color: #797979;}") # Set color of button to hex-code
=> Label / QLabel
lbl = qtw.QLabel("Name:", self) # Define Label layout.addWidget(lbl) # Add Label to layout lbl.setText("xyz") # Set text of label lbl.setPixmap(self.pixMap) # Show picture in label
=> Input-Field / QLineEdit
inp = qtw.QLineEdit(self) # Define Input-Field layout.addWidget(inp) # Add input field to layout inp.clear() # Delete content of input-field inp.text() # Get actual text from the input-field inp.textChanged.connect(self.inputName) # Call function when something is changed
=> ComboBox / QComboBox
cb = qtw.QComboBox(self) # Create ComboBox l = [("AAPL",23),("BRK",47),("CYP",78)] # Define list with shown value and data behind (eg. AAPL and 23) cb.addItems(l) # Add list of items to combobox as content cb.addItem(s) # Add one item to combobox as content layout.addWidget(cb) # Add ComboBox to layout layout.addRow("Name:",cb) # Add ComboBox to form-layout cb.currentText() # Actual selected value (AAPL, BRK, CYP) cb.currentData() # The data of the selected item (23, 47, 78) cb.currentIndex() # Index-number of the selected item idx = cb.findText("xyz") # Find index of the element in the combobox cb.setCurrentIndex(idx+1) # Set element the found element by index cb.setEnabled(False) # Disable or enable combobox cb.clear() # Clear / empty combo box cb.activated.connect(self.funcClicker) # Call function when entry in combobox is selected cb = qtw.QComboBox(self, # Create editable ComboBox editable=True, insertPolicy=qtw.QComboBox.InsertAtBottom
=> List / QListWidget
lw = qtw.QListWidget(self) # Create List lw.addItems(l) # Add list of items to listwidget as content lw.addItem(s) # Add one item to listwidget as content lw.currentRow() # Get index of current row lw.takeItem(1) # Delete / take 2nd item from the list lw.count() # Number of items in the list lw.item(idx) # Take the element from the idx-position lw.item(idx).text() # Get text of the element
=> SpinBoxes / QSpinBox, QDoubleSpinBox
sp = qtw.QSpinBox(self, # create spinbox
value=10, # start value
singleStep=5, # steps between values
prefix="#", # prefix before the value
suffix=" Order" # suffix behind the value
Add SpinBox to layout
Add SpinBox to form-layout
sp = qtx.QDoubleSpinBox (self) # create spinbox for floats
=> Textfield / QTextEdit
txt = qtw.QTextEdit(self) # create Textfield layout.addWidget(txt) # add textfield to layout txt.toPlainText() # convert Text to plain text txt.setPlainText("xyz") # set Textfield to xyz txt = qtw.QTextEdit(self, lineWrapMode = qtw.QTextEdit.FixedColumnWidth, lineWrapColumnOrWidth = 50, placeholderText="ABC", readOnly=False)
=> RadioButtons / QRadioButton
rb = qtw.QRadioButton(self) # define radio button rb.isChecked() # return true if radio-button is selected rb.text() # outputs text of the radio button rbHam.setChecked(True) # check radio button (eg. for default setting when opening) rb.setText("xyz") # change name of the radio button to xyz rb.toggled.connect(lambda: self.func()) # call function when radio-button is pressed
=> CheckBoxes / QCheckBox
cb = qtw.QCheckBox(self) # define checkbox cb.setChecked(True) # check checkbox cb.isChecked() # return true if check-box is checked cb.checkState() # return 0 when unchecked, return 1 when checked cb.stateChanged.connect(lambda: self.checked()) # call function when state of checkbox change cb.toggled.connect(lambda:self.checked()) # call function when checkbox is pressed
=> DialWidget / QDial
dw = qtw.QDial # define dial widget dw.value() # get the value of the dial widget dw.setMinimum(10) # set minimum to 10 dw.setMaximum(360) # set minimum to 10 dw.setRange(100,200) # set range (with min and max) dw.setValue(50) # set (default-)value dw.setNotchesVisible(True) # put scale on the widget dw.valueChanged.connect(lambda: self.func()) # call function when dial widget is turned around
=> Statusbar
statbar = qtv.QStatusBar(self) # create Statusbar statbar.showmessage("xyz") # show message in status bar
=> MessageBox
msg = QMessageBox() # Define Message Box msg.setWindowTitle("Infobox") # Set Title of Message-Window msg.setText("Your Todo List has been saved!") # Set Text of Message-Box msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) # Set Info-Icon for Message-Box
=> FileDialog / QFileDialog
# 3rd parameter: which files can be selected eg. "All Files" for all files
# returning a tuple (name of the file and selected extension)
fName = qtw.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open File", "C:\TEMP", "All Files (*)")
fName[0] # to get only the choosen filename
Menu or Icon / QAction = qtw.QAction(MainWindow) => Set Function which should run when the menu is clicked
class Dialog(QDialog): # Defines a class dialog which inherits from QDialog buttons = QDialogButtonBox() # Define buttons for a dialog window buttons.setStandardButtons(QDialogButtons.OK) # Defines a ok button on a dialog window class Window(QMainWindow): # Defines a class Windows which inherits from QMainWindow
pip install PyQt5Designer # Install PyQt5Designer
designer.exe # Find designer.exe in installed venv
<Form><Preview> # Show preview of the designed window
pyuic5 -x filename.ui -o # Convert Qt-Designer file to a python-file
QtGui / Change GUI like font, size
import PyQt5.QtGui as qtg # Import Gui for changing fontsize
nameLabel.setFont(qtg.QFont("Helvetica", 18)) # Change font of the label
Open other Window / Dialog
Click button one window to open another window
from Window2from24 import Ui_SubWindow # import Class / Window from other py-file
from Dialog24 import Ui_Dialog # import Class / Dialog from other py-file
def openWindow(self):
self.window = QtWidgets.QMainWindow() # Which widget should be opened QMainWindow / QDialog
self.ui = Ui_SubWindow() # Class Name of the window which sould be opened
self.ui.label.setText("New") # Access some elements on the opened window
self.pb.clicked.connect(self.openDialog) # call the function where the window is opened
self.pb2.clicked.connect(self.openWindow) # call the function where the dialog is opened
Load ui-file in py-file
uic.loadUi("27LoadUIFile.ui",self) # load the ui-file
self.l = self.findChild(qtw.QLabel, "label") # assign label from ui
self.btn = self.findChild(qtw.QPushButton, "pushButton") # assign push button from ui
Simplest App
import PyQt5.QtWidgets as qtw
class MainWindow(qtw.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.setWindowTitle("Name XY")
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = qtw.QApplication(sys.argv)
mw = MainWindow()
Tutorial with deep explanation
Import tkinter module
from tkinter import *
Create root window
root = Tk()
Name of the window in the title
root.title("Header Title")
Define icon for the windows (left upper corner)
Define size of the window
Creating a label widget
myLabel = Label(root,text="Hello World!")
Showing myLabel on the screen
Showing myLabel on grid place 0/0 (left upper corner) with 10pixel padding from above
Creating a status label widget with border (bd=1), sunken relief and anchor position right (east)
status = Label(root,text="St",bd=1,relief=SUNKEN,anchor=E
Showing status bar - with using maximum space from left to right (west to east) with sticky
Creating a button widget with a name
myButton = Button(root,text="Click Me!")
Creating a deactivated, greyed button widget with a name
myButton = Button(root,text="Click Me!",state=DISABLED)
Creating a button widget with a name and size 50 * 50
myButton = Button(root,text="C",padx=50,pady=50)
Creating a button which will excute the myfunc-function when its clicked
myButton = Button(root,text="T",command=myfunc)
Creating a button which will excute the func-function with a numeric parameter
myButton = Button(root,text="T",command=lambda: func(nr))
Creating a button with background blue and foreground white
myButton = Button(root,text="col",bg="blue",fg="white")
Create a quit-button on the window
QuitButton = Button(root,text="exit",command=root.quit)
Creating a entry field - with width 50 and borderwidth 5 - and showing the field
myEntry = Entry(root, width=50, borderwidth=5).pack()
Showing myEntry as grid in row/col = 0/0 and spanned over 3 columns
Showing myEntry as grid in row/col = 0/0 and with pading in x/y-axes
Read content of the entry field
Shows a default value in the entry field
Insert a number into the entry field
myEntry.insert(0, number)
Delete content of the entry field
Mainloop of the program
Close window "wind"
Pics in Tkinter-Windows
from PIL import ImageTk,Image # Additional module Pillow neede (install with <pip install Pillow>
my_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("demo.png")) # Reads Image wiht Pillow-module (Tkinter can not read png/jpg files)
my_label = Label(image=my_img) # Creating a Label with the image
my_label.pack() # Showing the pic
Define Frame
frame = LabelFrame(root,text="Name_Frame",padx=5,padx=5) # Creating a frame with padding 5/5 (inside the frame)
frame.pack(padx=10,pady=10) # Showing the frame with padding 10/10 (outside the frame)
button = Button(frame,text="Name_Button") # Creating button in the frame (not root window)
button.grid(row=0, column=0) # Showing the button in the frame as grid (with frames is mixing between pack and grid possible)
r = IntVar() # Define variable for radio button - when string use StringVar()
r.set("2") # Choose default radio button
Radiobutton(root,text="Opt1",variable=r,value=1).pack() # Define and show radiobutton 1
Radiobutton(root,text="Opt2",variable=r,value=2).pack() # Define and show radiobutton 2
r.get() # Get value from choosen radio button
messagebox.showinfo("Title of PopUp", "Hello World!") # Show Messagebox
different boxes available: showinfo, showwarning, showerror, askquestion, askokcancel, askyesno
response = messagebox.askquestion ("Bla", "BlaBla!") # Show AskQuestion Box and store response
Check about response of user in message box
if response == 1: Label(root, text= "YES").pack()
elif response == 0: Label(root, text= "NO").pack()
More Windows
def open() # Function for opening the 2nd window
global my_img # Global definition necessary - otherwise no pic would be drawn
sec = TopLevel() # Define 2nd window
sec.title("2nd Window") # Title for 2nd window
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("demo.png")) # Define image
Label (top, image=img).pack() # Show image in 2nd window
btn=Button(root,text="Open 2nd Window",command=open).pack() # Button for opening 2nd window per click
root.filename = filedialog.askopenfilename( # Define filname dialog
initialdir="/Users/Bla/images", # Define initial dir for the file dialog
title="Select file", # Title of the file dialog
filetypes=(("png files","*.png"),("all files","*.*"))) # Define filetypes in dialog (first name, second which files, default first entry)
my_label = Label(root, text=root.filename).pack() # After choosing a file - show the filename + filepath
vertical = Scale(root,from_=0,to=200) # Define vertical slider
vertical.pack() # Showing vertical slider
horizontal = Scale(root,from_=0,to=200,orient=HORIZONTAL) # Define horizontal slider
horizontal.pack() # Showing horizontal slider
Checkbutton(root,text="Check1",variable=var).pack( # Define and Show a checkbox or c.deselect() # Select or Deselect per default the checkbox
options=["Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr"] # Define options for dropdown menue
var = StringVar() # Define variable for dropdown menue
var.set("Mo") # Set default for dropdown menue
OptionMenu(root,var,*options).pack # Define dropdown menue
Kivy documentation
Training from
python -m pip install kivy[base] kivy_examples
Install kivy
Use template.spec (create with: pyinstaller *.spec - creation not as onefile possible with pyinstaller)
Create EXE
Simple Window with Label
import kivy # Import kivy base
from import App # Import App
from kivy.uix.label import Label # Import Label class
class MyApp(App): # Define App-Class
def build(self):
return Label(text="Hello", font_size = 72) # Print label with font_size 72)
if __name__ == "__main__": # Start App / draw windows with label
Input fields and button with Grid-Layout
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout # Import Grid-Layout class
from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput # Import TextInput class
from kivy.uix.button import Button # Import Button class
class MyGridLayout(GridLayout): # Define Grid Layout
def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Initialize infinite keywords
super(MyGridLayout,self).__init__(**kwargs) # Call grid layout constructor
self.cols = 2 # Set columns to 2 (draws all elements in 2 columns)
self.add_widget(Label(text="Name: ")) # Add Label-Widget with text="Name" (as one-liner) = TextInput(multiline=False) # Add Input Box "name" with only one line (multiline = True would me more input lines)
self.add_widget( # Assigment as two-liner
self.submit = Button(text="Submit", font_size=32) # Add Button-Widget with text="Submit" and font-size 32
self.submit.bind( # Bind the button to a function (when pressed the function press will be called)
def press(self,instance):
print( # Print the text of the name-input field in the terminal
self.add_widget (Label (text=f"New Label with text {}") # Create new Label and write the text to it
Combine 2 Grids with 2 columns and 1 column
self.cols = 1 # define standard grid with 1 column
self.secondGrid = GridLayout()
self.secondGrid.cols = 2 # define second grid with 2 columns
self.secondGrid.add_widget(Label(text="Stock: ")) # define content for the secondGrid
self.stock = TextInput(multiline=False)
self.add_widget (self.topGrid)
self.submit = Button(text="Levermann Score", font_size =32) # define button with only 1 column
Set height and width of the widgets
self.row_force_default=True # necessary - otherwise no adjustment will be done for the widget
self.row_default_height=120 # sets the height to 120 pixel
# set height for the whole widgets in topGrid
self.topGrid = GridLayout(
# set width and heigth for individual widget
self.top_grid.add_widget(Label(text="Name: ", # set the name of the widget
height=10, # define height
width=200)) # define width
Kivy Design Language
Seperate program in python from the gui-design (in a kv-file)
# python-file:
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget # import widget module
from import ObjectProperty # import object property
class MyGridLayout(Widget):
inpfield = ObjectProperty(None) # define an object and initialize empty
def method_function(self): # defube a method / function in the the gui (eg. for a button)
class MyApplication(App): # define the application class (kv-file must have the same name = MyApplication.kv)
def build(self):
return MyGridLayout() # name of the first line in the kv-file
if __name__ == "__main__":
MyApplication().run() # run the gui
# kv-file (name must be in this case "MyApplication.kv")#
# intention is here very similar (only tabs - no spaces)
inpfield : inpfield # initialize the input field
GridLayout: # define the main grid layout with one column
cols: 1
size: root.width, root.height # take the root width/height (otherwise the objects will be placed in the very left bottom)
row_force_default: True # necessary - otherwise no adjustment will be done for the widget
row_default_height: 120 # set the height (of the whole grid) to 120 pixel)
GridLayout: # define second (nested) grid with two columns
cols: 2
row_force_default: True
row_default_height: 40 # set the height (of every object in this grid to 40 pixel)
text: "Stock Ticker" # name of the label
id: inpfield # if of the inputfield
text: blablabla # default value for the inputfield
multiline: False # no multiline input field
Button: # define button as part of the first gridlayout (so only 1 column)
text: "Button Text" # button text
font_size: 32 # font-size of the button text
on_press: root.method_function() # on button press call function "method_function" from the py-file
size_hint_y: None
height: 50 # set height of the button to 50 pixel
Kivy Builder
# link kv-files to python-file
from kivy.lang import Builder # import builder module
Builder.load_file("whatever.kv") # link the kv-file to the python-file (so the App-classname must not be the same as the kv-filename)
Coloring buttons and input fields
# using rgb-color for the coloring
background_normal: '' # necessary to use this - otherwise the color will be mixed with the intial grey default
background_color: (1,0,0,1) # coloring the element in red
background_color: (238/255,250/255,0/255,1) # using a rgb-color for the coloring
# using hexadecimal coloring
#:import utils kivy.utils # importing the kivy-utils in the very first line of the kv-file
background_color: utils.get_color_from_hex("#eefa00") # coloring the element with this hex-code
Box Layout
orientation: "horizontal" # arrange the object horizontal (also vertical possible)
size: root.width, root.height # use the full place of the window
spacing: 20 # 20 pixels between the elements
padding: 50 # 50 pixels padding around the elements
text: "blablabla" # define button in the box-model
size_hint: (0.5,0.5) # make the button the half-size (x- and y-axes) - working also responsive when the windows size is changed
size_hint: (None, None) # set fixed size for the button (200 pixels width and 50 pixels height)
width: 200
height: 50
pos_hint: {"center_x": 0.5} # center the element horizontal
Inheritance, Widget Properties
# Define the global settings in sepearte section in the kv-file
<Button> # these settings are used for all buttons in the window
font_size: 32
background_normal: ''
background_color: (0,0,1,1)
<TextInput> # this color is used for all input fields in the window
background_color: (150/255,150/255,150/255,1)
# But when some individual setting for an element is needed this is possible
background_color: (1,0,0,1) # background color for this input-field will be different then the global settings aboth
Color Labels
# Works a little bit different that the normal coloring of objects like buttons or input fields
background_color: (0,0,1,1) # choose the color for the label
canvas.before: # this whole code-part has to be added - otherwise there will be no label coloring
rgba: self.background_color
size: self.size
pos: self.pos
# Normal usage of other properties
text: "Name" # name of the label
font_size: 45 # font size of the label
color: (0,1,0,1) # color of the text of the label
bold: True # text will be bold written
italic: True # text will be italic written
outline_color: (0,0,0) # set the color for the border of the text
outline_width: 2 # width of the border of the text
Color Background
# 1st method in kv-file: make a white background color
rgba: (1,1,1,1)
pos: self.pos
size: self.size
# 2nd method in py-file
from kivy.core.window import Window
class AwesomeApp(App):
def build(self):
Window.clearcolor = (1,1,1,1)
return MyLayout()
Set window size
# set windows size to width 550 and height 300
from kivy.core.window import Window
class MyLayout(Widget):
Window.size = (550, 300)
DropDown box with spinner
id: spinner_id
text: "Favorite"
values: ["Pepperoni","Cheese","Mushroom","Pineapple"]
on_text: root.spinner_clicked(spinner_id.text)
def spinner_clicked(self,value):
self.ids.click_label.text = f"You selected: {value}"
Pygame documentation
Import of the pygame module
import pygame as pg
Initialize and setup screen
Define dimension
screen_dim = (1200,800)
Show screen with the defined dimensions
screen = pg.display.set_mode(screen_dim)
Define background color
bg_color = (230,230,230)
Screen filling with defined background color
Title of the game in the window
pg.display.set_caption("My Super Game")
Rectangle infos (left,top,width,height - (0,0,1200,800)
rect screen.get_rect()
Center of the Rectangle as tuple - (600,400)
Size of the Rectangle as tuple - (1200,800)
X-Dim left - (0)
X-Dim right - (1200)
Y-Dim top - (0)
Y-Dim bottom - (800)
Middle of X-Dim - (600)
Middle of Y-Dim - (400)
Width of the rectangle - (1200)
Height of the rectangle - (800)
Define new rectangle
small_rect = pg.Rect(100,100,10,150)
Draw small rectangle in screen
Loading an image
figure = pg.image.load("ship.png")
Getting the rect object from an image
Positioning an image in the middle of the bottom screen
figure_rect.midbottom = screen_rect.midbottom
Drawing an image to the screen
screen.blit(figure, figure_rect)
Check if an event has happend (keystroke, mouseclick)
for event in pg.event.get():
Check if key is pressed
event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
Some action when Right-Key is pressed
event.key == pg.K_RIGHT:
Some action when Space-Key is pressed
event.key == pg.K_SPACE:
Check if mousebutton is clicked
event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN
Findinig the mouse position
mouse_pos = pg.mouse.get_pos()
Check if mouse-cursor is ofer an object / rectangle
Pygame groups
Group class for working with similar objects
from pygame.sprite import Sprite,Group
Making and filling a group - must inherit from Sprite
def Bullet(Sprite):
Method from the new group
def draw_bullet(self):
Method from the new group
def update(self):
Define group of elements
bullet = Group()
Define new instance
new_bullet = Bullet()
Add new instance to group
Iterate through group instances and draw
from bullet in bullets.sprites(): bullet.draw_bullet()
Calls the methode update() on each member of the group
Remove instance from group
Check if single object is overlapping with groupelements
Result-Dict with all overlapping elements of both groups
Define message
msg = "Play again!"
Defines message color
msg_col = (100,100,100)
Defines background color
bg_col = (230,230,230)
Defines font from system font
font = pg.font.SysFont(None,48)
Create an image of the message
msg_img = f.render(msg,True,msg_col,bg_col)
Read rect from message-image
msg_img_rect = msg_image.get_rect()
Pos the message-image in the middle of the window =
Display the positioned message-image
screen.blit(msg_img, msg_img_rect)
Import necessary modules
import pythoncom
Import client
import win32com.client
Import server
import win32com.server.register
Put everything in a class
class PythonObjectLibrary:
UniqueID for our object to register it with Windows
_reg_clsid_ = pythoncom.CreateGuid()
Register the object as an EXE
_reg_clsctx = pythoncom.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER
Register the object as a DLL
_reg_clsctx = pythoncom.IMPROC_SERVER
Name of the project library
_reg_progid_ = "Python.ObjectLibrary"
Optional / Description of the library
_reg_desc_ = "This is our Python Obj Library"
Name the functions - this sees the user in excel
_public_methods_ = ["f1","f2,"f3"]
Define the function in the class
def f1(self, x, y):
Return the result of the function (to excel later)
return x + y
Another function - this time wie a range (more cells in excel)
def f2(self, myRange):
Create an instance of the range object passed trough
rng1 = win32com.client.Dispatch(myRange)
Change the object to an numpy-array (or an list)
rng1val = np.array(list(rng1.Value))
Return the sum of the range (to excel later)
return rng1val.sum()
Part of the code in the main-section
if __name__ == "__main__":
Register the library (when the program is started => the Library is registered in Windows)
Part in Excel
(in the Visual Basic Editor under Development Tools)
# Definition of the f1-function - now the user can use the function "f1" in excel
Function f1(x As Long, y As Long)
f1 = VBA.CreateObject("Python.ObjectLibrary").f1(x, y)
End Function
# Definition of the f2-function - now the user can use the function "f2" in excel
Function f2(x As Range)
f2 = VBA.CreateObject("Python.ObjectLibrary").f2(x)
End Function
create basic api in flask
create basic api in flask, deploy to AWS with zappa and setup on Rapidapi
create basic api in flask, deploy to AWS with zappa and
Import the module
import flask
Creates a Flask application
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
Runs the program in debug mode (no reset necessary when changing a line of code)
app.config["DEBUG"] = True
"/" indicates where the result in the url will output - GET will read data (POST for writing data)
@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
Runs the application
Outputs a List with a dict to the server / url
@app.route('/api/v1/resources/books/all', methods=['GET']) # Data will available at:
def api_all():
return jsonify(books) # Converts and returns the list in JSON-Flask-format
# results are available under
Filtering data
@app.route('/api/v1/resources/books', methods=['GET'])
def api_id():
if 'id' in request.args: # Check if an ID was provided as part of the URL
id = int(request.args['id']) # If ID is provided, assign it to a variable
else: return "Error: No id field provided" # If no ID is provided, display an error in the browser.
for book in books: # Loop through the data and match results that fit the requested ID
if book['id'] == id: results.append(book)
return jsonify(results) # Use the jsonify function from Flask to convert our list of - Python dictionaries to the JSON format
# results are available under
Check if API is called from the right access-place (like
(key is provided from the platform - eg. here from
if "e6e45ed0-55e5-11eb-963e-ffe9fcdce080" not in request.headers:
return "Error: Wrong API-Call - use for calling the API!"
Using zappa and deploying to AWS (zappa is only working in a virtual environment)
pip install zappa => Install module
=> Create file and insert the credentials from AWS (creation see second link above)
create file credentials in "%UserProfile%\.aws
virtualenv xyz # Create an virtual environment
xyz\Scripts\activate # Activate virtual environment
go back to folder xyz and install all necessary modules with pip install
pip list # Check if everything is installed in the folder
zappa init (when virutal environement is activated!) # Create zappa_settings.json File (press return at any prompt)
"dev": {
"app_function": "", # Name of the py-file
"aws_region": "eu-central-1", # Nearest aws-region
"profile_name": "default", # Same as in aws-credentials at "%UserProfile%/.aws/credentials
"project_name": "apicheck",
"runtime": "python3.7", # Automatic generated
"s3_bucket": "zappa-gsoln7zyl" # Automatic generated
pip freeze > requirements.txt # Create requirements.txt for all installed modules in the virtual environment
zappa deploy dev (when virutal environement is activated!) # Deploy everything to AWS (when ended with link everything worked fine) (otherwise 502 error - often a module is missing)
zappa update dev (when virutal environement is activated! and actual directory is correct where the py-file is!) # Update deployment on AWS (when something changed in the pyhton-program)
zappa status # Show actual status
zappa tail # Show actual loggin (in error cases)
zappa undeploy dev # Undeploy everything on AWS
AWS part
see the APIs under AWS Api Geteway => region on the upper right site has to be the same as in the zappa_settings.json file#
check API-access
select API (under API Gateway and APIs)
click on second ANY link
click Test (on the left side)
select Method Get
input path example under {proxy} eg. api/v1/incstat?ticker=FB
click Test Button (at the bottom)
ongoing deployment / update
git init (when .git is not in the folder of the api)
git add .
git commit -m "upd"
heroku login -i
heroku git:remote -a financerapidapi (name of the app on heroku)
git push heroku main
see Python-Diverse - TradingApp
import module
from fastapi import FastAPI
start reloading app (refreshed automatically)
uvicorn main:app --reload
for rendering the html-page
jinja2 templates
framework for formatting (like bootstrap)
for html-templates which can be used in several other html-files
for interactive candlebars on the webpage
simplest route
app = FastAPI()
def index():
return {"message": "hello world!"}
Imort icecream
from icecream import ic
Show value of the variable in the form: ic| var1: 20
Show when command is reached: ic| in func() at 01:44:20.394 (line / file / time)
Set Context Output => also shows line / file / time
Download whl file from here:
(with corresponding python version (eg. cp39) and os (eg. adm64)
then: pip install *.whl (eg. pip install TA_Lib-0.4.19-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl)
then: pip install TA-Lib
Docu and examples:
Installation (yfinance as yf not working - problems with pyinstaller)
import yfinance
Read data for ticker yahoo finance ticker symbol
dataYF = yf.Ticker(ticker)
Summary info for stock / cryptopcoin
Price data as dataframe from/to-date,"2020-01-01","2021-03-31))
Intraday price data as dataframe for 1 month and 60 minute interval
Intraday price data as dataframe for 1 day and 2 minute interval
Financial data
Dividends (date and amount)
Splits (date and split-factor)
Percent major holders
Biggest Insitutional holders
Balance Sheet Data
Cashflow Data
Earnings Data (Revenue, Income)
Sustainability Informations (palm oile, military, adult, etc.)
Recommendations from different agencies
Calendar data
pip install plotly
examples of graphing libraries
see example for candlestick-chart
Python-Diverses / Plotly /
Video Training
pip install django
create a blank django project
django-admin startproject pjName
run django server (start site on
python runserver in django-folder
BASE_DIR => directory of the django-project
SECRET_KEY => individual key from django-project
DEBUG => should be set to False in production
INSTALLED_APPS => componente / pieces of the django-project
DATABASES => database of the django-project
python startapp products
# create a new app / component => create models and link to the database
add "products" to INSTALLED_APPS in
create superuser (eg. for login to /admin app/component)
python createsuperuser
prepeare migrations (when anything changed in the apps)
python makemigrations
migrate all changes
python migrate
now products can created in the /admin-page
add this: from .models import Product in of the products app / component
open django-sheel (eg. create products from the shell )
python shell
overview builtins
include html in an html-page (navbar.html)
{% include "navbar.html" %}
extend html-page (base.html)
{% extends "base.html" %}
replace this block content
{% block content %} xyz {% endblock %}
add 2 to the value
{{ x|add:"2" }}
if statement
{{ if x in lst }}
elif statement
{{ elif x == 3 }}
else statement
{{ else }}
close if statement
{{ end if }}
capitalize first letter
{{ x|capfirst }}
uppercase whole string
{{ x|upper }}
capitalize and upper the whole string
{{ x|capfirst|upper }}
add a new module / component
- python startapp products # create "products" folder
- create class in of the products-folder
- import and register at admin-site in of the products-folder
- add products to INSTALLED_APPs in of the project-folder
add a new website
# create "pages" folder
- python startapp pages
# eg. function with HttpResponse to output html-code
# for that function import is necessary with "from django.http import HttpResponse"
- add view in of the pages-folder
- add pages to INSTALLED_APPS in of the project-folder
# import view with "from pages.views import homeView"
# set path with eg. "path('', homeView, name="home")"
- add pages/view in fo the project-folder
request and show page/view
# in the requests are stored
eg. path('contact/', contactView)
# and in the is the html-code stored
eg. def contactView(*args, **kwargs):
return HttpResponse("<h1>Contacts!</h1>")
using templates
# render the page in
eg. def contactView(request, *args, **kwargs):
return render(request, "contact.html", {})
# create a folder eg. "templates" and put all html-pages in it
eg. about.html, contact.html, home.html
# change DIRS in TEMPLATES in
eg. to 'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "templates")],
extends: template Inheritance
# create base-html
eg. <h1>This is a navbar</h1>
{% block content %}
replace me
{% endblock %}
# inside the about-html
eg. {% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}
<p>This is a template</p>
{% endblock %}
# "replace me" will get replace by the info from about-html from the block content
include: something in html
{% include "navbar.html" %}
render data in html
# render html-page with dictionary
define myContext as Dictionary
myContext = {
"myText": "This is about me",
"myNumber": 123,
"myList": [123, 4242, 12313]
eg. return render(request, "about.html", myContext)
# access this dict in the html-page
eg. {{ myText }}, {{ myNumber }}
for loop when rendering
# get myList from Dictionary in
{% for mySubItem in myList %}
<li>{{ forloop.counter }} - {{ mySubItem }}</li>
{% endfor %}
Install on windows with msi-file from here:
Config Mail
dolt config --global --add [email protected]
Config Name
dolt config --global --add "YOUR NAME"
Login and the key
dolt login
Clone DB-Repos
dolt clone dolthub/baseball-databank
Show tables in db
dolt ls
Read column description for table
dolt sql -q "describe Salaries"
Run some query on the table
dolt sql -q "SELECT * FROM Salaries"
Write query to table
dolt sql -r csv -q "SELECT * FROM Salaries" > salary-hr.csv
install python modules in specific version / environment
pip3.7 install --user --upgrade selenium
New => Create new app => give name with only lowercases
on Heroku: create App
Setting => Add buildpack => choose python
on Heroku: set python build path
Create Procfile with 2 lines => web: python, worker: python
in App-folder: create Procfile
Create or Copy the requirements.txt => eg. pip freeze> requirements.txt
in App-folder: create requirements.txt
when there is not git-structure yet
in App-folder: git init
like xlwings, openpyxl, pywin32
delete not possible modules in cloud
login to heroku (login page opens in the browser)
heroku login
connect to the heroku app
heroku git:remote -a HEROKU_APP_NAME
add files (like in git)
git add .
commit files (like in git
git commit -am "msg"
push the files to heroku for build (try master instead of main when not working)
git push heroku main
in Resources deselect both (otherwise the program will run more times per day)
on Heroku: deselect web + worker
Heroku Scheduler for scheduling the app, Papertrail for logs
on Heroku: add Add-ons
Schedule the app run times
on Heroku / Scheduler
Show which dynos are running currently
heroku ps -a appName
run the app / script which is hosted on heroku (only possible when no dyno is running)
heroku run -a <appName> python <>
see all running dynos
heroku ps -a <appName>
stop the running dyno with name "scheduler.6436"
heroku ps:stop scheduler.6436 -a <appN>
using TA-Lib on heroku
remove TA-Lib from requirtements.text
Described here:
use this commands instead:
heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/python
heroku buildpacks:add --index 2 numrut/ta-lib
schedule the running time with addon Heroku Scheduler