diff --git a/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/README.md b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/README.md
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--- a/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/README.md
+++ b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/README.md
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-# Clojure Adaptor for RxJava
+Clojure bindings for RxJava.
+# Binaries
+Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at [http://search.maven.org](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Ca%3A%22rxjava-clojure%22).
+Example for Leiningen:
+[com.netflix.rxjava/rxjava-clojure "x.y.z"]
+and for Gradle:
+compile 'com.netflix.rxjava:rxjava-clojure:x.y.z'
+and for Maven:
+ com.netflix.rxjava
+ rxjava-clojure
+ x.y.z
+and for Ivy:
+# Clojure Bindings
+This library provides convenient, idiomatic Clojure bindings for RxJava.
+The bindings try to present an API that will be comfortable and familiar to a Clojure programmer that's familiar with the sequence operations in `clojure.core`. It "fixes" several issues with using RxJava with raw Java interop, for example:
+* Argument lists are in the "right" order. So in RxJava, the function applied in `Observable.map` is the second argument, while here it's the first argument with one or more Observables as trailing arguments
+* Operators take normal Clojure functions as arguments, bypassing need for the interop described below
+* Predicates accomodate Clojure's notion of truth
+* Operators are generally names as they would be in `clojure.core` rather than the Rx names
+There is no object wrapping going on. That is, all functions return normal `rx.Observable` objects, so you can always drop back to Java interop for anything that's missing in this wrapper.
+## Basic Usage
+Most functionality resides in the `rx.lang.clojure.core` namespace and for the most part looks like normal Clojure sequence manipulation:
+(require '[rx.lang.clojure.core :as rx])
+(->> my-observable
+ (rx/map (comp clojure.string/lower-case :first-name))
+ (rx/map clojure.string/lower-case)
+ (rx/filter #{"bob"})
+ (rx/distinct)
+ (rx/into []))
+;=> An Observable that emits a single vector of names
+Blocking operators, which are useful for testing, but should otherwise be avoided, reside in `rx.lang.clojure.blocking`. For example:
+(require '[rx.lang.clojure.blocking :as rxb])
+(rxb/doseq [{:keys [first-name]} users-observable]
+ (println "Hey," first-name))
+;=> nil
+## Open Issues
+* The missing stuff mentioned below
+* `group-by` val-fn variant isn't implemented in RxJava
+* There are some functions for defining customer Observables and Operators (`subscriber`, `operator*`, `observable*`). I don't think these are really enough for serious operator implementation, but I'm hesitant to guess at an abstraction at this point. These will probably change dramatically.
+## What's Missing
+This library is an ongoing work in progress driven primarily by the needs of one team at Netflix. As such some things are currently missing:
+* Highly-specific operators that we felt cluttered the API and were easily composed from existing operators, especially since we're in not-Java land. For example, `Observable.sumLong()`.
+* Most everything involving schedulers
+* Most everything involving time
+* `Observable.window` and `Observable.buffer`. Who knows which parts of these beasts to wrap?
+Of course, contributions that cover these cases are welcome.
+# Low-level Interop
This adaptor provides functions and macros to ease Clojure/RxJava interop. In particular, there are functions and macros for turning Clojure functions and code into RxJava `Func*` and `Action*` interfaces without the tedium of manually reifying the interfaces.
-# Basic Usage
+## Basic Usage
-## Requiring the interop namespace
+### Requiring the interop namespace
The first thing to do is to require the namespace:
@@ -19,7 +105,7 @@ or, at the REPL:
(require '[rx.lang.clojure.interop :as rx])
-## Using rx/fn
+### Using rx/fn
Once the namespace is required, you can use the `rx/fn` macro anywhere RxJava wants a `rx.util.functions.Func` object. The syntax is exactly the same as `clojure.core/fn`:
@@ -34,7 +120,7 @@ If you already have a plain old Clojure function you'd like to use, you can pass
(.reduce (rx/fn* +)))
-## Using rx/action
+### Using rx/action
The `rx/action` macro is identical to `rx/fn` except that the object returned implements `rx.util.functions.Action` interfaces. It's used in `subscribe` and other side-effect-y contexts:
@@ -46,7 +132,7 @@ The `rx/action` macro is identical to `rx/fn` except that the object returned im
(rx/action [] (println "Sequence complete"))))
-## Using Observable/create
+### Using Observable/create
As of 0.17, `rx.Observable/create` takes an implementation of `rx.Observable$OnSubscribe` which is basically an alias for `rx.util.functions.Action1` that takes an `rx.Subscriber` as its argument. Thus, you can just use `rx/action` when creating new observables:
@@ -59,35 +145,10 @@ As of 0.17, `rx.Observable/create` takes an implementation of `rx.Observable$OnS
(.onCompleted s)))
-# Gotchas
+## Gotchas
Here are a few things to keep in mind when using this interop:
* Keep in mind the (mostly empty) distinction between `Func` and `Action` and which is used in which contexts
* If there are multiple Java methods overloaded by `Func` arity, you'll need to use a type hint to let the compiler know which one to choose.
* Methods that take a predicate (like filter) expect the predicate to return a boolean value. A function that returns a non-boolean value will result in a `ClassCastException`.
-# Binaries
-Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at [http://search.maven.org](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Ca%3A%22rxjava-clojure%22).
-Example for Maven:
- com.netflix.rxjava
- rxjava-clojure
- x.y.z
-and for Ivy:
-and for Leiningen:
-[com.netflix.rxjava/rxjava-clojure "x.y.z"]
diff --git a/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/blocking.clj b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/blocking.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..feee933225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/blocking.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+(ns rx.lang.clojure.blocking
+ "Blocking operators and functions. These should never be used in
+ production code except at the end of an async chain to convert from
+ rx land back to sync land. For example, to produce a servlet response.
+ If you use these, you're a bad person.
+ "
+ (:refer-clojure :exclude [first into doseq last])
+ (:require [rx.lang.clojure.interop :as iop] [rx.lang.clojure.core :as rx])
+ (:import [rx Observable]
+ [rx.observables BlockingObservable]))
+(def ^:private -ns- *ns*)
+(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
+(defmacro ^:private with-ex-unwrap
+ "The blocking ops wrap errors stuff in RuntimeException because of stupid Java.
+ This tries to unwrap them so callers get the exceptions they expect."
+ [& body]
+ `(try
+ ~@body
+ (catch RuntimeException e#
+ (throw (or
+ (and (identical? RuntimeException (class e#))
+ (.getCause e#))
+ e#)))))
+(defn ^BlockingObservable ->blocking
+ "Convert an Observable to a BlockingObservable.
+ If o is already a BlockingObservable it's returned unchanged.
+ "
+ [o]
+ (if (instance? BlockingObservable o)
+ o
+ (.toBlockingObservable ^Observable o)))
+(defn o->seq
+ "Returns a lazy sequence of the items emitted by o
+ See:
+ rx.observables.BlockingObservable/getIterator
+ rx.lang.clojure.core/seq->o
+ "
+ [o]
+ (-> (->blocking o)
+ (.getIterator)
+ (iterator-seq)))
+(defn first
+ "*Blocks* and waits for the first value emitted by the given observable.
+ If the Observable is empty, returns nil
+ If an error is produced it is thrown.
+ See:
+ clojure.core/first
+ rx/first
+ rx.observables.BlockingObservable/first
+ "
+ [observable]
+ (with-ex-unwrap
+ (.firstOrDefault (->blocking observable) nil)))
+(defn last
+ "*Blocks* and waits for the last value emitted by the given observable.
+ If the Observable is empty, returns nil
+ If an error is produced it is thrown.
+ See:
+ clojure.core/last
+ rx/last
+ rx.observable.BlockingObservable/last
+ "
+ [observable]
+ (with-ex-unwrap
+ (.lastOrDefault (->blocking observable) nil)))
+(defn single
+ "*Blocks* and waits for the first value emitted by the given observable.
+ An error is thrown if zero or more then one value is produced.
+ "
+ [observable]
+ (with-ex-unwrap
+ (.single (->blocking observable))))
+(defn into
+ "*Blocks* and pours the elements emitted by the given observables into
+ to.
+ If an error is produced it is thrown.
+ See:
+ clojure.core/into
+ rx/into
+ "
+ [to from-observable]
+ (with-ex-unwrap
+ (clojure.core/into to (o->seq from-observable))))
+(defn doseq*
+ "*Blocks* and executes (f x) for each x emitted by xs
+ Returns nil.
+ See:
+ doseq
+ clojure.core/doseq
+ "
+ [xs f]
+ (with-ex-unwrap
+ (-> (->blocking xs)
+ (.forEach (rx.lang.clojure.interop/action* f)))))
+(defmacro doseq
+ "Like clojure.core/doseq except iterates over an observable in a blocking manner.
+ Unlike clojure.core/doseq, only supports a single binding
+ Returns nil.
+ Example:
+ (rx-blocking/doseq [{:keys [name]} users-observable]
+ (println \"User:\" name))
+ See:
+ doseq*
+ clojure.core/doseq
+ "
+ [bindings & body]
+ (when (not= (count bindings) 2)
+ (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "sorry, rx/doseq only supports one binding"))))
+ (let [[k v] bindings]
+ `(doseq* ~v (fn [~k] ~@body))))
diff --git a/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/chunk.clj b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/chunk.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d53c8ce322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/chunk.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+(ns rx.lang.clojure.chunk
+ (:refer-clojure :exclude [chunk])
+ (:require [rx.lang.clojure.core :as rx]))
+(def ^:private -ns- *ns*)
+(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
+(defn chunk
+ TODO RxJava's much bigger since this was written. Is there something built in?
+ Same as rx.Observable.merge(Observable>) but the input Observables
+ are \"chunked\" so that at most chunk-size of them are \"in flight\" at any given
+ time.
+ The order of the input Observables is not preserved.
+ The main purpose here is to allow a large number of Hystrix observables to
+ be processed in a controlled way so that the Hystrix execution queues aren't
+ overwhelmed.
+ Example:
+ (->> users
+ (rx/map #(-> (GetUserCommand. %) .toObservable))
+ (chunk 10))
+ See:
+ http://netflix.github.io/RxJava/javadoc/rx/Observable.html#merge(rx.Observable)
+ http://netflix.github.io/RxJava/javadoc/rx/Observable.html#mergeDelayError(rx.Observable)
+ "
+ ([chunk-size observable-source] (chunk chunk-size {} observable-source))
+ ([chunk-size options observable-source]
+ (let [new-state-atom #(atom {:in-flight #{} ; observables currently in-flight
+ :buffered [] ; observables waiting to be emitted
+ :complete false ; true if observable-source is complete
+ :observer % }) ; the observer
+ ps #(do (printf "%s/%d/%d%n"
+ (:complete %)
+ (-> % :buffered count)
+ (-> % :in-flight count))
+ (flush))
+ ; Given the current state, returns [action new-state]. action is the
+ ; next Observable or Throwable to emit, or :complete if we're done.
+ next-state (fn [{:keys [complete buffered in-flight] :as old}]
+ (cond
+ (empty? buffered) [complete old]
+ (< (count in-flight) chunk-size) (let [next-o (first buffered)]
+ [next-o
+ (-> old
+ (update-in [:buffered] next)
+ (update-in [:in-flight] conj next-o))])
+ :else [nil old]))
+ ; Advance the state, performing side-effects as necessary
+ advance! (fn advance! [state-atom]
+ (let [old-state @state-atom
+ [action new-state] (next-state old-state)]
+ (if (compare-and-set! state-atom old-state new-state)
+ (let [observer (:observer new-state)]
+ (if (:debug options) (ps new-state))
+ (cond
+ (= :complete action)
+ (rx/on-completed observer)
+ (instance? Throwable action)
+ (rx/on-error observer action)
+ (instance? rx.Observable action)
+ (rx/on-next observer
+ (.finallyDo ^rx.Observable action
+ (reify rx.util.functions.Action0
+ (call [this]
+ (swap! state-atom update-in [:in-flight] disj action)
+ (advance! state-atom)))))))
+ (recur state-atom))))
+ subscribe (fn [state-atom]
+ (rx/subscribe observable-source
+ (fn [o]
+ (swap! state-atom update-in [:buffered] conj o)
+ (advance! state-atom))
+ (fn [e]
+ (swap! state-atom assoc :complete e)
+ (advance! state-atom))
+ (fn []
+ (swap! state-atom assoc :complete :complete)
+ (advance! state-atom))))
+ observable (rx/observable* (fn [observer]
+ (subscribe (new-state-atom observer)))) ]
+ (if (:delay-error? options)
+ (rx.Observable/mergeDelayError observable)
+ (rx.Observable/merge observable)))))
diff --git a/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/core.clj b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/core.clj
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index 0000000000..d2768d1b37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/core.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,964 @@
+(ns rx.lang.clojure.core
+ (:refer-clojure :exclude [concat cons count cycle
+ distinct do drop drop-while
+ empty every?
+ filter first future
+ group-by
+ interleave interpose into iterate
+ keep keep-indexed
+ map mapcat map-indexed
+ merge next nth partition-all
+ range reduce reductions
+ rest seq some sort sort-by split-with
+ take take-while throw])
+ (:require [rx.lang.clojure.interop :as iop]
+ [rx.lang.clojure.graph :as graph]
+ [rx.lang.clojure.realized :as realized])
+ (:import [rx
+ Observable
+ Observer Observable$Operator Observable$OnSubscribe
+ Subscriber Subscription]
+ [rx.observables
+ BlockingObservable
+ GroupedObservable]
+ [rx.subscriptions Subscriptions]
+ [rx.util.functions Action0 Action1 Func0 Func1 Func2]))
+(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
+(declare concat* concat map* map map-indexed reduce take take-while)
+(defn ^Func1 fn->predicate
+ "Turn f into a predicate that returns true/false like Rx predicates should"
+ [f]
+ (iop/fn* (comp boolean f)))
+(defn observable?
+ "Returns true if o is an rx.Observable"
+ [o]
+ (instance? Observable o))
+(defn on-next
+ "Call onNext on the given observer and return o."
+ [^Observer o value]
+ (.onNext o value)
+ o)
+(defn on-completed
+ "Call onCompleted on the given observer and return o."
+ [^Observer o]
+ (.onCompleted o)
+ o)
+(defn on-error
+ "Call onError on the given observer and return o."
+ [^Observer o e]
+ (.onError o e)
+ o)
+(defmacro catch-error-value
+ "Experimental
+ TODO: Better name, better abstraction.
+ Evaluate body and return its value. If an exception e is thrown, inject the
+ given value into the exception's cause and call (on-error error-observer e),
+ returning e.
+ This is meant to facilitate implementing Observers that call user-supplied code
+ safely. The general pattern is something like:
+ (fn [o v]
+ (rx/catch-error-value o v
+ (rx/on-next o (some-func v))))
+ If (some-func v) throws an exception, it is caught, v is injected into the
+ exception's cause (with OnErrorThrowable/addValueAsLastCause) and
+ (rx/on-error o e) is invoked.
+ See:
+ rx.exceptions.OnErrorThrowable/addValueAsLastCause
+ "
+ [error-observer value & body]
+ `(try
+ ~@body
+ (catch Throwable e#
+ (on-error ~error-observer
+ (rx.exceptions.OnErrorThrowable/addValueAsLastCause e# ~value))
+ e#)))
+; Tools for creating new operators and observables
+(declare unsubscribed?)
+(defn ^Subscriber subscriber
+ "Experimental, subject to change or deletion."
+ ([o on-next-action] (subscriber o on-next-action nil nil))
+ ([o on-next-action on-error-action] (subscriber o on-next-action on-error-action nil))
+ ([^Subscriber o on-next-action on-error-action on-completed-action]
+ (proxy [Subscriber] [o]
+ (onCompleted []
+ (if on-completed-action
+ (on-completed-action o)
+ (on-completed o)))
+ (onError [e]
+ (if on-error-action
+ (on-error-action o e)
+ (on-error o e)))
+ (onNext [t]
+ (if on-next-action
+ (on-next-action o t)
+ (on-next o t))))))
+(defn ^Subscription subscription
+ "Create a new subscription that calls the given no-arg handler function when
+ unsubscribe is called
+ See:
+ rx.subscriptions.Subscriptions/create
+ "
+ [handler]
+ (Subscriptions/create ^Action0 (iop/action* handler)))
+(defn ^Observable$Operator operator*
+ "Experimental, subject to change or deletion.
+ Returns a new implementation of rx.Observable$Operator that calls the given
+ function with a rx.Subscriber. The function should return a rx.Subscriber.
+ See:
+ lift
+ rx.Observable$Operator
+ "
+ [f]
+ {:pre [(fn? f)]}
+ (reify Observable$Operator
+ (call [this o]
+ (f o))))
+(defn ^Observable observable*
+ "Create an Observable from the given function.
+ When subscribed to, (f subscriber) is called at which point, f can start emitting values, etc.
+ The passed subscriber is of type rx.Subscriber.
+ See:
+ rx.Subscriber
+ rx.Observable/create
+ "
+ [f]
+ (Observable/create ^Observable$OnSubscribe (iop/action* f)))
+(defn wrap-on-completed
+ "Wrap handler with code that automaticaly calls rx.Observable.onCompleted."
+ [handler]
+ (fn [^Observer observer]
+ (handler observer)
+ (when-not (unsubscribed? observer)
+ (.onCompleted observer))))
+(defn wrap-on-error
+ "Wrap handler with code that automaticaly calls (on-error) if an exception is thrown"
+ [handler]
+ (fn [^Observer observer]
+ (try
+ (handler observer)
+ (catch Throwable e
+ (when-not (unsubscribed? observer)
+ (.onError observer e))))))
+(defn lift
+ "Lift the Operator op over the given Observable xs
+ Example:
+ (->> my-observable
+ (rx/lift (rx/operator ...))
+ ...)
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/lift
+ operator
+ "
+ [^Observable$Operator op ^Observable xs]
+ (.lift xs op))
+(defn ^Subscription subscribe
+ "Subscribe to the given observable.
+ on-X-action is a normal clojure function.
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/subscribe
+ "
+ ([^Observable o on-next-action]
+ (.subscribe o
+ ^Action1 (iop/action* on-next-action)))
+ ([^Observable o on-next-action on-error-action]
+ (.subscribe o
+ ^Action1 (iop/action* on-next-action)
+ ^Action1 (iop/action* on-error-action)))
+ ([^Observable o on-next-action on-error-action on-completed-action]
+ (.subscribe o
+ ^Action1 (iop/action* on-next-action)
+ ^Action1 (iop/action* on-error-action)
+ ^Action0 (iop/action* on-completed-action))))
+(defn unsubscribe
+ "Unsubscribe from Subscription s and return it."
+ [^Subscription s]
+ (.unsubscribe s)
+ s)
+(defn subscribe-on
+ "Cause subscriptions to the given observable to happen on the given scheduler.
+ Returns a new Observable.
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/subscribeOn
+ "
+ [^rx.Scheduler s ^Observable xs]
+ (.subscribeOn xs s))
+(defn unsubscribe-on
+ "Cause unsubscriptions from the given observable to happen on the given scheduler.
+ Returns a new Observable.
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/unsubscribeOn
+ "
+ [^rx.Scheduler s ^Observable xs]
+ (.unsubscribeOn xs s))
+(defn unsubscribed?
+ "Returns true if the given Subscription (or Subscriber) is unsubscribed.
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/create
+ observable*
+ "
+ [^Subscription s]
+ (.isUnsubscribed s))
+; Functions for creating Observables
+(defn ^Observable never
+ "Returns an Observable that never emits any values and never completes.
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/never
+ "
+ []
+ (Observable/never))
+(defn ^Observable empty
+ "Returns an Observable that completes immediately without emitting any values.
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/empty
+ "
+ []
+ (Observable/empty))
+(defn ^Observable return
+ "Returns an observable that emits a single value.
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/just
+ "
+ [value]
+ (Observable/just value))
+(defn ^Observable seq->o
+ "Make an observable out of some seq-able thing. The rx equivalent of clojure.core/seq."
+ [xs]
+ (if-let [s (clojure.core/seq xs)]
+ (Observable/from ^Iterable s)
+ (empty)))
+; Operators
+(defn synchronize
+ "Synchronize execution.
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/synchronize
+ "
+ ([^Observable xs]
+ (.synchronize xs))
+ ([lock ^Observable xs]
+ (.synchronize xs lock)))
+(defn merge*
+ "Merge an Observable of Observables into a single Observable
+ If you want clojure.core/merge, it's just this:
+ (rx/reduce clojure.core/merge {} maps)
+ See:
+ merge
+ merge-delay-error*
+ rx.Observable/merge
+ "
+ [^Observable xs]
+ (Observable/merge xs))
+(defn ^Observable merge
+ "Merge one or more Observables into a single observable.
+ If you want clojure.core/merge, it's just this:
+ (rx/reduce clojure.core/merge {} maps)
+ See:
+ merge*
+ merge-delay-error
+ rx.Observable/merge
+ "
+ [& os]
+ (merge* (seq->o os)))
+(defn ^Observable merge-delay-error*
+ "Same as merge*, but all values are emitted before errors are propagated"
+ [^Observable xs]
+ (Observable/mergeDelayError xs))
+(defn ^Observable merge-delay-error
+ "Same as merge, but all values are emitted before errors are propagated"
+ [& os]
+ (merge-delay-error* (seq->o os)))
+(defn cache
+ "caches the observable value so that multiple subscribers don't re-evaluate it.
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/cache"
+ [^Observable xs]
+ (.cache xs))
+(defn cons
+ "cons x to the beginning of xs"
+ [x xs]
+ (concat (return x) xs))
+(defn ^Observable concat
+ "Concatenate the given Observables one after the another.
+ Note that xs is separate Observables which are concatentated. To concatenate an
+ Observable of Observables, use concat*
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/concat
+ concat*
+ "
+ [& xs]
+ (Observable/concat (seq->o xs)))
+(defn ^Observable concat*
+ "Concatenate the given Observable of Observables one after another.
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/concat
+ concat
+ "
+ [^Observable os]
+ (Observable/concat os))
+(defn count
+ "Returns an Observable that emits the number of items is xs as a long.
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/longCount
+ "
+ [^Observable xs]
+ (.longCount xs))
+(defn cycle
+ "Returns an Observable that emits the items of xs repeatedly, forever.
+ TODO: Other sigs.
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/repeat
+ clojure.core/cycle
+ "
+ [^Observable xs]
+ (.repeat xs))
+(defn distinct
+ "Returns an Observable of the elements of Observable xs with duplicates
+ removed. key-fn, if provided, is a one arg function that determines the
+ key used to determined duplicates. key-fn defaults to identity.
+ This implementation doesn't use rx.Observable/distinct because it doesn't
+ honor Clojure's equality semantics.
+ See:
+ clojure.core/distinct
+ "
+ ([xs] (distinct identity xs))
+ ([key-fn ^Observable xs]
+ (let [op (operator* (fn [o]
+ (let [seen (atom #{})]
+ (subscriber o
+ (fn [o v]
+ (let [key (key-fn v)]
+ (when-not (contains? @seen key)
+ (swap! seen conj key)
+ (on-next o v))))))))]
+ (lift op xs))))
+(defn ^Observable do
+ "Returns a new Observable that, for each x in Observable xs, executes (do-fn x),
+ presumably for its side effects, and then passes x along unchanged.
+ If do-fn throws an exception, that exception is emitted via onError and the sequence
+ is finished.
+ Example:
+ (->> (rx/seq->o [1 2 3])
+ (rx/do println)
+ ...)
+ Will print 1, 2, 3.
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/doOnNext
+ "
+ [do-fn ^Observable xs]
+ (.doOnNext xs (iop/action* do-fn)))
+(defn ^Observable drop
+ [n ^Observable xs]
+ (.skip xs n))
+(defn ^Observable drop-while
+ [p ^Observable xs]
+ (.skipWhile xs (fn->predicate p)))
+(defn ^Observable every?
+ "Returns an Observable that emits a single true value if (p x) is true for
+ all x in xs. Otherwise emits false.
+ See:
+ clojure.core/every?
+ rx.Observable/all
+ "
+ [p ^Observable xs]
+ (.all xs (fn->predicate p)))
+(defn ^Observable filter
+ [p ^Observable xs]
+ (.filter xs (fn->predicate p)))
+(defn ^Observable first
+ "Returns an Observable that emits the first item emitted by xs, or an
+ empty Observable if xs is empty.
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/takeFirst
+ "
+ [^Observable xs]
+ (.takeFirst xs))
+(defn ^Observable group-by
+ "Returns an Observable of clojure.lang.MapEntry where the key is the result of
+ (key-fn x) and the val is an Observable of x for each key.
+ This returns a clojure.lang.MapEntry rather than rx.observables.GroupedObservable
+ for some vague consistency with clojure.core/group-by and so that clojure.core/key,
+ clojure.core/val and destructuring will work as expected.
+ See:
+ clojure.core/group-by
+ rx.Observable/groupBy
+ rx.observables.GroupedObservable
+ "
+ ([key-fn ^Observable xs]
+ (->> (.groupBy xs (iop/fn* key-fn))
+ (map (fn [^GroupedObservable go]
+ (clojure.lang.MapEntry. (.getKey go) go))))))
+(defn interleave*
+ "Returns an Observable of the first item in each Observable emitted by observables, then
+ the second etc.
+ observables is an Observable of Observables
+ See:
+ interleave
+ clojure.core/interleave
+ "
+ [observables]
+ (->> (map* #(seq->o %&) observables)
+ (concat*)))
+(defn interleave
+ "Returns an Observable of the first item in each Observable, then the second etc.
+ Each argument is an individual Observable
+ See:
+ observable*
+ clojure.core/interleave
+ "
+ [o1 & observables]
+ (->> (apply map #(seq->o %&) o1 observables)
+ (concat*)))
+(defn interpose
+ "Returns an Observable of the elements of xs separated by sep
+ See:
+ clojure.core/interpose
+ "
+ [sep xs]
+ (let [op (operator* (fn [o]
+ (let [first? (atom true)]
+ (subscriber o (fn [o v]
+ (if-not (compare-and-set! first? true false)
+ (on-next o sep))
+ (on-next o v))))))]
+ (lift op xs)))
+(defn into
+ "Returns an observable that emits a single value which is all of the
+ values of from-observable conjoined onto to
+ See:
+ clojure.core/into
+ rx.Observable/toList
+ "
+ [to ^Observable from]
+ ; clojure.core/into uses transients if to is IEditableCollection
+ ; I don't think we have any guarantee that all on-next calls will be on the
+ ; same thread, so we can't do that here.
+ (reduce conj to from))
+(defn iterate
+ "Returns an Observable of x, (f x), (f (f x)) etc. f must be free of side-effects
+ See:
+ clojure.core/iterate
+ "
+ [f x]
+ (observable* (fn [s]
+ (loop [x x]
+ (when-not (unsubscribed? s)
+ (on-next s x)
+ (recur (f x)))))))
+(defn keep
+ [f xs]
+ (filter (complement nil?) (map f xs)))
+(defn keep-indexed
+ [f xs]
+ (filter (complement nil?) (map-indexed f xs)))
+(defn ^Observable map*
+ "Map a function over an Observable of Observables.
+ Each item from the first emitted Observable is the first arg, each
+ item from the second emitted Observable is the second arg, and so on.
+ See:
+ map
+ clojure.core/map
+ rx.Observable/zip
+ "
+ [f ^Observable observable]
+ (Observable/zip observable
+ ^rx.functions.FuncN (iop/fnN* f)))
+(defn ^Observable map
+ "Map a function over one or more observable sequences.
+ Each item from the first Observable is the first arg, each item
+ from the second Observable is the second arg, and so on.
+ See:
+ clojure.core/map
+ rx.Observable/zip
+ "
+ [f & observables]
+ (Observable/zip ^Iterable observables
+ ^rx.functions.FuncN (iop/fnN* f)))
+(defn ^Observable mapcat*
+ "Same as multi-arg mapcat, but input is an Observable of Observables.
+ See:
+ mapcat
+ clojure.core/mapcat
+ "
+ [f ^Observable xs]
+ (->> xs
+ (map* f)
+ (concat*)))
+(defn ^Observable mapcat
+ "Returns an observable which, for each value x in xs, calls (f x), which must
+ return an Observable. The resulting observables are concatentated together
+ into one observable.
+ If multiple Observables are given, the arguments to f are the first item from
+ each observable, then the second item, etc.
+ See:
+ clojure.core/mapcat
+ rx.Observable/flatMap
+ "
+ [f & xs]
+ (if (clojure.core/next xs)
+ (mapcat* f (seq->o xs))
+ ; use built-in flatMap for single-arg case
+ (.flatMap ^Observable (clojure.core/first xs) (iop/fn* f))))
+(defn map-indexed
+ "Returns an observable that invokes (f index value) for each value of the input
+ observable. index starts at 0.
+ See:
+ clojure.core/map-indexed
+ "
+ [f xs]
+ (let [op (operator* (fn [o]
+ (let [n (atom -1)]
+ (subscriber o
+ (fn [o v]
+ (catch-error-value o v
+ (on-next o (f (swap! n inc) v))))))))]
+ (lift op xs)))
+(def next
+ "Returns an observable that emits all but the first element of the input observable.
+ See:
+ clojure.core/next
+ "
+ (partial drop 1))
+(defn nth
+ "Returns an Observable that emits the value at the index in the given
+ Observable. nth throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException unless not-found
+ is supplied.
+ Note that the Observable is the *first* arg!
+ "
+ ([^Observable xs index]
+ (.elementAt xs index))
+ ([^Observable xs index not-found]
+ (.elementAtOrDefault xs index not-found)))
+(defn ^Observable partition-all
+ "Returns an Observable of Observables of n items each, at offsets step
+ apart. If step is not supplied, defaults to n, i.e. the partitions
+ do not overlap. May include partitions with fewer than n items at the end.
+ See:
+ clojure.core/partition-all
+ rx.Observable/window
+ "
+ ([n ^Observable xs] (.window xs (int n)))
+ ([n step ^Observable xs] (.window xs (int n) (int step))))
+(defn range
+ "Returns an Observable nums from start (inclusive) to end
+ (exclusive), by step, where start defaults to 0, step to 1, and end
+ to infinity.
+ Note: this is not implemented on rx.Observable/range
+ See:
+ clojure.core/range
+ "
+ ([] (range 0 Double/POSITIVE_INFINITY 1))
+ ([end] (range 0 end 1))
+ ([start end] (range start end 1))
+ ([start end step]
+ (observable* (fn [s]
+ (let [comp (if (pos? step) < >)]
+ (loop [i start]
+ (if-not (unsubscribed? s)
+ (if (comp i end)
+ (do
+ (on-next s i)
+ (recur (+ i step)))
+ (on-completed s)))))))))
+(defn ^Observable reduce
+ ([f ^Observable xs] (.reduce xs (iop/fn* f)))
+ ([f val ^Observable xs] (.reduce xs val (iop/fn* f))))
+(defn ^Observable reductions
+ ([f ^Observable xs] (.scan xs (iop/fn* f)))
+ ([f val ^Observable xs] (.scan xs val (iop/fn* f))))
+(def rest
+ "Same as rx/next"
+ next)
+(defn some
+ "Returns an observable that emits the first logical true value of (pred x) for
+ any x in xs, else completes immediately.
+ See:
+ clojure.core/some
+ "
+ [p ^Observable xs]
+ (->> xs
+ (map p)
+ (filter identity)
+ first))
+(defn ^:private sorted-list-by
+ ([keyfn coll] (sorted-list-by keyfn clojure.core/compare coll))
+ ([keyfn comp ^Observable coll]
+ (.toSortedList coll (iop/fn [a b]
+ ; force to int so rxjava doesn't have a fit
+ (int (comp (keyfn a) (keyfn b)))))))
+(defn sort
+ "Returns an observable that emits the items in xs, where the sort order is
+ determined by comparing items. If no comparator is supplied, uses compare.
+ comparator must implement java.util.Comparator.
+ See:
+ clojure.core/sort
+ "
+ ([xs]
+ (sort clojure.core/compare xs))
+ ([comp xs]
+ (->> xs
+ (sorted-list-by identity comp)
+ (mapcat seq->o))))
+(defn sort-by
+ "Returns an observable that emits the items in xs, where the sort order is
+ determined by comparing (keyfn item). If no comparator is supplied, uses
+ compare. comparator must implement java.util.Comparator.
+ See:
+ clojure.core/sort-by
+ "
+ ([keyfn xs]
+ (sort-by keyfn clojure.core/compare xs))
+ ([keyfn comp ^Observable xs]
+ (->> xs
+ (sorted-list-by keyfn comp)
+ (mapcat seq->o))))
+(defn split-with
+ "Returns an observable that emits a pair of observables
+ [(take-while p xs) (drop-while p xs)]
+ See:
+ rx.lang.clojure/take-while
+ rx.lang.clojure/drop-while
+ clojure.core/split-with
+ "
+ [p xs]
+ (return [(take-while p xs) (drop-while p xs)]))
+(defn ^Observable take
+ "Returns an observable that emits the first n elements of xs.
+ See:
+ clojure.core/take
+ "
+ [n ^Observable xs]
+ {:pre [(>= n 0)]}
+ (.take xs n))
+(defn take-while
+ "Returns an Observable that emits xs until the first x such that
+ (p x) is falsey.
+ See:
+ clojure.core/take-while
+ rx.Observable/takeWhile
+ "
+ [p ^Observable xs]
+ (.takeWhile xs (fn->predicate p)))
+(defn throw
+ "Returns an Observable the simply emits the given exception with on-error
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/error
+ "
+ [^Throwable e]
+ (Observable/error e))
+(defn catch*
+ "Returns an observable that, when Observable o triggers an error, e, continues with
+ Observable returned by (f e) if (p e) is true. If (p e) returns a Throwable
+ that value is passed as e.
+ If p is a class object, a normal instance? check is performed rather than calling it
+ as a function. If the value returned by (p e) is not true, the error is propagated.
+ Examples:
+ (->> my-observable
+ ; On IllegalArgumentException, just emit 1
+ (catch* IllegalArgumentException
+ (fn [e] (rx/return 1)))
+ ; If exception message contains \"WAT\", emit [\\W \\A \\T]
+ (catch* (fn [e] (-> e .getMessage (.contains \"WAT\")))
+ (fn [e] (rx/seq->o [\\W \\A \\T]))))
+ See:
+ rx.Observable/onErrorResumeNext
+ http://netflix.github.io/RxJava/javadoc/rx/Observable.html#onErrorResumeNext(rx.util.functions.Func1)
+ "
+ [p f ^Observable o]
+ (let [p (if (class? p)
+ (fn [e] (.isInstance ^Class p e))
+ p)]
+ (.onErrorResumeNext o
+ ^Func1 (iop/fn [e]
+ (if-let [maybe-e (p e)]
+ (f (if (instance? Throwable maybe-e)
+ maybe-e
+ e))
+ (rx.lang.clojure.core/throw e))))))
+(defmacro catch
+ "Macro version of catch*.
+ The body of the catch is wrapped in an implicit (do). It must evaluate to an Observable.
+ Note that the source observable is the last argument so this works with ->> but may look
+ slightly odd when used standalone.
+ Example:
+ (->> my-observable
+ ; just emit 0 on IllegalArgumentException
+ (catch IllegalArgumentException e
+ (rx/return 0))
+ (catch DependencyException e
+ (if (.isMinor e)
+ (rx/return 0)
+ (rx/throw (WebException. 503)))))
+ See:
+ catch*
+ "
+ {:arglists '([p binding & body observable])}
+ [p binding & body]
+ (let [o (last body)
+ body (butlast body)]
+ `(catch* ~p
+ (fn [~binding] ~@body)
+ ~o)))
+(defn finally*
+ "Returns an Observable that, as a side-effect, executes (f) when the given
+ Observable completes regardless of success or failure.
+ Example:
+ (->> my-observable
+ (finally* (fn [] (println \"Done\"))))
+ "
+ [f ^Observable o]
+ (.finallyDo o ^Action0 (iop/action* f)))
+(defmacro finally
+ "Macro version of finally*.
+ Note that the source observable is the last argument so this works with ->> but may look
+ slightly odd when used standalone.
+ Example:
+ (->> my-observable
+ (finally (println \"Done\")))
+ See:
+ finally*
+ "
+ {:arglists '([& body observable])}
+ [& body]
+ (let [o (last body)
+ body (butlast body)]
+ `(finally* (fn [] ~@body) ~o)))
+(defn generator*
+ "Creates an observable that calls (f observer & args) which should emit values
+ with (rx/on-next observer value).
+ Automatically calls on-completed on return, or on-error if any exception is thrown.
+ f should exit early if (rx/unsubscribed? observable) returns true
+ Examples:
+ ; An observable that emits just 99
+ (rx/generator* on-next 99)
+ "
+ [f & args]
+ (observable* (-> #(apply f % args)
+ wrap-on-completed
+ wrap-on-error)))
+(defmacro generator
+ "Create an observable that executes body which should emit values with
+ (rx/on-next observer value) where observer comes from bindings.
+ Automatically calls on-completed on return, or on-error if any exception is thrown.
+ The body should exit early if (rx/unsubscribed? observable) returns true
+ Examples:
+ ; make an observer that emits [0 1 2 3 4]
+ (generator [observer]
+ (dotimes [i 5]
+ (on-next observer i)))
+ "
+ [bindings & body]
+ `(generator* (fn ~bindings ~@body)))
+; Import public graph symbols here. I want them in this namespace, but implementing
+; them here with all the clojure.core symbols excluded is a pain.
+(intern *ns* (with-meta 'let-o* (meta #'graph/let-o*)) @#'graph/let-o*)
+(intern *ns* (with-meta 'let-o (meta #'graph/let-o)) @#'graph/let-o)
+; Import some public realized symbols here. I want them in this namespace, but implementing
+; them here with all the clojure.core symbols excluded is a pain.
+(intern *ns* (with-meta 'let-realized (meta #'realized/let-realized)) @#'realized/let-realized)
diff --git a/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/future.clj b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/future.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83b56b27b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/future.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+(ns rx.lang.clojure.future
+ "Functions and macros for making rx-ified futures. That is, run some code in some
+ other thread and return an Observable of its result.
+ "
+ (:require [rx.lang.clojure.interop :as iop]
+ [rx.lang.clojure.core :as rx]))
+(def ^:private -ns- *ns*)
+(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
+(defn future*
+ "Exerimental/Possibly a bad idea
+ Execute (f & args) in a separate thread and pass the result to onNext.
+ If an exception is thrown, onError is called with the exception.
+ runner is a function that takes a no-arg function argument and returns a future
+ representing the execution of that function.
+ Returns an Observable. If the subscriber unsubscribes, the future will be canceled
+ with clojure.core/future-cancel
+ Examples:
+ (subscribe (rx/future future-call
+ #(slurp \"input.txt\"))
+ (fn [v] (println \"Got: \" v)))
+ ; eventually outputs content of input.txt
+ "
+ [runner f & args]
+ {:pre [(ifn? runner) (ifn? f)]}
+ (rx/observable* (fn [^rx.Subscriber observer]
+ (let [wrapped (-> #(rx/on-next % (apply f args))
+ rx/wrap-on-completed
+ rx/wrap-on-error)
+ fu (runner #(wrapped observer))]
+ (.add observer
+ (rx/subscription #(future-cancel fu)))))))
+(defn future-generator*
+ "Exerimental/Possibly a bad idea
+ Same as rx/generator* except f is invoked in a separate thread.
+ runner is a function that takes a no-arg function argument and returns a future
+ representing the execution of that function.
+ Returns an Observable. If the subscriber unsubscribes, the future will be canceled
+ with clojure.core/future-cancel
+ Example:
+ (future-generator* future-call
+ (fn [o]
+ (rx/on-next o 1)
+ (Thread/sleep 1000)
+ (rx/on-next o 2)))
+ See:
+ rx.lang.clojure.core/generator*
+ "
+ [runner f & args]
+ {:pre [(ifn? runner) (ifn? f)]}
+ (rx/observable* (fn [^rx.Subscriber observer]
+ (let [wrapped (-> (fn [o]
+ (apply f o args))
+ rx/wrap-on-completed
+ rx/wrap-on-error)
+ fu (runner #(wrapped observer))]
+ (.add observer
+ (rx/subscription #(future-cancel fu)))))))
diff --git a/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/graph.clj b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/graph.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a67ebba47c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/graph.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+(ns rx.lang.clojure.graph
+ "This is an implementation namespace. Don't use it directly. Use the symbols
+ in rx.lang.clojure.core
+ "
+ (:require [clojure.set :as set]))
+(def ^:private -ns- *ns*)
+(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
+(defn ^:private ->let-o*-observable
+ [^rx.Observable o n name]
+ (if (= n 1)
+ o
+ ; TODO This is a shortcut. We know the expected number of subscriptions so
+ ; we only need to cache values until we get the nth subscription at which
+ ; point, it just becomes a pass through. I haven't found a cache/replay-ish
+ ; operator that gives this level of control over the cached values
+ (.cache o)))
+(defn let-o*
+ Given a graph description, returns an observable that emits a single
+ map of observables all hooked up and ready for subscription.
+ A graph is a map from name to a map with keys:
+ :deps A vector of dependency names
+ :factory A function that takes a map from name to Observable
+ for the names in :deps and returns an Observable
+ Returns a map from name to Observable. Additionally, there will be a
+ ::non-terminals key in the map with a vector of non-terminal names.
+ See:
+ let-o
+ "
+ [description]
+ (let [in-dep-counts (->> description
+ vals
+ (mapcat :deps)
+ frequencies)
+ terminals (set/difference (set (keys description)) (set (keys in-dep-counts)))
+ non-terminals (vec (keys in-dep-counts))
+ resolve-node (fn resolve-node [state {:keys [id deps factory] :as node}]
+ (let [existing (state id)]
+ (cond
+ ; It's already resolving up the stack. We've hit a cycle.
+ (= ::resolving existing) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (format "Cycle found at '%s'" id)))
+ ; It's already resolved. Done.
+ (not (nil? existing)) state
+ :else
+ ; recursively resolve dependencies
+ (let [new-state (reduce (fn [s dep]
+ (if-let [dep-node (description dep)]
+ (resolve-node s (assoc dep-node :id dep))
+ (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (format "Unknown node '%s' referenced from '%s'" dep id)))))
+ (assoc state id ::resolving)
+ deps)
+ ; execute the factory function and wrap it in an observable that delays dependencies
+ o (-> (select-keys new-state deps)
+ factory
+ (->let-o*-observable (in-dep-counts id 1) id))]
+ ; return the updated state with the resolved node
+ (assoc new-state id o)))))]
+ ; resolve the graph and build the result map
+ (-> (reduce (fn [s [id node]]
+ (resolve-node s (assoc node :id id)))
+ {}
+ description)
+ (select-keys terminals)
+ (assoc ::non-terminals non-terminals))))
+(defmacro let-o
+ Similar to clojure.core/let, but bindings are Observables and the result of the body
+ must be an Observable. Binding names must start with ?. Binding order doesn't matter
+ and any binding is visible to all other expressions as long as no cycles are produced
+ in the resulting Observable expression.
+ The key difference here is that the macro can identify the dependencies between Observables
+ and correctly connect them, protecting from variations in subscribe behavior as well as
+ the idiosyncracies of setting up multiple subscriptions to Observables.
+ This is only very useful for constructing graphs of Observables where you'd usually have
+ to fiddle around with publish, connect, replay and all that stuff. If you have a linear
+ sequence of operators, just chain them together.
+ Current limitations:
+ * All Observables are cache()'d so watch out for large sequences. This will be
+ fixed eventually.
+ * let-o cannot be nested. Some deep-walking macro-magic will be required for this.
+ Example:
+ ; Note that both ?c and ?d depend on ?b and the result Observable depends on
+ ; ?c and ?d.
+ (let-o [?a (rx/return 99)
+ ?b (... some observable network request ...)
+ ?c (rx/map vector ?a ?b)
+ ?d (rx/map ... ?b)]
+ (rx/map vector ?c ?d))
+ See:
+ let-o*
+ "
+ [bindings & result-body]
+ (let [sym->dep-sym (fn [s]
+ (when (and (symbol? s)
+ (not (namespace s))
+ (.startsWith (name s) "?"))
+ s))
+ body->dep-syms (fn [body]
+ (->> body
+ flatten
+ (keep sym->dep-sym)
+ distinct
+ vec))
+ ->node-map (fn [[id & body]]
+ (let [dep-syms (body->dep-syms body)
+ dep-keys (->> dep-syms (map (comp keyword name)) vec)]
+ [(keyword (name id)) {:deps dep-keys
+ :factory `(fn [{:keys ~dep-syms}] ~@body) }]))
+ node-map (let [base-map (->> bindings
+ (partition 2)
+ (map ->node-map)
+ (into {}))
+ result-dep-syms (body->dep-syms result-body)]
+ (assoc base-map
+ :rx.lang.clojure.core/result
+ {:deps (mapv keyword result-dep-syms)
+ :factory `(fn [{:keys ~result-dep-syms}] ~@result-body) }))]
+ `(->> ~node-map
+ let-o*
+ :rx.lang.clojure.core/result)))
diff --git a/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/realized.clj b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/realized.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2926633924
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/main/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/realized.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+(ns rx.lang.clojure.realized
+ (:require [rx.lang.clojure.interop :as iop]))
+(def ^:private -ns- *ns*)
+(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
+(defrecord ^:private PostProc [o f])
+(defn all
+ "Tell realized map to capture all output of the observable, not just the last one"
+ [o]
+ (->PostProc o identity))
+(defn only
+ "Tell realized map to capture the only value emitted by the observable.
+ If there are 0 or more than one values, an IllegalStateException is thrown
+ which should propagate to onError.
+ This is the default mode of realized-map and let-realized.
+ "
+ [o]
+ (->PostProc o (fn [values]
+ (condp = (count values)
+ 1 (first values)
+ (throw (IllegalStateException. "Observable did not produce exactly one value"))))))
+(defn ^:private ->post-proc
+ [v]
+ (cond
+ (instance? rx.Observable v) (only v)
+ (instance? PostProc v) v
+ (vector? v) (->PostProc (first v)
+ (apply comp (reverse (next v))))
+ :else (->post-proc (rx.Observable/just v))))
+(defn realized-map
+ See let-realized.
+ Given a map from key to observable, returns an observable that emits a single
+ map from the same keys to the values emitted by their corresponding observable.
+ keyvals is a list of key/value pairs where key is a key in the emitted map and val
+ can be one of the following:
+ rx.Observable The only value of the emitted sequence is bound to the key. This is the
+ default since this is often a singleton response from a request. If the
+ Observable produces 0 or more than 1 values, an IllegalStateException is
+ produced.
+ vector The first element of the vector must be an Observable. Remaining elements
+ are functions applied in sequence to the list of values emitted by the
+ observable. For example [my-observable first] will result in a single
+ value in the emitted map rather than a vector of values.
+ other The value is placed in the emitted map as is
+ Note the observable can also be wrapped with realized/all to get the full list rather than
+ just the last value.
+ The purpose of this is to simplify the messy pattern of mapping observables to
+ single key maps, merging and then folding all the separate maps together. So code
+ like this:
+ ; TODO update
+ (->> (rx/merge (->> (user-info-o user-id)
+ (rx/map (fn [u] {:user u})))
+ (->> (user-likes-o user-id)
+ (rx/map (fn [u] {:likes u}))))
+ (rx/reduce merge {}))
+ becomes:
+ (realized-map :user (user-info-o user-id)
+ :likes (user-likes-o user-id))
+ See:
+ let-realized
+ "
+ [& keyvals]
+ (let [o (->> keyvals
+ (partition 2)
+ ; generate a sequence of observables
+ (map (fn [[k v]]
+ (let [{:keys [^rx.Observable o f]} (->post-proc v)]
+ ; pour the observable into a single list and apply post-proc func to it
+ (-> o
+ .toList
+ (.map (iop/fn [list] {k (f list)})))))))]
+ (-> ^Iterable o
+ (rx.Observable/merge) ; funnel all the observables into a single sequence
+ (.reduce {} (iop/fn* merge))))) ; do the map merge dance
+(defn ^rx.Observable realized-map*
+ Same as realized-map, but takes a map argument rather than key-value pairs."
+ [map-description]
+ (apply realized-map (apply concat map-description)))
+(defmacro let-realized
+ 'let' version of realized map.
+ (let-realized [a (make-observable)]
+ (* 2 a))
+ is equivalent to:
+ (->> (realized-map :a (make-observable))
+ (map (fn [{:keys [a]}] (* 2 a))))
+ That is, it eliminates the repition of the map keys when you want to do something
+ with the final result.
+ Evaluates to an Observable that emits the value of the let body.
+ See:
+ rx.lang.clojure.realized/realized-map
+ rx.lang.clojure.realized/all
+ "
+ [bindings & body]
+ (let [b-parts (partition 2 bindings)
+ b-map (->> b-parts
+ (map (fn [[k v]]
+ [(keyword (name k)) v]))
+ (into {}))
+ b-names (mapv first b-parts)]
+ `(.map (realized-map* ~b-map)
+ (iop/fn [{:keys ~b-names}] ~@body))))
diff --git a/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/blocking_test.clj b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/blocking_test.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df8e9fae1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/blocking_test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+(ns rx.lang.clojure.blocking-test
+ (:require [rx.lang.clojure.blocking :as b]
+ [rx.lang.clojure.core :as rx]
+ [clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is]]))
+(deftest test-->blocking
+ (testing "returns a BlockingObservable from an Observable"
+ (is (instance? rx.observables.BlockingObservable (b/->blocking (rx/return 0)))))
+ (testing "is idempotent"
+ (is (instance? rx.observables.BlockingObservable (b/->blocking (b/->blocking (rx/return 0)))))))
+(deftest test-o->seq
+ (is (= [1 2 3] (b/o->seq (rx/seq->o [1 2 3])))))
+(deftest test-first
+ (testing "returns first element of observable"
+ (is (= 1 (b/first (rx/seq->o [1 2 3])))))
+ (testing "returns nil for empty observable"
+ (is (nil? (b/first (rx/empty)))))
+ (testing "rethrows errors"
+ (is (thrown? java.io.FileNotFoundException
+ (b/first (rx/throw (java.io.FileNotFoundException. "boo")))))))
+(deftest test-last
+ (testing "returns last element of observable"
+ (is (= 3 (b/last (rx/seq->o [1 2 3])))))
+ (testing "returns nil for empty observable"
+ (is (nil? (b/last (rx/empty)))))
+ (testing "rethrows errors"
+ (is (thrown? java.io.FileNotFoundException
+ (b/last (rx/throw (java.io.FileNotFoundException. "boo")))))))
+(deftest test-single
+ (testing "returns one element"
+ (is (= 1 (b/single (rx/return 1)))))
+ (testing "throw if empty"
+ (is (thrown? java.lang.IllegalArgumentException (b/single (rx/empty)))))
+ (testing "throw if many"
+ (is (thrown? java.lang.IllegalArgumentException (b/single (rx/seq->o [1 2])))))
+ (testing "rethrows errors"
+ (is (thrown? java.io.FileNotFoundException
+ (b/single (rx/throw (java.io.FileNotFoundException. "boo")))))))
+(deftest test-into
+ (is (= [1 2 3]
+ (b/into [1] (rx/seq->o [2 3]))))
+ (testing "rethrows errors"
+ (is (thrown? java.io.FileNotFoundException
+ (b/into #{} (rx/throw (java.io.FileNotFoundException. "boo")))))))
+(deftest test-doseq
+ (is (= (range 3)
+ (let [capture (atom [])]
+ (b/doseq [{:keys [value]} (rx/seq->o (map #(hash-map :value %) (range 3)))]
+ (println value)
+ (swap! capture conj value))
+ @capture)))
+ (testing "rethrows errors"
+ (is (thrown? java.io.FileNotFoundException
+ (b/doseq [i (rx/seq->o (range 3))]
+ (throw (java.io.FileNotFoundException. "boo")))))))
diff --git a/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/chunk_test.clj b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/chunk_test.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58ef044c9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/chunk_test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+(ns rx.lang.clojure.chunk-test
+ (:require [rx.lang.clojure.chunk :as rx-chunk]
+ [rx.lang.clojure.core :as rx]
+ [rx.lang.clojure.future :as rx-future]
+ [rx.lang.clojure.blocking :as rx-blocking]
+ [clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is]]))
+(deftest test-chunk
+ (let [n 20
+ chunk-size 10
+ factory (rx-future/future-generator*
+ future-call
+ (fn[o]
+ (doseq [i (range n)]
+ (Thread/sleep (rand-int 50))
+ (rx/on-next o (rx-future/future*
+ future-call
+ #(let [t (rand-int 500)]
+ (Thread/sleep t)
+ i))))))]
+ (is (= (range n)
+ (sort (rx-blocking/into []
+ (rx-chunk/chunk chunk-size {:debug true} factory)))))))
+(deftest test-chunk-with-error
+ (testing "error from source is propagated"
+ (let [n 20
+ chunk-size 4
+ factory (rx-future/future-generator*
+ future-call
+ (fn [o]
+ (doseq [i (range n)]
+ (Thread/sleep (rand-int 50))
+ (rx/on-next o (rx-future/future*
+ future-call
+ #(let [t (rand-int 1000)]
+ (Thread/sleep t)
+ i))))
+ (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "hi"))))]
+ (is (thrown-with-msg? IllegalArgumentException #"hi"
+ (rx-blocking/into []
+ (rx-chunk/chunk chunk-size {:debug true} factory))))))
+ (testing "error from single observable is propagated"
+ (let [n 20
+ chunk-size 4
+ factory (rx-future/future-generator*
+ future-call
+ (fn [o]
+ (doseq [i (range n)]
+ (Thread/sleep (rand-int 50))
+ (rx/on-next o (rx-future/future*
+ future-call
+ #(let [t (rand-int 1000)]
+ (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "byebye"))
+ (Thread/sleep t)
+ i))))))]
+ (is (thrown? rx.exceptions.CompositeException
+ (rx-blocking/into []
+ (rx-chunk/chunk chunk-size
+ {:debug true
+ :delay-error? true }
+ factory)))))))
diff --git a/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/core_test.clj b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/core_test.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d77b184bd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/core_test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+(ns rx.lang.clojure.core-test
+ (:require [rx.lang.clojure.core :as rx]
+ [rx.lang.clojure.blocking :as b]
+ [rx.lang.clojure.future :as f]
+ [clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing are]]))
+(deftest test-observable?
+ (is (rx/observable? (rx/return 99)))
+ (is (not (rx/observable? "I'm not an observable"))))
+(deftest test-on-next
+ (testing "calls onNext"
+ (let [called (atom [])
+ o (reify rx.Observer (onNext [this value] (swap! called conj value)))]
+ (is (identical? o (rx/on-next o 1)))
+ (is (= [1] @called)))))
+(deftest test-on-completed
+ (testing "calls onCompleted"
+ (let [called (atom 0)
+ o (reify rx.Observer (onCompleted [this] (swap! called inc)))]
+ (is (identical? o (rx/on-completed o)))
+ (is (= 1 @called)))))
+(deftest test-on-error
+ (testing "calls onError"
+ (let [called (atom [])
+ e (java.io.FileNotFoundException. "yum")
+ o (reify rx.Observer (onError [this e] (swap! called conj e)))]
+ (is (identical? o (rx/on-error o e)))
+ (is (= [e] @called)))))
+(deftest test-catch-error-value
+ (testing "if no exception, returns body"
+ (let [o (reify rx.Observer)]
+ (is (= 3 (rx/catch-error-value o 99
+ (+ 1 2))))))
+ (testing "exceptions call onError on observable and inject value in exception"
+ (let [called (atom [])
+ e (java.io.FileNotFoundException. "boo")
+ o (reify rx.Observer
+ (onError [this e]
+ (swap! called conj e)))
+ result (rx/catch-error-value o 100
+ (throw e))
+ cause (.getCause e)]
+ (is (identical? e result))
+ (is (= [e] @called))
+ (when (is (instance? rx.exceptions.OnErrorThrowable$OnNextValue cause))
+ (is (= 100 (.getValue cause)))))))
+(deftest test-subscribe
+ (testing "subscribe overload with only onNext"
+ (let [o (rx/return 1)
+ called (atom nil)]
+ (rx/subscribe o (fn [v] (swap! called (fn [_] v))))
+ (is (= 1 @called)))))
+(deftest test-fn->predicate
+ (are [f arg result] (= result (.call (rx/fn->predicate f) arg))
+ identity nil false
+ identity false false
+ identity 1 true
+ identity "true" true
+ identity true true))
+(deftest test-subscription
+ (let [called (atom 0)
+ s (rx/subscription #(swap! called inc))]
+ (is (identical? s (rx/unsubscribe s)))
+ (is (= 1 @called))))
+(deftest test-unsubscribed?
+ (let [s (rx/subscription #())]
+ (is (not (rx/unsubscribed? s)))
+ (rx/unsubscribe s)
+ (is (rx/unsubscribed? s))))
+(deftest test-observable*
+ (let [o (rx/observable* (fn [s]
+ (rx/on-next s 0)
+ (rx/on-next s 1)
+ (when-not (rx/unsubscribed? s) (rx/on-next s 2))
+ (rx/on-completed s)))]
+ (is (= [0 1 2] (b/into [] o)))))
+(deftest test-operator*
+ (let [o (rx/operator* #(rx/subscriber %
+ (fn [o v]
+ (if (even? v)
+ (rx/on-next o v)))))
+ result (->> (rx/seq->o [1 2 3 4 5])
+ (rx/lift o)
+ (b/into []))]
+ (is (= [2 4] result))))
+(deftest test-syncrhonize
+ ; I'm going to believe synchronize works and just exercise it
+ ; here for sanity.
+ (is (= [1 2 3]
+ (->> [1 2 3]
+ (rx/seq->o)
+ (rx/synchronize)
+ (b/into []))))
+ (let [lock (Object.)]
+ (is (= [1 2 3]
+ (->> [1 2 3]
+ (rx/seq->o)
+ (rx/synchronize lock)
+ (b/into []))))))
+(let [expected-result [[1 3 5] [2 4 6]]
+ sleepy-o #(f/future-generator*
+ future-call
+ (fn [o]
+ (doseq [x %]
+ (Thread/sleep 10)
+ (rx/on-next o x))))
+ make-inputs (fn [] (mapv sleepy-o expected-result))
+ make-output (fn [r] [(keep #{1 3 5} r)
+ (keep #{2 4 6} r)])]
+ (deftest test-merge*
+ (is (= expected-result
+ (->> (make-inputs)
+ (rx/seq->o)
+ (rx/merge*)
+ (b/into [])
+ (make-output)))))
+ (deftest test-merge
+ (is (= expected-result
+ (->> (make-inputs)
+ (apply rx/merge)
+ (b/into [])
+ (make-output)))))
+ (deftest test-merge-delay-error*
+ (is (= expected-result
+ (->> (make-inputs)
+ (rx/seq->o)
+ (rx/merge-delay-error*)
+ (b/into [])
+ (make-output)))))
+ (deftest test-merge-delay-error
+ (is (= expected-result
+ (->> (make-inputs)
+ (apply rx/merge-delay-error)
+ (b/into [])
+ (make-output))))))
+(deftest test-generator
+ (testing "calls on-completed automatically"
+ (let [o (rx/generator [o])
+ called (atom nil)]
+ (rx/subscribe o (fn [v]) (fn [_]) #(reset! called "YES"))
+ (is (= "YES" @called))))
+ (testing "exceptions automatically go to on-error"
+ (let [expected (IllegalArgumentException. "hi")
+ actual (atom nil)]
+ (rx/subscribe (rx/generator [o] (throw expected))
+ #()
+ #(reset! actual %))
+ (is (identical? expected @actual)))))
+(deftest test-seq->o
+ (is (= [] (b/into [] (rx/seq->o []))))
+ (is (= [] (b/into [] (rx/seq->o nil))))
+ (is (= [\a \b \c] (b/into [] (rx/seq->o "abc"))))
+ (is (= [0 1 2 3] (b/first (rx/into [] (rx/seq->o (range 4))))))
+ (is (= #{0 1 2 3} (b/first (rx/into #{} (rx/seq->o (range 4))))))
+ (is (= {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} (b/first (rx/into {} (rx/seq->o [[:a 1] [:b 2] [:c 3]]))))))
+(deftest test-return
+ (is (= [0] (b/into [] (rx/return 0)))))
+(deftest test-cache
+ (let [value (atom 0)
+ o (->>
+ (rx/return 0)
+ (rx/map (fn [x] (swap! value inc)))
+ (rx/cache))]
+ (is (= 1 (b/single o)))
+ (is (= 1 @value))
+ (is (= 1 (b/single o)))
+ (is (= 1 @value))
+ (is (= 1 (b/single o)))))
+(deftest test-cons
+ (is (= [1] (b/into [] (rx/cons 1 (rx/empty)))))
+ (is (= [1 2 3 4] (b/into [] (rx/cons 1 (rx/seq->o [2 3 4]))))))
+(deftest test-concat
+ (is (= [:q :r]
+ (b/into [] (rx/concat (rx/seq->o [:q :r])))))
+ (is (= [:q :r 1 2 3]
+ (b/into [] (rx/concat (rx/seq->o [:q :r])
+ (rx/seq->o [1 2 3]))))))
+(deftest test-concat*
+ (is (= [:q :r]
+ (b/into [] (rx/concat* (rx/return (rx/seq->o [:q :r]))))))
+ (is (= [:q :r 1 2 3]
+ (b/into [] (rx/concat* (rx/seq->o [(rx/seq->o [:q :r])
+ (rx/seq->o [1 2 3])]))))))
+(deftest test-count
+ (are [xs] (= (count xs) (->> xs (rx/seq->o) (rx/count) (b/single)))
+ []
+ [1]
+ [5 6 7]
+ (range 10000)))
+(deftest test-cycle
+ (is (= [1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2]
+ (->> [1 2 3]
+ (rx/seq->o)
+ (rx/cycle)
+ (rx/take 11)
+ (b/into [])))))
+(deftest test-distinct
+ (let [input [{:a 1} {:a 1} {:b 1} {"a" (int 1)} {:a (int 1)}]]
+ (is (= (distinct input)
+ (->> input
+ (rx/seq->o)
+ (rx/distinct)
+ (b/into [])))))
+ (let [input [{:name "Bob" :x 2} {:name "Jim" :x 99} {:name "Bob" :x 3}]]
+ (is (= [{:name "Bob" :x 2} {:name "Jim" :x 99}]
+ (->> input
+ (rx/seq->o)
+ (rx/distinct :name)
+ (b/into []))))))
+(deftest test-do
+ (testing "calls a function with each element"
+ (let [collected (atom [])]
+ (is (= [1 2 3]
+ (->> (rx/seq->o [1 2 3])
+ (rx/do (fn [v]
+ (swap! collected conj (* 2 v))))
+ (rx/do (partial println "GOT"))
+ (b/into []))))
+ (is (= [2 4 6] @collected))))
+ (testing "ends sequence with onError if action code throws an exception"
+ (let [collected (atom [])
+ o (->> (rx/seq->o [1 2 3])
+ (rx/do (fn [v]
+ (if (= v 2)
+ (throw (IllegalStateException. (str "blah" v)))
+ (swap! collected conj (* 99 v))))))]
+ (is (thrown-with-msg? IllegalStateException #"blah2"
+ (b/into [] o)))
+ (is (= [99] @collected)))))
+(deftest test-drop-while
+ (is (= (into [] (drop-while even? [2 4 6 8 1 2 3]))
+ (b/into [] (rx/drop-while even? (rx/seq->o [2 4 6 8 1 2 3])))))
+ (is (= (into [] (drop-while even? [2 4 6 8 1 2 3]))
+ (b/into [] (rx/drop-while even? (rx/seq->o [2 4 6 8 1 2 3]))))))
+(deftest test-every?
+ (are [xs p result] (= result (->> xs (rx/seq->o) (rx/every? p) (b/single)))
+ [2 4 6 8] even? true
+ [2 4 3 8] even? false
+ [1 2 3 4] #{1 2 3 4} true
+ [1 2 3 4] #{1 3 4} false))
+(deftest test-filter
+ (is (= (into [] (->> [:a :b :c :d :e :f :G :e]
+ (filter #{:b :e :G})))
+ (b/into [] (->> (rx/seq->o [:a :b :c :d :e :f :G :e])
+ (rx/filter #{:b :e :G}))))))
+(deftest test-first
+ (is (= [3]
+ (b/into [] (rx/first (rx/seq->o [3 4 5])))))
+ (is (= []
+ (b/into [] (rx/first (rx/empty))))))
+(deftest test-group-by
+ (let [xs [{:k :a :v 1} {:k :b :v 2} {:k :a :v 3} {:k :c :v 4}]]
+ (testing "with just a key-fn"
+ (is (= [[:a {:k :a :v 1}]
+ [:b {:k :b :v 2}]
+ [:a {:k :a :v 3}]
+ [:c {:k :c :v 4}]]
+ (->> xs
+ (rx/seq->o)
+ (rx/group-by :k)
+ (rx/mapcat (fn [[k vo :as me]]
+ (is (instance? clojure.lang.MapEntry me))
+ (rx/map #(vector k %) vo)))
+ (b/into [])))))
+ ; TODO reinstate once this is implemented
+ ; see https://github.com/Netflix/RxJava/commit/02ccc4d727a9297f14219549208757c6e0efce2a
+ #_(testing "with a val-fn"
+ (is (= [[:a 1]
+ [:b 2]
+ [:a 3]
+ [:c 4]]
+ (->> xs
+ (rx/seq->o)
+ (rx/group-by :k :v)
+ (rx/mapcat (fn [[k vo :as me]]
+ (is (instance? clojure.lang.MapEntry me))
+ (rx/map #(vector k %) vo)))
+ (b/into [])))))))
+(deftest test-interleave
+ (are [inputs] (= (apply interleave inputs)
+ (->> (apply rx/interleave (map rx/seq->o inputs))
+ (b/into [])))
+ [[] []]
+ [[] [1]]
+ [(range 5) (range 10) (range 10) (range 3)]
+ [(range 50) (range 10)]
+ [(range 5) (range 10 60) (range 10) (range 50)])
+ ; one-arg case, not supported by clojure.core/interleave
+ (is (= (range 10)
+ (->> (rx/interleave (rx/seq->o (range 10)))
+ (b/into [])))))
+(deftest test-interleave*
+ (are [inputs] (= (apply interleave inputs)
+ (->> (rx/interleave* (->> inputs
+ (map rx/seq->o)
+ (rx/seq->o)))
+ (b/into [])))
+ [[] []]
+ [[] [1]]
+ [(range 5) (range 10) (range 10) (range 3)]
+ [(range 50) (range 10)]
+ [(range 5) (range 10 60) (range 10) (range 50)]))
+(deftest test-interpose
+ (is (= (interpose \, [1 2 3])
+ (b/into [] (rx/interpose \, (rx/seq->o [1 2 3]))))))
+(deftest test-into
+ (are [input to] (= (into to input)
+ (b/single (rx/into to (rx/seq->o input))))
+ [6 7 8] [9 10 [11]]
+ #{} [1 2 3 2 4 5]
+ {} [[1 2] [3 2] [4 5]]
+ {} []
+ '() (range 50)))
+(deftest test-iterate
+ (are [f x n] (= (->> (iterate f x) (take n))
+ (->> (rx/iterate f x) (rx/take n) (b/into [])))
+ inc 0 10
+ dec 20 100
+ #(conj % (count %)) [] 5
+ #(cons (count %) % ) nil 5))
+(deftest test-keep
+ (is (= (into [] (keep identity [true true false]))
+ (b/into [] (rx/keep identity (rx/seq->o [true true false])))))
+ (is (= (into [] (keep #(if (even? %) (* 2 %)) (range 9)))
+ (b/into [] (rx/keep #(if (even? %) (* 2 %)) (rx/seq->o (range 9)))))))
+(deftest test-keep-indexed
+ (is (= (into [] (keep-indexed (fn [i v]
+ (if (even? i) v))
+ [true true false]))
+ (b/into [] (rx/keep-indexed (fn [i v]
+ (if (even? i) v))
+ (rx/seq->o [true true false]))))))
+(deftest test-map
+ (is (= (into {} (map (juxt identity name)
+ [:q :r :s :t :u]))
+ (b/into {} (rx/map (juxt identity name)
+ (rx/seq->o [:q :r :s :t :u])))))
+ (is (= (into [] (map vector
+ [:q :r :s :t :u]
+ (range 10)
+ ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"] ))
+ (b/into [] (rx/map vector
+ (rx/seq->o [:q :r :s :t :u])
+ (rx/seq->o (range 10) )
+ (rx/seq->o ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"] )))))
+ ; check > 4 arg case
+ (is (= (into [] (map vector
+ [:q :r :s :t :u]
+ [:q :r :s :t :u]
+ [:q :r :s :t :u]
+ (range 10)
+ (range 10)
+ (range 10)
+ ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"]
+ ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"]
+ ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"]))
+ (b/into [] (rx/map vector
+ (rx/seq->o [:q :r :s :t :u])
+ (rx/seq->o [:q :r :s :t :u])
+ (rx/seq->o [:q :r :s :t :u])
+ (rx/seq->o (range 10))
+ (rx/seq->o (range 10))
+ (rx/seq->o (range 10))
+ (rx/seq->o ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"])
+ (rx/seq->o ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"])
+ (rx/seq->o ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"]))))))
+(deftest test-map*
+ (is (= [[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]]
+ (b/into [] (rx/map* vector
+ (rx/seq->o [(rx/seq->o [1])
+ (rx/seq->o [2])
+ (rx/seq->o [3])
+ (rx/seq->o [4])
+ (rx/seq->o [5])
+ (rx/seq->o [6])
+ (rx/seq->o [7])
+ (rx/seq->o [8])]))))))
+(deftest test-map-indexed
+ (is (= (map-indexed vector [:a :b :c])
+ (b/into [] (rx/map-indexed vector (rx/seq->o [:a :b :c])))))
+ (testing "exceptions from fn have error value injected"
+ (try
+ (->> (rx/seq->o [:a :b :c])
+ (rx/map-indexed (fn [i v]
+ (if (= 1 i)
+ (throw (java.io.FileNotFoundException. "blah")))
+ v))
+ (b/into []))
+ (catch java.io.FileNotFoundException e
+ (is (= :b (-> e .getCause .getValue)))))))
+(deftest test-mapcat*
+ (let [f (fn [a b c d e]
+ [(+ a b) (+ c d) e])]
+ (is (= (->> (range 5)
+ (map (fn [_] (range 5)))
+ (apply mapcat f))
+ (->> (range 5)
+ (map (fn [_] (rx/seq->o (range 5))))
+ (rx/seq->o)
+ (rx/mapcat* (fn [& args] (rx/seq->o (apply f args))))
+ (b/into []))))))
+(deftest test-mapcat
+ (let [f (fn [v] [v (* v v)])
+ xs (range 10)]
+ (is (= (mapcat f xs)
+ (b/into [] (rx/mapcat (comp rx/seq->o f) (rx/seq->o xs))))))
+ (let [f (fn [a b] [a b (* a b)])
+ as (range 10)
+ bs (range 15)]
+ (is (= (mapcat f as bs)
+ (b/into [] (rx/mapcat (comp rx/seq->o f)
+ (rx/seq->o as)
+ (rx/seq->o bs)))))))
+(deftest test-next
+ (let [in [:q :r :s :t :u]]
+ (is (= (next in) (b/into [] (rx/next (rx/seq->o in)))))))
+(deftest test-nth
+ (is (= [:a]
+ (b/into [] (rx/nth (rx/seq->o [:s :b :a :c]) 2))))
+ (is (= [:fallback]
+ (b/into [] (rx/nth (rx/seq->o [:s :b :a :c]) 25 :fallback)))))
+(deftest test-rest
+ (let [in [:q :r :s :t :u]]
+ (is (= (rest in) (b/into [] (rx/rest (rx/seq->o in)))))))
+(deftest test-partition-all
+ (are [input-size part-size step] (= (->> (range input-size)
+ (partition-all part-size step))
+ (->> (range input-size)
+ (rx/seq->o)
+ (rx/partition-all part-size step)
+ (rx/map #(rx/into [] %))
+ (rx/concat*)
+ (b/into [])))
+ 0 1 1
+ 10 2 2
+ 10 3 2
+ 15 30 4)
+ (are [input-size part-size] (= (->> (range input-size)
+ (partition-all part-size))
+ (->> (range input-size)
+ (rx/seq->o)
+ (rx/partition-all part-size)
+ (rx/map #(rx/into [] %))
+ (rx/concat*)
+ (b/into [])))
+ 0 1
+ 10 2
+ 10 3
+ 15 30))
+(deftest test-range
+ (are [start end step] (= (range start end step)
+ (->> (rx/range start end step) (b/into [])))
+ 0 10 2
+ 0 -100 -1
+ 5 100 9)
+ (are [start end] (= (range start end)
+ (->> (rx/range start end) (b/into [])))
+ 0 10
+ 0 -100
+ 5 100)
+ (are [start] (= (->> (range start) (take 100))
+ (->> (rx/range start) (rx/take 100) (b/into [])))
+ 50
+ 0
+ 5
+ -20)
+ (is (= (->> (range) (take 500))
+ (->> (rx/range) (rx/take 500) (b/into [])))))
+(deftest test-reduce
+ (is (= (reduce + 0 (range 4))
+ (b/first (rx/reduce + 0 (rx/seq->o (range 4)))))))
+(deftest test-reductions
+ (is (= (into [] (reductions + 0 (range 4)))
+ (b/into [] (rx/reductions + 0 (rx/seq->o (range 4)))))))
+(deftest test-some
+ (is (= [:r] (b/into [] (rx/some #{:r :s :t} (rx/seq->o [:q :v :r])))))
+ (is (= [] (b/into [] (rx/some #{:r :s :t} (rx/seq->o [:q :v]))))))
+(deftest test-sort
+ (are [in cmp] (= (if cmp
+ (sort cmp in)
+ (sort in))
+ (->> in
+ (rx/seq->o)
+ (#(if cmp (rx/sort cmp %) (rx/sort %)))
+ (b/into [])))
+ [] nil
+ [] (comp - compare)
+ [3 1 2] nil
+ [1 2 3] nil
+ [1 2 3] (comp - compare)
+ [2 1 3] (comp - compare)))
+(deftest test-sort-by
+ (are [rin cmp] (let [in (map #(hash-map :foo %) rin)]
+ (= (if cmp
+ (sort-by :foo cmp in)
+ (sort-by :foo in))
+ (->> in
+ (rx/seq->o)
+ (#(if cmp (rx/sort-by :foo cmp %) (rx/sort-by :foo %)))
+ (b/into []))))
+ [] nil
+ [] (comp - compare)
+ [3 1 2] nil
+ [1 2 3] nil
+ [1 2 3] (comp - compare)
+ [2 1 3] (comp - compare)))
+(deftest test-split-with
+ (is (= (split-with (partial >= 3) (range 6))
+ (->> (rx/seq->o (range 6))
+ (rx/split-with (partial >= 3))
+ b/first
+ (map (partial b/into []))))))
+(deftest test-take-while
+ (is (= (into [] (take-while even? [2 4 6 8 1 2 3]))
+ (b/into [] (rx/take-while even? (rx/seq->o [2 4 6 8 1 2 3]))))))
+(deftest test-throw
+ (let [expected (IllegalArgumentException. "HI")
+ called (atom nil)]
+ (rx/subscribe (rx/throw expected)
+ (fn [_])
+ (fn [e] (reset! called expected))
+ (fn [_]))
+ (is (identical? expected @called))))
+(deftest test-catch*
+ (testing "Is just a passthrough if there's no error"
+ (is (= [1 2 3]
+ (->> (rx/seq->o [1 2 3])
+ (rx/catch* Exception (fn [e] (throw "OH NO")))
+ (b/into [])))))
+ (testing "Can catch a particular exception type and continue with an observable"
+ (is (= [1 2 4 5 6 "foo"]
+ (->> (rx/generator [o]
+ (rx/on-next o 1)
+ (rx/on-next o 2)
+ (rx/on-error o (IllegalStateException. "foo")))
+ (rx/catch* IllegalStateException
+ (fn [e]
+ (rx/seq->o [4 5 6 (.getMessage e)])))
+ (b/into [])))))
+ (testing "if exception isn't matched, it's passed to on-error"
+ (let [expected (IllegalArgumentException. "HI")
+ called (atom nil)]
+ (rx/subscribe (->> (rx/generator [o]
+ (rx/on-next o 1)
+ (rx/on-next o 2)
+ (rx/on-error o expected))
+ (rx/catch* IllegalStateException (fn [e]
+ (rx/return "WAT?"))))
+ (fn [_])
+ (fn [e] (reset! called expected))
+ (fn [_]))
+ (is (identical? expected @called))))
+ (testing "if p returns Throwable, that's passed as e"
+ (let [cause (IllegalArgumentException. "HI")
+ wrapper (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException. cause)]
+ (is (= [cause]
+ (->> (rx/throw wrapper)
+ (rx/catch #(.getCause %) e
+ (rx/return e))
+ (b/into [])))))))
+(deftest test-finally
+ (testing "Supports a finally clause"
+ (testing "called on completed"
+ (let [completed (atom nil)
+ called (atom nil)]
+ (rx/subscribe (->> (rx/seq->o [1 2 3])
+ (rx/finally* (fn [] (reset! called (str "got it")))))
+ (fn [_])
+ (fn [_] (throw (IllegalStateException. "WAT")))
+ (fn [] (reset! completed "DONE")))
+ (is (= "got it" @called))
+ (is (= "DONE" @completed))))
+ (testing "called on error"
+ (let [expected (IllegalStateException. "expected")
+ completed (atom nil)
+ called (atom nil)]
+ (rx/subscribe (->> (rx/generator [o]
+ (rx/on-next o 1)
+ (rx/on-next o 2)
+ (rx/on-error o expected))
+ (rx/finally
+ (reset! called "got it")))
+ (fn [_])
+ (fn [e] (reset! completed e))
+ (fn [] (throw (IllegalStateException. "WAT"))))
+ (is (= "got it" @called))
+ (is (identical? expected @completed))))))
+(deftest test-graph-imports
+ (is (= 99
+ (-> {:a {:deps [] :factory (fn [_] (rx/return 99))}}
+ rx/let-o*
+ :a
+ b/single)))
+ (is (= 100
+ (b/single (rx/let-o [?a (rx/return 100)]
+ ?a)))))
+(deftest test-realized-imports
+ (is (= {:a 1 :b 2}
+ (->> (rx/let-realized [a (rx/return 1)
+ b (rx/return 2)]
+ {:a a :b b})
+ b/single))))
diff --git a/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/future_test.clj b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/future_test.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba2344e4e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/future_test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+(ns rx.lang.clojure.future-test
+ (:require [rx.lang.clojure.core :as rx]
+ [rx.lang.clojure.blocking :as b]
+ [rx.lang.clojure.future :as f])
+ (:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is]]))
+(deftest test-future-generator
+ (is (not= [(.getId (Thread/currentThread))]
+ (b/into []
+ (f/future-generator* future-call
+ #(rx/on-next % (.getId (Thread/currentThread))))))))
+(deftest test-future
+ (is (= [15] (b/into [] (f/future* future-call + 1 2 3 4 5)))))
+(deftest test-future-exception
+ (is (= "Caught: boo"
+ (->> (f/future* future-call #(throw (java.io.FileNotFoundException. "boo")))
+ (rx/catch java.io.FileNotFoundException e
+ (rx/return (str "Caught: " (.getMessage e))))
+ (b/single)))))
+(deftest test-future-cancel
+ (let [exited? (atom nil)
+ o (f/future* future-call
+ (fn [] (Thread/sleep 1000)
+ (reset! exited? true)
+ "WAT"))
+ result (->> o
+ (rx/take 0)
+ (b/into []))]
+ (Thread/sleep 2000)
+ (is (= [nil []]
+ [@exited? result]))))
+(deftest test-future-generator-cancel
+ (let [exited? (atom nil)
+ o (f/future-generator* future-call
+ (fn [o]
+ (rx/on-next o "FIRST")
+ (Thread/sleep 1000)
+ (reset! exited? true)))
+ result (->> o
+ (rx/take 1)
+ (b/into []))]
+ (Thread/sleep 2000)
+ (is (= [nil ["FIRST"]]
+ [@exited? result]))))
+(deftest test-future-generator-exception
+ (let [e (java.io.FileNotFoundException. "snake")]
+ (is (= [1 2 e]
+ (->> (f/future-generator*
+ future-call
+ (fn [o]
+ (rx/on-next o 1)
+ (rx/on-next o 2)
+ (throw e)))
+ (rx/catch java.io.FileNotFoundException e
+ (rx/return e))
+ (b/into []))))))
diff --git a/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/graph_test.clj b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/graph_test.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56ddfc9ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/graph_test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+(ns rx.lang.clojure.graph-test
+ (:require [rx.lang.clojure.graph :as graph]
+ [rx.lang.clojure.core :as rx]
+ [rx.lang.clojure.future :as rx-future]
+ [rx.lang.clojure.blocking :as rx-blocking]
+ [clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is]]))
+(deftest test-let-o*
+ (testing "throws on cycle"
+ (is (thrown-with-msg? IllegalArgumentException #"Cycle found"
+ (graph/let-o* {:a {:deps [:a]}}))))
+ (testing "throws on unknown"
+ (is (thrown-with-msg? IllegalArgumentException #"Unknown node"
+ (graph/let-o* {:a {:deps [:b]}}))))
+ (testing "it works in a simple case"
+ (let [d {:a {:deps []
+ :factory (fn [_] (rx/seq->o [1 2 3 4 5]))}
+ :b {:deps [:a]
+ :factory (fn [{:keys [a]}] (rx/map #(* % %) a)) }
+ :c {:deps [:a :b]
+ :factory (fn [{:keys [a b]}] (rx/map #(+ %1 %2) a b)) }
+ :d {:deps [:c :b]
+ :factory (fn [{:keys [c b]}] (rx/map #(+ %1 %2) c b)) }
+ }
+ f (graph/let-o* d) ]
+ (println f)
+ ; (n^2 + n) + n^2
+ (is (= [3 10 21 36 55]
+ (rx-blocking/into [] (:d f)))))))
+(deftest test-let-o
+ (testing "it works"
+ (let [f (graph/let-o [?a (rx/seq->o [1 2 3])
+ ?b (rx/seq->o [4 5 6])]
+ (rx/map + ?a ?b))]
+ (is (= [5 7 9]
+ (rx-blocking/into [] f)))))
+ (testing "it still works"
+ (is (= {:a 99 :b 100 :z "hi"}
+ (rx-blocking/single
+ (-> (let [z (rx/return "hi")] ; an observable from "somewhere else"
+ (graph/let-o
+ [?a (rx-future/future* future-call #(do (Thread/sleep 50) 99))
+ ?b (rx-future/future* future-call #(do (Thread/sleep 500) 100))
+ ?c (rx/map #(hash-map :a %1 :b %2 :z %3) ?a ?b ?z)
+ ?z z]
+ (rx/reduce merge {} ?c)))))))))
+(deftest test-complicated-graph
+ ; These funcs model network requests for various stuff. They all return observable.
+ (let [request-vhs (fn []
+ (rx-future/future-generator*
+ future-call
+ (fn [o]
+ (Thread/sleep 50)
+ (doseq [i (range 3)]
+ (rx/on-next o {:id i})))))
+ request-user (fn [id]
+ (rx-future/future*
+ future-call
+ #(do (Thread/sleep (rand-int 250))
+ {:id id
+ :name (str "friend" id) })))
+ request-ab (fn [u]
+ (rx-future/future*
+ future-call
+ #(do (Thread/sleep (rand-int 250))
+ {:user-id (:id u)
+ :cell (* 2 (:id u))})))
+ request-video-md (fn [v]
+ (rx/return {:video v
+ :title (str "title" (:id v)) }))
+ ; Now we can stitch all these requests together into an rx graph to
+ ; produce a response.
+ o (graph/let-o [?user-info (rx-future/future*
+ future-call
+ #(do (Thread/sleep 20)
+ {:name "Bob"
+ :id 12345
+ :friend-ids [1 2 3] }))
+ ?friends (->> ?user-info
+ (rx/mapcat (fn [ui]
+ (rx/mapcat request-user
+ (rx/seq->o (:friend-ids ui))))))
+ ?ab (->> (rx/concat ?user-info ?friends)
+ (rx/mapcat request-ab))
+ ?ab-lookup (->> ?ab
+ (rx/map (juxt :user-id #(dissoc % :user-id)))
+ (rx/into {}))
+ ?vhs (request-vhs)
+ ?metadata (->> ?vhs
+ (rx/mapcat request-video-md))]
+ (rx/map (fn [u m f ab-lookup]
+ {:user (dissoc u :friend-ids)
+ :videos m
+ :friends (sort-by :id f)
+ :ab ab-lookup})
+ ?user-info
+ (rx/into [] ?metadata)
+ (rx/into [] ?friends)
+ ?ab-lookup))]
+ (is (= {:user {:name "Bob" :id 12345}
+ :videos [{:video {:id 0} :title "title0"}
+ {:video {:id 1} :title "title1"}
+ {:video {:id 2} :title "title2"}]
+ :friends [{:name "friend1" :id 1}{:name "friend2" :id 2}{:name "friend3" :id 3}]
+ :ab {12345 {:cell 24690} 1 {:cell 2} 2 {:cell 4} 3 {:cell 6}} }
+ (rx-blocking/single o)))))
diff --git a/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/realized_test.clj b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/realized_test.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3bf9b16872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language-adaptors/rxjava-clojure/src/test/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/realized_test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+(ns rx.lang.clojure.realized-test
+ (:require [rx.lang.clojure.realized :as r]
+ [rx.lang.clojure.core :as rx]
+ [rx.lang.clojure.future :as rx-future]
+ [rx.lang.clojure.blocking :as rx-blocking]
+ [clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is]]))
+(deftest test-realized-map
+ (testing "Turns map of observables into observable of map"
+ (let [o (r/realized-map :a (r/all (rx/seq->o [1 2 3]))
+ :a2 (rx/seq->o [99 100 101])
+ :b (rx/return "hi")
+ :c [(->> [1 2 3]
+ rx/seq->o
+ (rx/map #(* % %)))
+ next]
+ :d (rx/return "just one")
+ :e "just a value")
+ result (rx-blocking/single o)]
+ (is (= {:a [1 2 3]
+ :a2 101
+ :b "hi"
+ :c [4 9]
+ :d "just one"
+ :e "just a value" }
+ result)))))
+(deftest test-realized-map
+ (testing "works like realized-map, but takes a map instead of key/value pairs"
+ (is (= {:a [1 2]
+ :b 500 }
+ (->> {:a (r/all (rx/seq->o [1 2]))
+ :b 500 }
+ r/realized-map*
+ rx-blocking/single)))))
+(deftest test-let-realized
+ (is (= {:a* 2
+ :b* 500
+ :c* 1000 }
+ (->> (r/let-realized [a [(rx/seq->o [1 2]) last]
+ b 500
+ c (rx/return 1000) ]
+ {:a* a
+ :b* b
+ :c* c })
+ rx-blocking/single))))
+(deftest test-only
+ (testing "raises IllegalStateException if sequence is empty"
+ (is (thrown-with-msg? IllegalStateException #"did not produce"
+ (->> (r/let-realized [a (rx/seq->o [1 2])]
+ {:a a})
+ rx-blocking/single)))
+ ; Just to be sure, make sure it goes through onError.
+ (let [values (atom [])
+ errors (atom [])]
+ (rx/subscribe (r/let-realized [a (rx/seq->o [1 2])]
+ {:a a})
+ #(swap! values conj %)
+ #(swap! errors conj %))
+ (is (empty? @values))
+ (is (= 1 (count @errors)))
+ (let [[e] @errors]
+ (is (instance? IllegalStateException e))))))
+(deftest test-all
+ (testing "collects all values from an observable"
+ (is (= [1 2 3]
+ (->> (r/let-realized [a (r/all (rx/seq->o [1 2 3]))]
+ a)
+ rx-blocking/single)))))
+; Playing with some expressing some of the video stuff with this.
+ (->> (get-list-of-lists user-id)
+ (rx/mapcat (fn [list]
+ (->> (video-list->videos list)
+ (rx/take 10))))
+ (rx/mapcat (fn [video]
+ (->> (r/let-realized [md (video->metadata video)
+ bm (video->bookmark video)
+ rt (video->rating video user-id)]
+ {:id (:id video)
+ :title (:title md)
+ :length (:duration md)
+ :bookmark bm
+ :rating {:actual (:actual-star-rating rt)
+ :average (:average-star-rating rt)
+ :predicted (:predicted-star-rating rt) } })))))
+ (->> (get-list-of-lists user-id)
+ (rx/mapcat (fn [list]
+ (->> (video-list->videos list)
+ (rx/take 10))))
+ (rx/mapcat (fn [video]
+ (->> (r/realized-map :md (video->metadata video)
+ :bm (video->bookmark video)
+ :rt (video->rating video user-id))
+ (rx/map (fn [{:keys [md bm rt]}]
+ {:id (:id video)
+ :title (:title md)
+ :length (:duration md)
+ :bookmark bm
+ :rating {:actual (:actual-star-rating rt)
+ :average (:average-star-rating rt)
+ :predicted (:predicted-star-rating rt) } }))))))
+ (->> (get-list-of-lists user-id)
+ (rx/mapcat (fn [list]
+ (->> (video-list->videos list)
+ (rx/take 10))))
+ (rx/mapcat (fn [video]
+ (->> (r/realized-map :id (:id video)
+ :md [(video->metadata video)
+ first
+ #(select-keys % [:title :duration])]
+ :bookmark (video->bookmark video)
+ :rating [(video->rating video user-id)
+ first
+ #(hash-map :actual (:actual-star-rating %)
+ :average (:average-star-rating %)
+ :predicted (:predicted-star-rating %))])
+ (rx/map (fn [m]
+ (-> m
+ (merge (:md m))
+ (dissoc :md)))))))))