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@kzaher kzaher released this 14 Feb 22:42
· 2509 commits to main since this release

Public Interface anomalies

  • Fixes problem with timer operator. Changes return type from Observable<Int64> to Observable<T>. This could potentially cause code breakage, but it was an API anomaly.
  • Curried functions were marked deprecated so they were replaced in UITableView and UICollectionView extensions with equivalent lambdas. This shouldn't break anyone's code, but it is a change in public interface.

This is example of those changes:

- public func rx_itemsWithCellFactory<S : SequenceType, O : ObservableType where O.E == S>
      (source: O)
      (cellFactory: (UITableView, Int, S.Generator.Element) -> UITableViewCell) -> Disposable
+ public func rx_itemsWithCellFactory<S : SequenceType, O : ObservableType where O.E == S>
      (source: O)
      -> (cellFactory: (UITableView, Int, S.Generator.Element) -> UITableViewCell) -> Disposable
  • Fixes anomaly in CLLocationManager extensions
-    public var rx_didFinishDeferredUpdatesWithError: RxSwift.Observable<NSError> { get }
+    public var rx_didFinishDeferredUpdatesWithError: RxSwift.Observable<NSError?> { get }


  • Adds UIBindingObserver.
  • Adds doOnNext convenience operator (also added to Driver).
  • Adds doOnError convenience operator.
  • Adds doOnCompleted convenience operator (also added to Driver).
  • Adds skip, startWith to Driver.
  • Adds rx_active extension to NSLayoutConstraint.
  • Adds rx_refreshing extension to UIRefreshControl.
  • Adds interval and timer to Driver.
  • Adds rx_itemAccessoryButtonTapped to UITableView extensions.
  • Adds rx_networkActivityIndicatorVisible to UIApplication.
  • Adds rx_selected to UIControl.


  • Fixes anomaly with registering multiple observers to UIBarButtonItem.
  • Fixes anomaly with blocking operators possibly over-stopping the RunLoop.