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This folder has the MarkDown content that is rendered to by GitHub pages.

A file like pages/about/ appears rendered as (aka - see CNAME). Note that the filename (minus .md) is used as the page path, regardless of how the file is nested in the directory structure. You may crosslink pages using relative links like [background](background).

Note that files outside docs are not accessible within and must be linked to by absolute URLs, e.g.

It is more important that pages render well at than in this preview within the GitHub repository, as some MarkDown features only apply to the GitHub Pages (e.g. the {:toc} macro and).

Running Jekyll locally

To test out your changes locally it may be worth running Jekyll locally to generate the pages. However installing Jekyll, Ruby and their dependencies locally can be a bit of a challenge depending on your operating system, local permissions and paths.

Option 1: Run Ruby and Jekyll on your machine

Follow the instructions at Testing your GitHub Pages site locally with Jekyll, with these extra notes:

  • Ruby 3.0.0 or newer is needed
  • The "publishing source" is not the root folder of the repository, but the docs/ directory, so you should be running your bundle commands in the docs/ directory (the same location as the Gemfile which bundle reads from)

Option 2: Run the site in a container using Docker or Podman

If you have [Docker] you can avoid the Ruby/Bundler/Jekyll install dance and run from a container:

make jekyll-docker-serve

Then visit to browse a local rendering.

Alternatively, to render HTML files into site/ folder, run:

make jekyll-docker-oneshot

Equivalent commands for using Podman:

make jekyll-podman-serve  
# or
make jekyll-podman-oneshot

Using the ELIXIR Toolkit Theme

The theme of this site is based on the ELIXIR Toolkit theme. All *.md files have "front matter" written in YAML which helps the theme to process them, for example:

title: Metadata of the RO-Crate
excerpt: |
  RO-Crate aims to capture and describe the Research Object using
  structured metadata. The RO-Crate Metadata File Descriptor contains the
  metadata that describes the RO-Crate and its content. This machine-readable
  metadata can also be represented for human consumption in the RO-Crate Website,
  linking to data and Web resources.
  - /1.1/about

<!-- start of page content -->
  • excerpt: This attribute can be used to specify the metadata description of the page
  • redirect_from: this can be used to list links from which you want to redirect to the page you are editing.



Each item in the top navigation bar (defined in _data/topnav.yml) has a corresponding sidebar defined in _data/sidebars/. These list the links that should appear in each sidebar.

Each sidebar typically corresponds to one directory under pages where the relevant pages are stored, e.g. pages listed in the about sidebar are located in pages/about. This is configured under defaults in _config.yml. There are two notable exceptions:

If you introduce a new page, place it in an appropriate directory and ensure it is listed in the corresponding sidebar so people can find it.

Ordering pages

Ordering pages To specify page order within a sidebar, you can use the nav_order parameter in your pages’ YAML front matter.

title: test
nav_order: 4

The parameter values determine the order of the top-level pages, and of child pages with the same parent. You can reuse the same parameter values (e.g., integers starting from 1) for the child pages of different parents.

Excluding pages from navigation and/or search

To hide a page from the main table of content, e.g. a draft, add nav_exclude: true to its preamble:

nav_exclude: true
search_exclude: true
title: Draft section

For the RO-Crate specification we should only show the current specification in the menu, the older and draft versions are indexed from, therefore nav_exclude and search_exclude should be set to true on older or draft versions.

Also ensure the page is removed from any sidebar listings.

Excluding pages from rendering at all

To avoid a page being rendered to the site at all (i.e. it has no URL outside of the GitHub repository), add it to the exclude list in _config.yml

Table of Contents

# H1 Title
{: .no_toc }

## Table of contents
{: .no_toc .text-delta }

1. TOC

Sections and child pages

Note that the concatination step to make single page HTML/PDF assumes <div id="filename"> blobs in top of each section's markdown, as the Makefile replaces links to say "appendix/" with #jsonld. See commit bfd9b2f530

Admonition cards

With theme it is possible to insert colourful admonition cards to bring attention to caveats and best practices. These are written as a Markdown code-block with the language set as tip, note or warning, and can include a restricted set of Markdown.

{: .tip }
> JSON-LD supports [many other features]( that SHOULD NOT be used excessively.

Try to keep the admonition card short, like a single paragraph.

For the Makefile rendering to PDF, a rudimentary Pandoc filter attempts to translate these blocks back to paragraph rendering, although they don't show up as a box. See the release procedure.

Theme config

The _config.yml file specifies some site-wide properties like copyright text or which folders that need to be excluded from the navigation and/or search.


The _includes/references.liquid file includes Markdown hyperlink references that can be used on shortform, e.g. [CreativeWork] gets expanded to [CreativeWork]( or [creative work][CreativeWork] becomes [creative work]( This only works on *.md pages that have the {% include references.liquid %} footer.