- Category: Web
- Points: 100
- Author: Vivian
Check out my super safe website! Enter the password to get the flag
If we go to the website and inspect, we'll see there's a main.js
file. Appending /main.js
to the end of the URL will get us to the site's JavaScript source:
if (typeof window.WebAssembly === 'undefined') {
alert('WebAssembly seems to not be implemented on your browser. Try using an updated version of Firefox, Chrome, or Safari. ');
throw 'no wasm :(';
const fetchWASMCode = () => {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
const req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onload = function () {
req.onerror = (err) => {
console.warn('If you\'re seeing this logged, something broke');
req.open("GET", "./code.wasm");
req.responseType = "arraybuffer";
let wasm = null;
fetchWASMCode().then(buffer => {
WebAssembly.instantiate(buffer).then(res => {
wasm = res;
}).catch(err => {
console.warn('If you\'re seeing this logged, something broke');
throw err;
const input = document.querySelector('input#password');
const response = document.querySelector('p#response-text');
document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', () => {
if (wasm) {
const memory = new Uint8Array(wasm.instance.exports.memory.buffer);
memory.set(new TextEncoder().encode(input.value + "\x00"));
const resultAddr = wasm.instance.exports.checkPassword(0);
const end = memory.indexOf(0, resultAddr);
response.innerText = "Response: " + new TextDecoder().decode(memory.subarray(resultAddr, end));
} else {
response.innerText = "Please try again in a few seconds";
}, 1);
req.open("GET", "./code.wasm");
is important so we append /code.wasm
to the end of the URL and get:
asm� ��`�����`������� ���� ��*��memory�
checkPassword �
Q�8����@ � j- � �j- G�@A �� � j- �@ �A�j!���A���A ��� �@ A���
Aè���Aø����<� Aè��5INVALIDPASSWORD bcactf{w4sm-m4g1c-xRz5} WASMP4S5W0RD F�name���
checkPassword��� � �str1��str2��index�� �addr
Here we see the flag bcactf{w4sm-m4g1c-xRz5}