This repository contains tags with all versions of AWS RDS databases of type aurora-postgresql
that are updated regularly using the official AWS RDS API. The purpose of this repo is to provide a datasource for Renovate to monitor and update the database engine versions in your Terraform files.
This repo uses a GitHub Action to fetch the latest RDS versions from the AWS API and create or update the corresponding tags. The tags are named as engine_version
, such as 13.4. The tags are sorted by the docker versioning scheme, which follows the semantic versioning rules.
The GitHub Action runs every Monday at 00:00 UTC and pushes any new or updated tags to this repo.
To use this repo, you need to have Renovate installed and configured. You need to add a custom regex manager in your renovate.json
file, like this for example:
"regexManagers": [
"description": "Update AWS RDS versions",
"fileMatch": ["^.*/[^/]+\.(tf|tfvars)$"],
"matchStringsStrategy": "combination",
"matchStrings": [
"datasourceTemplate": "github-tags",
"depNameTemplate": "Revolgy-Business-Solutions/{{{depName}}}",
"versioningTemplate": "docker"
The regex manager will match the engine name and version from your Terraform files that match the file pattern:
engine = "aurora-postgresql"
engine_version = "14.7"
The regex manager will use the github-tags datasource to fetch the latest tags from this repo as the available versions for the engine.