Thanks for helping make this project better. The README QuickStart provides easy instructions for someone who wants to evaluate the monarch-ui by quickly building and testing it.
This document is oriented towards contributors who wish to improve the source code, make suggestions, report bugs, improve documentation, or otherwise help make the Monarch Initiative UI better or more useful. The monarch-ui project currently uses a form of GitHub Flow to accept source code modifications via pull requests from a forked repo.
Because we hope that non-developers can also contribute improvements to the monarch-ui and its content, we've written very detailed and explicit instructions about how to submit code. But at a high-level, it is the basic GitHub Forking Workflow:
- Fork Repo
- Create Branch in Forked Repo
- Improve Code in Forked Repo Branch
- Submit Pull Request from Forked Repo Branch
- Basic principles of the Monarch-flavored GitHub Flow
- One Time Setup - Forking a Shared Repo
- Typical Development Cycle
- Refresh and clean up local environment
- Create a new branch
- Changes, Commits and Pushes
- Preparing to create Pull Request
- Reconcile branch with upstream changes
- Submitting a Pull Request
- Reviewing a Pull Request
- Respond to CI tests (Not Yet Implemented)
- Respond to peer review
- Merge a Pull Request
- Celebrate and get back to work
- Appendices
Basic principles of the Monarch-flavored GitHub Flow
Note to experienced GitHub users: These instructions are very explicit as they are designed to introduce potential GitHub novices to the processes of managing forked repos and pull requests. Feel free to skip ahead to:
- Prior to adopting the workflow, a developer will perform a one-time setup to create a personal Fork of the appropriate shared repo (e.g.,
) and will subsequently perform their development and testing on a task-specific branch within their forked repo. This forked repo will be associated with that developer's GitHub account, and is distinct from the shared repo managed by the Monarch Initiative.
- Changes will never be committed directly to the master branch on the shared repo. Rather, they will be composed as branches within the developer's forked repo, where the developer can iterate and refine their code prior to submitting it for review.
- Each set of changes will be developed as a task-specific branch in the developer's forked repo, and then a pull request will be created to propose changes to the shared repo. This mechanism provides a way for developers to discuss, revise and ultimately merge changes from the forked repo into the shared Monarch repo.
- Once a pull request has been merged, the task-specific branch is no longer needed and may be deleted or ignored. It is bad practice to reuse an existing branch once it has been merged. Instead, a new branch and pull-request cycle should begin when a developer switches to a different coding task.
- You may create a pull request in order to get feedback, but if you wish to continue working on the branch, please title the pull request with "DO NOT MERGE YET".
The official shared Monarch repositories (e.g., monarch-ui
) are intended to be modified solely via pull requests that are reviewed and merged by a set of responsible 'gatekeeper' developers within the Monarch development team. These pull requests are initially created as task-specific named branches within a developer's personal forked repo.
Typically, a developer will fork a shared repo once, which creates a personal copy of the repo that is associated with the developer's GitHub account. Subsequent pull requests are developed as branches within this personal forked repo. The repo need never be forked again, although each pull request will be based upon a new named branch within this forked repo.
The easiest way to fork the monarch-ui
repository is via the GitHub web interface:
- Ensure you are logged into GitHub.
- Navigate to the monarch-ui shared repo at
- Notice the 'Fork' button in the upper right corner. It has a number to the right of the button.
- Click the Fork button. The resulting behavior will depend upon whether your GitHub account is a member of a GitHub organization. If not a member of an organization, then the fork operation will be performed and the forked repo will be created in your account.
- If you are a member of an organization (e.g., monarch-initiative or acme-incorporated), then GitHub will present a dialog to allow you to choose where to place the forked repo. Click on the icon corresponding to your username.
- If you accidentally click the number, you will be on the Network Graphs page and should go back.
At this point, you will have a fork of the shared repo (e.g., monarch-ui) stored within GitHub, but it is not yet available on your local development machine. This is done as follows:
# Assumes that directory ~/MI/ will contain your Monarch repos.
# Assumes that your username is MarieCurie.
# Adapt these instructions to suit your environment
> cd ~/MI
> git clone [email protected]:MarieCurie/monarch-ui.git
> cd monarch-ui
Notice that we are using the SSH transport to clone this repo, rather than the HTTPS transport. The telltale indicator of this is the [email protected]:MarieCurie...
rather than the alternative
Note: If you encounter difficulties with the above git clone
, you may need to associate your local public SSH key with your GitHub account. See Which remote URL should I use? for information.
The git clone
above copied the forked repo locally, and configured the symbolic name 'origin' to point back to the remote GitHub fork. We will need to create an additional remote name to point back to the shared version of the repo (the one that we forked in Step 2). The following should work:
# Assumes that you are already in the local monarch-ui directory
> git remote add upstream
Verify that remotes are configured correctly by using the command git remote -v
. The output should resemble:
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)
origin [email protected]:MarieCurie/monarch-ui.git (fetch)
origin [email protected]:MarieCurie/monarch-ui.git (push)
One of the important things when using Git is to know what branch your working directory is tracking. This can be easily done with the git status
command, but checking your branch periodically can get tedious. It is easy to configure your bash
environment so that your current git branch is always displayed in your bash prompt.
If you want to try this out, add the following to your ~/.bashrc
function parse_git_branch()
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ \1/'
export PS1="$LIGHT_PURPLE\w$LIGHT_GRAYBG\$(parse_git_branch)$NO_COLOR \$ "
You will need to open up a new Terminal window (or re-login to your existing terminal) to see the effect of the above .bashrc
If you cd to a git working directory, the branch will be displayed in the prompt. For example:
~ $
~ $ # This isn't a git directory, so no branch is shown
~ $
~ $ cd /tmp
/tmp $
/tmp $ # This isn't a git directory, so no branch is shown
/tmp $
/tmp $ cd ~/MI/monarch-ui/
~/MI/monarch-ui fix-feedback-button $
~/MI/monarch-ui fix-feedback-button $ # The current branch is shown
~/MI/monarch-ui fix-feedback-button $
~/MI/monarch-ui fix-feedback-button $ git status
On branch fix-feedback-button
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
... remaining output of git status elided ...
Once you have completed the One-time Setup above, then it will be possible to create new branches and pull requests using the instructions below. The typical development cycle will have the following phases:
- Refresh and clean up local environment
- Create a new task-specific branch
- Perform development work, periodically committing to the branch
- Prepare and submit a Pull Request (PR) that refers to the branch
- Participate in PR Review, possibly making changes and pushing new commits to the branch
- Celebrate when your PR is finally Merged into the shared repo.
- Move onto the next task and repeat this cycle
Git will not automatically sync your Forked repo with the original shared repo, and will not automatically update your local copy of the Forked repo. These tasks are part of the developer's normal cycle, and should be the first thing done prior to beginning a new development effort and creating a new branch.
In the (likely) event that the upstream repo (the monarch-ui shared repo) has changed since the developer last began a task, it is important to update the local copy of the upstream repo so that its changes can be incorporated into subsequent development.
> git fetch upstream # Updates the local copy of shared repo BUT does not affect the working directory, it simply makes the upstream code available locally for subsequent Git operations. See step 2.
Assuming that new development begins with branch 'master' (a good practice), then we want to make sure our local 'master' has all the recent changes from 'upstream'. This can be done as follows:
> git checkout master
> git reset --hard upstream/master
The above command is potentially dangerous if you are not paying attention, as it will remove any local commits to master (which you should not have) as well as any changes to local files that are also in the upstream/master version (which you should not have). In other words, the above command ensures a proper clean slate where your local master branch is identical to the upstream master branch.
Some people advocate the use of git merge upstream/master
or git rebase upstream/master
instead of the git reset --hard
. One risk of these options is that unintended local changes accumulate in the branch and end up in an eventual pull request. Basically, it leaves open the possibility that a developer is not really branching from upstream/master, but is branching from some developer-specific branch point.
Once you have updated the local copy of the master branch of your forked repo, you can create a named branch from this copy and begin to work on your code and pull-request. This is done with:
> git checkout -b fix-feedback-button # This is an example name
This will create a local branch called 'fix-feedback-button' and will configure your working directory to track that branch instead of 'master'.
You may now freely make modifications and improvements and these changes will be accumulated into the new branch when you commit.
If you followed the instructions in Step 5 - Configure .bashrc
to show current branch (optional), your shell prompt should look something like this:
~/MI/monarch-ui fix-feedback-button $
Once you are in your working directory on a named branch, you make changes as normal. When you make a commit, you will be committing to the named branch by default, and not to master.
You may wish to periodically git push
your code to GitHub. Note the use of an explicit branch name that matches the branch you are on (this may not be necessary; a git expert may know better):
> git push origin fix-feedback-button # This is an example name
Note that we are pushing to 'origin', which is our forked repo. We are definitely NOT pushing to the shared 'upstream' remote, for which we will usually not have permission to push.
Once you are satisfied that your changes are ready to submit as a Pull Request, please ensure that the code passes Testing and Linting as described here:
If you have followed the instructions above at Refresh and clean up local environment, then your working directory and task-specific branch will be based on a starting point from the latest-and-greatest version of the shared repo's master branch. Depending on how long it takes you to develop your changes, and how much other developer activity there is, it is possible that changes to the upstream master will conflict with changes in your branch.
It is therefore good practice to periodically pull down these upstream changes and reconcile your task branch with the upstream master branch. At the least, this should be performed prior to submitting a PR.
The first step is to fetch the update upstream master branch down to your local development machine. Note that this command will NOT affect your working directory, but will simply make the upstream master branch available in your local Git environment.
> git fetch upstream
Now that you've fetched the upstream changes to your local Git environment, you will use the git rebase
command to adjust your branch:
> # Make that your changes are committed to your branch
> # before doing any rebase operations
> git status
# ... Review the git status output to ensure your changes are committed
# ... Also a good chance to double-check that you are on your
# ... task branch and not accidentally on master
> git rebase upstream/master
The rebase command will have the effect of adjusting your commit history so that your task branch changes appear to be based upon the most recently fetched master branch, rather than the older version of master you may have used when you began your task branch.
By periodically rebasing in this way, you can ensure that your changes are in sync with the rest of Monarch development and you can avoid hassles with merge conflicts during the PR process.
Sometimes conflicts happen where another developer has made changes and committed them to the upstream master (ideally via a successful PR) and some of those changes overlap with the code you are working on in your branch. The git rebase
command will detect these conflicts and will give you an opportunity to fix them before continuing the rebase operation. The Git instructions during rebase should be sufficient to understand what to do, but a very verbose explanation can be found at Rebasing Step-by-Step
As you gain more confidence in Git and this workflow, you may want to create PRs that are easier to review and best reflect the intent of your code changes. One technique that is helpful is to use the interactive rebase capability of Git to help you clean up your branch prior to submitting it as a PR. This is completely optional for novice Git users, but it does produce a nicer shared commit history.
See squashing commits with rebase for a good explanation.
Once you have developed code and are confident it is ready for review and final integration into the upstream version, you will want to do a final git push origin ...
(see Changes, Commits and Pushes above). Then you will use the GitHub website to create a Pull Request based upon the newly pushed branch.
See submitting a pull request.
The set of open PRs for the monarch-ui repo can be viewed by first visiting the shared monarch-ui GitHub page at
Click on the 'Pull Requests' link on the right-side of the page.
Note that the Pull Request you created from your forked repo shows up in the shared repo's PR list. You can think of the shared repo's PR list as a queue of changes to be applied, pending their review and approval.
The GitHub Pull Request mechanism is designed to allow testing, review and refinement of code prior to its final merge to the shared repo. After creating your PR, the CI (Continuous Integration) system tests for monarch-ui will be executed automatically, ensuring that the code that 'worked fine' on your development machine also works in the production-like environment provided by the CI system. The current status of the tests can be found near the bottom of the individual PR page, to the right of the Merge Request symbol.
As of this writing (June, 2019) monarch-ui does not currently utilize a CI system.
It's likely that after you create a Pull Request, you will receive useful peer review or perhaps your TravisCI tests will have failed. In either case, you will make the required changes on your development machine, retest your changes, and you can then push your new changes back to your task branch and the PR will be automatically updated. This allows a PR to evolve in response to feedback from peers. Once everyone is satisfied, the PR may be merged. (see below).
One of the goals behind the workflow described here is to enable a large group of developers to meaningfully contribute to the Monarch codebase. The Pull Request mechanism encourages review and refinement of the proposed code changes. As a matter of informal policy, Monarch expects that a PR will not be merged by its author and that a PR will not be merged without at least one reviewer approving it (via a comment such as "+1" (meaning "looks good") in the PR's Comment section).
You have successfully gotten your code improvements into the shared repository. Congratulations! The branch you created for this PR is no longer useful, and may be deleted from your forked repo or may be kept. But in no case should the branch be further developed or reused once it has been successfully merged. Subsequent development should be on a new branch. Prepare for your next work phase by returning to Refresh and clean up local environment.
- The instructions presented here are derived from several sources. However, a very readable and complete article is Using the Fork-and-Branch Git Workflow. Note that the article doesn't make clear that certain steps like Forking are one-time setup steps, after which Branch / Pull Request / Merge steps are used.
- Another useful resource describing forking and branching is
- New to GitHub? The GitHub Guides are a great place to start.
There is some one-time setup that needs to be completed before you can build and develop the application. Most of this is involved with ensuring that you have a compatible version of NodeJS installed.
The existing application is buildable with v8.12.0, so these instructions will encourage the use of that version until further notice. It might be possible to build with earlier or later versions of NodeJS, but that has not been tested and these instructions are intended to be mostly foolproof.
If you don't have homebrew installed, you should install it.
If you have homebrew
installed, but haven't run it in a while, you should update it with:
brew update
brew upgrade
If the above update/upgrade instructions do not work, it may mean that you have upgraded MacOSX to High Sierra or beyond, and the older version of homebrew isn't able to auto-update itself. MacOSX High Sierra and beyond have modified the default security settings and file permissions so that older versions of homebrew
may not work correctly and may not even update. If this appears to have happened to you, you will need to uninstall the old version and install the latest homebrew
. See FAQ and search for 'How do I uninstall Homebrew?', which says that you should uninstall via the following:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
nvm - Node Version Manager is used to ensure that you are running the correct version of NodeJS. The instructions at Installation should be sufficient for Mac/Unix. Mac users can alternatively use homebrew
as described below).
You can use brew install nvm
to install nvm
, saving yourself a lot of hassle if it works right. See How to install NVM (Node Version Manager) with Homebrew.
After installing nvm
, you will need to modify your .bashrc
or .bash_profile
as per the instructions linked above. The most important part of those instructions is likely the addition of the following to your .bashrc
or .bash_profile
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
. "$(brew --prefix nvm)/"
We recommend exiting your terminal session and starting a new one, to verify that nvm
is properly installed with:
which should print the Node Version Manager help text to the terminal.
Now we can use nvm
to install and select a specific version of NodeJS. We are currently supporting NodeJS v8.12.0. The default NodeJS installation may be an earlier or later version, which is why we use nvm
nvm install v8.12.0
nvm use v8.12.0
By default, you will need to type nvm use v8.12.0
before any development session, which can become tedious and error-prone. It may be convenient to set v8.12.0 as your default with the command:
nvm alias default 8.12.0
~ $ nvm current