Information related to Azure DevOps Server
Summary from the Microsoft Documentation-
- Empty TFS Cache by copying and moving to another Folder, save for archiving. If cache is not empty, you may experience errors when importing TFS Databases into DevOps Server
- Conduct Full Backup of TFS Databases for archiving purposes, these will not be used for the actual import into Devops
- Stop TFS Server via command line: "TFSServicecontrol Quiesce"
- Detach Collections from TFS Console only, do NOT detach using SQL Server Management Studio
- Manually backup each TFS Database/Collection using SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio
- SQL- Build SQL Server for DevOps Server (must be equal to or higher SQL version than TFS SQL Server)
- SQL- Add Admin and Service accounts to Server Roles (serveradmin and sysadmin)
- SQL- Add same accounts to server Logins
- SQL- Ensure SQL Server Agent is running
- Build DevOps Server per docs. For airgapped environments download Zulu8 Java and install.
- Enter Java install as a System Environment variable path: JAVA_HOME C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu8, otherwise server may not recognize install
- Manually restore each TFS Collection in SQL Server for DevOps Server (may have to add option to REPLACE)
- Configure DevOps Server to use Existing database from the TFS restored databases
- Attach imported TFS Collections to DevOps Server instance
- Change users domain via command line: "TFSConfig identities /change /fromdomain:old.domain /todomain:new.domain
- Test URL
- Configure Backups
- Join DevOps Server to new domain
- Restart Server
- Install TFS Standalone Office Integration installer (for using Excel)
- Create a Query based on Work Item Type (Any, Feature, etc.)
- Select "Open in Excel"
- Prepend Work Item ID numbers to the Title Column
- Delete all values under ID Column, DevOps will not recognize imported ID numbers, hence the prior prepend instruction
- Modify Columns to reflect the supported Column Order: ID,Work Item Type, Title, Assigned To, State, Area Path, Tags
- Must enter data in Work Item Type cells
- Save as csv
- Import into Azure DevOps Boards
- Import Item Limitations-
- Test Plans can only be imported individually by Test Suite, not as bulk. View Individual Test Suites in Grid View
- Select all fields
- Copy and Paste into an Excel Spreadsheet
- Prepend Work Item ID numbers to the Title Column
- Delete all values under ID Column, DevOps will not recognize imported ID numbers, hence the prior prepend instruction
- Must enter data in Work Item Type cells
- Must add a Revision number
- Modify Columns to reflect the supported Column Order: ID,Work Item Type, Title, Test Step, Step Action, Step Expected, Revision, Area Path, Assigned to, State
- Save as csv
- Import into Azure DevOps Test Plan