All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
3.0.0 (2024-07-25)
- use aave origin and update to 3.1 (#306)
- Aave steth withdrawer (#315) (8f99938)
- Add base ccc update payload. (#305) (2e1710d)
- add base configEngine (#134) (b5df36c)
- Add Base contracts to generate aDI adapter payloads (#285) (8ff94a6)
- add buildBase (#135) (2152246)
- add create2 helpers (#193) (a690d33)
- add gov v3 helpers (#139) (1e1c177)
- Add payload zero checks (#121) (0480a4b)
- added script for scroll and zkevm (#211) (6cc788d)
- allow bypassing e2e (#173) (39e1676)
- bnb deploy scripts (#180) (428dc96)
- check that address has code (41c0392)
- emode category for v3 config engine (#97) (88ccbc4), closes #111
- execute proposal (#199) (6dc9101)
- expose deterministic helpers (#197) (2adead7)
- gnosis deploy scripts (#156) (1ffe6b1)
- new aave v3 token deal (#142) (b6bedff)
- New RPCs (#179) (70f523f)
- scroll deploy scripts (#212) (bd1002b)
- snapshot collateralManager (#172) (a4676d2)
- support create2 args (#264) (f429c55)
- support more chains (#132) (89c591c)
- test full 2.5 flow (#162) (76b0fac)
- use aave origin and update to 3.1 (#306) (acf9575)
- use different create2 (#150) (4c084bf)
- v2 default test (#154) (f6a905a)
- validate payload execution < block.gaslimit in defaultTest (#290) (6567dae)
- zkevm scripts (#213) (07f2682)
- add buffer for block gas limit (#292) (31ee364)
- add missing helper for scroll and zkevm (#215) (0d01980)
- add more snapshots (#119) (a17aeb9)
- Add payload already created check to createPayload method (#296) (a574110)
- align cli versions (#165) (78e58db)
- allow one off error on repay (#144) (743c0fb)
- blocknumber for tests (#191) (216c880)
- bnb naming (#282) (ffdfec5)
- borrow engine require (#188) (8a04d33)
- bump aave-cli (0447d4e)
- bump address book (#257) (07ad879)
- bump address-book (7da64a6)
- config engine payload bnb (#181) (cb11211)
- createPayload method made internal so that it can be broadcasted (#298) (2f7c3c9)
- don't queue on govv2 when trying to execute payload via short (#234) (11ae64b)
- e2e ethereum mainnet (#140) (9ca17b6)
- fix typos (#254) (63eb8fa)
- foundry breaking changes (#127) (be96d3e)
- losen version of aave-cli (93c334c)
- make irs compatible with stateful irs (#262) (0050f31)
- only do selectFork when fork is different (#163) (33f350c)
- patch deal2 prank (#230) (6881c76)
- patch ir import (#275) (5446518)
- patch usdc (#203) (5481ac5)
- patch usdc & supply cap tests (#208) (1adaebd)
- pin-version (#149) (b07db13)
- properly reverse iterate (#216) (45cc9e8)
- rely on local npm installation (#171) (2111f26)
- remove _ and add reference to source (#190) (abea2a7)
- remove aave interface link (#183) (251864a)
- remove cap limitation (#195) (926c817)
- remove duplicated errors (#148) (f559d58)
- remove tests for old stuff (#222) (fae3da0)
- replace snx whale (#276) (e716f32)
- snapshot indexes (#269) (1daafea)
- snapshot with new interest rates strategy (#259) (bd87e61)
- update aave address book (#281) (7c84bd8)
- update aave cli (#235) (3b4c2ab)
- update address book with aDI bridge adapter interface (#260) (9505ee5)
- update for aligned BNB (b49a36e)
- update forge std etc (#157) (707ad78)
- update origin repo (#316) (6dc5580)
- update tooling (#279) (d91ff89)
- updated adi tests. Updated chain ids (#299) (b645891)
- updated solidity utils. refactored safeApprove to forceApprove (#131) (a6f6c89)
- use create select fork always (#164) (963cc7b)
2.3.0 (2023-06-29)
- add forwarders (#72) (49e85e7)
- add oracle info (#84) (c273eec)
- add risk steward (#83) (1d973c4)
- add sentinel to snapshot (#91) (c339e88)
- added _logStrategyPreviewUrlParams() to ProtocolV3TestBase and ProtocolV2TestBase (#65) (2c62d04)
- finalize steward scripts (#95) (7be8b44)
- finalize v2 addresses (#103) (1371a7c)
- flatten structure (#75) (8e37485)
- forwarder contract for metis (#86) (8b407ff)
- improve e2e testsuite (#107) (691f48c)
- improve v3 tests (#104) (7aebb79)
- include name/samybol of asv (#106) (4c81999)
- initialize as empty objects (#87) (89b8e02)
- ipfs tools (#90) (8504b3e)
- new governance tools (#99) (cec1bff)
- patch deal (reverting caller) (#110) (32254d7)
- patch v2 e2e suite (#92) (d9f4e2d)
- rates base payload and factory for v2 (#68) (ccadc3c)
- serialize chainId on v2 as well (#80) (136abd4)
- show ipfs preview (#100) (4c4d223)
- snapshot symbol & name (#105) (5d303fe)
- update deps (#79) (0a48f24)
- update libraries (#96) (3b01622)
- update-gov-scripts (#116) (9160727)
- upgrade ci (#109) (d476f42)
- use lib to read flags instead of doing calls (#108) (60dd764)
- 0.8 compat (#69) (78b55aa)
- add missing scripts (#82) (afe2a9f)
- bump aave-address-book (3da36e6)
- diff-snapshots typo (#101) (b239952)
- error string not reflecting actual error (#112) (2ebb620)
- ethereum e2e (#98) (cfd9133)
- fix linting (1d24015)
- resolve slight inconsistency on oracle.DECIMALS (#89) (0ccea16)
- write config to json (#71) (0a77460)
2.2.0 (2023-02-22)
2.1.0 (2023-02-14)
2.0.0 (2023-02-02)
- gov helpers no longer re-exports addresses, fetch them from address-book instead (
was renamed tocreateTestProposal
- the new
is intended to be used for actual proposal creation and enforces delegatecall style proposals
add implementation snapshots to v3 configurationSnapshots (#43) (e10aa98)
!feat: proposal creation helpers (#42) (13a9871), closes #42
1.6.0 (2023-01-31)
1.5.0 (2023-01-26)
1.4.0 (2023-01-19)
- add _clone() of ReserveConfig for _findReserveConfigBySymbol() and _findReserveConfig() (#27) (043e0cc)
1.3.0 (2023-01-19)
- added TestWithExecutor contract to GovHelpers (5449659)
- add _clone() of ReserveConfig for _findReserveConfigBySymbol() and _findReserveConfig() (#27) (043e0cc)
1.2.5 (2023-01-18)
- add _clone() of ReserveConfig for _findReserveConfigBySymbol() and _findReserveConfig() (#27) (043e0cc)
1.2.4 (2023-01-17)
1.2.3 (2022-12-22)
1.2.2 (2022-12-22)
1.2.1 (2022-12-21)
1.2.0 (2022-12-10)
- add bridge executor helper (#6) (c370d02)
- add findReserveConfigBySymbol (6ce8276)
- add helper for fetching current implementation (#17) (2118f43)
- add missing governance methods (#10) (7de5219)
- add repay method (#14) (e00fd13)
- extend AaveTestBase v3 (#12) (8ee6ee7)
- protocol test (#11) (80379df)
- use governance from address book DRY (#16) (eebcded)
- allow supplying user (dc78ec0)
- improve e2e test (#15) (0e7a51a)
- updated constants to actual address (#18) (6d13520)
- fix goverannce helper (38d6284)