diff --git a/Content/default/SAFE.App.sln b/Content/default/Application.sln
similarity index 100%
rename from Content/default/SAFE.App.sln
rename to Content/default/Application.sln
diff --git a/Content/default/Build.fs b/Content/default/Build.fs
index 42bf08ff..02349d29 100644
--- a/Content/default/Build.fs
+++ b/Content/default/Build.fs
@@ -45,10 +45,11 @@ Target.create "Azure" (fun _ ->
deployment |> Deploy.execute "SAFE-App" Deploy.NoParameters |> ignore)
Target.create "Run" (fun _ ->
+ run dotnet [ "restore"; "Application.sln" ] "."
run dotnet [ "build" ] sharedPath
- "server", dotnet [ "watch"; "run" ] serverPath
+ "server", dotnet [ "watch"; "run"; "--no-restore" ] serverPath
"client", dotnet [ "fable"; "watch"; "-o"; "output"; "-s"; "--run"; "npx"; "vite" ] clientPath
|> runParallel)
diff --git a/tests/Tests.fs b/tests/Tests.fs
index c4959040..1b79f5a7 100644
--- a/tests/Tests.fs
+++ b/tests/Tests.fs
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ let run exe arg dir =
CreateProcess.fromRawCommandLine exe arg
|> CreateProcess.withWorkingDirectory dir
- |> CreateProcess.ensureExitCode
|> CreateProcess.redirectOutputIfNotRedirected
|> Proc.run
- |> ignore
+ |> (fun x -> Expect.equal x.ExitCode 0 $"Unexpected exit code when running {exe} {arg} in {dir}")
open System.Threading.Tasks
@@ -155,65 +155,71 @@ type TemplateType = Normal | Minimal
let path = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ > ".." > "Content"
-let testTemplateBuild templateType = testCase $"{templateType}" <| fun () ->
+let testTemplateBuild templateType =
let dir = if templateType = Normal then path > "default" else path > "minimal"
+ testList $"{templateType}" [
- run dotnet "tool restore" dir
+ testCase "run" (fun () ->
- if templateType = Minimal then
- // run build on Shared to avoid race condition between Client and Server
- run dotnet "build" (dir > "src" > "Shared")
+ run dotnet "tool restore" dir
- if templateType = Normal then
- run dotnet "run" (dir > "tests" > "Server")
+ if templateType = Minimal then
+ // run build on Shared to avoid race condition between Client and Server
+ run dotnet "build" (dir > "src" > "Shared")
- let proc =
if templateType = Normal then
- start dotnet "run" dir
- else
- run npm "install" dir
- start dotnet "fable watch --run vite" (dir > "src" > "Client" )
+ run dotnet "run" (dir > "tests" > "Server")
- let extraProc =
- if templateType = Normal then None
- else
- let proc = start dotnet "run" (dir > "src" > "Server")
- let wait = waitForStdOut proc "Now listening on:"
- Some (proc, wait)
- let stdOutPhrase = "ready in"
- let htmlSearchPhrase = """
SAFE Template"""
- //vite will not serve up from root
- let clientUrl = "http://localhost:8080/index.html"
- let serverUrl, searchPhrase =
- match templateType with
- | Normal -> "http://localhost:5000/api/ITodosApi/getTodos", "Create new SAFE project" // JSON should contain a todo with such description
- | Minimal -> "http://localhost:5000/api/hello", "Hello from SAFE!"
- try
- let timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes 5.
- waitForStdOut proc stdOutPhrase timeout |> Async.RunSynchronously
- logger.info(
- eventX "Requesting `{url}`"
- >> setField "url" clientUrl)
- let response = waitAndRetry 3 5 (fun () -> get clientUrl)
- Expect.stringContains response htmlSearchPhrase
- (sprintf "html fragment not found for %A" templateType)
- extraProc |> Option.iter (fun (_, wait) -> Async.RunSynchronously (wait timeout))
- logger.info(
- eventX "Requesting `{url}`"
- >> setField "url" serverUrl)
- let response = get serverUrl
- Expect.stringContains response searchPhrase
- (sprintf "plaintext fragment not found for %A at %s" templateType serverUrl)
- logger.info(
- eventX "Run target for `{type}` run successfully"
- >> setField "type" templateType)
- if templateType = Normal then
- run dotnet "run -- bundle" dir
+ let proc =
+ if templateType = Normal then
+ start dotnet "run" dir
+ else
+ run npm "install" dir
+ start dotnet "fable watch --run vite" (dir > "src" > "Client" )
+ let extraProc =
+ if templateType = Normal then None
+ else
+ let proc = start dotnet "run" (dir > "src" > "Server")
+ let wait = waitForStdOut proc "Now listening on:"
+ Some (proc, wait)
+ let stdOutPhrase = "ready in"
+ let htmlSearchPhrase = """SAFE Template"""
+ //vite will not serve up from root
+ let clientUrl = "http://localhost:8080/index.html"
+ let serverUrl, searchPhrase =
+ match templateType with
+ | Normal -> "http://localhost:5000/api/ITodosApi/getTodos", "Create new SAFE project" // JSON should contain a todo with such description
+ | Minimal -> "http://localhost:5000/api/hello", "Hello from SAFE!"
+ try
+ let timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes 5.
+ waitForStdOut proc stdOutPhrase timeout |> Async.RunSynchronously
+ logger.info(
+ eventX "Requesting `{url}`"
+ >> setField "url" clientUrl)
+ let response = waitAndRetry 3 5 (fun () -> get clientUrl)
+ Expect.stringContains response htmlSearchPhrase
+ (sprintf "html fragment not found for %A" templateType)
+ extraProc |> Option.iter (fun (_, wait) -> Async.RunSynchronously (wait timeout))
- eventX "Bundle target for `{type}` run successfully"
+ eventX "Requesting `{url}`"
+ >> setField "url" serverUrl)
+ let response = get serverUrl
+ Expect.stringContains response searchPhrase
+ (sprintf "plaintext fragment not found for %A at %s" templateType serverUrl)
+ logger.info(
+ eventX "Run target for `{type}` run successfully"
>> setField "type" templateType)
- finally
- killProcessTree proc.Id
- extraProc |> Option.map (fun (p,_) -> p.Id) |> Option.iter killProcessTree
+ finally
+ killProcessTree proc.Id
+ extraProc |> Option.map (fun (p,_) -> p.Id) |> Option.iter killProcessTree
+ )
+ if templateType = Normal then
+ testCase "Bundle" (fun () ->
+ run dotnet "run bundle" dir
+ logger.info(
+ eventX "Bundle target for `{type}` run successfully"
+ >> setField "type" templateType))
+ ]