All SAP BTP services in this use case have free tier service plans. Please remember to select these service plans when activating a subscriptions in your subaccount to prevent unexpected charges. Discover other free services on the SAP Discovery Center.
The required systems and components are:
- SAP BTP account
- SAP Identity Authentication Service (SAP IAS) tenant
Important - Please make sure to setup a trust between your custom SAP IAS tenant and your SAP BTP subaccount before using the SAP Build Apps booster! If you don't have a SAP IAS tenant yet, you can create one yourself from within your SAP BTP cockpit. When signing up for a SAP BTP account (PAYG or CPEA), you're entitled for a test and productive SAP Identity Authentication Service tenant. Any further tenant can be licensed as Aditional Tenant and will be charged according to your account type. Please also check the official SAP Help documentation (click here) and the following blog post (click here) for further information.
Free (Tier) Entitlements/Quota required in your SAP Business Technology Platform Account:
Service | Plan | Number of instances |
API Management, API Portal | apiportal-apiaccess | 1 |
API Management, developer portal | devportal-apiaccess | 1 |
Authorization & Trust Management | application | 1 |
Destination | lite | 1 |
SAP BTP, Kyma runtime | free | 1 |
SAP Build Apps | free (Application) | 1 |
SAP Build Process Automation | free (Application) | 1 |
SAP Build Process Automation | standard (1) | 1 |
SAP Integration Suite | free | 1 |
Cloud Identity Services | default (2) | 1 |
(1) - Make sure to select the standard and not the standard (Application) quota for SAP Build Process Automation. (2) - Only if a new SAP Identity Authentication Service tenant is required. Please also check the Prerequisite section.
Subscriptions required in your SAP Business Technology Platform Account:
Subscription | Plan |
SAP Integration Suite | free |
SAP Build Process Automation | free |
SAP Build Apps | free |
Cloud Identity Services | default (3) |
(3) - Only if a new SAP Identity Authentication Service tenant is required. Please also check the Prerequisite section.
- Setup SAP low code solutions using BTP boosters - In this section, you can learn how to use BTP boosters and automate the setup of SAP BTP low code SaaS applications by executing the SAP Build Process Automation and SAP Build Apps boosters in your subaccount
- Subscribe to SAP Integration Suite
- Deploy SAP BTP, Kyma runtime - If you're interested in API federation and monetization, you will need an instance of Kyma runtime. Follow these instructions to get started with Kyma.
- Activate the API Management capability in SAP Integration Suite
- Create service instances for API access
As part of the mission scope, you can deploy an API billing service that utilizes Stripe invoicing. The following resources will help you create a Stripe developer account and get you started with their Node.js SDK.
Register a free Stripe developer account.
Important - For this mission please select any country except India, as a required search feature is currently not available in India (see here).
Get started with the Stripe Node.js SDK.
Setup a Sample API based on the ES5 Demo system (incl. a Rate Plan, API Key verification aso.) as described in the Develop scope of the the mission Get Started with Integration Suite - API Management. This is an essential requirement for the related mission scope. Following the Getting Started mission, please create the respective API Product in API Business Hub Enterprise and test your application as described. This will create some charges for your Stripe invoices and allows a proper end-to-end test. While doing the Getting Started mission, please consider the following notes:
Before deploying your API Proxy, please reload the page to prevent errors.
The required policy template in step Applying Policies is called SAP API Management Security Best Practices. In case the search does not return the correct policy select it manually.
Set the correct value for the Verify API Key policy. Please use the value in the screenshot which is request.header.APIKey.
If you face issues with publication of your API Product to API Business Hub Enterprise, please assign the missing AuthGroup.SelfService.Admin & AuthGroup.API.ApplicationDeveloper role collections to your user and re-login.
Even if you're signed-in automatically to API Business Hub Enterprise, make sure to Register as a Developer. Logout and Login before creating a new Application in API Business Hub Enterprise for the first time.
Register a new Application (like StoreSilver) in API Business Hub Enterprise after you created and assigned the Rate Plan to your API Product. Your first application Store will not have a Rate Plan assigned.
Your API Portal Bill section should look similar to the following after triggering a first call of your StoreSilver application:
Here you can see the detailed architecture diagram of the API Monetization with Stripe mission scope.
This part of the use case scope demonstrates federation of API from different gateway providers. The sample provided here shows how you can integrate Microsoft Azure API Management with SAP Integration Suite, but it can be applied to any 3rd party API gateway that supports eventing with the CloudEvents standard and can provide an OpenAPI specification for it's resources.
Get an instance of Azure API Management
Activate Azure Event Grid
Dynamically expose Open API definitions in Azure API Management so that an SAP BTP webhook can callback and retrieve the API specification
- Make a minor adjustment to the set-url value so we can consume the event's subject directly:" + context.Request.MatchedParameters.GetValueOrDefault("api-id","") + "?export=true&format=openapi&api-version=2021-01-01-preview")</set-url>