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node-telegram-bot-api methods

Message Sending

bot.sendMessage(chatId, text, [options]): Send text messages.

  parse_mode, // String, Optional, Markdown or HTML
  disable_web_page_preview, // Boolean, Optional
  disable_notification, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_to_message_id, // Integer, Optional
  allow_sending_without_reply, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional

bot.sendPhoto(chatId, photo, [options], [fileOptions]): Send photos.

  caption, // String, Optional
  parse_mode, // String, Optional, Markdown or HTML
  disable_notification, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_to_message_id, // Integer, Optional
  allow_sending_without_reply, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional
  filename, // String, Optional, If uploading from a file
  contentType // String, Optional, MIME type of the file

bot.sendAudio(chatId, audio, [options], [fileOptions]): Send audio files.

  caption, // String, Optional
  parse_mode, // String, Optional, Markdown or HTML
  duration, // Integer, Optional
  performer, // String, Optional
  title, // String, Optional
  thumb, // InputFile or String, Optional
  disable_notification, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_to_message_id, // Integer, Optional
  allow_sending_without_reply, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional
  filename, // String, Optional, If uploading from a file
  contentType // String, Optional, MIME type of the file

bot.sendDocument(chatId, document, [options], [fileOptions]): Send general files.

  thumb, // InputFile or String, Optional
  caption, // String, Optional
  parse_mode, // String, Optional, Markdown or HTML
  disable_content_type_detection, // Boolean, Optional
  disable_notification, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_to_message_id, // Integer, Optional
  allow_sending_without_reply, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional
  filename, // String, Optional, If uploading from a file
  contentType // String, Optional, MIME type of the file

bot.sendVideo(chatId, video, [options], [fileOptions]): Send video files.

  duration, // Integer, Optional
  width, // Integer, Optional
  height, // Integer, Optional
  thumb, // InputFile or String, Optional
  caption, // String, Optional
  parse_mode, // String, Optional, Markdown or HTML
  supports_streaming, // Boolean, Optional
  disable_notification, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_to_message_id, // Integer, Optional
  allow_sending_without_reply, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional
  filename, // String, Optional, If uploading from a file
  contentType // String, Optional, MIME type of the file

bot.sendAnimation(chatId, animation, [options], [fileOptions]): Send animations (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound).

  duration, // Integer, Optional
  width, // Integer, Optional
  height, // Integer, Optional
  thumb, // InputFile or String, Optional
  caption, // String, Optional
  parse_mode, // String, Optional, Markdown or HTML
  disable_notification, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_to_message_id, // Integer, Optional
  allow_sending_without_reply, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional
  filename, // String, Optional, If uploading from a file
  contentType // String, Optional, MIME type of the file

bot.sendVoice(chatId, voice, [options], [fileOptions]): Send voice messages.

  caption, // String, Optional
  parse_mode, // String, Optional, Markdown or HTML
  duration, // Integer, Optional
  disable_notification, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_to_message_id, // Integer, Optional
  allow_sending_without_reply, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional
  filename, // String, Optional, If uploading from a file
  contentType // String, Optional, MIME type of the file

bot.sendVideoNote(chatId, videoNote, [options], [fileOptions]): Send video notes.

  duration, // Integer, Optional
  length, // Integer, Optional
  thumb, // InputFile or String, Optional
  disable_notification, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_to_message_id, // Integer, Optional
  allow_sending_without_reply, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional
  filename, // String, Optional, If uploading from a file
  contentType // String, Optional, MIME type of the file

bot.sendMediaGroup(chatId, media, [options]): Send a group of photos or videos as an album.

  disable_notification, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_to_message_id, // Integer, Optional
  allow_sending_without_reply // Boolean, Optional

bot.sendLocation(chatId, latitude, longitude, [options]): Send location.

  horizontal_accuracy, // Float, Optional
  live_period, // Integer, Optional
  heading, // Integer, Optional
  proximity_alert_radius, // Integer, Optional
  disable_notification, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_to_message_id, // Integer, Optional
  allow_sending_without_reply, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional

bot.sendVenue(chatId, latitude, longitude, title, address, [options]): Send venue information.

  foursquare_id, // String, Optional
  foursquare_type, // String, Optional
  google_place_id, // String, Optional
  google_place_type, // String, Optional
  disable_notification, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_to_message_id, // Integer, Optional
  allow_sending_without_reply, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional

bot.sendContact(chatId, phoneNumber, firstName, [options]): Send contact information.

  last_name, // String, Optional
  vcard, // String, Optional
  disable_notification, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_to_message_id, // Integer, Optional
  allow_sending_without_reply, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional

bot.sendPoll(chatId, question, pollOptions, [options]): Send a native poll.

  is_anonymous, // Boolean, Optional
  type, // String, Optional, quiz or regular
  allows_multiple_answers, // Boolean, Optional
  correct_option_id, // Integer, Optional
  explanation, // String, Optional
  explanation_parse_mode, // String, Optional, Markdown or HTML
  open_period, // Integer, Optional
  close_date, // Integer, Optional
  is_closed, // Boolean, Optional
  disable_notification, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_to_message_id, // Integer, Optional
  allow_sending_without_reply, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional

bot.sendDice(chatId, [options]): Send a dice with a random value.

  emoji, // String, Optional
  disable_notification, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_to_message_id, // Integer, Optional
  allow_sending_without_reply, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional

bot.sendChatAction(chatId, action): Send chat action (typing, upload_photo, etc.).

  action // String, Required

Message Editing

bot.editMessageText(text, [options]): Edit text of a sent message.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Optional
  message_id, // Integer, Optional
  inline_message_id, // String, Optional
  parse_mode, // String, Optional, Markdown or HTML
  disable_web_page_preview, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional

bot.editMessageCaption([caption], [options]): Edit caption of a sent message.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Optional
  message_id, // Integer, Optional
  inline_message_id, // String, Optional
  caption, // String, Optional
  parse_mode, // String, Optional, Markdown or HTML
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional

bot.editMessageMedia(media, [options]): Edit media of a sent message.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Optional
  message_id, // Integer, Optional
  inline_message_id, // String, Optional
  media, // InputMedia, Required
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional

bot.editMessageReplyMarkup([replyMarkup], [options]): Edit reply markup of a sent message.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Optional
  message_id, // Integer, Optional
  inline_message_id, // String, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional

Message Deletion

bot.deleteMessage(chatId, messageId, [options]): Delete a sent message.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  message_id // Integer, Required

Inline Mode

bot.answerInlineQuery(inlineQueryId, results, [options]): Reply to an inline query.

  inline_query_id, // String, Required
  results, // Array of InlineQueryResult, Required
  cache_time, // Integer, Optional
  is_personal, // Boolean, Optional
  next_offset, // String, Optional
  switch_pm_text, // String, Optional
  switch_pm_parameter // String, Optional

Callback Queries

bot.answerCallbackQuery(callbackQueryId, [options]): Reply to a callback query.

  callback_query_id, // String, Required
  text, // String, Optional
  show_alert, // Boolean, Optional
  url, // String, Optional
  cache_time // Integer, Optional

Chat and User Management

bot.kickChatMember(chatId, userId, [options]): Kick a user from a group, a supergroup, or a channel.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  user_id, // Integer, Required
  until_date // Integer, Optional

bot.unbanChatMember(chatId, userId, [options]): Unban a previously kicked user.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  user_id, // Integer, Required
  only_if_banned // Boolean, Optional

bot.restrictChatMember(chatId, userId, [options]): Restrict a user in a supergroup.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  user_id, // Integer, Required
  permissions, // ChatPermissions, Required
  until_date // Integer, Optional

bot.promoteChatMember(chatId, userId, [options]): Promote or demote a user in a supergroup or a channel.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  user_id, // Integer, Required
  is_anonymous, // Boolean, Optional
  can_manage_chat, // Boolean, Optional
  can_post_messages, // Boolean, Optional
  can_edit_messages, // Boolean, Optional
  can_delete_messages, // Boolean, Optional
  can_manage_video_chats, // Boolean, Optional
  can_restrict_members, // Boolean, Optional
  can_promote_members, // Boolean, Optional
  can_change_info, // Boolean, Optional
  can_invite_users, // Boolean, Optional
  can_pin_messages // Boolean, Optional

bot.setChatPermissions(chatId, permissions): Set default chat permissions for all members.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  permissions // ChatPermissions, Required

bot.exportChatInviteLink(chatId): Export an invite link to a chat.

  chat_id // Integer or String, Required

bot.createChatInviteLink(chatId, [options]): Create an additional invite link for a chat.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  expire_date, // Integer, Optional
  member_limit, // Integer, Optional
  creates_join_request // Boolean, Optional

bot.editChatInviteLink(chatId, inviteLink, [options]): Edit a non-primary invite link.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  invite_link, // String, Required
  expire_date, // Integer, Optional
  member_limit, // Integer, Optional
  creates_join_request // Boolean, Optional

bot.revokeChatInviteLink(chatId, inviteLink): Revoke an invite link.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  invite_link // String, Required

bot.setChatPhoto(chatId, photo, [options]): Set a new profile photo for the chat.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  photo // InputFile, Required

bot.deleteChatPhoto(chatId, [options]): Delete a chat's profile photo.

  chat_id // Integer or String, Required

bot.setChatTitle(chatId, title, [options]): Change the title of a chat.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  title // String, Required

bot.setChatDescription(chatId, description, [options]): Change the description of a supergroup or a channel.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  description // String, Optional

bot.pinChatMessage(chatId, messageId, [options]): Pin a message in a supergroup or a channel.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  message_id, // Integer, Required
  disable_notification // Boolean, Optional

bot.unpinChatMessage(chatId, [options]): Unpin a message in a supergroup or a channel.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  message_id // Integer, Optional

bot.unpinAllChatMessages(chatId, [options]): Unpin all messages in a supergroup or a channel.

  chat_id // Integer or String, Required

bot.leaveChat(chatId, [options]): Leave a group, supergroup, or channel.

  chat_id // Integer or String, Required

Chat Information

bot.getChat(chatId): Get information about the chat.

  chat_id // Integer or String, Required

bot.getChatAdministrators(chatId): Get a list of administrators in a chat.

  chat_id // Integer or String, Required

bot.getChatMembersCount(chatId): Get the number of members in a chat.

  chat_id // Integer or String, Required

bot.getChatMember(chatId, userId): Get information about a member of a chat.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  user_id // Integer, Required


bot.sendSticker(chatId, sticker, [options], [fileOptions]): Send stickers.

  disable_notification, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_to_message_id, // Integer, Optional
  allow_sending_without_reply, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional
  filename, // String, Optional, If uploading from a file
  contentType // String, Optional, MIME type of the file

bot.getStickerSet(name): Get information about a sticker set.

  name // String, Required

bot.uploadStickerFile(userId, pngSticker, [options]): Upload a .png file with a sticker for later use.

  user_id, // Integer, Required
  png_sticker, // InputFile, Required
  filename, // String, Optional, If uploading from a file
  contentType // String, Optional, MIME type of the file

bot.createNewStickerSet(userId, name, title, pngSticker, emojis, [options]): Create a new sticker set.

  user_id, // Integer, Required
  name, // String, Required
  title, // String, Required
  png_sticker, // InputFile or String, Required
  emojis, // String, Required
  contains_masks, // Boolean, Optional
  mask_position // MaskPosition, Optional
  filename, // String, Optional, If uploading from a file
  contentType // String, Optional, MIME type of the file

bot.addStickerToSet(userId, name, pngSticker, emojis, [options]): Add a sticker to a set.

  user_id, // Integer, Required
  name, // String, Required
  png_sticker, // InputFile or String, Required
  emojis, // String, Required
  mask_position // MaskPosition, Optional
  filename, // String, Optional, If uploading from a file
  contentType // String, Optional, MIME type of the file

bot.setStickerPositionInSet(sticker, position, [options]): Move a sticker in a set.

  sticker, // String, Required
  position // Integer, Required

bot.deleteStickerFromSet(sticker, [options]): Delete a sticker from a set.

  sticker // String, Required

bot.setStickerSetThumb(name, userId, [thumb], [options]): Set the thumbnail of a sticker set.

  name, // String, Required
  user_id, // Integer, Required
  thumb, // InputFile or String, Optional
  filename, // String, Optional, If uploading from a file
  contentType // String, Optional, MIME type of the file


bot.sendInvoice(chatId, title, description, payload, providerToken, startParameter, currency, prices, [options]): Send an invoice.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  title, // String, Required
  description, // String, Required
  payload, // String, Required
  provider_token, // String, Required
  start_parameter, // String, Required
  currency, // String, Required
  prices, // Array of LabeledPrice, Required
  max_tip_amount, // Integer, Optional
  suggested_tip_amounts, // Array of Integer, Optional
  provider_data, // String, Optional
  photo_url, // String, Optional
  photo_size, // Integer, Optional
  photo_width, // Integer, Optional
  photo_height, // Integer, Optional
  need_name, // Boolean, Optional
  need_phone_number, // Boolean, Optional
  need_email, // Boolean, Optional
  need_shipping_address, // Boolean, Optional
  send_phone_number_to_provider, // Boolean, Optional
  send_email_to_provider, // Boolean, Optional
  is_flexible, // Boolean, Optional
  disable_notification, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_to_message_id, // Integer, Optional
  allow_sending_without_reply, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional

bot.answerShippingQuery(shippingQueryId, ok, [options]): Reply to shipping queries.

  shipping_query_id, // String, Required
  ok, // Boolean, Required
  shipping_options, // Array of ShippingOption, Optional
  error_message // String, Optional

bot.answerPreCheckoutQuery(preCheckoutQueryId, ok, [options]): Reply to pre-checkout queries.

  pre_checkout_query_id, // String, Required
  ok, // Boolean, Required
  error_message // String, Optional


bot.sendGame(chatId, gameShortName, [options]): Send a game.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  game_short_name, // String, Required
  disable_notification, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_to_message_id, // Integer, Optional
  allow_sending_without_reply, // Boolean, Optional
  reply_markup // JSON-serialized object, Optional

bot.setGameScore(userId, score, [options]): Set the score of the specified user in a game.

  user_id, // Integer, Required
  score, // Integer, Required
  force, // Boolean, Optional
  disable_edit_message, // Boolean, Optional
  chat_id, // Integer or String, Optional
  message_id, // Integer, Optional
  inline_message_id // String, Optional

bot.getGameHighScores(userId, [options]): Get the high scores of a game.

  user_id, // Integer, Required
  chat_id, // Integer or String, Optional
  message_id, // Integer, Optional
  inline_message_id // String, Optional


bot.getFile(fileId): Get basic info about a file and prepare it for downloading.

  file_id // String, Required

bot.getFileLink(fileId): Get the file download link.

  file_id // String, Required

bot.downloadFile(fileId, downloadDir): Download a file to a specific directory.

  file_id, // String, Required
  download_dir // String, Required

bot.getUserProfilePhotos(userId, [options]): Get a list of profile pictures for a user.

  user_id, // Integer, Required
  offset, // Integer, Optional
  limit // Integer, Optional

bot.getUpdates([options]): Get incoming updates using long polling.

  offset, // Integer, Optional
  limit, // Integer, Optional
  timeout, // Integer, Optional
  allowed_updates // Array of String, Optional

bot.setWebhook(url, [options]): Specify a URL and receive incoming updates via an outgoing webhook.

  url, // String, Required
  certificate, // InputFile, Optional
  ip_address, // String, Optional
  max_connections, // Integer, Optional
  allowed_updates, // Array of String, Optional
  drop_pending_updates, // Boolean, Optional
  secret_token // String, Optional
  filename, // String, Optional, If uploading from a file
  contentType // String, Optional, MIME type of the file

bot.deleteWebhook([options]): Remove webhook integration if you decide to switch back to getUpdates.

  drop_pending_updates // Boolean, Optional

bot.getWebhookInfo(): Get current webhook status.


bot.deleteMessage(chatId, messageId, [options]): Delete a message.

  chat_id, // Integer or String, Required
  message_id // Integer, Required

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