A standard procedure for merge (office) gatk repository to Schaudge:gatk4
Step 1: From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.
默认情况下 git checkout -b 将基于当前 HEAD 指向的分支创建新分支.
git checkout -b new-branch existing-branch
git checkout 命令后面跟着 existing-branch 参数,然后新分支基于该指定的分支而不是当前 HEAD.
git checkout -b broadinstitute-master master(已存在本地分支名)
设置 pull 操作自动合并策略 (如配置,可忽略)
git config pull.rebase false
git pull使用给定的参数运行git fetch,并调用git merge将检索到的分支头(master)合并到当前分支(broadinstitute-master)中.
使用--rebase,它运行git rebase而不是git merge.
pull命令使用参考: git pull <远程仓库地址> <远程分支名>:<本地分支名>
git pull https://github.com/broadinstitute/gatk.git master(:broadinstitute-master)
接收对象中: 100% (568/568), 257.96 KiB | 236.00 KiB/s, 完成.
处理 delta 中: 100% (292/292), 完成 148 个本地对象.
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
删除 src/main/java/org/broadinstitute/hellbender/utils/codecs/FeaturesHeader.java
自动合并 src/main/java/org/broadinstitute/hellbender/tools/walkers/mutect/Mutect2Engine.java
自动合并 src/main/java/org/broadinstitute/hellbender/tools/walkers/haplotypecaller/AssemblyBasedCallerUtils.java
*** !!! 冲突(内容):合并冲突于 src/main/java/org/broadinstitute/hellbender/tools/walkers/haplotypecaller/AssemblyBasedCallerUtils.java
删除 scripts/travis/install_gcloud.sh
删除 scripts/travis/install_and_authenticate_to_gcloud.sh
删除 scripts/travis/check_for_pull_request
删除 scripts/travis/README.md
*** !!! 冲突(内容):合并冲突于 .gitignore
Step 2: manual correct the expected modification and commit
(使用 "git merge --abort" 终止合并)
(使用 "git add <文件>..." 标记解决方案)
双方修改: src/main/java/org/broadinstitute/hellbender/tools/walkers/haplotypecaller/AssemblyBasedCallerUtils.java
*** !!! 人工校正 <<<<<<< (当前分支冲突内容) ======= (远程冲突内容) >>>>>>> 相关冲突内容
git add .
git commit -m "merge description"
Step 3: Merge the changes and update on GitHub.
切换回 master 分支,并将分支 (broadinstitute-master) 内容合并到 master 分支
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff broadinstitute-master
Step 4: (optional) delelte new created temp branch
remove the (local) branch broadinstitute-master
git branch -d broadinstitute-master
git describe
git tag -m "YY product"
git describe
# git push origin --tags
or build for current release
./gradlew localJar -Drelease=true -DversionOverride=