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ROS2 Template C++ Package

alt text This package is was designed as a starting point for building a ROS2 C++ package with:

  • automatically configuring cmake file
  • pre-defined structures and conventions for namespacing and code structures
  • adherence to ROS2 design conventions
  • pre-included doxygen configuration with easy to use and stylish output
  • pre-defined github actions to build the documentation and deploy it to

It is highly recomended that you complete the following checklist before you make public a repository derived from this package.

Public Repository Checklist


All public repositories for this organization must comply with the following checklist. If they do not, an administrator will make your repository private until it complies.

  • file: Every package must have a file in the root of the repository. The readme must describe, at least, the following:
    • The name of the package
    • A few sentences briefly describing what the package is for
    • Installation instructions detailed enough to be executed by a novice linux/ROS user
    • A quick start guide or hello world
    • A template is available below.
  • file: This file describes how to contribute to the project. A default is available here. It can be modified as necessary.
  • LICENSE file: A license file should be included. (the licence file in this packag has some options)
  • Semantic Versioning: The repo must adhere to Semantic Versioning 2.0.
  • An initial tagged release:
    • If the project is ready to ship include initial release with v1.0.0
    • Pre-release code may be shared and must be tagged as v0.x.y
  • All code in the master branch must ALWAYS be deployable

Highly Encouraged

  • Adherence to our Style Guide: This is especially recommended if you are starting a new project. If you are migrating an old one, it can be overlooked.
  • Use of GitFlow: Follow our guidelines on version control for more info


  • Issues template
  • Doxygen documentation for C++ code (a template can be foudn in this package)

README template

A few lines describing what your project is and what it does. A picture of your software in action is highly recomended.


how to install the package whitout compilation.


how to compile the package including dependencies and nicely formatted commands. This section should be geared toward developers and collaborators.

sudo make install

Running the package

A basic hello world use of your package


a description of the ros parameters for your package. It would be good to update the config directory too with some example yaml.


a description of any ros services your package uses


Thank you for considering a contribution to this package. Please review our CONTRIBUTING guidelines to get started.