List of possible ideas that could be implemented into this project:
- Fix animations of navbar navigation. Currently is random (?)
- 🔸 Ask for Notification permissions
- 🔸 🔥 Add media upload and download
- 🔸 🔥 Add push notifications with Firebase Cloud Messaging and Firebase Cloud Functions.
- Notification for new task
- ❓ Notification for group invite
- 🔸 🔥 Add Firebase Auth
- keep user logged in.
- Login using Google
- Validate inputs of email/passwords
- Add show password button
- Add more fields like username, profile pic etc
- 🔸 Load and save tasks to Firebase
- Button to go back to today
- Date picker on click of selected date text
- 🔸 Update task status to Firebase
- Apply new design for tasks card
- Show details of task when click
- ❓ Pre-screen/alert when confirm a task with biometric
- Show group list: current joined groups or none/personal habits
- Add frequency: option to repeat task every x days of the week/month
- 🔸 🔥 Load and save groups to Firebase
- Add option to invite users
- Add color pick
- Add image field
- 🔥 Option to invite users to a group using Firebase
- Option to show more group details (users, habits for that group, etc.)
- 🔸 Add app releated preference
- 🔸 Sync user network preference with app conections.