Note These instructions have not been tested with recent builds of PX4. We hope to provide fully tested instructions with the supported toolchain in the near future.
The build requires Python 2.7.5. Therefore as of this writing Centos 7 should be used. (For earlier Centos releases a side-by-side install of python v2.7.5 may be done. But it is not recommended because it can break yum.)
The EPEL repositories are required for openocd libftdi-devel libftdi-python
sudo yum install epel-release-7-5.noarch.rpm
yum update
yum groupinstall “Development Tools”
yum install python-setuptools python-numpy
easy_install pyserial
easy_install pexpect
easy_install toml
easy_install pyyaml
easy_install cerberus
yum install openocd libftdi-devel libftdi-python python-argparse flex bison-devel ncurses-devel ncurses-libs autoconf texinfo libtool zlib-devel cmake vim-common
Note You may want to also install python-pip and screen
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