diff --git a/src/definitions/behaviors/form.js b/src/definitions/behaviors/form.js
index c28c546d47..243689d743 100644
--- a/src/definitions/behaviors/form.js
+++ b/src/definitions/behaviors/form.js
@@ -1263,10 +1263,10 @@ $.fn.form.settings = {
     isExactly            : '{name} must be exactly "{ruleValue}"',
     not                  : '{name} cannot be set to "{ruleValue}"',
     notExactly           : '{name} cannot be set to exactly "{ruleValue}"',
-    contain              : '{name} cannot contain "{ruleValue}"',
-    containExactly       : '{name} cannot contain exactly "{ruleValue}"',
-    doesntContain        : '{name} must contain  "{ruleValue}"',
-    doesntContainExactly : '{name} must contain exactly "{ruleValue}"',
+    contain              : '{name} must contain "{ruleValue}"',
+    containExactly       : '{name} must contain exactly "{ruleValue}"',
+    doesntContain        : '{name} cannot contain  "{ruleValue}"',
+    doesntContainExactly : '{name} cannot contain exactly "{ruleValue}"',
     minLength            : '{name} must be at least {ruleValue} characters',
     length               : '{name} must be at least {ruleValue} characters',
     exactLength          : '{name} must be exactly {ruleValue} characters',