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You are in the Senzing Garage where projects are "tinkered" on. Although this GitHub repository may help you understand an approach to using Senzing, it's not considered to be "production ready" and is not considered to be part of the Senzing product. Heck, it may not even be appropriate for your application of Senzing!
Wrap a Docker image with support for MySQL database.
The contents of this repository are used to extend existing Docker images to enable them to work with the MySQL database. By itself, the Dockerfile is not useful. Rather, it can be used in the method described below, Create containers, to add files to an existing Docker image.
At Senzing, we strive to create GitHub documentation in a "don't make me think" style. For the most part, instructions are copy and paste. Icons are used to signify additional actions by the user. If the instructions are not clear, please let us know by opening a new Documentation issue describing where we can improve. Now on with the show...
- Space: This repository and demonstration require 6 GB free disk space.
- Time: Budget 40 minutes to get the demonstration up-and-running, depending on CPU and network speeds.
- Background knowledge: This repository assumes a working knowledge of:
The following steps show how to wrap existing containers with MySQL prerequisites.
Get versions of Docker images. Example:
curl -X GET \ --output /tmp/docker-versions-stable.sh \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Senzing/knowledge-base/main/lists/docker-versions-stable.sh source /tmp/docker-versions-stable.sh
✏️ List the Docker images and their corresponding environment variable name.
defaults to1001
export BASE_IMAGES=( \ "senzing/entity-search-web-app-console;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_ENTITY_SEARCH_WEB_APP_CONSOLE:-latest}" \ "senzing/redoer;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_REDOER:-latest};1001" \ "senzing/senzing-api-server;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_SENZING_API_SERVER:-latest}" \ "senzing/senzing-console;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_SENZING_CONSOLE:-latest}" \ "senzing/senzing-poc-server;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_SENZING_POC_SERVER:-latest}" \ "senzing/senzing-tools;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_SENZING_TOOLS:-latest}" \ "senzing/senzingapi-runtime;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_SENZINGAPI_RUNTIME:-latest}" \ "senzing/senzingapi-tools;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_SENZINGAPI_TOOLS:-latest}" \ "senzing/sshd;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_SSHD:-latest};0" \ "senzing/stream-loader;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_STREAM_LOADER:-latest}" \ "senzing/xterm;${SENZING_DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION_XTERM:-latest}" \ )
Build each of the MySQL compatible docker images in the list. Example:
for BASE_IMAGE in ${BASE_IMAGES[@]}; \ do \ IFS=";" read -r -a BASE_IMAGE_DATA <<< "${BASE_IMAGE}" BASE_IMAGE_NAME="${BASE_IMAGE_DATA[0]}" BASE_IMAGE_VERSION="${BASE_IMAGE_DATA[1]}" BASE_IMAGE_USER="${BASE_IMAGE_DATA[2]}" docker pull ${BASE_IMAGE_NAME}:${BASE_IMAGE_VERSION} docker build \ --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=${BASE_IMAGE_NAME}:${BASE_IMAGE_VERSION} \ --build-arg USER=${BASE_IMAGE_USER:-1001} \ --tag ${BASE_IMAGE_NAME}-mysql:${BASE_IMAGE_VERSION} \ https://github.com/senzing-garage/docker-wrap-image-with-mysql.git#main done
View license information for the software container in this Docker image. Note that this license does not permit further distribution.
This Docker image may also contain software from the Senzing GitHub community under the Apache License 2.0.
Further, as with all Docker images, this likely also contains other software which may be under other licenses (such as Bash, etc. from the base distribution, along with any direct or indirect dependencies of the primary software being contained).
As for any pre-built image usage, it is the image user's responsibility to ensure that any use of this image complies with any relevant licenses for all software contained within.