This is the official SDK library for the Serpstat API v3
API Serpstat uses the User Token to authenticate requests. You can create a token on your profile page.
Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:
$ composer require serpstat/sdk
This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
// configure your application
$config = [
'token' => '19666fc1ae1724da1d5ea2f3a99d5f5a',
$domain = '';
$keywords = 'keywords';
$url = '';
// init client with your serpstat api token
$apiClient = new \Serpstat\Sdk\Core\ApiGuzzleHttpClient($config['token']);
// create instance of any api method class
// e.g. DomainKeywordsMethod
// list of methods classes in folder src\Methods
$apiMethod = new \Serpstat\Sdk\Methods\DomainKeywordsMethod(
try {
// try call api method
$response = $apiClient->call($apiMethod);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// catch api error
$response = $e->getMessage();
Class | API Method | Description |
CheckLimitsMethod | /stats | You can check the number of requests you can perform within your daily limit by using the command stats |
DomainInfoMethod | /domain_info | This report provides you with the number of keywords domain uses in SEO and PPC, shows its online visibility and other metrics. |
DomainHistoryMethod | /domain_history | This report provides you with the historical data on a domain’s number of keywords and visibility. |
DomainKeywordsMethod | /domain_keywords | This report shows keywords a domain ranks for in Google top 100 search results. |
DomainUrlsMethod | /domain_urls | Returns the list of URLs within the analyzed domain. Also shows the number of keywords from top-100 for each URL. |
DomainsIntersectionMethod | /domains_intersection | Shows common keywords of up to 3 domains |
DomainsUniqKeywordsMethod | /domains_uniq_keywords | Shows unique keywords of a domain. Keywords that queried domain has in common with one or two other domains are removed from the list. |
GetTopUrlsMethod | /get_top_urls | Shows top urls by domain. |
CompetitorsMethod | /competitors | The report lists all domains that rank for the given keyword in Google top 20 results |
KeywordsMethod | /keywords | This method uses a full text search to find all keywords that match the queried term. For every keyword found you’ll see its volume, CPC and level of competition. |
KeywordInfoMethod | /keyword_info | This report provides you with the keyword overview showing its volume, CPC and level of competition |
SuggestionsMethod | /suggestions | This report lists autocomplete suggestions for the keyword you requested (they are found by the full text search). |
RelatedKeywordsMethod | /related_keywords | This report gives you a comprehensive list of related keywords whose SERP is similar to the one the requested keyword has (only for Account Types Standard and Professional). |
KeywordTopMethod | /keyword_top | This report shows you Google top 100 organic search results for the keyword you requested. |
AdKeywordsMethod | /ad_keywords | This report shows you ads copies that pop up for the queried keyword in Google paid search results. |
UrlKeywordsMethod | /url_keywords | The report lists keywords that URL ranks for in Google search results. |
UrlCompetitorsMethod | /url_competitors | Shows the list of URLs that compete with a queried URL in organic search. |
UrlMissingKeywordsMethod | /url_missing_keywords | Shows a list of keywords that competitors' URLs rank for in top-10 but that are missing from the queried page. |
Exception Class | Code | Message |
ApiException | - | - |
ApiInvalidRequestException | 400 | Invalid request |
ApiLimitExceededException | 402 | Tariff limits exceeded |
ApiAccessErrorException | 403 | Authorization problems (wrong token, forbidden action or user blocked) |
ApiNoResultsException | 404 | No results |
ApiFrequencyExceededException | 429 | Request frequency exceeded (increase the timeout between requests) |
ApiServerException | 500 | Server error |
InvalidParamException | 500 | Invalid parameter |
ParseResponseException | 500 | Unable to parse response |