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Miles B Huff edited this page Jan 5, 2020 · 17 revisions

Players in SettleScape have one of five primary ranks, each with certain requirements and perks.

Table of Contents


What is a rank?
Every player begins at Wanderer rank. You are able to rank up by progressing in the server and reaching various goals. Each rank has a Power level as well as a monetary and material cost.
How do I rank up?
After obtaining all the requirements for ranking up, use the command /rankup. Make sure the item requirements for the rankup are in your inventory.
CAUTION: ranking up will CONSUME the required items, so make sure you're okay with losing them before ranking up!


This is the rank players have when joining the server. It is intended to give a mostly vanilla Minecraft experience.



  • Can teleport to their most-recent bed with /home bed.


  • May not join towns †
† This restriction is not currently functional.


This is the second rank. It builds upon the Wanderer rank, adding simple quality-of-life improvements to the player, and granting them the ability to access chat commands that a less-trusted player might use for spam. To become a Traveller, a player must prove that they have completed the Overworld and reached the Nether.


  • Power level of 50
  • $10,000
  • 5 diamonds
  • 5 obsidian blocks



  • Can set a home with /sethome and teleport to that home with /home home.
  • Can craft without a crafting table: /wb.
  • Can edit signs: /es.
  • Can wipe their inventory: TODO.


  • Can use formatting codes in chat
  • URLs sent in chat are linkified
  • Access to CraftBook pay signs
  • Can right-click with coal to measure the current of a redstone wire
  • Can right-click with glowstone to measure light-levels
  • Can scroll up/down to choose paintings
  • Can join towns


  • May not create towns †
† This restriction is not currently functional.


Settlers have conquered the Nether, and accordingly have been afforded the ability to name themselves and wear fancy hats. They are also the first rank that can found their own towns.


  • Power level of 100
  • $20,000
  • 5 Ghast tears
  • 5 Ender eyes



  • Can create custom homes with /sethome WHATEVER.
  • Can delete homes with /delhome WHATEVER.
  • Can set a cosmetic hat with /hat.
  • Can set a custom nickname with /nick.


  • May not create nations †
† This restriction is not currently functional.


The Explorer has conquered the End, and has received the ability to access their Enderchest and return after teleporting.


  • Power level of 200
  • $40,000
  • 5 Shulker shells
  • 1 Dragon head



  • Ability to use the `/back` command to teleport back to the place the teleported from. (Example: after using `/home yourHome` to return home during an adventure, you can use `/back` to teleport back to your adventure)
  • Ability to use the `/ec` command to open your ender chest at any time


Pathfinders have completed the game, and in addition to several once-a-day powers, can silk-touch mob spawners.




  • Ability to extinguise yourself if on fire by using command `/ext` at any time
  • Ability to refill your hunger meeter by using command `/feed` once every 3 minutes. Shares a cooldown timer with the heal superpower.
  • Ability to refill your healthbar by using command `/heal` once every 3 minutes. Shares a cooldown timer with the feed superpower.


  • 50% of obtaining a mob spawner when breaking it


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