From df6289851499239fd7040985be5eec17c540f08f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: nilsreichardt Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2025 10:03:09 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Translate with Gemini --- lib/sharezone_localizations/l10n/app_en.arb | 179 +++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 139 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-) diff --git a/lib/sharezone_localizations/l10n/app_en.arb b/lib/sharezone_localizations/l10n/app_en.arb index 2c52b3e6a..b45de3031 100644 --- a/lib/sharezone_localizations/l10n/app_en.arb +++ b/lib/sharezone_localizations/l10n/app_en.arb @@ -1,42 +1,141 @@ { - "@@locale": "en", - "@_APP": {}, - "appName": "Sharezone", - "@_COMMON": {}, - "commonActionsCancel": "Cancel", - "commonActionsConfirm": "Confirm", - "commonActionsSave": "Speichern", - "commonActionsClose": "Schließen", - "commonActionsContactSupport": "Support kontaktieren", - "instagram": "Instagram", - "twitter": "Twitter", - "linkedIn": "LinkedIn", - "discord": "Discord", - "email": "Email", - "gitHub": "GitHub", - "@_LANGUAGES": {}, - "languagePageTitle": "Langauge", - "languageSystemName": "System", - "languageDeName": "German", - "languageEnName": "English", - "@_IMPRINT_PAGE": {}, - "imprintPageTitle": "Imprint", - "@_ABOUT_PAGE": {}, - "aboutPageTitle": "About us", - "aboutPageHeaderTitle": "Sharezone", - "aboutPageHeaderSubtitle": "The connected school planner", - "aboutPageVersion": "Version: {version} ({buildNumber})", - "@aboutPageVersion": { - "placeholders": { - "version": { - "type": "String?", - "example": "1.5.2" - }, - "buildNumber": { - "type": "String?", - "example": "234" - } - } - }, - "aboutPageFollowUsTitle": "Follow us" + "@@locale": "en", + "appName": "Sharezone", + "commonActionsCancel": "Cancel", + "commonActionsConfirm": "Confirm", + "commonActionsSave": "Save", + "commonActionsClose": "Close", + "commonActionsOk": "OK", + "commonActionsYes": "Yes", + "commonActionsAlright": "Alright", + "commonActionsDelete": "Delete", + "commonActionsContactSupport": "Contact support", + "commonDisplayError": "Error: {error}", + "instagram": "Instagram", + "twitter": "Twitter", + "linkedIn": "LinkedIn", + "discord": "Discord", + "email": "Email", + "gitHub": "GitHub", + "contactSupportButton": "Contact support", + "languagePageTitle": "Langauge", + "languageSystemName": "System", + "languageDeName": "German", + "languageEnName": "English", + "imprintPageTitle": "Imprint", + "aboutPageTitle": "About us", + "aboutPageHeaderTitle": "Sharezone", + "aboutPageHeaderSubtitle": "The connected school planner", + "aboutPageVersion": "Version: {version} ({buildNumber})", + "aboutPageLoadingVersion": "Loading version...", + "aboutPageFollowUsTitle": "Follow us", + "aboutPageFollowUsSubtitle": "Follow us on our channels to stay up to date.", + "aboutPageAboutSectionTitle": "What is Sharezone?", + "aboutPageAboutSectionDescription": "Sharezone is a connected school planner that catapults the organization of students, teachers, and parents from the Stone Age into the digital age. The homework diary, the schedule, the file storage, and much more are shared directly with the entire class. No school registration or teacher management is required, so you can get started right away and organize your school day easily and conveniently.", + "aboutPageAboutSectionVisitWebsite": "For more information, simply visit", + "aboutPageEmailCopiedConfirmation": "Email: {email_address}", + "aboutPageTeamSectionTitle": "About Us", + "changeTypeOfUserPageTitle": "Change Account Type", + "changeTypeOfUserPageErrorDialogTitle": "Error", + "changeTypeOfUserPageErrorDialogContentUnknown": "Error: {error}. Please contact support.", + "changeTypeOfUserPageErrorDialogContentNoTypeOfUserSelected": "No account type selected.", + "changeTypeOfUserPageErrorDialogContentTypeOfUserHasNotChanged": "The account type has not changed.", + "changeTypeOfUserPageErrorDialogContentChangedTypeOfUserTooOften": "You can only change your account type twice every 14 days. This limit has been reached. Please wait until {blockedUntil}.", + "changeTypeOfUserPagePermissionNote": "Please note the following:\n* You can only change your account type twice within 14 days.\n* Changing the user type does not grant you any further permissions in the groups. The group permissions (\"Administrator\", \"Active Member\", \"Passive Member\") are decisive.", + "changeTypeOfUserPageRestartAppDialogTitle": "Restart Required", + "changeTypeOfUserPageRestartAppDialogContent": "Your account type has been changed successfully. However, the app must be restarted for the change to take effect.", + "changePasswordPageTitle": "Change Password", + "changePasswordPageCurrentPasswordTextfieldLabel": "Current Password", + "changePasswordPageNewPasswordTextfieldLabel": "New Password", + "changePasswordPageResetCurrentPasswordButton": "Forgot current password?", + "changePasswordPageResetCurrentPasswordDialogTitle": "Reset Password", + "changePasswordPageResetCurrentPasswordDialogContent": "Should we send you an email to reset your password?", + "changePasswordPageResetCurrentPasswordLoading": "Preparing to send email...", + "changePasswordPageResetCurrentPasswordEmailSentConfirmation": "We've sent you an email to reset your password.", + "changeEmailAddressPageTitle": "Change Email", + "changeEmailAddressPageCurrentEmailTextfieldLabel": "Current", + "changeEmailAddressPageNewEmailTextfieldLabel": "New", + "changeEmailAddressPagePasswordTextfieldLabel": "Password", + "changeEmailAddressPageNoteOnAutomaticSignOutSignIn": "Note: If your email is changed, you'll be automatically signed out and back in - so don't be surprised 😉", + "changeEmailAddressPageWhyWeNeedTheEmailInfoTitle": "Why do we need your email?", + "changeEmailAddressPageWhyWeNeedTheEmailInfoContent": "You need your email to log in. If you happen to forget your password, we can send you a link to reset your password to this email address. Your email address is only visible to you, and no one else.", + "changeStatePageTitle": "Change State", + "changeStatePageErrorLoadingState": "Error displaying the states. If the error persists, please contact us.", + "changeStatePageErrorChangingState": "Error changing your state! :(", + "changeStatePageWhyWeNeedTheStateInfoTitle": "Why do we need your state?", + "changeStatePageWhyWeNeedTheStateInfoContent": "With the help of the state, we can calculate the remaining days until the next holidays. If you do not want to provide this information, please select \"Remain anonymous\" for the state.", + "stateBadenWuerttemberg": "Baden-Württemberg", + "stateBayern": "Bavaria", + "stateBerlin": "Berlin", + "stateBrandenburg": "Brandenburg", + "stateBremen": "Bremen", + "stateHamburg": "Hamburg", + "stateHessen": "Hesse", + "stateMecklenburgVorpommern": "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern", + "stateNiedersachsen": "Lower Saxony", + "stateNordrheinWestfalen": "North Rhine-Westphalia", + "stateRheinlandPfalz": "Rhineland-Palatinate", + "stateSaarland": "Saarland", + "stateSachsen": "Saxony", + "stateSachsenAnhalt": "Saxony-Anhalt", + "stateSchleswigHolstein": "Schleswig-Holstein", + "stateThueringen": "Thuringia", + "stateNotFromGermany": "Not from Germany", + "stateAnonymous": "Remain anonymous", + "stateNotSelected": "Not selected", + "myProfilePageTitle": "My Account", + "myProfilePageNameTile": "Name", + "myProfilePageActivationCodeTile": "Enter Activation Code", + "myProfilePageEmailTile": "Email", + "myProfilePageEmailNotChangeable": "Your account is linked to a Google account. Therefore, you cannot change your email.", + "myProfilePageEmailAccountTypeTitle": "Account Type", + "myProfilePageChangePasswordTile": "Change Password", + "myProfilePageChangedPasswordConfirmation": "Password changed successfully.", + "myProfilePageStateTile": "State", + "myProfilePageSignInMethodTile": "Sign-in Method", + "myProfilePageSignInMethodChangeNotPossibleDialogTitle": "Cannot change sign-in method", + "myProfilePageSignInMethodChangeNotPossibleDialogContent": "The sign-in method can currently only be set during registration. It cannot be changed later.", + "myProfilePageSupportTeamTile": "Support the Developers", + "myProfilePageSupportTeamDescription": "By sharing anonymous user data, you help us make the app even easier and more user-friendly.", + "myProfilePageCopyUserIdTile": "User ID", + "myProfilePageCopyUserIdConfirmation": "User ID copied.", + "myProfilePageSignOutButton": "Sign out", + "myProfilePageDeleteAccountButton": "Delete Account", + "myProfilePageDeleteAccountDialogTitle": "If your account is deleted, all your data will be deleted. This process cannot be undone.", + "myProfilePageDeleteAccountDialogContent": "Do you really want to delete your account?", + "myProfilePageDeleteAccountDialogPleaseEnterYourPassword": "Please enter your password to delete your account.", + "myProfilePageDeleteAccountDialogPasswordTextfieldLabel": "Password", + "themePageTitle": "Appearance", + "themePageLightDarkModeSectionTitle": "Light & Dark Mode", + "themePageDarkMode": "Dark Mode", + "themePageLightMode": "Light Mode", + "themePageSystemMode": "System", + "themePageRateOurAppCardTitle": "Do you like Sharezone?", + "themePageRateOurAppCardContent": "If you like Sharezone, we would really appreciate a rating! 🙏 Don't like something? Just contact support 👍", + "themePageRateOurAppCardRatingsNotAvailableOnWebDialogTitle": "App rating only possible via iOS & Android!", + "themePageRateOurAppCardRatingsNotAvailableOnWebDialogContent": "The app cannot be rated via the web app. Just use your phone 👍", + "themePageRateOurAppCardRateButton": "Rate", + "themePageNavigationExperimentSectionTitle": "Experiment: New Navigation", + "themePageNavigationExperimentSectionContent": "We are currently testing a new navigation. Please give us a short feedback via the feedback box or our Discord server on how you like the respective options.", + "themePageNavigationExperimentOptionTile": "Option {number}: {name}", + "navigationExperimentOptionDrawerAndBnb": "Current Navigation", + "navigationExperimentOptionExtendableBnb": "New Navigation - Without More Button", + "navigationExperimentOptionExtendableBnbWithMoreButton": "New Navigation - With More Button", + "timetableSettingsPageTitle": "Timetable", + "timetableSettingsPagePeriodsFieldTileTitle": "Class Times", + "timetableSettingsPagePeriodsFieldTileSubtitle": "Timetable start, lesson length, etc.", + "timetableSettingsPageIcalLinksTitleTitle": "Export appointments, exams, timetable (iCal)", + "timetableSettingsPageIcalLinksTitleSubtitle": "Synchronization with Google Calendar, Apple Calendar etc.", + "timetableSettingsPageIcalLinksPlusDialogContent": "With an iCal link you can integrate your timetable and appointments into other calendar apps (such as Google Calendar, Apple Calendar). As soon as your timetable or appointments change, they will also be updated in your other calendar apps.\n\nUnlike the \"Add to Calendar\" button, you don't have to worry about updating the appointment in your calendar app if something changes in Sharezone.\n\niCal links are only visible to you and cannot be viewed by other people.\n\nPlease note that currently only appointments and exams can be exported. School lessons cannot be exported yet.", + "timetableSettingsPageEnabledWeekDaysTileTitle": "Enabled Weekdays", + "timetableSettingsPageLessonLengthTileTile": "Lesson Length", + "timetableSettingsPageLessonLengthTileSubtile": "Length of a lesson", + "timetableSettingsPageLessonLengthTileTrailing": "{length} Min.", + "timetableSettingsPageLessonLengthSavedConfirmation": "Lesson length has been saved.", + "timetableSettingsPageLessonLengthEditDialog": "Select the lesson length in minutes.", + "timetableSettingsPageIsFiveMinutesIntervalActiveTileTitle": "Five-minute interval for the time picker", + "timetableSettingsPageShowLessonsAbbreviation": "Show abbreviations in timetable", + "timetableSettingsPageABWeekTileTitle": "A/B Weeks", + "timetableSettingsPageAWeeksAreEvenSwitch": "A-weeks are even calendar weeks", + "timetableSettingsPageThisWeekIs": "This week is calendar week {calendar_week}. A-weeks are {is_a_week_even} calendar weeks and therefore it is currently a {even_or_odd_week}" } \ No newline at end of file