In this chapter, I'm gonna explain about a vehicle model definition. The vehicle model is defined as a four wheels vehicle based on Kinematics and Geometry. And then, the vehicle is controlled by acceleration input and yaw rate input.
A vehicle's state is defined as follow.
- Position (x, y)[m]
- Yaw angle[rad]
- Speed[m/s]
State class which manages these data is implemented.
Author: Shisato Yano
from math import cos, sin
import numpy as np
class State:
Vehicle state(x, y, yaw, speed) data and logic class
def __init__(self, x_m=0.0, y_m=0.0, yaw_rad=0.0, speed_mps=0.0, color='k'):
x_m: Vehicle's position, x[m]
y_m: Vehicle's position, y[m]
yaw_rad: Vehicle's yaw angle[rad]
speed_mps: Vehicle's speed[m/s]
self.STOP_SPEED_MPS = 0.5 / 3.6 # 0.5[km/h]
self.MAX_SPEED_MPS = 60 / 3.6 # 60[km/h]
self.MIN_SPEED_MPS = -10 / 3.6 # -10[km/h]
self.DRAW_COLOR = color
self.x_m = x_m
self.y_m = y_m
self.yaw_rad = yaw_rad
self.speed_mps = speed_mps
self.x_history = [self.x_m]
self.y_history = [self.y_m]
In this code, an initial state including position (x, y), yaw angle and speed is given to a constructor. Additionally, one more argument, "color" is defined for setting the color of position (x, y) plot. And then, the position is stored into 2 member variables, x_history and y_history to record it at each time steps. Finally, 3 constant values, STOP_SPEED_MPS, MAX_SPEED_MPS and MIN_SPEED_MPS are defined to limit a range of the speed computation.
I define the vehicle's motion and a state equation in this section. The vehicle's motion is defined as constant acceleration linear motion model. Then, an input given to the vehicle is acceleration[m/s2] and yaw rate[rad/s]. The vehicle's state can be updated with the input based on the motion model. The positive direction of the vehicle's yaw angle is left direction. This model can be implemented as State class's member methos as follow.
def motion_model(state, input, time_s):
Static function of motion model of vehicle state
state: Vehicle's state (x, y, yaw, speed) object
input: Motion input (acceleration, yaw rate) object
time_s: Time interval per cycle[sec]
# to fix DeprecationWarning: Conversion of an array with ndim > 0
# to a scalar is deprecated, and will error in future.
# Ensure you extract a single element from your array
# before performing this operation. (Deprecated NumPy 1.25.)
yaw_rad = state.item(2) # do not extract an element like state[2]
A = np.array([[1, 0, 0, cos(yaw_rad) * time_s],
[0, 1, 0, sin(yaw_rad) * time_s],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]])
B = np.array([[(cos(yaw_rad) * time_s**2) / 2, 0],
[(sin(yaw_rad) * time_s**2) / 2, 0],
[0, time_s],
[time_s, 0]])
return A @ state + B @ input
This method is defined as a static method. When you want to use this method, you don't need to generate the State class's object. 2 matrix A and B in this code is to represent multiple state variables as a state equation.
I implement a member method of State class, "update" to compute the vehicle's state at the next time step. The input of acceleration, yaw rate and an interval time per cycle[sec] are given as arguments.
def update(self, accel_mps2, yaw_rate_rps, time_s):
Function to update state
accel_mps2: Acceleration[m/s^2]
steer_rad: Steering angle[rad]
time_s: Time interval per cycle[sec]
last_state = np.array([[self.x_m],
next_input = np.array([[accel_mps2],
next_state = self.motion_model(last_state, next_input, time_s)
self.x_m = next_state[0, 0]
self.y_m = next_state[1, 0]
self.yaw_rad = next_state[2, 0]
self.speed_mps = next_state[3, 0]
if abs(self.speed_mps) < self.STOP_SPEED_MPS: self.speed_mps = 0.0
if self.speed_mps > self.MAX_SPEED_MPS: self.speed_mps = self.MAX_SPEED_MPS
if self.speed_mps < self.MIN_SPEED_MPS: self.speed_mps = self.MIN_SPEED_MPS
In this code, a new state at the next time step can be computed with the method, "motion_model". If the updated speed was lower than STOP_SPEED_MPS, the speed would be set to 0 to make the vehicle stopped. And then, the speed is limited between MAX_SPEED_MPS and MIN_SPEED_MPS. Finally, the updated position (x, y) is stored to those list of history.
This section provides the explanation of the vehicle's parts class. The vehicle is separated into the following multiple parts and those drawing classes are implemented.
- Body
- Chasis
- Front axle
- Rear axle
- Front Right/Left tire
- Rear Right/Left tire
Implementing a member method of State class, "draw" for visualization. In this code, Those lists of x, y history are plot and the current speed is also visualized.
def draw(self, axes, elems):
Function to draw x-y history and speed
hist_plot, = axes.plot(self.x_history, self.y_history, linewidth=0, marker='.', color=self.DRAW_COLOR)
elems.append(axes.text(self.x_m, self.y_m + 2, "Speed: " + str(round(self.speed_mps * 3.6, 1)) + "[km/h]", fontsize=10))
The vehicle's drawing is represented as x-y 2D array. So, I implement X-Y Array class as follow.
Author: Shisato Yano
from math import sin, cos
import numpy as np
class XYArray:
X-Y 2D array data and logic class
def __init__(self, data):
data: np.array([[x1, x2,..., xn], [y1, y2,..., yn]])
""" = data
def homogeneous_transformation(self, x, y, angle_rad):
Function for homogeneous transformation
x: Amount of x-axis translation
y: Amount of y-axis translation
angle_rad: Rotation angle[rad]
Return transformed XYArray object
angle_cos = cos(angle_rad)
angle_sin = sin(angle_rad)
rotation_matrix = np.array([[angle_cos, -angle_sin],
[angle_sin, angle_cos]])
rotated_data = rotation_matrix @
translated_data = rotated_data + np.ones(rotated_data.shape) * np.array([[x], [y]])
return XYArray(translated_data)
In this code, a given data to Constructor is x-y 2D array. Then, the data can be transformed based on the vehicle's position (x, y) and yaw angle. After the data was transformed, a new XYArray object with the transformed data is returned.
Implementing Vehicle's specification class as follow. This class is used to manage each parameters for the vehicle's control.
Author: Shisato Yano
import sys
from pathlib import Path
sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).absolute().parent) + "/../visualization")
from min_max import MinMax
class VehicleSpecification:
Vehicle Specification parameters class
def __init__(self, f_len_m=2.0, r_len_m=0.0, tire_r_m=0.3,
tire_w_m=0.12, axle_half_m=0.5, color='k',
line_w=1.0, line_type='-', area_size=10.0,
x_lim=MinMax(-30, 30), y_lim=MinMax(-30, 30),
f_len_m: length[m] from origin to center of front axle
r_len_m: length[m] from origin to center of rear axle
tire_r_m: tire's radius[m]
tire_w_m: tire's half of width[m]
color: vehicle's color
line_w: plot line's width
line_type: plot line's type
area_size: plot area size[m]
x_lim: min/max values of x-axis
y_lim: min/max values of y-axis
max_accel_mps2: maximum acceleration/deceleration[m/s2]
self.f_len_m = f_len_m
self.f_edge_m = self.f_len_m + 0.5
self.r_len_m = r_len_m
self.r_edge_m = self.r_len_m + 0.5
self.tread_m = 0.25 * (1.0 + self.f_len_m + self.r_len_m)
self.width_m = 1.0 * self.tread_m
self.wheel_base_m = self.f_len_m + self.r_len_m
self.tire_r_m = tire_r_m
self.tire_w_m = tire_w_m
self.axle_half_m = axle_half_m
self.color = color
self.line_w = line_w
self.line_type = line_type
self.area_size = area_size
self.x_lim = x_lim
self.y_lim = y_lim
self.max_accel_mps2 = max_accel_mps2
The vehicle has the following parameters as specification. The vehicle is drawn according to the parameters.
- Length from origin to center of front axle[m]
- Length from origin to center of rear axle[m]
- Length from origin to edge of front body[m]
- Length from origin to edge of rear body[m]
- Length of Tread[m]
- Body's width[m]
- Length of wheel base[m]
- Tire's radius[m]
- Tire's width[m]
- Half of axle length[m]
- Drawing color
- Type of line
- Size of zoom area around vehicle[m]
- Limitation in x axis[m]
- Limitation in y axis[m]
- Maximum acceleration[m/s2]
Vehicle body class is implemented as follow. This class is used for drawing the vehicle's body according to the specification.
Author: Shisato Yano
import numpy as np
import sys
from pathlib import Path
sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).absolute().parent) + "/../array")
from xy_array import XYArray
class Body:
Vehicle Body class
def __init__(self, spec):
spec: object of VehicleSpecification class
self.spec = spec
contour = np.array([[self.spec.f_edge_m, -self.spec.r_edge_m, -self.spec.r_edge_m, self.spec.f_edge_m, self.spec.f_edge_m],
[self.spec.width_m, self.spec.width_m, -self.spec.width_m, -self.spec.width_m, self.spec.width_m]])
self.array = XYArray(contour)
def draw(self, axes, pose, elems):
Function to plot vehicle's body lines
axes: Axes object of figure
pose: Vehicle's pose vector
elems: List of plot objects
transformed_array = self.array.homogeneous_transformation(pose[0, 0], pose[1, 0], pose[2, 0])
body_plot, = axes.plot(transformed_array.get_x_data(), transformed_array.get_y_data(),
lw=self.spec.line_w, color=self.spec.color, ls=self.spec.line_type)
Vehicle chassis class is implemented as follow. This class is used for drawing the vehicle's chassis according to the specification.
Author: Shisato Yano
import numpy as np
import sys
from pathlib import Path
sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).absolute().parent) + "/../array")
from xy_array import XYArray
class Chassis:
Vehicle Chassis class
def __init__(self, spec):
spec: object of VehicleSpecification class
self.spec = spec
contour = np.array([[self.spec.f_len_m, -self.spec.r_len_m],
[0.0, 0.0]])
self.array = XYArray(contour)
def draw(self, axes, pose, elems):
Function to plot vehicle's chassis lines
axes: Axes object of figure
pose: Vehicle's pose vector
elems: List of plot objects
transformed_array = self.array.homogeneous_transformation(pose[0, 0], pose[1, 0], pose[2, 0])
chassis_plot, = axes.plot(transformed_array.get_x_data(), transformed_array.get_y_data(),
lw=self.spec.line_w, color=self.spec.color, ls=self.spec.line_type)
Vehicle front axle class is implemented as follow. This class is used for drawing the vehicle's front axle according to the specification.
Author: Shisato Yano
import numpy as np
import sys
from pathlib import Path
sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).absolute().parent) + "/../array")
from xy_array import XYArray
class FrontAxle:
Vehicle Front Axle class
def __init__(self, spec):
spec: object of VehicleSpecification class
self.spec = spec
self.offset_x_m = spec.f_len_m
self.offset_y_m = spec.axle_half_m
contour = np.array([[0.0, 0.0],
[self.offset_y_m, -self.offset_y_m]])
self.array = XYArray(contour)
def draw(self, axes, pose, elems):
Function to plot vehicle's front axle's lines
axes: Axes object of figure
pose: Vehicle's pose vector
elems: List of plot objects
translated_array = self.array.homogeneous_transformation(self.offset_x_m, 0.0, 0.0)
transformed_array = translated_array.homogeneous_transformation(pose[0, 0], pose[1, 0], pose[2, 0])
axle_plot, = axes.plot(transformed_array.get_x_data(), transformed_array.get_y_data(),
lw=self.spec.line_w, color=self.spec.color, ls=self.spec.line_type)
Vehicle rear axle class is implemented as follow. This class is used for drawing the vehicle's rear axle according to the specification.
Author: Shisato Yano
import numpy as np
import sys
from pathlib import Path
sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).absolute().parent) + "/../array")
from xy_array import XYArray
class RearAxle:
Vehicle Rear Axle class
def __init__(self, spec):
spec: object of VehicleSpecification class
self.spec = spec
self.offset_x_m = spec.r_len_m
self.offset_y_m = spec.axle_half_m
contour = np.array([[0.0, 0.0],
[self.offset_y_m, -self.offset_y_m]])
self.array = XYArray(contour)
def draw(self, axes, pose, elems):
Function to plot vehicle's rear axle's lines
axes: Axes object of figure
pose: Vehicle's pose vector
elems: List of plot objects
translated_array = self.array.homogeneous_transformation(self.offset_x_m, 0.0, 0.0)
transformed_array = translated_array.homogeneous_transformation(pose[0, 0], pose[1, 0], pose[2, 0])
axle_plot, = axes.plot(transformed_array.get_x_data(), transformed_array.get_y_data(),
lw=self.spec.line_w, color=self.spec.color, ls=self.spec.line_type)
Vehicle front left tire class is implemented as follow. This class is used for drawing the vehicle's front left tire according to the specification.
Author: Shisato Yano
import numpy as np
import sys
from pathlib import Path
sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).absolute().parent) + "/../array")
from xy_array import XYArray
class FrontLeftTire:
Vehicle Front Left Tire class
def __init__(self, spec):
spec: object of VehicleSpecification class
self.spec = spec
self.offset_x_m = spec.f_len_m
self.offset_y_m = spec.axle_half_m
contour = np.array([[self.spec.tire_r_m, -self.spec.tire_r_m, -self.spec.tire_r_m, self.spec.tire_r_m, self.spec.tire_r_m],
[self.spec.tire_w_m, self.spec.tire_w_m, -self.spec.tire_w_m, -self.spec.tire_w_m, self.spec.tire_w_m]])
self.array = XYArray(contour)
def draw(self, axes, pose, steer_rad, elems):
Function to plot vehicle's front left tire's lines
axes: Axes object of figure
pose: Vehicle's pose vector
steer_rad: Tire's steering angle[rad]
elems: List of plot objects
translated_array = self.array.homogeneous_transformation(self.offset_x_m, self.offset_y_m, steer_rad)
transformed_array = translated_array.homogeneous_transformation(pose[0, 0], pose[1, 0], pose[2, 0])
tire_plot, = axes.plot(transformed_array.get_x_data(), transformed_array.get_y_data(),
lw=self.spec.line_w, color=self.spec.color, ls=self.spec.line_type)
Vehicle front right tire class is implemented as follow. This class is used for drawing the vehicle's front right tire according to the specification.
Author: Shisato Yano
import numpy as np
import sys
from pathlib import Path
sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).absolute().parent) + "/../array")
from xy_array import XYArray
class FrontRightTire:
Vehicle Front Right Tire class
def __init__(self, spec):
spec: object of VehicleSpecification class
self.spec = spec
self.offset_x_m = spec.f_len_m
self.offset_y_m = -spec.axle_half_m
contour = np.array([[self.spec.tire_r_m, -self.spec.tire_r_m, -self.spec.tire_r_m, self.spec.tire_r_m, self.spec.tire_r_m],
[self.spec.tire_w_m, self.spec.tire_w_m, -self.spec.tire_w_m, -self.spec.tire_w_m, self.spec.tire_w_m]])
self.array = XYArray(contour)
def draw(self, axes, pose, steer_rad, elems):
Function to plot vehicle's front right tire's lines
axes: Axes object of figure
pose: Vehicle's pose vector
steer_rad: Tire's steering angle[rad]
elems: List of plot objects
translated_array = self.array.homogeneous_transformation(self.offset_x_m, self.offset_y_m, steer_rad)
transformed_array = translated_array.homogeneous_transformation(pose[0, 0], pose[1, 0], pose[2, 0])
tire_plot, = axes.plot(transformed_array.get_x_data(), transformed_array.get_y_data(),
lw=self.spec.line_w, color=self.spec.color, ls=self.spec.line_type)
Vehicle rear left tire class is implemented as follow. This class is used for drawing the vehicle's rear left tire according to the specification.
Author: Shisato Yano
import numpy as np
import sys
from pathlib import Path
sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).absolute().parent) + "/../array")
from xy_array import XYArray
class RearLeftTire:
Vehicle Rear Left Tire class
def __init__(self, spec):
spec: object of VehicleSpecification class
self.spec = spec
self.offset_x_m = -spec.r_len_m
self.offset_y_m = spec.axle_half_m
contour = np.array([[self.spec.tire_r_m, -self.spec.tire_r_m, -self.spec.tire_r_m, self.spec.tire_r_m, self.spec.tire_r_m],
[self.spec.tire_w_m, self.spec.tire_w_m, -self.spec.tire_w_m, -self.spec.tire_w_m, self.spec.tire_w_m]])
self.array = XYArray(contour)
def draw(self, axes, pose, elems):
Function to plot vehicle's rear left tire's lines
axes: Axes object of figure
pose: Vehicle's pose vector
elems: List of plot objects
translated_array = self.array.homogeneous_transformation(self.offset_x_m, self.offset_y_m, 0.0)
transformed_array = translated_array.homogeneous_transformation(pose[0, 0], pose[1, 0], pose[2, 0])
tire_plot, = axes.plot(transformed_array.get_x_data(), transformed_array.get_y_data(),
lw=self.spec.line_w, color=self.spec.color, ls=self.spec.line_type)
Vehicle rear left tire class is implemented as follow. This class is used for drawing the vehicle's rear left tire according to the specification.
Author: Shisato Yano
import numpy as np
import sys
from pathlib import Path
sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).absolute().parent) + "/../array")
from xy_array import XYArray
class RearRightTire:
Vehicle Rear Right Tire class
def __init__(self, spec):
spec: object of VehicleSpecification class
self.spec = spec
self.offset_x_m = -spec.r_len_m
self.offset_y_m = -spec.axle_half_m
contour = np.array([[self.spec.tire_r_m, -self.spec.tire_r_m, -self.spec.tire_r_m, self.spec.tire_r_m, self.spec.tire_r_m],
[self.spec.tire_w_m, self.spec.tire_w_m, -self.spec.tire_w_m, -self.spec.tire_w_m, self.spec.tire_w_m]])
self.array = XYArray(contour)
def draw(self, axes, pose, elems):
Function to plot vehicle's rear right tire's lines
axes: Axes object of figure
pose: Vehicle's pose vector
elems: List of plot objects
translated_array = self.array.homogeneous_transformation(self.offset_x_m, self.offset_y_m, 0.0)
transformed_array = translated_array.homogeneous_transformation(pose[0, 0], pose[1, 0], pose[2, 0])
tire_plot, = axes.plot(transformed_array.get_x_data(), transformed_array.get_y_data(),
lw=self.spec.line_w, color=self.spec.color, ls=self.spec.line_type)
FourWheelsVehicle class is implemented by importing the above each parts class.
Author: Shisato Yano
from body import Body
from chassis import Chassis
from front_left_tire import FrontLeftTire
from front_right_tire import FrontRightTire
from rear_left_tire import RearLeftTire
from rear_right_tire import RearRightTire
from front_axle import FrontAxle
from rear_axle import RearAxle
class FourWheelsVehicle:
Four Wheels Vehicle model class
def __init__(self, state, spec, show_zoom=True):
state: Vehicle's state object
spec: Vehicle's specification object
show_zoom: Flag for zoom around vehicle
self.state = state
self.spec = spec
self.body = Body(spec)
self.chassis = Chassis(spec)
self.front_left_tire = FrontLeftTire(spec)
self.front_right_tire = FrontRightTire(spec)
self.rear_left_tire = RearLeftTire(spec)
self.rear_right_tire = RearRightTire(spec)
self.front_axle = FrontAxle(spec)
self.rear_axle = RearAxle(spec)
self.show_zoom = show_zoom
def update(self, time_s):
Function to update each member objects
time_s: Simulation interval time[sec]
self.state.update(0.0, 0.0, time_s)
def draw(self, axes, elems):
Function to draw each member object's data
axes: Axes object of figure
elems: List of plot object
self.state.draw(axes, elems)
x_y_yaw_array = self.state.x_y_yaw()
x_m = self.state.get_x_m()
y_m = self.state.get_y_m()
self.body.draw(axes, x_y_yaw_array, elems)
self.chassis.draw(axes, x_y_yaw_array, elems)
self.front_left_tire.draw(axes, x_y_yaw_array, steer_rad, elems)
self.front_right_tire.draw(axes, x_y_yaw_array, steer_rad, elems)
self.rear_left_tire.draw(axes, x_y_yaw_array, elems)
self.rear_right_tire.draw(axes, x_y_yaw_array, elems)
self.front_axle.draw(axes, x_y_yaw_array, elems)
self.rear_axle.draw(axes, x_y_yaw_array, elems)
if self.show_zoom:
axes.set_xlim(x_m - self.spec.area_size, x_m + self.spec.area_size)
axes.set_ylim(y_m - self.spec.area_size, y_m + self.spec.area_size)
axes.set_xlim(self.spec.x_lim.min_value(), self.spec.x_lim.max_value())
axes.set_ylim(self.spec.y_lim.min_value(), self.spec.y_lim.max_value())
An object of the above FourWheelsVehicle class can be added to the world by executing the following sample programs.
This program can visualize the vehicle and whole world in global coordinate system.
Author: Shisato Yano
# import path setting
import numpy as np
import sys
from pathlib import Path
abs_dir_path = str(Path(__file__).absolute().parent)
relative_path = "/../../src/components/"
sys.path.append(abs_dir_path + relative_path + "visualization")
sys.path.append(abs_dir_path + relative_path + "state")
sys.path.append(abs_dir_path + relative_path + "vehicle")
# import component modules
from global_xy_visualizer import GlobalXYVisualizer
from min_max import MinMax
from time_parameters import TimeParameters
from vehicle_specification import VehicleSpecification
from state import State
from four_wheels_vehicle import FourWheelsVehicle
# flag to show plot figure
# when executed as unit test, this flag is set as false
show_plot = True
def main():
Main process function
# set simulation parameters
x_lim, y_lim = MinMax(-30, 30), MinMax(-30, 30)
vis = GlobalXYVisualizer(x_lim, y_lim, TimeParameters(span_sec=20), show_zoom=False)
# create vehicle
spec = VehicleSpecification() # specification
vehicle = FourWheelsVehicle(State(), spec, show_zoom=False) # set state and spec
# add objects here
# plot figure is not shown when executed as unit test
if not show_plot: vis.not_show_plot()
# show plot figure
# execute main process
if __name__ == "__main__":
You can see the following animation by executing this program.
This program can visualize the vehicle within an limited area in global coordinate system. The size of limited area can be set as parameters.
Author: Shisato Yano
# import path setting
import numpy as np
import sys
from pathlib import Path
abs_dir_path = str(Path(__file__).absolute().parent)
relative_path = "/../../src/components/"
sys.path.append(abs_dir_path + relative_path + "visualization")
sys.path.append(abs_dir_path + relative_path + "state")
sys.path.append(abs_dir_path + relative_path + "vehicle")
# import component modules
from global_xy_visualizer import GlobalXYVisualizer
from min_max import MinMax
from time_parameters import TimeParameters
from vehicle_specification import VehicleSpecification
from state import State
from four_wheels_vehicle import FourWheelsVehicle
# flag to show plot figure
# when executed as unit test, this flag is set as false
show_plot = True
def main():
Main process function
# set simulation parameters
x_lim, y_lim = MinMax(-30, 30), MinMax(-30, 30)
vis = GlobalXYVisualizer(x_lim, y_lim, TimeParameters(span_sec=20))
# create vehicle
spec = VehicleSpecification() # specification
vehicle = FourWheelsVehicle(State(), spec) # set state and spec
# add objects here
# plot figure is not shown when executed as unit test
if not show_plot: vis.not_show_plot()
# show plot figure
# execute main process
if __name__ == "__main__":
You can see the following animation by executing this program. In this animation, the size of limited area is 10m x 10m. This size is defined as default values of VehicleSpecification class's parameters.