- Performance optimization. #100
- Supports using shift to select multiple files. #79
- Made heavy typos corrections into french l10n.
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux: 32bit/64bit, Ubuntu 32bit/64bit
- JS/CSS minify and combine. docs
- Convert CSS images to base64. docs
- Build-in ruby in Windows version.
- Custom ruby and compiler libs support.
- Improve startup speed.
- 4 new language: 正體中文, Deutsch, Français, Português Brasileiro.
- Compiler extension support. How to create a compiler extension?
- Custom Language Pack support. How to create a language pack?
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux: 32bit/64bit, Ubuntu: 32bit/64bit
- Fix bug #41
- Fix the bug the parent file can not auto compile when some imported LESS/Sass files modified.
- Fix bug: create compass project config error.
- Settings windows: move "Using System Libs" to "Advanced".
- Fix bug: version 1.4.0 can't run.
- New features: project settings, see the doc here.
- Compass full supports.
- Minimize on startup.
- Press "Esc" key to close the settings and log window.
- Update Less to version 1.4.0.
- Update CoffeeScript to version 1.6.3.
- Add Japanese language.
- Improved UI.
- Fix a bug: can't recognize files if forder has some file with the prefix "_".
- New features: allowed to switch run LESS , Sass and others directly, if them already installed on user computer.
- New features: increase the "open file" option in the context menu.
- Set the default output path for the directory at the same level with the project directory under css/js directory, for example: ./less -> ./css.
- Fix a bug: compilation error when directory name contains spaces.
- Fix a bug: config.rb parse error cause project can not be added
- UI improvements, tip refresh file list status.
- Increase the version number.
- Fix 1.0.1 version crash under proxy network environment.
- Settings file dialog initial path for the project directory path.
- Fix bug: to modify the file output path doesn't take effect immediately
- Used by default of compass config.rb.
- Multi-file operations, set outpath and delete function.
- Support Add file into the current project.
- Fix doesn't save project data bug.
- Fix doesn't start Mac OSX bug.