@!@!@STARTMSG 2110:1 @!@!@ Invariant SourceTargetEquality is violated. @!@!@ENDMSG 2110 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2121:1 @!@!@ The behavior up to this point is: @!@!@ENDMSG 2121 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 1: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 0 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = defaultInitValue /\ SourceBinlog = <<>> /\ currentRow = defaultInitValue /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "tblit_loop" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_writer_loop" ) /\ newRecord = defaultInitValue /\ oldRecord = defaultInitValue /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = defaultInitValue /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 0 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 2: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 0 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = defaultInitValue /\ SourceBinlog = <<>> /\ currentRow = defaultInitValue /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "tblit_r" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_writer_loop" ) /\ newRecord = defaultInitValue /\ oldRecord = defaultInitValue /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = defaultInitValue /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 0 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 3: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 0 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = defaultInitValue /\ SourceBinlog = <<>> /\ currentRow = r0 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "tblit_w" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_writer_loop" ) /\ newRecord = defaultInitValue /\ oldRecord = defaultInitValue /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = defaultInitValue /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 0 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 4: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 0 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = defaultInitValue /\ SourceBinlog = <<>> /\ currentRow = r0 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "tblit_upkey" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_writer_loop" ) /\ newRecord = defaultInitValue /\ oldRecord = defaultInitValue /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = defaultInitValue /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 0 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 5: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 1 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = defaultInitValue /\ SourceBinlog = <<>> /\ currentRow = r0 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "tblit_loop" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_writer_loop" ) /\ newRecord = defaultInitValue /\ oldRecord = defaultInitValue /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = defaultInitValue /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 0 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 6: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 1 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = defaultInitValue /\ SourceBinlog = <<>> /\ currentRow = r0 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "tblit_r" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_writer_loop" ) /\ newRecord = defaultInitValue /\ oldRecord = defaultInitValue /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = defaultInitValue /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 0 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 7: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 1 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = defaultInitValue /\ SourceBinlog = <<>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "tblit_w" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_writer_loop" ) /\ newRecord = defaultInitValue /\ oldRecord = defaultInitValue /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = defaultInitValue /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 0 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 8: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 1 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = defaultInitValue /\ SourceBinlog = <<>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_read" @@ TableIterator :> "tblit_w" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_writer_loop" ) /\ newRecord = defaultInitValue /\ oldRecord = defaultInitValue /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = defaultInitValue /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 0 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 9: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 1 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = defaultInitValue /\ SourceBinlog = <<>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_read" @@ TableIterator :> "tblit_w" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_write" ) /\ newRecord = defaultInitValue /\ oldRecord = defaultInitValue /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = defaultInitValue /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 0 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 10: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 1 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = defaultInitValue /\ SourceBinlog = <<>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_write" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_read" @@ TableIterator :> "tblit_w" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_write" ) /\ newRecord = defaultInitValue /\ oldRecord = defaultInitValue /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = defaultInitValue /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 0 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 11: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 1 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = 2 /\ SourceBinlog = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_read" @@ TableIterator :> "tblit_w" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_write" ) /\ newRecord = r0 /\ oldRecord = r1 /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = defaultInitValue /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 0 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 12: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 1 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = 2 /\ SourceBinlog = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_queue" @@ TableIterator :> "tblit_w" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_write" ) /\ newRecord = r0 /\ oldRecord = r1 /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = [pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0] /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 0 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 13: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 1 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ chosenPK = 2 /\ SourceBinlog = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_upkey" @@ TableIterator :> "tblit_w" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_write" ) /\ newRecord = r0 /\ oldRecord = r1 /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = [pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0] /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 0 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 14: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 1 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ chosenPK = 2 /\ SourceBinlog = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "tblit_w" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_write" ) /\ newRecord = r0 /\ oldRecord = r1 /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = [pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0] /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 1 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 15: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 1 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = 2 /\ SourceBinlog = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "tblit_w" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_write" ) /\ newRecord = r0 /\ oldRecord = r1 /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = [pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0] /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 1 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 16: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 1 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = 2 /\ SourceBinlog = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "tblit_upkey" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_write" ) /\ newRecord = r0 /\ oldRecord = r1 /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = [pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0] /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 1 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 17: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 2 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = 2 /\ SourceBinlog = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "tblit_loop" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_write" ) /\ newRecord = r0 /\ oldRecord = r1 /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = [pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0] /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 1 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 18: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 2 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = 2 /\ SourceBinlog = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "Done" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_write" ) /\ newRecord = r0 /\ oldRecord = r1 /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = [pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0] /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 1 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 19: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 2 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = 2 /\ SourceBinlog = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_setro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "Done" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_writer_loop" ) /\ newRecord = r0 /\ oldRecord = r1 /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = [pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0] /\ ApplicationReadonly = FALSE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 1 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 20: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 2 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = 2 /\ SourceBinlog = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_waitro" @@ Application :> "app_loop" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "Done" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_writer_loop" ) /\ newRecord = r0 /\ oldRecord = r1 /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = [pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0] /\ ApplicationReadonly = TRUE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 1 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 21: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 2 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = 2 /\ SourceBinlog = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_waitro" @@ Application :> "Done" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "Done" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_writer_loop" ) /\ newRecord = r0 /\ oldRecord = r1 /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = [pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0] /\ ApplicationReadonly = TRUE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 1 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 22: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 2 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = 2 /\ SourceBinlog = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_binlogpos" @@ Application :> "Done" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "Done" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_writer_loop" ) /\ newRecord = r0 /\ oldRecord = r1 /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 0 /\ currentBinlogEntry = [pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0] /\ ApplicationReadonly = TRUE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 1 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 23: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 2 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = 2 /\ SourceBinlog = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = FALSE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "ferry_binlogstop" @@ Application :> "Done" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "Done" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_writer_loop" ) /\ newRecord = r0 /\ oldRecord = r1 /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 1 /\ currentBinlogEntry = [pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0] /\ ApplicationReadonly = TRUE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 1 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 24: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 2 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = 2 /\ SourceBinlog = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = TRUE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "Done" @@ Application :> "Done" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "binlog_loop" @@ TableIterator :> "Done" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_writer_loop" ) /\ newRecord = r0 /\ oldRecord = r1 /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 1 /\ currentBinlogEntry = [pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0] /\ ApplicationReadonly = TRUE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 1 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 25: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 2 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = 2 /\ SourceBinlog = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = TRUE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "Done" @@ Application :> "Done" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "Done" @@ TableIterator :> "Done" @@ BinlogWriter :> "binlog_writer_loop" ) /\ newRecord = r0 /\ oldRecord = r1 /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 1 /\ currentBinlogEntry = [pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0] /\ ApplicationReadonly = TRUE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 1 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2217:4 @!@!@ 26: /\ lastSuccessfulPK = 2 /\ CurrentMaxPrimaryKey = 2 /\ BinlogWriteQueue = <<>> /\ chosenPK = 2 /\ SourceBinlog = <<[pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0]>> /\ currentRow = r1 /\ BinlogStreamingStopRequested = TRUE /\ pc = ( Ferry :> "Done" @@ Application :> "Done" @@ BinlogStreamer :> "Done" @@ TableIterator :> "Done" @@ BinlogWriter :> "Done" ) /\ newRecord = r0 /\ oldRecord = r1 /\ TargetTable = <> /\ TargetBinlogPos = 1 /\ currentBinlogEntry = [pk |-> 2, oldr |-> r1, newr |-> r0] /\ ApplicationReadonly = TRUE /\ SourceTable = <> /\ lastSuccessfulBinlogPos = 1 @!@!@ENDMSG 2217 @!@!@ @!@!@STARTMSG 2201:0 @!@!@ The coverage statistics at 2020-04-09 17:41:42