Faulting multiple times the binary requires many disk writes so we'll do it in a tmpfs.
All steps are performed by mount_tmp_and_attack.sh
mkdir -p tmp
mount|grep -q $(pwd)/tmp || sudo mount -t tmpfs -o mode=01777,size=20m tmpfs tmp
cp attack_plaidctf.py ../../deadpool_dfa.py ../../../JeanGrey/phoenixAES.py tmp
cp ../target/drmless tmp
cd tmp
Adapt it to your setup if needed. It requires deadpool_dfa.py
from this repository and phoenixAES.py
from JeanGrey repository.
The attack starts by patching drmless to always return the decrypted data (with a default .drmlicense
filled with zeroes).
.text:0804EC17 B8 00 00 00 00 mov eax, 0 => B8 01 00 00 00
.text:0804EC1C 8D 74 26 00 lea esi, [esi+0]
.text:0804EC20 EB 05 jmp short loc_804EC27
.text:0804EC22 B8 01 00 00 00 mov eax, 1
.text:0804EC27 83 C4 50 add esp, 50h
.text:0804EC2A 5B pop n
.text:0804EC2B 5E pop esi
.text:0804EC2C 5D pop ebp
.text:0804EC2D C3 retn