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A library for the Wonderland Engine.

The code folder can be found here.

A default template project that already includes the PP library can be found here.
A collection of playground template projects that already include the PP library can be found here.

A collection of assets that can be useful while working with the Wonderland Engine (like gamepads 3D models) can be found here.

The development of this library is actually being done on the wle-pp-dev repository, where you can find the most up to date version of the library, even though it might not be stable.

Table Of Contents


You can get the library through npm:

You can download the js version of the library through the following link:

You can download the bundle file through the following link:

You can also download the library in TypeScript through the following link:

Quick Features Summary

Some of the features that you can get with this library are:

  • Object Extension
    • add to the WLE object lots of functions that make the object interface more cohesive and complete
  • Array Extension
    • add to the Array object lots of functions that makes it easy to work with vec3, quat and more
  • Gamepad
    • manages the input from the gamepads, like reading the state of a button or the value of the thumbstick
      • automatically works with the keyboard
      • u can also add a virtual gamepad to use the gamepad on a mobile device
  • Experimental Locomotion
    • smooth and teleport locomotion with physics collision check
      • view obscuration when going inside walls
      • the feature is in an experimental phase, this means u can use it but won't be simple to adjust and may have weird bugs (please report them!)
  • Grab & Throw
    • a ready to use gameplay feature for grabbing and throwing objects
  • FSM
    • a simple but powerful finite state machine, your best friend when developing a game
  • Debug Draw
    • easily draw some debug object in the scene using functions like PP.myDebugVisualManager.drawLine, PP.myDebugVisualManager.drawArrow or PP.myDebugVisualManager.drawRaycast
      • this is also available in a non debug mode by using PP.myVisualManager, even though the quick draw methods like drawLine are not available
  • Debug Functions Performance Analyzer
    • let you specify a class or an object instance and count all the calls that are being made on its functions as for its total execution time
  • Console VR
    • a tool that let you see the console even when u are inside a VR session
  • Easy Tune
    • a tool that makes it easy to tune design values at runtime
    • let you define special variables in the code, like for the speed of the player, that will then be editable at runtime through a visual interface

How To Import

You can find a collection of Wonderland Engine default projects that already includes the PP library here.

Import through npm

If you want to import this library into your own project through npm you have to:

  • open a command prompt inside your project folder
  • type npm install wle-pp

Import by getting the entire code folder

You can also import this library by importing the entire code folder, which could be useful if you want to customize it while developing your project.

In this case, you have to:

  • get the ts version of the library from here
  • put the pp folder inside your project src folder
  • add the pp/index.ts script to the source paths inside the Project Settings

If TypeScript is not an option, you can also do the same thing but with the generated js library:

  • get the js version of the library from here
  • put the pp folder inside your project js folder
  • add the pp/index.js script to the source paths inside the Project Settings

How To Setup

The setup for the PP library is very simple but requires a few steps:

  • add the pp-gateway component to your scene
    • this components have some flags and options to customize the PP library behavior at runtime
    • some of these flags are meant for development and should be disabled when u want to release your app!
    • you have to fill in some fields in this component by either specifying an object in your scene or a resource like a material or a mesh
      • for the meshes this should be quite trivial, since they are the default ones in the engine
      • for the materials you might have to create some
        • for example the Flat Transparent No Depth is a material that does not perform depth checks
      • for the scene objects, you can mostly pick the ones u should already find in a default Wonderland Engine project, but some needs to be created
        • u need to create a Reference Space, which is just an empty object that must be a children of the Player and has every other player objects (like the Eyes or the Hands) as children
          • this will be used to adjust, for example, the player height
          • u should not change this transform directly since it is already managed by the library
          • if u need to add your own offsets to the reference space of the player, the approach would be:
            • add an object to the Reference Space parent
            • set the Reference Space object as a child of this newly created object
            • use the new object to offset the reference space
            • this way, u will be sure that every objects under Reference Space will always have all the offsets applied to them
        • u will have to create a Head object, on which u have to add the pp-set-head-local-transform
        • it would be best to change the component on the Hands from the default input to pp-set-hand-local-transform
          • this component takes into consideration the Fix Forward flag found on the pp-gateway component
  • make type extensions available to typescript, so that using them do not cause type errors
    • u have to add this import somewhere in your code where your tsconfig.json can see it (usually inside your js or src folder)
      • import "wle-pp/add_type_extensions_to_typescript.js";
    • if the tsconfig.json can see the file where this has been imported, it should be available everywhere without the need to import it in every file where u use a type extension
    • u don't actually need to do this if u don't plan to use the type extensions
    • note that these extensions are automatically initialized by the pp-gateway component
      • if u don't add this component, you would have to initialize these extensions yourself (see Advanced Setup)

My advice is, if possible, to start by using a PP template project like the default one, which can be found here.
You can also just give a look at it to better understand how to setup your own project properly.

Advanced Setup

If u don't want to use every feature of the library, or need to customize its behavior in a more advanced way, you can go for an advanced setup.

The advanced setup basically consists in checking out the pp-gateway component and the initPP function and only use the code u see there that u actually need.

For example, if you don't need to register all the WL and PP components, something that the pp-gateway component does on register, you can avoid using that component and create a custom gateway component which only calls the functions that u need from initPP.

You can also avoid having a gateway component directly and call the functions u need directly in your index.js, right before the scene is loaded. For example, if u just wanted to initialize the array extension, you could just call the initArrayExtension function before the scene is loaded. Besides, if u import the extension initialization function (or the initPP function) directly, u will also automatically import that type extension for typescript too, so there should be no need to also add the wle-pp/add_type_extensions_to_typescript.js import.

A lot of features relies on the proper setup of the library, so it might not be easy to customize it as you would like to, and you will probably need to do some trial and error to figure out what you can actually remove or change to get it working. Good luck!

Things To Know

When using the PP library, there are certain things to take into consideration, some of which are customizable (â—‹):

  • forward is positive Z axis, which is not the default
    • Wonderland Engine default forward method returns negative Z, which is the default for some engines
    • since I find it pretty hard to work with, I prefer to switch to positive
    • the only downside of this is that right will now be negative X, but since the right axis is less useful, I opted for this compromise
  • the library almost always assume that the pose forward is fixed, which is a setting on the pp-gateway component set to true by default
    • you can switch it to false, by might not be able to use properly some of the features which assume it to be true
    • having the pose forward fixed means that objects like the hands or the head have the forward in the direction they are looking at
    • this is true by default in the Wonderland Engine only if you are ok with having the forward as negative Z
  • â—‹ all components from the Wonderland Engine and from PP are always registered and therefore added to your final bundled project
    • this is just to make it simplier, instead of having to specify the dependencies on components if u want to add them at runtime
    • customizable with an advanced setup of the library
  • â—‹ extensions, which are a way to add more features to a type, are injected on some types like the Wonderland Engine Object or the Javascript Array
    • this might not work properly if u install the library as a link to another location instead of inside your own node_modules folder
    • customizable with an advanced setup of the library
  • â—‹ mods, which are a way to edit the behavior of a type, are injected on some types like the Wonderland Engine Cursor component
    • this might not work properly if u install the library as a link to another location instead of inside your own node_modules folder
    • customizable with an advanced setup of the library
  • some of the features of the library uses extensions and mods
    • if they are not initialized, those features will not be able to work properly
    • if you also want to use them, you have to add the type extensions to typescript as explained in the How To Setup section to avoid type errors
  • some of the features of the library uses globals variable that are usually setup by the pp-gateway component, like Globals.getSceneObjects or Globals.getDefaultResources
    • if these variables are not setup, those features will not be able to work properly
  • when you are going to release your app, you most likely want to disable the following development flags on the pp-gateway component:
    • enable debug, enable tool, add PP to Window, add WL to Window


Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Elia "Pipo" Ducceschi.

Released under the ISC License.


  • Yinch, without whom the PP library would have not been able to be developed
  • Jonathan and the whole Wonderland Engine Team, that have and still are supporting me with the issues or requests I have about the engine (and I have plenty)
  • Florian, because he would be pissed to not be credited, but also for being a true friend since the start of this journey
  • glMatrix, used as the main vector library
  • howler.js, used as the main audio library


⚠️ Warning

The following documentation has not been updated yet since the migration to Wonderland Engine version 1.0.0.

Code Folder

I will explain more or less everything but without going too much into details.
Each folder under the pp folder will be a main section of this documentation.
Cauldron is a tag name for a folder that contains a bunch of features that don't belong anywhere else.

As you will notice, everything in this library (classes, functions, variables) can be found under the PP object, that works as a sort of namespace.
The components names always start with a pp- prefix.
For the extensions (features added to already existing objects), the names usually start with a pp_ prefix, or, for array extensions, with something like vec_, vec3_, quat2_ based on how you want to intepret the array value.

Table Of Contents


Code Folder

A collection of classes and components to manage audio files, creating audio players for a specific audio file, adding an audio listener and some other utilities.

List of features:

  • pp-spatial-audio-listener
    • component that will work as a spatial audio listener in the scene
    • usually added on the player head
  • PP.AudioSetup
    • class that let you specify which audio file to load and its settings like volume or pitch
  • PP.AudioPlayer
    • class that, given an Audio Setup (or a file path) will create an audio player for that file
  • PP.AudioManager
    • this is a convenient way to manage all the audio setups in your game
    • you can add to it every setup you need and later ask it to create a player for a specif setup, by using an ID specified when adding the setup
    • also allow you to change the volume of the game, or stop every audio that is playing
  • PP.AudioUtils
    • some functions related to audio stuff, like checking if the audio context is running
  • pp-audio-manager
    • component that adds a global audio manager to your game, feel free to initialize your Audio Manager this way or to use a custom solution
  • pp-mute-everything
    • component that, when active, mutes the game
    • useful when u are testing and don't want to hear your game music without muting the browser or the headset

How To

If u don't want to use the audio manager, it is as simple as filling the fields of the audio setup and then using it to create an audio player.

let audioSetup = new PP.AudioSetup("path/to/file.wav");
audioSetup.myLoop = true;
audioSetup.mySpatial = false;
audioSetup.myVolume = 0.5;

let audioPlayer = new PP.AudioPlayer(audioSetup);;

If u want to use the Audio Manager, you just have to create it somewhere and make it accessible from the rest of the code where u need to add a player (easy way is making it global for example).
You can then add every setup you need when loading the project, so that everything that will ask for an audio player of a specific audio ID will already find it.
The ID can be everything, an enum like SoundID could make things easier to manage but also a string can be used.

var globalAudioManager = new PP.AudioManager();

globalAudioManager.addAudioSetup("audioSetupID1", audioSetup1);
globalAudioManager.addAudioSetup("audioSetupID2", audioSetup2);
globalAudioManager.addAudioSetup("audioSetupID3", audioSetup3);


let audioPlayer = globalAudioManager.createAudioPlayer("audioSetupID2");;


Code Folder

A generic collection of features.


Code Folder

A set of utilities to test the performance and capabilities of the Wonderland Engine.

List of features:


Code Folder

List of features:

  • PP.ObjectPool
    • a pool of objects
    • you can get an object from it and it will refill if it runs out of them
    • by default works with wonderland objects that can be cloned (see object extension)
  • PP.ObjectPoolsManager
    • a simple way to manage a set of pools of objects
    • example:
      let objectPoolParams = new PP.ObjectPoolParams();
      objectPoolParams.myInitialPoolSize = 20;
      objectPoolParams.myPercentageToAddWhenEmpty = 0.2;
      let objectPoolsManager = new PP.ObjectPoolsManager();
      objectPoolsManager.addPool("pool_ID", gameObjectToClone, objectPoolParams);
      let object = objectPoolsManager.getObject("pool_ID");    
  • PP.SaveManager
    • let you save and load from the local storage
    • takes care of caching the loaded result so that you don't need to load again when asking for the same data
  • PP.Timer
    • nothing more than a timer that u can update and ask if it is done


Code Folder

List of components:

  • pp-clear-console-on-xr-session-start
    • u can add this to the scene so that when u press VR and enter the session, the console is cleared
    • useful to clear the console from everything related to the initialization that you may have already checked before entering
  • pp-set-active
    • component that let you specify if the hierarchy of an object should be set active or not
    • useful to deactivate a tree of objects that you prefer to be visible in the editor
  • pp-adjust-hierarchy-physx-scale
    • can be used to adjust the physx scale of all the physx components in the hierarchy the current object
    • adjusting means that every physx scale will be multiplied by the scale of the current object, since physx does not automatically adjust with the object scale
    • makes it easier to scale up/down an entire scene made of physx since u don't have to scale every single one manually
  • pp-show-fps
    • easy way to show fps as a UI element


Code Folder

An fsm let you create game logic like switching between the menu and the game, or character logic like running and jumping.
I'm not going to explain it in details, I'll suppose you already know the overall idea of what a finite state machine is.

List of features:

  • PP.FSM
    • let you add states and transition between them, init it in a specific state and specify when to perform a transition
    • you can also check what is the current state, or if it can perform a specific transition or go to a specifi state and stuff like that
    • the IDs for the states and the transitions can be everything, from string to an enum to just numbers
  • PP.State
    • a class that can be inherited from when you want to create a "class" state
  • PP.Transition
    • a class that can be inherited from when you want to create a "class" transition

How To

In this case an example is worth more than a billion words:

let fsm = new PP.FSM();

fsm.addState("move", this._move.bind(this));
fsm.addState("jump", this._jump.bind(this));
fsm.addState("wait", new PP.TimerState(0, "end"));

fsm.addTransition("init", "move", "start");
fsm.addTransition("move", "jump", "jump", this._prepareJump.bind(this));
fsm.addTransition("jump", "wait", "end");
fsm.addTransition("wait", "move", "end");

fsm.setDebugLogActive(true, "FSM Name"); // let you see in the console what the fsm is doing



fsm.update(dt); // calls _move


fsm.perform("jump"); // calls _prepareJump and then change state to jump

As u can see, a state can be either a function, a "class" state or even nothing at all, which means there will be no update, and the same is true for a transition.
You can look at the PP.State and PP.Transition classes to have an idea of what the function signature should be.

It's important to notice that you can specify if the perform should be immediate or delayed.
Immediate means the transition will execute when asked, while delayed means the transition will be executed when the fsm will be updated.
This can be useful if u want to enforce a specific flow in your code.

Another thing is that nothing prevents you from doing a transition from within a state of the fsm, it can be useful and quick, but may also have unexpected result and sometimes could require a perform delayed to work properly.


Code Folder

A collection of states that can be used with the FSM.

List of states:

  • PP.TimerState
    • let you wait in a specific state for a given time before performing a specified transition


Code Folder

List of features:

  • PP.PhysicsLayerFlags
    • a class that makes it easier to create and interact with a physx mask
  • PP.RaycastSetup / PP.RaycastResult / PP.RaycastHit
    • a set of classes that are used to raycast into the scene and get the result of it
  • PP.PhysicsUtils
    • some functions to interact with physics
    • let you raycast into the scene
  • PP.PhysicsCollisionCollector
    • collects the objects that are currently colliding with a given physx component
    • if updated it also let you know when a collision is just started or ended
    • it also let you register callback for collision start and end, even though you could still do that on the physx component itself


Code Folder

List of features:

  • PP.ColorUtils
    • bunch of functions to work with colors, like converting hsv to rgb, or code notation (0,1) to the human one (0,255)
  • PP.MeshUtils
    • some functions to create/clone/invert a mesh in an easy way
    • let you create some simple meshes like a plane, and also change the alpha (or material or else) of all the meshes of an object
  • PP.SaveUtils
    • a set of functions to interact with the local storage, that is to save and load data
  • PP.TextUtils
    • for now almost empty, but could be seen as a mirror utils to the PP.MeshUtils, but for text
    • let you make every text materials under an object cloned, so that it won't be tied to the original one anymore
  • PP.XRUtils
    • some functions to interact with the WebXR APIs
    • you can check if the device that is running is emulated or if the session is active
  • PP.BrowserUtils
    • some functions related to browser stuff, like checking if u are on a mobile or desktop browser
  • PP.MaterialUtils
    • a set of functions to interact with materials, like setting the alpha of all the materials of an object to easily make it fade in/out
  • PP.JSUtils
    • a set of functions related to Javascript itself, like checking if a reference is a function, or getting all the property names of a reference


Code Folder

This feature let you add visual objects like lines, arrows, points and more easily.

List of features:

  • PP.VisualManager
    • let you easily draw visual in the scene
  • PP.VisualLine
    • you can specify a start and end position and it will visualize it as a line
  • PP.VisualArrow
    • you can specify a start and end position and it will visualize it as an arrow toward the end position
  • PP.VisualPoint
    • you can specify a position and it will display a point on it with a given radius
  • PP.VisualMesh
    • you can specify a mesh and a material and it will visualize it
  • PP.VisualTransform
    • show the position, orientation and scale of a transform
  • PP.VisualRaycast
    • display the result of a raycast
  • PP.VisualText
    • displays a text on a specified position
  • PP.VisualTorus
    • you can specify a radius, the number of segment and their thickness and it will visualize a torus with those params


Code Folder

List of components:

How To

In this case an example is worth more than a billion words:

let visualParams = new PP.VisualLineParams();
visualParams.myLength = l;
visualParams.myMaterial = PP.myDefaultResources.myMaterials.myFlatOpaque.clone();
visualParams.myMaterial.color = [1, 1, 1, 1];
PP.myVisualManager.draw(visualParams, lifetimeSeconds);


let visualLine = new PP.VisualLine(visualParams);

In the example above two tecniques are shown: the first let the manager draw the line for the amount of seconds specified, the second one create the object and let you manage it yourself. If the value of the lifetimeSeconds is set to 0 the visual will be drawn for onle 1 frame.


Code Folder

A collection of classes and components to help with debugging, like showing in real time the position and orientation of an object.

List of features:

  • PP.DebugManager
    • manages all the debug features
  • PP.DebugVisualManager
    • a debug version of the visual manager, so that u can split between the normal visual and the debug ones
    • it also feature some quick draw methods not available with the PP.VisualManager to add debug objects even more easily


Code Folder

List of components:

Debug Functions Overwriter

Code Folder

List of features:

Debug Functions Performance Analyzer

Code Folder

List of features:

  • PP.DebugFunctionsPerformanceAnalyzer
    • let you specify a class or an object instance and count all the calls that are being made on its functions as for its total execution time
    • it's a very useful class to understand how many times specific functions are being called, helping you in finding bottlenecks or garbage collection issues
  • PP.DebugFunctionsPerformanceAnalysisResultsLogger
    • an utility class to easily log the result of the PP.DebugFunctionCallsCounter
  • pp-debug-functions-performance-analyzer
    • a handy component to add a function performance analyzer for any class you want and log the result
    • u can also find some specific versions of this component like 'pp-debug-array-functions-performance-analyzer'

How To

You can add debug visuals exactly like you would do for the plain visual feature.
In addition to that, you can also use a bunch of quick draw methods only avaiable in the debug feature, for example:

PP.myDebugVisualManager.drawLine(lifetimeSeconds, position, direction, length, color, thickness);
PP.myDebugVisualManager.drawArrow(lifetimeSeconds, position, direction, length, color, thickness);
PP.myDebugVisualManager.drawPoint(lifetimeSeconds, position, color, radius);
PP.myDebugVisualManager.drawRaycast(lifetimeSeconds, raycastResult, showOnlyFirstHit, hitNormalLength, thickness);


Code Folder

A collection of gameplay features ready to be used.


Code Folder


Code Folder

List of features:

  • PP.Direction2DTo3DConverter
    • convert a 2D direction (like the ones from the gamepad stick) to a 3D direction based on a reference transform
    • takes care of making the 3D direction flat, for example to keep moving parallel to the ground
    • it also have an automatic and customizable way of detecting when the 3D direction should start to "fly", that is stop being flat
  • PP.NumberOverValue
    • this set of classes let you create a special number, that interpolate between different numbers based on a value u used to get it
    • it is especially useful if u want a number to change over time during a level, where the value is the time spent in the level itself
    • the range version returns a random number in the range, where the range change based on the given value
    • example:
      //enemy speed will change from 5 to 8 as the time goes from 30 to 60
      let enemySpeed = new PP.NumberOverValue(5, 8, 30, 60); 
      let currentSpeed = enemySpeed.get(timeElapsed);

Grab & Throw

Code Folder

Let you add a grab and throw mechanic in your game with little effort. You can find an outdated example of the Grab & Throw here.

List of features:

  • pp-grabber-hand
    • the component that let you grab other objects
    • it is made to work when added on the player hand, even though is not a must
    • this object must also have a physx component on itself, used to detect the grab
  • pp-grabbable
    • the component you have to add to the object you want to grab
    • this object must also have a physx component on itself, used to detect the grab and to simulate the throw

How To

The configuration is pretty straight forward:

  1. Enable the Physics feature, that u can find under the Project Settings
  2. Add the following components somewhere in your scene:
  3. Add a pp-grabber-hand component to one of the hands of the player
    • Make sure the handedness parameter of the component matches the hand one
    • The component can also be added to a child of the hand if you want the grab detection to have an offset from the hand position
  4. Add a physx component on the same object
    • The physx must be kinematic (if you select trigger, be sure to select kinematic first if it disappear, otherwise the object will fall)
    • The physx should be set as trigger for the hand, otherwise it will push the objects that collide with it
  5. Add a pp-grabbable component on the object you want to grab
    • In this case, the component must be added on the object itself, it can't be a child
  6. Add a physx component on the same object
    • Be sure that the groups/block flags match the one u used for the hand


Code Folder

Gameplay features that are integrations of already existing functionalities so that they are easier to use and more compliant to the PP library.

Construct Arcade

Code Folder

List of features:

  • PP.CAUtils
    • a set of functions to interact with the Construct Arcade SDK, like getting the leaderboard or the data of the current user
  • PP.CADummyServer
    • u can add a dummy server to the CA utils so that when u want to test the funcionalities you can have a faked responde
    • the dummy server can also be used to have a fallback for when there are errors even for the released app
  • pp-ca-display-leaderboard
    • let u easily display a construct arcade leaderboard
    • u need to have two text components named Names and Scores as child of the object that has this component


Code Folder

Gameplay features that are in an experimental phase.


Code Folder

Gives u a standard VR locomotion, this means both smooth and teleport locomotion with physics collision check.
It also check when the player goes inside the wall and obscure the view when that happens.
The feature is in an experimental phase, this means u can use it but won't be very easy to adjust and may have weird bugs (please report them!).

How To

Add the pp-player-locomotion component to the player in the scene.
A bit of setup is available on the component itself, other stuff is available in the code, even though it's not very readable as of now.
Good luck, you will need it!


Code Folder

A collection of classes and component to read inputs like head/hand transform or gamepad buttons.


Code Folder

List of features:

  • PP.Keyboard
    • a class that makes it easier to access the keyboard state
    • let you check if a button is pressed or it's just been pressed/released
  • PP.Mouse
    • a class that makes it easier to access the mouse state
    • let you check if a button is pressed or it's just been pressed/released or if the cursor is moving
    • you can get the position on the screen or in the 3D world, and also cast a physics ray from the mouse into the world
  • pp-finger-cursor
    • u can use this component to add a cursor on the tip of the index finger that can interact with WLE cursor-target
  • Input Types
    • a collection of enums used to specify the type of the input, like the handedness or if it is a gamepad or a hand
  • PP.InputUtils
    • a bunch of functions to work with inputs
  • PP.InputManager
    • a class that handle the creation and the update of the inputs like gamepad, mouse and keyboard
  • pp-input-manager
    • handy component that will create a input manager and update it
    • it creates some global variables like PP.myMouse or PP.myGamepads to easily access these devices
  • pp-switch-hand-object
    • automatically switch between a given gamepad hand object and tracked hand object
  • pp-tracked-hand-draw-all-joints
    • given a mesh, it draws it on the specified tracked hand joint
  • pp-tracked-hand-draw-joint
    • given a mesh, it draws it on all the tracked hand joints
  • pp-tracked-hand-draw-skin
    • given a hand skin, it draws it on the tracked hand


Code Folder

Everything u need to get inputs from a gamepad, and some utilities to animate a gamepad or get multiple buttons press. You can find an outdated example of the Gamepad here.

List of features:

  • PP.UniversalGamepad
    • a simple interface to retrieve buttons and axes state, get the gamepad transform and also make it pulse/vibrate
    • it works through gamepad cores, that specify how the buttons are activated (keyboard, mouse, gamepads)
    • example:
      PP.myLeftGamepad.registerButtonEventListener(PP.GamepadButtonID.THUMBSTICK, PP.GamepadButtonEvent.PRESS_START, this, this._thumbstickPressStart.bind(this));        
      PP.myLeftGamepad.getButtonInfo(PP.GamepadButtonID.SQUEEZE).isPressStart(2); // fast pressed 2 times     
      PP.myRightGamepad.pulse(0.5, 1);    
  • Gamepad Buttons
    • here u can find the enums for the buttons and axes ids and events and the classes the contains the buttons and axes infos
  • PP.GamepadCore
    • the base class that u can inherit to create a custom gamepad core that u can then plug into the universal gamepad
  • PP.XRGamepadCore / PP.KeyboardGamepadCore / PP.ClassicGamepadCore
    • a few gamepad cores that let you retrieve the buttons through the xr/classic gamepads or the keyboard
  • PP.BaseGamepad
    • the base class that u can inherit to create your own gamepad, so that u can specify how buttons activate and stuff
    • PP.UniversalGamepad inherits from this class
  • PP.GamepadUtils
    • a bunch of functions that work with the gamepad
    • let you check if multiple buttons are pressed at the same time, or if any button in a specified list is pressed
  • PP.GamepadsManager
    • a class that handle the creation and the update of the gamepads
  • pp-gamepads-manager
    • handy component that will create a gamepads manager and update it
    • it adds by default a few gamepad cores like the PP.XRGamepadCore and the PP.KeyboardGamepadCore
    • it will create a global PP.myLeftGamepad and a global PP.myRightGamepad
    • it will also create a global PP.myGamepads that contains both gamepads and use PP.Handedness as index
  • pp-gamepad-mesh-animator
    • component that let you animate a gamepad, that is buttons and axes move in the game like the one in real life
    • to make this work you have to use a gamepad model where buttons and axes have a proper positioned pivot
  • pp-gamepad-control-scheme
    • component that let you add a visual control scheme on the gamepad
    • to make this work you have to use a gamepad model where buttons and axes have a proper positioned pivot

Virtual Gamepad

Code Folder

A virtual gamepad that let u use the gamepad on mobile devices.

List of features:

  • pp-virtual-gamepad
    • add a virtual gamepad interface on top of the screen
    • allow for a bit of customization of the interface, like specifying the colors, the buttons that should be visible, what kind of icon you want on every button and so on
    • it also add a PP.VirtualGamepadGamepadCore to the PP.UniversalGamepad so that it automatically works with that
  • PP.VirtualGamepad
    • the actual virtual gamepad, you may want to use directly this class instead of the built in component if you want to specify a custom set of parameters to build the interface


Code Folder

List of features:

  • PP.HeadPose / PP.HandPose
    • two classes that let you retrieve the pose of the head/hand, that is their transform and their linear and angular velocities
  • PP.TrackedHandJointPose
    • let you retrieve the pose of the specified tracked hand joint, that is its transform and its linear and angular velocities
  • PP.TrackedHandPose
    • let you retrieve the pose of the specified tracked hand joints, that is their transform and their linear and angular velocities
    • it is like having multiple PP.TrackedHandJointPose but without the need to update them all yourself


Code Folder

List of components:


Code Folder

A set of features that extends what WLE and Javascript already offer.

Component Mods

Code Folder

These files change some of the functions of WLE components, or add to them new ones:


Code Folder

The extensions add new functions to already existing features:

  • object_extension.js
    • greatly enhance what a WLE object can do
    • create a consistent and user friendly interface to get position/rotation/scale and everything u need from the object
    • all the extensions methods start with pp_
    • let you easily get the data in World or Local form, and in Quaternion or Degrees
    • lots of utilities to get a component in all the hierarchy, to change the active state of all the hierarchy, to change the parent without modifying its current world transform, to convert a position from/to object space and to make the object look at something
    • at the start of the file you can find a comment section explaining all the features in more details
    • example:
      this.object.pp_getScaleLocal(outScale);  //out parameters are optional, if empty will return a new one
      this.object.pp_rotateAxis(angle, axis);
      this.object.pp_convertPositionObjectToWorld(position, outPosition);
      this.object.pp_getComponentHierarchy(type, index);   
  • scene_extension.js
    • adds some handy functions to the WL.scene object
    • all the extensions methods start with pp_
    • ranges from getting the scene root, to getting an object in the entire scene by name, or looking for a component in the entire scene
    • at the start of the file you can find a comment section explaining all the features in more details
    • example:
  • math_extension.js
    • adds some handy functions to the javascript Math library
    • all the extensions methods start with pp_
    • ranges from adding a clamp and a sign function that let you specify the sign of 0, to interpolation with easing functions, to random functions and utilities to compute angle ranges
    • at the start of the file you can find a comment section explaining all the features in more details
    • example:
      Math.pp_clamp(value, start, end);
      Math.pp_mapToRange(value, originRangeStart, originRangeEnd, newRangeStart, newRangeEnd);
      Math.pp_randomInt(start, end);
      Math.pp_interpolate(from, to, interpolationValue, easingFunction); 
      Math.pp_angleDistance(from, to);
  • array_extension.js
    • adds some handy functions to the javascript Array/Float32Array/Int32Array/... libraries
    • all the extensions methods start eaither with pp_, for method that applies on all arrays, or with the vector type that the Array represent, like vec3_, quat_ and mat4_
    • one of the purpose is just to make glMatrix functions be available on the array directly
    • ranges from adding a simple remove function, to a push unique one, to one that gets the component along a specified axis and one to convert a quaternion to radians
    • at the start of the file you can find a comment section explaining all the features in more details
    • example:
      let array = [];
      array.vec3_componentAlongAxis(axis, outVector); //out parameters are optional, if empty will return a new one


Code Folder

Contains components and scripts related to the PP library or needed to setup it properly.

List of features:

  • PP
    • the global variables that contains every definitions in the PP library
  • pp-gateway
    • entry point of the PP library
    • setup some stuff like creating the PP.InputManager and the PP.VisualManager
  • pp-get-default-resources
    • setup a variable PP.myDefaultResources so that it will contain some engine resources like meshes and materials
  • pp-get-player-objects
    • setup a variable PP.myPlayerObjects so that it will contain the player objects that u have setup in the scene
    • this variable can be used to easily obtain the player objects/transforms in the code


Code Folder

A set of tools that can help while developing and debugging.


Code Folder

List of features:

  • pp-tool-cursor
    • component needed to interact with the tools
    • it also work with hand tracking, by adding a cursor on the index finger tip
    • just place it on one of the hands to use it

Console VR

Code Folder

Let u see the browser console from withing the vr session, making it easier to debug.

There is no need to understand the details of this since it's meant to be used. You can find an outdated example of the Console VR here.

How To

You have to add a pp-console-vr component to the scene, usually on the hand since it will let you keep it with you.

You can find some flags to customize it on the component.
OverrideConsoleBrowser is the only important one, when enabled it will get the messages from every console.log/warn/error call.
If u don't want to interfere with the built in console, you can disable it and use PP.ConsoleVR instead to log on it (PP.ConsoleVR.log/error/warn).

You can hide/show the Console VR by pressing both thumbstick buttons (R3 + L3).
If you click on the P button on the bottom left u can pin the console so that it will stay in place.

Easy Tune

Code Folder

A set of tools and widgets to make it easier to tune/adjust the values in your game, and also add some "toggable" debug stuff.
The main idea is that you have some values in the code that you would like to adjust at runtime, and this let you do exactly that.
For this same reason, you can have some flags that enable some debug/test features, and you can change the flags values at runtime through this.

Easy Tune

Code File Link

The main tool of this feature.
Let you visualize and edit the EasyTuneVariables you have created, that can be used in the code while also edited at runtime through this tool. You can also import and export the variables at runtime, so that you can easily save and load your changes without having to edit the variables in the code every time.

There is no need to understand the details of this since it's meant to be used.
You can find an outdated example of the Easy Tune here.

How To

You have to add a pp-easy-tune component to the scene, usually on the hand since it will let you keep it with you.
You can find some flags to customize it on the component.

You can hide/show it by pressing both the right top and bottom buttons (B/Y + A/X on the meta quest gamepad).
If you click on the P button on the bottom left u can pin the easy tune so that it will stay in place.

Easy Tune Variables

Code File Link

These are the variables that you can edit with the easy tune widget. You can find different types:

  • Bool / Array of Bool
  • Number / Array of Number
  • Int / Array of Int
  • Transform

The easy tune variables are basically just a wrapper of their own type, but also offer some extra functionalities like a callback triggered when the variable change.

How To

To add an easy tune variable you just have to call a line like this:

PP.myEasyTuneVariables.add(new PP.EasyTuneNumber("Speed", 10.32, 0.01, 3));

You can then get it like this:

let speed = PP.myEasyTuneVariables.get("Speed"); // returns the actual value, not the easy tune variable wrapping it

You can add callback to the variable and set the value manually even after you created it:

PP.myEasyTuneVariables.registerValueChangedEventListener("Speed", this, this._speedChanged.bind(this));
PP.myEasyTuneVariables.set("Speed", 9.25);

You can also set a specific variable as the active one in the widget (the one displayed when the widget is active):


Easy Tune Variables examples:

/* Number */        PP.myEasyTuneVariables.add(new PP.EasyTuneNumber("Float", 1.00, 0.01, 3));
/* Number Array */  PP.myEasyTuneVariables.add(new PP.EasyTuneNumberArray("Float Array", [1.00,2.00,3.00], 0.01, 3));
/* Int */           PP.myEasyTuneVariables.add(new PP.EasyTuneInt("Int", 1, 1));
/* Int Array */     PP.myEasyTuneVariables.add(new PP.EasyTuneIntArray("Int Array", [1,2,3], 1));
/* Bool */          PP.myEasyTuneVariables.add(new PP.EasyTuneBool("Bool", false));
/* Bool Array */    PP.myEasyTuneVariables.add(new PP.EasyTuneBoolArray("Bool Array", [false, true, false]));
/* Transform */     PP.myEasyTuneVariables.add(new PP.EasyTuneTransform("Transform", PP.mat4_create(), true));

Easy Object Tuners

Code Folder

A set of components that makes it even easier to use the easy tune. You just have to add the component on the object you want to tune, the variable will be created for you and the component will update the corrispondent value of the object automatically.

List of components:

These components have a flag called UseTuneTarget, if this is enabled the variable will not update the current object, but the one specified by the current tune target. The tune target can be changed by code by setting the object in the PP.myEasyTuneTarget variable, but there are also some handy components that can set it at runtime:

  • pp-easy-set-tune-target-grab
    • if u add this component on the same object that has a grabber component on it, every object that is grabbed and then released will be the current tune target
    • this means that the object you want to tune must be a grabbable
  • pp-easy-set-tune-target-child-number
    • this will create an easy tune variable that will set as a tune target one of the children of the object on which this component is added to
    • the number is used as an index on the children list
    • 0 means no child is selected