- (DutchmanNL) Added cleanup capability for unused channels & states after initialization of a device, resolves #39
- (DutchmanNL) Added button to an info channel which allows to delete all offline devices from an adapter tree. resolves #39
- (DutchmanNL) [Breaking] Backup strategy changed, requires BackitUp v2.9.1 and activate option for ESPHome, fixes #129
- (DutchmanNL) Improved error handling if devices are not reachable/disconnected
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix: Allow control of brightness and color for a light component, resolves #173
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix: Show online state of ESP Device correctly, resolves #106
- (Dutchman & SimonFischer04) Several Bugfixes
- (SimonFischer04) Supports type "select device"
- (DutchmanNL) ESPHome dashboard default disabled
- (SimonFischer04) Migrate to @2colors/esphome-native-api
- (DutchmanNL) Automatically create needed directories, resolves #168
- (SimonFischer04) Migrate usage of python to new structure should solve all ESPHome Dashboard-related installation issues
- (DutchmanNL) Version of ESPHome Dashboard updated to 2021.8
- (DutchmanNL) Add option if config of ESPHome device should be shown as states (default = FALSE, safes 8 states for each sensor)
- (Jey-Cee) Bugfix : Light component state not changed #74
- (DutchmanNL) Update compatibility to version 1.19.4 of ESPHome Dashboard
- (DutchmanNL) [!!! Breaking !!!] Make YAML file persistent, backup your configuration before updating ! solves #57
- (DutchmanNL) Update ESPHome Dashboard to 1.18.0, requires Python >=3.7 (and ensure <4.0!)
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix : Reconnect to devices without autodiscovery / MDNS-Broadcast in network, solves #66
- (DutchmanNL) add cover component
- (DutchmanNL) add transitionLength for lights
- (DutchmanNL) Translations updated
- (DutchmanNL) Configuration page updated
- (DutchmanNL) Added to sentry error reporting
- (DutchmanNL) Native integration of ESPHome Dashboard added
- (DutchmanNL) Add Translations
- (DutchmanNL) Implemented RGBW
- (DutchmanNL) Ensure correct encryption and storage of passwords
- (DutchmanNL) Proper value ranges for type light (255 instead 100)
- (DutchmanNL) Implemented hex color state for type light (if RGB is available)
- (DutchmanNL) Type Fan added
- (DutchmanNL) Type Light added
- (DutchmanNL) Error messages optimized
- (DutchmanNL) Device reconnect handling improved
- (DutchmanNL) [Breaking!] Change state name to default "state" for type BinarySensor / Climate / Sensor / TextSensor & Switch
- (DutchmanNL) Autodiscovery improved, non-ESPHome devices excluded
- (DutchmanNL) Autodiscovery implemented
- (DutchmanNL) Type Climat added
- (DutchmanNL) Type TextSensor added
- (DutchmanNL) Solved reconnection issues
- (DutchmanNL) Optimized error messages for unknown types
- (DutchmanNL & @xXBJXx) Adapter configuration page optimized
- (DutchmanNL) initial release