Thanks for choosing to contributing to the Sitecore MVP site. This document is a set of guidelines to follow when contributing.
Please read the Code of Conduct before participating, all contributors are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to [email protected].
The Sitecore MVP site is a real world project, you can see visit the live site here. The source code for the Sitecore MVP site was open sourced as a learning resource, any code additions from community members will be reviewed and tested by Sitecore employees prior to introduction in any production environment.
Sitecore has a "No commitment" approach to this repository. The required functionality of the MVP website will be the driver for acceptance decisions. We are open to contributions from the community, but make no commitment to accept or incorporate changes.
Sitecore is open to contributions from the community, but make no commitment to incorporate these changes. All contributions must be submitted by the standard GitHub pull request flow, or by logging an issue to be resolved by Sitecore.
This is not a supported product. Github Issues are accepted but there is no commitment to resolving issues. Sitecore will respond to them as time permits.