All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.0.8 (2021-08-10)
2.0.7 (2021-08-09)
- change renderFormItem ItemType options to optional (#126) (9a98998)
- modify Circle color (#115) (c691c78)
- new component ctxMenu (#116) (6ef3daf)
2.0.6 (2021-08-04)
2.0.4 (2021-06-03)
2.0.3 (2021-01-26)
- optimize component export (7eac54a)
- add Resize component and delete unnecessary code (938f3fa)
- change getStyle advanced attributes preferred (0e0d775)
- merge recent dev (5f05458)
- renamed Props to ellipsisTextProps (483143a)
- replace English comments (89d107f)
- sync code (f81963a)
- unit test fix and change getStyle methods (4b864ff)
- add ellipsisText unit test (ee4beff)
2.0.2 (2021-01-05)
2.0.1 (2020-12-04)
2.0.0 (2020-10-30)
- coordinate and windows scroll issue (501aff4)
- delete useless code (fcc0b4a)
- environment variable judgment conflict (f9b3d77)
- filterOption add type (18dddbb)
- fix eslint syntax error (4876267)
- fix import name issue (c997f5c)
- fix import path and some file name (9293459)
- fixed file reference path (8ae9a4b)
- fixed storybook instance (937da9b)
- commit: fix commit config (97e58eb)
- easyselect: update auto and fix dataSource is null (c0ed413)
- type: scrollTest Comp type fix (7d5f9f6)
- modify file name (4f9c6b4)
- reorganization order and add prettier (acc682b)
- update eslint config and fix eslint error (50644d5)
- update package-lock.json (04cd527)
- update package.json and add gulp dependency (76a5e45)
- add css build and remove sass-node to build global style (9a97115)
- add js file to imported style file (190f273)
- add lazyDataSource (5a31c1f)
- add multiSearchInput test (c0fcb43)
- add slidePane test case (92d0e3d)
- architecture: optimize architecture (6dc598a)
- add styles on demand (0636f6a)
- optimizing semantics (ce58871)
- restore configuration file (72c6b95)
- restore jest configuration (ecbd0fc)
- support style loading on demand (6fd05e2)
- update global file (d317f6e)
- update storybook description document (b981002)
- easyselect: custom lazy loading (91348ac)
- multiSearchInput: 解决晨风提的键盘事件 mockFunction 无法触发的问题 (b59fa20)
- add easySelect test (4201cf4)
- correct import form (df20482)
- update reference path (b41e292)
1.3.0 (2020-07-14)
- fix first-chiled error (33d89ff)
- build: fix build out of memory (44059dd)
- component: keyCombiner fix (404db44)
- markdown render: handle the angle brackets of markdown content (663b4ce), closes #2
- package: del storybook-html pkg (6d00d1f)
- build: update build (e4cf367)
- memory: fix build memory (ce4ed55)
- node: increase memory limit (8a5b864)
- package.json: merge (0505a22)
- test lib: use test-library (32cbe82)
- breadcrumb: optimize code (1abf0fb)
- change easySelect (a542be4)
- import scss (0b1aa7b)
- breadcrumb: merge (b3a12f2)
- breadcrumb: optimze usage (2dee11c)
- breadcrumb: rafactor breadcrumb based on antd (fd7d072)
- component: add fullscreen component (28c0673)
- component: add keyCombiner (68fee81)
- component: add toolmodal (e71d728)
- component: add window and scroll text comps (1e42226)
- resize: add resize component (2bbdeee)
- update: update small feats (228ce36)
- resize: add test (ed03d61)
1.2.0 (2020-07-03)
- component: add v1.2.0 components(TextMark、TableCell、SpreadSheet..) (0f14762)
- component: fix and add interface (6f10474)
1.1.0 (2020-06-23)
- change filterOption (6c494f9)
- delete fetching select (3ea92a7)
- delete fetching select (c819f51)
- compoment: export DtEasySelect (148ac19)
- conflict: fix conf conflict (9165deb)
- progress: fix btn (8807802)
- progress: fix progress (0fab060)
- add default api (8b0dd72)
- add dt-easy-select (486253b)
- change api (9a27108)
- component: add chromeDownload component (2aafdfd)
- component: add components (dad13c8)
- component: add progressBar Component (857cdcb)
- component: fix component (fdd6405)
- contextmenu: fix contextmenu (f78d691)
- docs: update plan (1128fea)
- npm: fix npmignore (fca883b)
- script: fix release scripts (8909cd2)
- stories: fix stories (59d9857)
- component: add context menu (88ff5b3)
- component: add not found component and update goback (91587e9)
- component: add slidepane component (c0b9be6)
- component: circle component (505a09e)
- component: slidePane (151ad97)
- component: update context menu and stories sort (dc26b84)
- doc: add dev doc (b120e18)
- project: docs (6e069e3)
- stories: addons and docs update (b656d63)