CODE EXAMPLES (from the repo)
- ./demo-Basic.html - the most basic implementation.
- ./demo-MIDIPlayer.html - how to parse MIDI files, and interact with the data stream.
- ./demo-MultipleInstruments.html - synth drum and piano playing together
- ./demo-WhitneyMusicBox.html - a audio/visual experiment by Jim Bumgardner
- Color Piano by Michael Deal @mudcube
- 3D Piano Player w/ Three.js by Borja Morales @reality3d
- Simon Says by Daniel Christopher @uxmonk
- Brite Lite by Daniel Christopher @uxmonk
- Euphony 3D Piano by Xueqiao Xu @qiao
- VexFlow by Mohit Muthanna @11111110b
- Spiral Keyboard by Patrick Snels
- Ragamroll by Mani Balasubramanian
- Gbloink! by Phil Jones
- TunaMidi</>
- MIDI.loadPlugin.js: Decides which framework is best to use, and sends request.
// interface to download soundfont, then execute callback; MIDI.loadPlugin(callback); // simple example to get started; MIDI.loadPlugin({ instrument: "acoustic_grand_piano", // or the instrument code 1 (aka the default) instruments: [ "acoustic_grand_piano", "acoustic_guitar_nylon" ], // or multiple instruments callback: function() { } });
- MIDI.Plugin.js: Ties together the following frameworks;
MIDI.noteOn(channel, note, velocity, delay); MIDI.noteOff(channel, note, delay); MIDI.chordOn(channel, [note, note, note], velocity, delay); MIDI.chordOff(channel, [note, note, note], delay); MIDI.keyToNote = object; // A0 => 21 MIDI.noteToKey = object; // 21 => A0
- MIDI.Player.js: Streams the MIDI to the browser.
MIDI.Player.currentTime = integer; // time we are at now within the song. MIDI.Player.endTime = integer; // time when song ends. MIDI.Player.playing = boolean; // are we playing? yes or no. MIDI.Player.loadFile(file, callback); // load .MIDI from base64 or binary XML request. MIDI.Player.start(); // start the MIDI track (you can put this in the loadFile callback) MIDI.Player.resume(); // resume the MIDI track from pause. MIDI.Player.pause(); // pause the MIDI track. MIDI.Player.stop(); // stops all audio being played, and resets currentTime to 0. // Callback whenever a note is played; MIDI.Player.removeListener(); // removes current listener. MIDI.Player.addListener(function(data) { // set it to your own function! var now =; // where we are now var end = data.end; // time when song ends var channel =; // channel note is playing on var message = data.message; // 128 is noteOff, 144 is noteOn var note = data.note; // the note var velocity = data.velocity; // the velocity of the note // then do whatever you want with the information! }); // Smooth animation, interpolates between onMidiEvent calls; MIDI.Player.clearAnimation(); // clears current animation. MIDI.Player.setAnimation(function(data) { var now =; // where we are now var end = data.end; // time when song ends var events =; // all the notes currently being processed // then do what you want with the information! });
- Color.js: Color conversions, music isn’t complete without!
Color.Space(0xff0000, "HEX>RGB>HSL");
- DOMLoader.script.js: Loads scripts in synchronously, or asynchronously.
DOMLoader.script.add(src, callback);
- DOMLoader.XMLHttp.js: Cross-browser XMLHttpd request.
DOMLoader.sendRequest(src, callback);
- MusicTheory.Synesthesia.js: Note-to-color mappings (from Isaac Newton onwards).