The E2E tests run against local deployments of the parachain, relayer, the ethereum execution layer (geth) and the ethereum consensus layer (lodestar).
The E2E stack can be run on any system that supports the Nix package manager. This includes Linux, MacOS, and Windows (WSL2). See the main README's Development section for setup instructions. Ensure that you are in a Nix development shell for the remaining instructions.
All required environment variables have reasonable defaults so normally there is no need to configure them. If necessary, you can override them with an .envrc
file, using .envrc-example as a template.
Once the .envrc
has been created, let direnv
load it automatically:
direnv allow
Run the following script:
Wait until the "Testnet has been initialized" message.
Go to polkadot-js and wait until the parachain has started producing blocks:
You can see the relay chain here:
Confirm the block number is > 2.
script writes the following logs:
- Rococo relaychain nodes: {rococo-alice,rococo-bob,rococo-charlie,9944}.log
- BridgeHub nodes: {bridgehub01,bridgehub02,11144}.log
- Statemine nodes: {statemine01,statemine02,12144}.log
- Relay services: {beefy,parachain,beacon}-relay.log
- Geth (execution client): /tmp/snowbridge/geth.log
- Lodestar (beacon client): /tmp/snowbridge/lodestar.log