- Fix KeyError from _get_site_by_id
- Drop support for Django 1.7
- Remove unnecessary cache type warnings
- Remove deprecated SiteIDHook
- Support Django 2.0 (PR #47 and #60)
- Remove code for Django < 1.7
- Remove obsolete PathAssistedCurrentSiteManager
- Remove obsolete template.loaders.cached
- Update README to better describe local development setup
- Specify Django <2.0 in setup.py
- Drop support for python 3.3
- Support Django 1.10 (PR #38) and 1.11
- Support Python 3
- Remove support for Django <1.7
- Use setuptools over distutils, and integrate the tests with them
- Use pytest and tox for testing
- Set up CI with travis
- Set up coverage and coveralls.io
- Add default for SiteID in the README (PR #31)
- Respect the CACHE_MULTISITE_ALIAS in SiteCache (PR #34)
- Replace deprecated ExtractResult().tld with .suffic (PR #32)
- Fix tempfile issue with update_public_suffix_list command
- Support for tldextract version >= 2.0
- Pin the tldextract dependency to version < 2.0, which breaks API.
- Make template loading more resilient to changes in django (thanks to jbazik for the contribution)
- Fix domain validation so it's called after the pre_save signal
- Fix a broken test, due to a django uniqueness constraint in 1.9
- Fix for 1.9: change the return type of filesystem template loader's get_template_sources()
- Remove django.utils.unittest (deprecated in 1.9)
- Use post_migrate instead of post_syncdb in > 1.7
- We now support Django 1.9
- Following deprecation in django, all get_cache methods have been replaced caches.
- We now support post-South Django 1.7 native migrations.
- 1.0 release. API stability promised from now on.
- Following the deprecation in Django itself, all get_query_set methods have been renamed to get_queryset. This means Django 1.6 is now the minimum required version.
- Add key prefix tests
- Allow use of cache key prefixes from the CACHES settings if CACHE_MULTISITE_KEY_PREFIX not set