Releases: SoftInstigate/restheart
Release 3.2.7
We've discovered a regression with undertow-core so we have reverted the dependency to version 1.4.22. The problem is evident when using filters in the querystring from browsers, as browsers do not encode the { and } chars while latest undertow-core apparently expects those chars to be uri-encoded. The problem was not evident when calling RESTHeart with httpie from command line.
- 1b5bd90 - Revert undertow-core to 1.4.22.Final
Release 3.3.4
We just changed the CI/CD build process to automatically upload and attach artifacts to Github. We now avoid to distribute the tar.gz and zip packages with Maven, as the bundle size was too big. We also attach directly here the executable file restheart.jar
fat jar as built by Travis-CI.
Relese 3.2.6
Improve the build with shade-plugin and Travis-CI. Upgrade Undertow to latest patch.
Release 3.3.2
Bugfix release.
- 5390af9 - Ignore dependency-reduced-pom.xml
- 1518fbe - Move ${project.artifactId} up to level
- 589bfdf - Indent POM
- d8fc084 - fixed global checkers (that were not actually executed)
- 2411e50 - fixed global checkers (that were not actually executed)
- 1422bc3 - fixed NPE on RequestPropsInjecterTransformer for property userName on not authenticated requests
- 5bb0ef2 - Experiment (#285)
- db1617a - Replace the PDF sample file used for ITs (misleading)
- f6c6cbc - Improve script bin/
Release 3.2.5
Bugfix release.
Release notes - Restheart - Version 3.3
PUT and POST requests don't allow update operators anymore with the exception of $currentDate that is fully supported. PUT and POST requests containing update operators result in 400 BAD REQUEST response. Update operators are supported in PATCH requests.
New Feature
- [RH-23] - collect and display statistics
- [RH-258] - JWT (Json Web Token) authentication
- [RH-260] - allow to setup transformers and checkers programmatically
- [RH-261] - allow to configure an initializer class that is run at bootstrap time
- [RH-257] - allow path templates in mongo-mounts uri
- [RH-259] - use strong secure random generator for auth tokens
- [RH-263] - allow to setup global security predicates programmatically
- [RH-265] - when using DbIdentityManager, password field is automatically filtered from response
- [RH-266] - when using DbIdentityManager with bcrypt-hashed-password=true, hash password field automatically on write requests
- [RH-267] - avoid ghost writes using findAndReplace() for PUT and POST requests
- [RH-268] - return BAD REQUEST if updated operators are used in POST and PUT requests (but allow $currentDate)
Docker image
You can pull the Docker image for this release:
docker pull softinstigate/restheart:3.3.0