ROS Beginner Level Mini Project This is a simple starter task using turtlesim for those who have just started learning ROS. Using ROS nodes, ROS topics and ROS services, the following pattern is recursively traced on the turtlesim simulator. Open a new terminal and start roscore: $ roscore Keep the roscore running, and in a new terminal, you can install the turtlesim simulator using the following command: $ sudo apt-get install ros-$(rosversion -d)-turtlesim Now, extract the ROS package named as "captain_america" in the src folder of your catkin workspace. In the terminal, go to the root of the workspace, and build the package: $ catkin_make Source the setup file using: $ source ./devel/setup.bash Great! Now, run the launch file and watch the turtles roaming around in a not so beautiful pattern😅: $ roslaunch captain_america captain_america.launch